Chapter 797 All Dead!

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Chapter 797 All dead!

Seeing this situation, Jin Xin helped: "Xiao Qingzi also saw the young master being ridiculed by Miss Qin..."

"Kneel down!" Before Jin Xin could finish her words, Xu Cairen interrupted her sharply.

Jin Xin did not dare to object and knelt down as instructed.

"You two should reflect here carefully. If you don't understand where you went wrong, just kneel down like this." After saying this, Xu Cairen walked away with a puff of his sleeves.

For the next quarter of an hour, Qin Zhao could not hear any useful information outside.

When she wanted to go back to Jinyang Palace, she saw Baozhu staring at her, seemingly confused.

"Why are you looking at me with such disgusting eyes?!" Qin Zhao asked, suppressing a smile.

"Did the girl eavesdrop just now?" Baozhu was puzzled.

Is there any information in Yonghua Palace that the girl would like to eavesdrop on?

"What can I overhear standing here?!" Qin Zhao said, turning back the way he came.

Baozhu felt that Qin Zhao's words made sense. She had a foundation in kung fu and her hearing was better than ordinary people, but she couldn't hear the conversations in Yonghua Palace. The girl had no internal power and was just an ordinary person. How could she overhear useful information?

Thinking about it this way, she felt that she had thought too much.

After returning to Jinyang Palace, Qin Zhao murmured to himself: "Is my intuition wrong?"

She felt that Xu Cairen was not simple, so she followed her there specifically to find out if Xu Cairen would reveal his true feelings after returning to Yonghua Palace. But it was a pity that Xu Cairen only scolded Xiao Qingzi and Jinxin after returning.

His words were regarded as respect for her, and there was nothing unusual about him.

Because he couldn't figure out the reason, Qin Zhao had to put the matter aside.

Two more days passed without incident, but there was still no news from Xiao Linzi. Qin Zhao simply called Xiao Linzi over and asked, "Is there still no news from Luo Baolin?"

"Exactly, Mr. Luo has been very quiet in recent days, nothing unusual has happened." Xiao Linzi replied truthfully.

"It's unusual to be too quiet." Qin Zhao looked at his belly.

The child was getting bigger and bigger, and many people hoped that she would not be able to give birth smoothly. Luo Baolin even used the hands of Princess Yongchun to poison her.

Luo Baolin didn't look like a patient person. How could he watch her give birth to the child smoothly and not take any action?

Could it be that she missed something?!

Just when she was thinking about something, Baoyu suddenly ran over and reported to her: "Girl, Xiangyuan committed suicide by throwing herself into a well!"

Qin Zhao was stunned for a while before he realized: "Xiangyuan is dead?!"

She suddenly remembered that Xiao Linzi had just said that Luo Baolin had been very quiet in recent days. Could it be that...

"Come with me!" Qin Zhao ordered, taking Baozhu and Xiao Linzi to Jianzhang Palace where Luo Baolin lived.

Fu Baolin happened to live in the West Wing Hall of Jianzhang Palace. When she saw Qin Zhao, a famous figure in the harem, suddenly came to visit, she immediately stepped forward to greet her and asked, "Why is Sister Qin here?"

Qin Zhao didn't have a deep impression of Baolin. He only remembered that Fu Baolin used to be a follower of Anya and was close to Anya.

"I'm here to see Sister Luo. Have you met Sister Luo these days?" Qin Zhao went straight to the point.

Fu Baolin thought about it carefully before saying, "I met her once yesterday. I thought Sister Luo looked uncomfortable. I haven't seen Sister Luo since then."

Qin Zhao's heart sank.

Could it be that Luo Baolin has...

She turned to look at Baozhu: "Go in and take a look!"

Bao Zhu understood. She went up and knocked on the door, but no one responded.

Qin Zhao felt more and more unusual and ordered Baozhu: "Just go in."

Baozhu got the order and pushed the door open.

Soon she saw Luying falling to the ground and Luo Baolin lying on the bed, lifeless.

When Qin Zhao saw this scene from afar, she knew she had made a fatal mistake. When she wanted to fish for a big fish, the big fish noticed something strange in the secret.

Later, the big fish simply stopped doing nothing and ate the little fish Luo Baolin too.

After all, she underestimated the enemy.

She thought at first that there might be someone behind Luo Baolin, and wanted to test it out again, but was not in a hurry to close the net, but what she expected was that Luo Baolin was silenced.

After a moment of silence, Qin Zhao asked: "Where is the little Zhao Zi who is waiting for Luo Baolin?"

There was no reason why two people died, and Xiao Zhaozi, as a chamberlain, didn't notice it.

Fu Baolin had just followed Baozhu in out of curiosity, but she saw two corpses. She was already lying on the side retching.

Xiao Linzi quickly turned around Xiao Zhaozi who was still hungover.

After that, Xiao Linzi poured a basin of cold water into Xiao Zhaozi's pocket, and Xiao Zhaozi finally came to his senses.

When he saw Qin Zhao sitting in front of him, he still didn't know what had happened. Xiao Linzi didn't waste any time and simply twisted Xiao Zhaozi to Luo Baolin's body so that Xiao Zhaozi could sober up.

Only then did Xiao Zhaozi wake up completely. He crawled to Qin Zhao and begged for mercy: "Master Luo was not killed by a slave. Please tell me, Miss Qin."

"What's happened to Luo Baolin in the past two days?" Qin Zhao asked coldly.

Xiao Zhaozi was now fully awake. He thought about it carefully and then said: "My master has been feeling uncomfortable in the past two days. He is always sick and stays in the house most of the time."

Qin Zhao frowned slightly. It was impossible that Luo Baolin died of illness. What about Lu Ying?

"How does Luying look?" Qin Zhao asked again.

"Luying's face doesn't look good either. As long as she is here, Master Luo doesn't need me to serve him." Xiao Zhaozi answered truthfully.

To be precise, because Luying is Luo Baolin's most trusted palace servant, even if she is not feeling well, she still has to serve others.

"Then do you know who Luo Baolin has seen the most recently?!" Qin Zhao asked without expectation.

Lu Ying also died because she knew many of Luo Baolin's secrets. Xiao Zhaozi could still be sober even after being drunk to death because Xiao Zhaozi could not tell anything even if he was alive.

"My master Suluo usually doesn't like being served by slaves, slave, slave, I can't tell..." Xiao Zhaozi didn't dare to look at Qin Zhao and replied weakly.

Qin Zhao was not surprised at all to get such an answer.

She raised her head and saw that Fu Baolin was almost vomiting, so she waved to Fu Baolin: "Sister Fu, come here."

Fu Baolin was still in shock. She came to Qin Zhao with a pale face: "I don't know anything, really."

"You and Sister Luo are so close, you can probably see something strange about her, right?" Old God Qin Zhao said in the tunnel.

Fu Baolin didn't look like he was safe. If there was anything unusual about Luo Baolin, as Luo Baolin's neighbor, Fu Baolin would definitely be able to see some things that others couldn't.

She wanted to find out something before Wu Zuo came, and she might gain something unexpected.

"Sister Qin, I really don't know anything. Normally, Luo Baolin's eyes are higher than the top of his head. When he sees me, he pretends he didn't see her. How can I dare to interfere with her business?" Fu Baolin was very confused. Whenever he thought about it,

The person she usually didn't see with her head down was dead next door, and her palms became sweaty.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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