Chapter 981

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Chapter 981 There is still a lifetime

"You don't understand this. Although the Empress Dowager does not like Empress Dowager Wu, she also dislikes me. Putting Empress Dowager Wu and me in the same position, Empress Dowager Wu and I can restrain each other and achieve a balance.

This situation is not difficult to understand." Qin Zhao felt that Baozhu's question was not difficult to answer.

It can be seen from this that Queen Mother Guo's show of kindness to her was only forced to bow down due to the situation, but did not truly accept her from the heart.

She thinks this is a good thing.

At least from this incident, she could see that Queen Mother Guo was not really friendly with her, which was also a gain.

As for Concubine Wu, it seems not easy to suddenly return to the harem.

A concubine from the former dynasty who has been indifferent to worldly affairs for such a long time, and there is also a niece like Wu Xirou who is a good concubine in the harem. If she does not want to make things difficult for Wu Xirou, Concubine Wu should stay quietly in this harem and not let Xiao Ce think of Concubine Wu.

It's right to exist.

The fact that Concubine Wu did the opposite could only mean one thing. Concubine Wu suddenly returned to the harem. She had some hidden agenda, so be careful.

"The people in the harem are so complicated." Baohong exclaimed at the side.

"People's hearts are more complex, and you still have a lot to learn in the future." Qin Zhao opened his lips calmly.

Sapphire red and sapphire blue should be in unison.

"It's getting late, you all should go and have a rest." Qin Zhao motioned to the three treasures to go and have a rest.

Qin Zhao was about to lie down and rest when Qin Zhao came.

When Baozhu heard the noise, he immediately stepped forward and took Xiao Atom away so that Qin Zhao and Xiao Ce could have some alone time.

"Today is New Year's Eve, won't you stay vigil with me?" Xiao Ce sat down next to Qin Zhao and asked with raised eyebrows.

Qin Zhao shook his head: "Staying up late is harmful to your health. I don't do such stupid things. I advise the emperor not to stay up late."

It's just a custom, do you need to take it seriously?

"Are you sure it's okay to take charge of the harem with Concubine Wu?" Xiao Ce asked.

His original intention was to let Qin Zhao manage the harem alone, and if he encountered something that couldn't be solved, he would ask Empress Dowager Guo for advice.

Concubine Wu suddenly returned to the harem, disrupting his original plan.

Concubine Wu was by no means easy to treat. She had been arrogant and violent during the previous dynasty. Although she had restrained herself a lot now, he was still worried that Concubine Wu would cause harm.

"When you encounter problems, you can just solve them. I think the problem is not big. Don't worry, Your Majesty. I am not a newbie who just entered the palace. I can find ways to solve problems when I encounter them. If you really can't solve them, there is no way.

Will the emperor be my concubine’s strong backing? I am not afraid of facing challenges at all!” Qin Zhao said and yawned: “I’m so sleepy, I’ll go to bed first.”

Xiao Ce watched Qin Zhao go to sleep. He remembered that he had not kept up the New Year's Eve yet, so he finally decided to sleep after keeping up the New Year's Eve.

He hasn't stayed up late before, but this year he wants to give it a try.

Although Queen Mother Guo has done many wrong things and even killed her father, he still hopes that Queen Mother Guo can live a few more years. Hearing that staying up late can pray for the longevity of parents, he just hopes that Queen Mother Guo can live longer.

Although Xiao Ce didn't say anything, Zhang Jixiang knew that his master had never stayed up late on New Year's Eve before, so this time it was for the sake of the Queen Mother.

Even if the empress did many bad things, the emperor rarely visited the empress dowager. In his heart, the emperor still hoped that the empress dowager would live a long life.

The emperor may seem unkind on the surface, but he is actually a man who values ​​affection and justice.

"Today is New Year's Eve, you go and have a rest early." Xiao Ce said solemnly when he saw Zhang Jixiang accompanying him.

"This slave is not sleepy. He just wants to stay with the Emperor. The Emperor must not drive this slave away." Zhang Jixiang simply stood farther away to avoid being driven away by Xiao Ce again.

Xiao Ce saw him like this, but he didn't continue.

Qin Zhao originally wanted to sleep, but she had good hearing and could hear the conversation between Xiao Ce's master and servant.

Xiao Ce has never stayed up late on New Year's Eve in the past, but today he suddenly has to stay up late on New Year's Eve. There is only one reason, and that is Queen Mother Guo.

She didn't like Empress Dowager Guo, so she naturally didn't want to have much to do with Empress Dowager Guo, and asked her to stay vigil for Empress Dowager Guo, unless she was a Holy Mother.

It just so happens that Queen Mother Guo is Xiao Ce's mother...

Qin Zhao sat up helplessly, and suddenly realized that she was really useless, and she actually softened her heart again.

Xiao Ce kept vigil for Empress Dowager Guo, she just wanted to spend time with Xiao Ce.

Without hesitating for too long, Qin Zhao stood up and quietly went to sit next to Xiao Ce.

"Aren't you asleep?" Xiao Ce didn't expect Qin Zhao to come over suddenly.

Qin Zhao held his arm and said, "I would like to stay up late with the emperor and welcome the wonderful new year together."

In her previous life, she had no experience of staying up late with Xiao Ce. She had thought about it once, but Xiao Ce was uninterested. He thought staying up late was superfluous and unnecessary.

In this life, Xiao Ce took the initiative to stay up late, and she chose to accompany him.

Many regrets in her previous life have been made up for in this life. This is a gift from God to her, and she should cherish this opportunity.

Xiao Ce held Qin Zhao's hand: "Have you ever stayed up late when you were at the Qin family?"

Qin Zhao thought for a while and then said: "It's strange that I can't remember many things that happened to me in the Qin family before. Maybe my mother did it when she was alive, but she was too young at that time and her memory is fuzzy, so I can't give it to you."

The Emperor’s answer.”

"It's okay. I'll stay with you from now on. The two of us will have a lifetime together." While Xiao Ce was talking, Zhang Jixiang had already brought snacks and fruits, and he also brought a comfortable chaise longue where you can lie down and sit.


When Qin Zhao saw how careful Zhang Jixiang was in handling matters, he knew that it was reasonable for Zhang Jixiang to be reused by Xiao Ce.

Zhang Jixiang's vision is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"The slave is waiting outside. If the emperor and the empress have any orders, just call him slave." Zhang Jixiang said, taking the others with him and leaving the room together.

Qin Zhao stepped forward, took grapes and threw them into his mouth, not forgetting to feed Xiao Ce.

The two of them chatted about trivial matters in life while eating, and time flew by.

At midnight, Qin Zhao lit firecrackers and ushered in the New Year.

Until this moment, Qin Zhao felt that this stay at the New Year's Eve was of great significance.

Standing next to her was such an important person in her life. He was usually so busy, but finally on New Year's Eve, they could join hands to welcome the new year.

This feels very good.

When the first day of the new year came, Xiao Ce stood beside her, and Xiao Ce stood beside her, as if they were each other's only ones.

Since there was no need to go to court on the first day of the Lunar New Year, Xiao Ce rarely slept late.

When he opened his eyes and saw Qin Zhao sleeping peacefully next to him, he fixed his gaze.

It was rare that he was still lying in bed at dawn, so he rarely saw her sleeping peacefully in bright light.

Even though her hair is messy, no makeup is applied, and her face is bare, her skin is still like cream, her facial features are delicate, and she is astonishingly beautiful.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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