Chapter 1023 The “Tower” connecting to the sky!

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Surprise, astonishment, disbelief... as well as shock and unacceptable expressions.

Each face has different expressions written on it.


The Tree of Insof.

as well as--

The pioneer who stands behind all of this.

not only that.

Everyone at the scene also heard many things from the man named Ye Shi that they had never heard of - or even imagined.

In the starry sky beneath their feet, there once existed a civilization that was far more prosperous and had a wider territory than the People's Alliance.

After comprehending all the truths of this universe, He shattered the void and left, heading to another universe outside the box. The Gaia planet located in Nanmen II is just one of the countless legacies He left in this universe...

These findings are astonishing enough.

It is no exaggeration to say that it seems to have opened the door to a new world for human civilization to be reborn from the ashes.

Not to mention the well-intentioned advice He left for the new civilization, which can at least help the young human civilization avoid detours of decades or even hundreds of years.

Follow His advice.

Human beings do not have to follow the same path as Him, but they can explore their own truth along the path He once took.

In addition to these shocking discoveries, this young man named Ye Shi also brought back the truth of history from a world five light years away.

What makes people laugh or cry is that it was never some alien civilization hidden in the stars that burned the human union to the ground. It was humans themselves from the beginning to the end.

That's not even a responsibility that can be pinned on a specific organization or person.

It is everyone's responsibility.

Whether it is a dead person or a living person.

The former is a price that has been paid, while the latter needs to bear the price and make a thorough reckoning with past mistakes...

"...This may sound unacceptable, but this is what I saw on Gaia."

After a pause, Ye Shi added another sentence and continued.

"At the same time, it is also something that the seventeen crew members who survived the Gemini discovered one after another in the aftermath of the disaster."

It was quiet all around.

Even the reporters holding cameras and recorders were speechless for a moment and froze in place at a loss.

Finally someone broke the silence.

A reporter from Ideal City ended his daze and spoke.

"I don't doubt what you said about 'Him'. It's just spiritual power, and the so-called 'window of vision' or the 'fourth wall'... How do you prove that it actually exists? It's not that you are in a different world.

Hallucinations occurred on the planet due to inhaling some kind of hallucinogenic gas.”

The whispers spread among the crowd, waking up many people who had been frightened by the grand plan for a while.

Dora, who was standing at the cabin door, couldn't help but take a step forward and said in a sincere tone.

"I can prove that what he said is true."

The reporter had a subtle expression on his face and gave her a suggestive look in good faith, hoping that she could produce evidence.

The cultural differences are vividly reflected at this moment. Among the Gaians - at least among the forest tribes, there is no such thing as evidence.

The message conveyed by spiritual energy must be deeply believed in the heart, and must be firmly believed by both parties.

In Dora's mind, she had shown the evidence.

However, in the eyes of the other party, she just stared at herself motionlessly with those big watery eyes.

If you are a passionate person, you may misunderstand this as a "show of love".

Fortunately, everyone present was normal, and even the reporter who was stared at "affectionately" was just confused.

"Okay, we don't have psychic powers's useless for you to use this trick."

Ye Shi coughed slightly and stopped Dora's efforts.

If she keeps trying like this, maybe the lucky guy here will awaken his spiritual power. After all, this is how he awakened his own spiritual power.

But this is too time consuming.

If everyone needs to be persuaded in this way, it will be difficult for him to accept in terms of time cost and physical cost.

All the survivor forces on earth are materialistic in origin.

Convincing others must be done in a way that "stupid materialists" can understand.

Facing the eyes that returned to him, Ye Shi continued in a serious tone.

"Among the many relics I brought back, there is one relic that belongs to Dr. Qiu Shiye. Reliable evidence shows that he was inspired by the pioneer civilization and spent his whole life completing that relic under the guidance of the latter.

The incredible 'puncher' followed the footsteps of the pioneers to another world and became the light of another universe."

"...I used the power of psychic energy to obtain the inspiration he left behind, and activated the 'puncher' in another way, allowing the light of another universe to penetrate through the fourth wall and inject it into the reactor's gas tank.

, obtained the energy to return from five light years away——"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a scream from a D-class researcher standing on the edge of the crowd.

"This is impossible! You mean, you conjured a can of reactor fuel out of thin air?!"

The expression of disbelief and doubt was written all over that young face.

That's purely academic suspicion.

Ye Shi explained patiently.

"Yes, the matter and energy in this universe can only exist in the form of electromagnetic waves after going to the universe where the Creator lives. For example, the light I mentioned is one of them. In turn, the light from the Universe where the Creator lives is projected into our world

, will naturally expand into other things... This is just my personal speculation. As for why the expanded thing is helium-3, I don't know, but I can tell you that it did not come out of nothing."

"There are limitations to information transmission through psychic energy. I can only obtain information from Dr. Qiu Shiye that I already know, such as how to operate the perforator. As for the principle of the perforator, and how Dr. Qiu Shiye obtained it

I don’t know His revelations unless He comes back from another world and tells me Himself.”

Looking at the stunned academy researcher, Ye Shi continued to talk to the reporter who was interviewing him.

"As for psionic energy, this is actually easy to verify... After all, the alliance's research institution has already approved the project, and we have even used it long ago. It's just that the name is different. The crew of the Gemini called it psionic energy, and we

Call it a 'morphogenetic field'."

That's not a topic that can't be discussed.

The morphogenesis field has long been an open secret in the Alliance, and now it has become an open research topic.

The Wasteland Era has ended.

They no longer need to hide their cards to gain strategic advantage, but more importantly, they need to build closer trusting relationships with their partners and gain a deeper understanding of themselves.

Now is the time to do this.

Ye Shi took out a newspaper from his pocket.

That was an issue of "Goblin Observer" published three months ago.

After making the bet with Jiang Xuezhou, he found a piece of paper and pen on the Orion and copied a certain issue of the "Goblin Observer" that he saw through the "Morphogenesis Field".

Although he only copied one page, it was enough.

Given the distance between the solar system and Nanmenmen, even electromagnetic waves would take five years to travel!

This page of newspaper can already prove a lot of things.

Looking at the people who quickly gathered around him, Ye Shi slowly spoke.

"The time signature and ink traces at the end are enough to prove the time when I wrote these contents... As long as you find the content of the issue of "Goblin Observer" published three months ago based on the version number, you will naturally know that I am not lying."

The eyes of Debt, who was eating melon and watching the show, widened.

"Damn it, this is okay?!"

Of course he knew that Ye Shi wasn't bragging, but he didn't expect that this guy would take off his underwear in front of everyone.

And he also got Brother Guang’s tacit approval!

There was a glint in Fang Chang's eyes, and an expression of interest appeared on his face.

At the same time, the reporter from "Goblin Observer" who had been pushed to the outside of the crowd finally used all his strength to squeeze back into the front row.

And the moment he looked at the handwritten newspaper, the doubtful face suddenly showed a ghostly expression.

That report——

It was he who wrote it!

"Exactly the same..."

His face was almost distorted by the squeeze, and he almost blurted out these words.

At the same time as these words were blurted out, the entire defense platform bridge instantly boiled!!!

【Dear Your Majesty Saren,

Following your instructions, I went with General McClun to the defense platform deployed by the Alliance in low-Earth orbit and participated in the triumphal ceremony held by the Alliance to welcome the returning heroes of Nanmen II.

Due to the distance, I did not use my naked eyes to admire the magnificent battleship built in the era of the People's Federation... But in fact, I think it is no longer important whether I see the glory of the past. After all, more amazing things are just around the corner.

in front of me.

This is not an exaggeration, just what I see and think.

From the moment I stood on the space elevator cabin, the shock and surprise in my heart never stopped.

The huge elevator cabin shuttles back and forth in the sky, transporting loads weighing tens or even hundreds of tons to the sky beyond my sight.

That picture shocked me beyond just the "big" thing.

There are many more.

Soon we were on one of them.

As the height of the elevator continued to rise, it didn't take long for me to see the southern sea shrunk into a palm, the desert in the center of the continent, and even the cities of Norton and Triumph in the far west...

Yes, the elevator cabin does not go up and down vertically, but draws a beautiful arc above the atmosphere, reaching the receiving site thousands or even thousands of kilometers away from the ground.

It was a space station deployed by the Alliance in synchronous orbit. It was shaped like a steel ring vertical to the ground!

We flew to the middle of the ring...probably the center, and then two folded cantilevers unfolded from the inside of the ring and connected with the elevator cabin we were riding in.

We left the lift cabin along the narrow hatch and headed to the interior of the ring-shaped structure, where we changed to other means of transportation. And at the moment we finally arrived at our final destination, I looked through the porthole

I saw a scene that I will never forget in my life.

I saw that the steel structure that was hundreds of meters long and wide was lined with electromagnetic naval guns of astonishing caliber and length!

They are like erect spears, pointing straight into the darkness beyond the atmosphere.

To be honest, that thing made me feel so safe that the originally lonely and cold universe was no longer so dark in my eyes.

I have seen the same giant cannon on the islands of the South China Sea Alliance, but here there are dozens of them densely arranged!

not only that.

The confident eyes of the staff told me that they had more of this stuff.

According to them, this electromagnetic gun only needs three shots to overload the deflector shield at the core of the frigate, which is enough to replace the space junk in orbit to deal with the threat of Lagrange points.

I can't imagine what a horrific scene it would be like to fire a salvo from this fort, let alone what they would do if they turned the muzzle of the gun and aimed it at us.

I heard that the South China Sea Alliance has a special warhead that allows artillery shells to fly with extremely low kinetic energy attenuation in the atmosphere.

If this is true, the era of steel airships has ended from the moment the Alliance installed the electromagnetic gun on the low-Earth orbit defense platform.

I don’t know how to express my shock and disappointment in words. We may indeed be far behind our opponents in some areas.

What is even more frustrating is that while we are still trying to compete for hegemony on earth, they have already set their sights on the stars and begun to prepare for the future of human civilization.

Please forgive me for writing these words in this private letter. I am worried that any euphemism on my part may cause you to misjudge the current situation...and this may very well be fatal to us.

The Wasteland Era is over, and there may not be much room for trial and error left for us.

Perhaps we should follow the trend of history as soon as possible, change our thinking from confrontation to cooperation, and actively participate in the advancement of civilization like other survivor forces.

The new era no longer needs an overlord who dominates everything, and there may be only two paths before us -

Either let the glory of the Valantians fall silently like dust, or let it become an equally shining star among the bright stars.

Your loyal messenger, Captain Ostert.

As the triumphal ceremony to welcome the hero home ended, this reunion after more than two centuries finally came to an end.

As for the shocking news that Ye Shi brought back from Nanmen 2, the survivors on Earth may still need some time to digest it.

Including his initiative to establish an extrasolar exploration fleet.

Although this is indeed a good idea, this kind of thing cannot be decided by someone with a word or a nod.

In a place invisible to ordinary people, promoting the establishment of this "fleet" still requires some behind-the-scenes games.

But Ye Shi, the guy who was the first to speak out, didn't have to worry about these things.

After returning to the low-Earth orbit defense platform, he received a task personally assigned by the shelter manager——

Take the "messenger" from the planet Gaia back to the surface in the space elevator, and take ships and trains to the Adhesive Community Building in Dawn City.

In fact, you can directly reach Shuguang City by plane in the South China Sea Alliance, and there is no need to change and transfer so many means of transportation.

But what the manager meant was that he hoped she could take this opportunity to walk around the earth more and learn more about the planet of the "ancestors".

This place can be considered half of her natal family.

In addition, the Stick Community also needs some preparation time to discuss how to deal with the relationship with "Gaia Civilization".

Even if the alliance's opinion plays a decisive role, Chu Guang still has to ask for the opinions of other people, especially the opinions of colleges and companies.

After hearing about the arrangements of the "Chief" of the "Ancestor", Dora acted very cooperatively.

As early as when she was on the planet Gaia, she couldn't wait to see what kind of life the ancestors who were said to live in the sky lived.

Take the elevator back to the surface.

The moment she emerged from the open hatch, her jaw dropped at the sight that greeted her.

"so big!!"


(Happy New Year’s Eve, brothers! Tomorrow is the new year. I wish you all good luck in the Year of the Dragon! Like a dragon!)


This chapter has been completed!
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