Chapter 950: The Line of Defense Collapses

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Chapter 950 The defense line collapses

After Princess Yongchun returned to Yongchunzhai, Xiangyuan immediately collected the snacks. She also specially left a box and sent it to Princess Yongchun: "The imperial concubine said, eat some sweets when you are in a bad mood.

, can make you feel better, would you like to try it, Your Highness?"

Princess Yongchun took a piece of snack and took a bite. She felt it was crispy, sweet and delicious.

She took a piece and put it to Xiangyuan's lips: "You eat."

Xiangyuan was so flattered that she didn't dare to refuse. After taking it and taking a bite, the eldest princess asked her: "Is it delicious?"

She nodded like she was pounding garlic: "It's delicious. The snacks made by Baoyu are even more delicious than those made by the imperial chef."

Princess Yongchun frowned: "Yes, how could Yongning not remember such a delicious snack?"

Does this mean that Yongning threw away all the snacks she sent? Or maybe Yongning didn't like Qin Zhao, so he also disliked the snacks made by Baoyu.

"According to my servant, even if there is any displeasure between Princess Yongning and the imperial concubine, it is still a grudge between them. Your Highness should just stay out of it." Xiangyuan expressed her feelings.

Otherwise, if his master is involved in it and is not a human being inside and outside, he might as well just stand by and watch.

"Then do you think what Qin Zhao said is reasonable?" Princess Yongchun suddenly asked Xiangyuan.

Xiangyuan has served her for so many years, and her heart is only for her, so she can naturally believe what she says.

Xiangyuan didn't expect Princess Yongchun to ask herself this question. It took her a while before she said: "I am stupid."

"Just tell the truth, I order you to tell the truth." Princess Yongchun said sternly.

Xiangyuan saw that she was talking about this. How could there be any reason not to say it?

"I dare not say that the concubine's words must be reasonable, but I think that Her Highness Princess Yongning is a thoughtful person. She is just close to Her Highness on weekdays, and His Highness Princess Yongning will not do harm to His Highness, so..." Xiangyuan's voice


If one day Her Royal Highness Princess Yongning does not regard her master as one of her own, then she should take precautions early.

"I'm very confused, please step back." Yongchun Changgong said, took the snacks, and drove away Xiangyuan.

Xiangyuan waited outside the bedroom for about half an hour. Seeing that there was no movement inside, she curiously poked her head in and saw that her master was asleep and a box of fruit crisps had been eaten by his master.

Seeing this scene, she didn't know whether to feel reassured or grateful. After all, her master had a big heart. Maybe this was a good thing?

But she also listened to what the imperial concubine said.

As she said, Her Royal Highness Princess Yongning is a thoughtful person. Although her master has a bad temper and likes to show off his power, but when it comes to scheming, her master is not enough in front of Her Royal Highness Princess Yongning.

She still needs to be more cautious in the future.

As soon as the eldest princess Yongchun woke up, Xiangyuan went inside to help her change clothes: "The eldest princess Yongning has been here for a while and wants to see your highness."

Princess Yongchun was yawning, but she immediately stopped yawning when she heard this: "Do you want me to see Yongning?"

Xiangyuan served Princess Yongchun and dressed neatly, "This is His Highness's business. A servant cannot make a decision beyond the master's control."

"It's Qin Zhaoshi. She probably told me not to see Yongning." Princess Yongchun yawned as she spoke: "That's all, let's meet her. She is my sister. We grew up together. Why?

Can we just cut off the relationship like this?"

Xiangyuan heard something interesting from the words of Princess Yongchun, so not only did she listen to the words of the imperial concubine, but also His Highness.

As long as her master knows what's going on, she'll be relieved.

Princess Yongning was slightly dissatisfied when she saw Princess Yongchun arriving late: "Is it so difficult to see you now?"

Hearing this, Xiangyuan knew that Princess Yongning had misunderstood, and hurriedly explained: "Her Royal Highness, Princess Yongning, has misunderstood. Your Highness will just stand up. After getting up, he will come to see you immediately without delay. You said he is a slave, isn't he?"

Seeing that His Highness is sleeping deeply, I can't bear to wake Him up."

Princess Yongning glanced at Xiangyuan coldly: "You are really incompetent to be a slave..."

Princess Yongchun frowned and interrupted Princess Yongning to rebuke: "Xiangyuan is my personal attendant. She has served me for many years. I think she is very qualified. You are my sister, but in Xiangyuan's heart, I am her master."

.She thinks about everything for me, why is she not doing this?"

But there was something wrong with Yong Ning's thinking. She couldn't see Yong Ning immediately just because he came.

"I'm afraid of you. With just one word from me, you can criticize me for so many things." Princess Yongning stepped forward and held Princess Yongchun's hand: "Don't care about me. If I speak inappropriately, you sir

Is a large amount okay?”

Princess Yongchun's biological mother also died young. She had the same temperament as her mother since she was a child, too public, so she was not liked by people.

But Yongning was willing to play with her so that her childhood would not be too lonely.

Seeing the gentle look on Yongning's eyebrows at this moment, the defense in her heart collapsed in an instant.

"It's because I have a bad temper." Princess Yongchun replied in a low voice.

Princess Yongning smiled when she saw this: "Then we are still good sisters, right? I am so afraid that you will alienate me because of other people's words. I have no one in this harem that I can talk to, and the only good sister is you.

.If you ignore me, I will be alone."

She spoke so sadly that Princess Yongchun felt sad in her heart.

Only people like them know that even if they have the most noble status, they still have to look at the emperor's face.

In the past, their marriage was in the hands of the imperial grandmother, and they had to fawn over her at every turn. Later, when Empress Dowager Guo became the master of Cihe Palace, they had to look at Empress Dowager Guo's face.

After the death of their father, they were like superfluous people in this harem. They neither had the protection of the late emperor, nor were they ignored by the Empress Dowager Guo. The emperor's brother was fair, but he was busy with government affairs.

As they grew older, they hesitated to talk about marriage, and sometimes they became the objects of discussion behind their backs by the concubines in the harem.

"What are you talking about? The royal grandmother has been planning to arrange a marriage for you since early in the morning. She will definitely help you choose a good marriage..."

Princess Yongning saw her bringing up old things again and frowned: "I said I don't want to get married so soon..."

"Why don't you get married? You are not young anymore. If you keep putting it off like this, how long will you have to wait?" Princess Yongchun couldn't understand the reason.

If Yong Ning does not marry, her marriage will be delayed again and again.

The imperial brother and the imperial grandmother have both said that they will help them arrange decent marriages and then give them the eldest princess's mansion. Even if they don't live a satisfactory life in their husband's family, they will have a place to live in the future.

Qin Zhao was right in what he said. Compared with other women in Daqi, she and Yongning were lucky. In a peaceful era, there was no need for them to get married, and there was still an imperial grandmother and an imperial brother who remembered them.

Okay, they can also move into the eldest princess's mansion, and the initiative will be in their own hands.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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