Chapter 778 They Moved Into Jinyang Palace

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Chapter 778 They moved into Jinyang Palace

Zuo Zhaorong nodded frequently in agreement: "Sister, what you said makes sense."

After that, Qin Zhao left Zuo Zhaorong to have lunch in Jinyang Palace.

Zuo Zhaorong was still muttering in a low voice before leaving: "I originally thought I would have the opportunity to meet the emperor, but if the emperor doesn't come to Jinyang Palace today, wouldn't my expectation be in vain?"

Qin Zhao heard this clearly and smiled: "The emperor is in the palace and can't run away. I won't see you today until I see you next time."

Zuo Zhaorong immediately cheered up again, "Then if I come to Jinyang Palace tomorrow, sister won't dislike me, right?"

Qin Zhao felt that Zuo Zhaorong was someone who would follow the rules, but she couldn't stop Zuo Zhaorong from coming, "Welcome."

Only then did Zuo Zhaorong leave Jinyang Palace with satisfaction.

In fact, Qin Zhao was also curious about why Xiao Ce didn't come to Jinyang Palace. He usually came down from court, but this time he didn't show his face.

When she woke up after taking a nap, she found that Xiao Ce had arrived at Jinyang Palace and said that he would stay overnight at Jinyang Palace tonight.

Qin Zhao thought it would be good for Xiao Ce to stay overnight in Jinyang Palace, just in time to release a smoke bomb, confusing those in the harem who were eager to know whether she was pregnant.

What's funny is that when Xiao Ce left Jinyang Palace the next day, news came out that she had slept with him last night.

This news naturally caused a stir in the harem. Those who were not sure whether she was pregnant immediately judged from this news that this was a false pregnancy, in order to attract Xiao Ce's attention.

"I heard that there is a record from Tongshi. I am sure that the girl is sleeping with him. Isn't it a rumor spread by the emperor?" Baozhu looked confused.

Qin Zhao took a sip of porridge and said: "The emperor is a person who does great things, how can he mess around with me?"

Baozhu disagreed: "That's not necessarily the case. The emperor values ​​the girl and may not want outsiders to know that the girl is pregnant, so he uses this method to protect the girl. I think this possibility is possible."

Qin Zhao was too lazy to think about this problem.

When she passed by Xiao Linzi, Xiao Linzi immediately climbed up to her again, looked at her eagerly and said: "Young lady, please keep me as a slave."

Qin Zhao looked at Baozhu, who nodded slightly.

Yesterday, I knelt down all night long and was not lazy. My sincerity was enough.

"Take Xiao Linzi to rest. After two days of rest, Xiao Linzi will officially start working. Don't be lazy." Qin Zhao felt that it was almost done and ordered Baozhu.

Xiao Linzi cried with joy when he heard this: "Thank you, girl, I will serve you well!"

Baozhu stepped forward and helped Xiao Linzi up, and then Xiao Linzi walked away with great gratitude.

Later, Wu Xirou came and mentioned to Qin Zhao that she was sleeping with him last night. She didn't want to say more, so she dismissed the topic with a smile.

Zuo Zhaorong came to Jinyang Palace after Wu Xirou left. After sitting down, Zuo Zhaorong gossiped about her bedtime last night.

"Since my sister has a false pregnancy, why do she need to wear a cloak again?" Zuo Zhaorong said and looked outside, eagerly waiting.

"Don't you all like me being mysterious? I really like doing this. Wearing a cloak makes me feel safe." Qin Zhao calmly took a sip of tea.

This time Zuo Zhaorong saw with sharp eyes that Qin Zhao was drinking tea, "Sister, what I'm drinking today is tea."

You should drink less or no tea during pregnancy, but Qin Zhao drank tea. Does this mean that Qin Zhao was not pregnant?

Qin Zhao raised his eyebrows lightly: "This tea is not very tasty."

On the surface, her cup looked like tea, but in fact it was not tea leaves, it was just a similar color. But there was no need to explain this to Zuo Zhaorong.

After that, Zuo Zhaorong had lunch at Jinyang Palace before leaving. Before leaving, she was still lamenting that she had no chance to meet Xiao Ce. She couldn't wait for Xiao Ce for two days in a row.

After sending Zuo Zhaorong away, Baozhu stepped forward to help her: "Is the girl tired?"

"It's okay, but my waist is a little sore after sitting for a long time. I'll go for a walk and eat some food." Qin Zhao left the dormitory with Baozhu's help.

"It will be hot next month when the girl wears a cloak." Baozhu suddenly said.

By that time, the girl's belly will be even bigger, and she is afraid that even wearing a cloak will show her belly. At that time, only the blind will not be able to tell that the girl is pregnant.

"I'm not afraid of people knowing that I'm pregnant. I just want to take the opportunity to test which people are particularly concerned about my pregnancy. People who are particularly concerned about my pregnancy either care about me from the bottom of their hearts, or are afraid that I will give birth to this child."

Fetus, people like that are worth paying attention to." Qin Zhao slowed down and said, "That's when the risk is greatest."

As a mother, she tried her best to give her children a stable growth environment in the early stages, but some things will come as they should. She is ready and not afraid of any challenges.

"The Concubine Xian doesn't seem to care whether she is pregnant or not," Baozhu replied.

To be precise, everyone who came to Jinyang Palace in the past few days was very concerned about whether the girl was pregnant, so Concubine Xian didn't seem to care that much.

"Wu Xirou is the most special one among all of them. In a short period of time, I will most likely not have to guard against her." Qin Zhao felt that he couldn't pretend to be a little indifferent. Wu Xirou really didn't care whether she was pregnant or not.

Perhaps as Wu Xirou said, it would be a good thing for Xiao Ce if she could give birth to a son and a half for Xiao Ce.

Wu Xirou puts Xiao Ce first in everything she does. If Wu Xirou is also reborn, it will prove how much Wu Xirou loved Xiao Ce in her previous life.

If it were her, she thought she wouldn't be able to love someone like Wu Xirou to the point of losing herself.

"My slave feels that except for the Concubine Xian, all the other masters seem to be very concerned about whether the girl is pregnant. Does this mean we need to guard against everyone?" Baozhu said a little depressed.

Normally, the girl doesn't take the initiative to provoke anyone, so why does the entire harem regard the girl as an enemy?

"There is no need to be so pessimistic. Think about it, Princess Yongchun once regarded me as the most annoying person. Now she doesn't have anything to say to me. There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies in this harem. I think I can protect it.

Good boy, the emperor will definitely try his best to protect the child. Although my abilities are limited, the emperor is the king of a country and has supreme rights. He will definitely protect me and the child." Qin Zhao saw Baozhu's expression.

Dignity, in turn comforts Baozhu.

Baozhu thinks about this.

If the rumor that the girl was sleeping with him was spread by the emperor, wouldn't he be protecting the girl?

Both the emperor and the girl have means, and they will definitely be able to protect the girl and the emperor's heir.

Just as their master and servant were talking to each other, Qin Zhao heard the sound of messy footsteps.

Now that her hearing was unusual and her memory was unusual, she immediately recognized that the owner of the footsteps was Li Yunu and the other was Xu Cairen.

As for the others, they were the attendants around them, and there were quite a few people who heard the footsteps.

Baoyuan asked Xu Cairen and Li Yunv why they came. Li Yunv said that she moved into Jinyang Palace on the order of the Queen Mother, and Xu Cairen did the same.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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