Chapter 1032 Weightlessness

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Wealth is written on the front of the coin, and poverty is written on the other side.

After all, there is only one ideal city.

And among the hundreds of millions of square kilometers of land, the vast majority is still barren.

Street fighting in the Free State continues, but the civil war in Borneo is over.

Under the mediation of the alliance, the Borneo Army finally gave up its march northward and retreated from the depths of Yangzhou and Niaozhou to the mountains behind the plains on the south bank of the Tasang River.


The main reason is that I really can't fight anymore.

From Tianshui to the south, a famine unprecedented in a century broke out in the most fertile land of Borneo Province. In addition, a large number of production facilities were artificially destroyed. Even if the supplies on the front line can be maintained, the belts have been tightened.

On the ribs.

Another one, the Eastern Empire did not want to fight, so it implemented a wave of monetization reforms in military aid to Borneo.

In other words, if you want guns or cannons, just take the money and go to New Sailor Port to buy them.

In fact, this is almost an "explicit statement" from His Majesty.

After seeing the Alliance's space elevator and low-Earth orbit defense platform, Saren had completely given up on the idea of ​​fighting for land hegemony, and instead focused on the outside of the solar system.

This was also the advice General McClung made to him after returning from the space elevator.

He has a large number of "frigate" cores on his hands. If these things can be installed on an airship, they can also be installed on a starship.

Even if you only need to install a hyperspace engine and a plasma engine, and strengthen the structural strength and air tightness of the spacecraft, it can be used directly as a serious starship.

The Alliance has always been very interested in these good things in his hands, and he also happens to be interested in the stars outside the solar system, and even regards them as a good opportunity to overtake in corners.

In fact, there is no need for everyone to fight in this palm-sized area.

It would be nice to explore the future together.

Just like this, a new faction with "far-sightedness" as its core is rising, and the Eastern Empire is rising again, and a race in space has officially begun.

Since the Eastern Empire and the Alliance reached a consensus, Borneo's northward march could only come to an abrupt end.

Each side declared victory and then retreated to the original border line.

The Mammoth Kingdom occupies the northeastern corner of Borneo Province and is governed by the plains on both sides of the Tasang River basin.

Borneo has retained its original borders, including the Tiger State, Leopard State, and Lowell State except for Golden Gallen Port that had joined Borneo through the union during the war with the Southern Army.

Both sides counted their own casualties. The Borneo side claimed 30,000 casualties and killed one million Mammoth Kingdom soldiers. The Mammoth Kingdom claimed 50,000 casualties and killed 1.5 million Borneo soldiers.

But this is obviously bragging.

Both sides probably counted the civilians and even cattle who died in the war, and they were placed on the other side's head.

Shuguang City's "Survivor Daily" combined the data from both sides and concluded through on-site investigations that the Borneo side's casualties should be around 270,000, with nearly 400,000 injured, and nearly 30% of the attrition was due to malaria and infectious diseases.

The Mammoth Kingdom should have suffered 120,000 casualties and 170,000 wounded. Thanks to its good medical conditions, non-combat attrition was low, but it was still a heavy blow compared to its disadvantaged population.

As Shawar recalled a large number of overseas workers to return home to join the war, the aftermath of the war even impacted the labor market in the southern seas.

In addition, Dawn City's "Daily Survivor" also conducted an investigation into the civilian casualties that both sides had downplayed, and shockingly discovered that the proportion of civilian casualties in this war was much higher than in the previous war with the Southern Army, reaching an astonishing level.

A staggering 2.5 million!

In this war, both sides made frequent conspiracies, breaking through the lower limits of human beings again and again.

Gopal imitated the late "God of War" Alaya, and based on the latter's innovative development of the "herd tactic", that is, driving the refugees to the towns in Yangzhou and Niaozhou, and then using artillery fire and machine guns

Forcing them to attack the trenches of Mammoth Country.

It has to be said that he is indeed worthy of Alaya's right-hand man, and he has indeed inherited the reputation of "God of War".

Even "Iron General" Grove was defeated by his unscrupulous benevolence and righteousness.

Since Grove couldn't do anything, Gopal organized the Wilantes and central servants recruited from the Southern Army into a "shepherd dog" company to drive the sheep, and asked the Wilrants to drive away the Borne refugees.


This trick really worked wonders.

Those guys who had become red-blooded in the last war, and heard that meritorious service could reduce their sentences, acted like crazy when they killed the Borneos, firing machine guns at random.

Now there is no problem of not taking action.

Even more than that, when the battle is over, Gopal can shift the responsibility to the Vaillant people and stay out of it.

It can be said to be a win-win situation.

But what Gopal didn't expect was that the person standing opposite him was also a butcher.

As the former captain of the Stormtroopers and Lacy's adopted son, Shava's reputation as the "Butcher" had already been reflected in the Mammoth City Rebellion, and he would naturally not show mercy in the civil war.

Just as Gopal urged "Iron General" Grove to attack forward, Shawar directly sent Gurion, the former commander-in-chief of the Borneo Theater of the Southern Army, to the front line.

As soon as this move came out, the frontline soldiers on both sides of the war were stunned, including Grove, who was commanding the battle.

Although he had caused Gulyon some suffering before in "Operation North Wind", after all, it was a knife he stabbed when Gulyon was going all out to face the attack of the alliance and the main forces of Borneo. Although Gulyon hated it with all his teeth.

Itchy but had no chance to answer him.

Now the two sides were facing each other, and they were fighting each other with bayonets face to face. No one was pulling each other's front teeth or hind legs anymore.

Although Grove had an absolute manpower advantage and relatively strong firepower, the opponent was also professional in repairing turtle shells and had been trained by Alliance bombers.

And the most important thing is that this guy will not show mercy even when he kills the Borneo people.

Gopal's sheep almost hit the iron plate and were stopped midway before they could attack the Mammoth Kingdom's position.

Grove was the same, and the situation he faced was even more troublesome. The old Southern Army troops that he had originally placed on the front line began to flee in large numbers.

And it was the officer who took the lead in escaping.

What he couldn't stand the most was Gibson, the captain of ten thousand whom he captured in the south!

He had also written to the people in the Eastern Empire before, hoping that the people in the Eastern Empire would promote this guy's military rank... although the people in the Eastern Empire refused.

I didn’t expect this bitch to run away!

Gibson is basically the highest-ranking Valantian officer he has.

In order to prevent similar things from happening, he could only withdraw the Wilant troops from the front line to the rear, serve as instructors for training new recruits, and re-send his own people to the front line.

Including the 110,000th team of the direct descendants of Deputy Commander Yokal.

After betraying the Northern Field Army, this unit lived a prosperous life for a while, and even appeared in Tiandu's "Survivor Daily" with a bright garland.

But now that everyone else in Beiye is dead, and even the cattle in the logistics team have been killed, these proud people seem to have become the tail end of the old era, and have to go to the front line to prove their loyalty.

The only one who escaped was Yokal himself.

But now he has become a mere commander and has no soldiers left.

Even if they are all family members, there are always some who have stronger blood than others and look more like family members...

On the banks of the Tasang River.

A concrete embankment stands in the middle of a fast-flowing river.

In the last battle, the Borneo Kingdom tried to blow up the place and let the floods engulf Mammoth City again.

Fortunately, with the desperate resistance of the local troops, they finally held the dam.

Now the war is finally over.

Engineers who returned to their hometown from the southern sea are investigating on the dam, thinking about how to improve the original dam and install a generator set on it.

That may not only benefit farmers in the river basins on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, but also benefit more people.

Although many people will never see that day...

Looking at the majestic dam, Shawar, who was wearing a straight military uniform, said nothing and squinted his eyes as if thinking about something.

Or maybe I am missing someone.

A group of Mammoth Kingdom officers stood behind him, all holding their breath and concentrating, and no one dared to disturb him.

Except for some Wilant guy who can't read air.

"...I don't know how many capable people and heroes have been buried by this rolling wave."

"It's hard to tell."

Looking at the sad Gulion, Shava grinned, his voice a bit self-deprecating.

"It's hard to say, maybe in a few years, both the living and the dead will become bears."

He had already seen through it.

In this land, heroes are either physically destroyed and buried alive mentally as if they never existed, or they are turned into villains or clowns. However, real clowns and villains can always rise to the top and become gods on earth.

And what he got was the villain card.

Guion glanced at him, and happened to see those gray eyes. For some reason, a trace of sadness suddenly surged in his heart.

His Adam's apple moved and he looked in the direction of the dam again.

"I think this is probably our biggest difference."

Shava glanced at him.


Gulion was silent for a moment and continued.

"In the City of Triumph, heroes are heroes, and saints are two different concepts. We can accept the imperfect side of the hero, and even commemorate his mistakes and glory together. The former will not shame the latter, but will make the latter

More three-dimensional... Just like a marble statue, the protrusions are set off by shadows."

Shava smiled and joked.

"Even a marshal?"

Guion nodded slowly.

"Yes, he did a lot of bad things, such as the massacre in the city of Avente... We used to regard it as glory for a long time, burying his disgraceful story, and then everyone paid

Paid a heavy price.”

Shava grinned.

"Do you want to say that you are the price?"

"I'm just one of them, the one who doesn't deserve sympathy." Gulion sighed, turned to Shawar, paused and continued, "My war is over, what are you going to do with me."

Shava said expressionlessly.

"I keep my word. You are free and can go wherever you want with your pension."

Guion said.

"What if I want to stay here?"

Shava glanced at him in surprise, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"you sure?"

Although this guy is a loner, his abilities are there.

Whether he returns to the Batoya Alliance or the Wilante Alliance, there will definitely be someone who needs him.

"I want to... atone for my sins," Gulion looked at him seriously. "Although it's a bit arrogant to say this, I want to try to help you and try my best to do my best."

Shava chuckled.

"This is probably the most shameless thing I've ever heard this year."

After a pause, he turned around as if he was tired of it, dropped a few words and left.

"It's up to you, this is your freedom."

Shortly after that, Gurion resigned as the commander of the Mammoth Kingdom's army, and as a Willand man, he set a precedent for a good death in Borneo after the military power was lifted.

Although it is open to question whether he actually had military power, because behind him stood the most ruthless man in the Mammoth Kingdom, "Big Moon King" Shava, but he did make a start.

After retirement, he was not idle. Instead, he used his pension to establish the Mammoth Kingdom Army Academy to cultivate political and military talents for the Mammoth Kingdom who were truly loyal to the country, rather than loyal to the king.

The pension in his hands alone is obviously not enough to build such a university.

After all, he is not Mr. Rat. He has outstanding personal charm and talent, and he has caught up with the early train of history.

However, just when he was in financial difficulties, he suddenly received a huge donation, and the university was established in an incredible manner.

Some people say that the donation is actually the wealth he collected from Borneo Province, others say that the money is a donation from other Wilant people who feel guilty about the Borneo people, and some even say that it is money from gangs in Golden Gallon Port. There is too much money and there is no place to spend it, or maybe the "Big Moon King" Savar has too much money to make himself uncomfortable.

But no matter what, the flame that was extinguished seems to be burning again.

This time, they may be able to ignite their own light.

No longer having to rely on the power of the Alliance or anyone else...

On the other side, Tiandu City.

Outside the city, people were dying of hunger everywhere, and even the red soil had been scraped clean. However, inside the city's grand theater, there was a lot of traffic and joy.

To celebrate the victory of the Northern Expedition, a circus performance was being held in the Grand Theater.

This circus is said to have come from Silver Moon Bay, and it also performed at the Alliance's Victory Day celebration. Now that they are invited to Tiandu, it can be regarded as the Alliance's birthday celebration for Tiandu.

Zaid was sitting in the movie theater, holding a Rick Five in his mouth, squinting his eyes, looking so happy.

Savoie had an unknown illness recently and was allergic to nicotine, at least he claimed to be.

Normally, it would be okay if they were far apart, but just sitting shoulder to shoulder like this, even though his body was soft, he was so smoked that he couldn't open his eyes and coughed repeatedly.

And looking at his sick look, Zaid suddenly became more energetic. Under the praise of the stars and the moon, he even pulled out tricks and blew out smoke rings.

Seeing Savannah's depressed expression, he smiled and said jokingly.

"Sava, what do you think of that clown?"

The clown on the stage is fighting with the tiger. Of course, it is not a real fight, but a somersault show.

Sava was stunned for a moment, not sure what godfather meant, but he still said with a flattering smile.

"I think...this clown is really ugly."

This was also an extremely nonsense statement, and it was also the safest answer he could come up with.

However, what he didn't expect was that his godfather would take advantage of his casual words.

Zaid frowned, took off Rick Five, and opened his mouth.

"How can you say that? This clown, I don't think he is ugly. How can he be considered ugly if he paints himself to bring joy to others? Not only is this not ugly, it is also a great kindness! The ultimate kindness!"

Sava was dumbfounded at the time.

This works too?!

The people around him clapped their hands excitedly, their hands turning red.

“Parents’ warning!”

"That's the truth!"

"As the saying goes...feeding a tiger with its face and body made of dust, just for the sake of smiling in the world!"



The waves of applause were getting louder and louder. The clown on the stage thought he was applauding himself and was performing even harder. Little did he know that everyone in the audience was on stage.

The editor-in-chief of "Daily Survivor" has already thought of tomorrow's headline article, which is called "Clowns Are Not Ugly". But the uneducated rough guy Pikli just thought it was wonderful and clapped his hands happily, as if he had just been teased by the clown.

Like a passing monkey, I couldn't stop laughing.

Only the education committee member, Cabaha, showed no interest. He had his arms folded in front of his chest and was out of tune with his surroundings. He had a stern look on his face and even sneered to himself.

"I laughed at Absek for flattering cats and being arrogant towards people, but now I see it is too early to laugh."

That’s all.

He was wrong.

The deflated Savoie looked confused, but he was relieved in his heart. It was better to be criticized than to lose his life. At most, he could write a profound self-examination after returning home.

At this time, someone suddenly asked.

"By the way, why didn't Gopal come?"

Then someone answered.

"He was sick and didn't come."

"Sick? It seems to me that I'm mentally slack, tired of our family business, tired. I don't want to watch the circus of the new era, but close the door and watch the chess game of the Lowell era, ha."

Zaid flicked the ashes of Rick Five's cigarette.

The last "ha" was just an understatement, but it frightened the surrounding family members to the point of trembling with fear.

They are also masters of killing without blinking an eye, but they can't compare to this one.

Everyone was weighing the weight of this sentence in their minds, but the instigator was chatting and laughing about something else, as if he had just touched upon it.

That's not the end of it.

The circus has just ended.

The well-dressed people rushed to the stage and hailed the clown actor as a hero. Then they charged at the tiger with sticks, knives and guns.

The believers in Silver Moon Bay had never seen such a crazy look. They were immediately frightened and begged them to let their friends go. They tried to wake everyone up and told them that this was just a performance, but no one stopped.

The tiger, which had never eaten a human before, was beaten to death by a group of upright apes and skinned off.

People sang victory and hailed the mahatma's heroism.

Later, of course, the theater compensated the circus a huge sum of money, and the compensation was in silver coins, and politely sent them out of Tiandu. After all, they were not Borneos, but wastelanders in the wasteland.

But the story doesn't end there.

The people who gathered did not disperse, but clamored to go to Gopal's house and ask Gopal about the situation.

A man who looked very strong led the way and shouted to the angry people.

"Gopal said he was sick, Mahatma said he was not sick, so let's go and see if he is really sick or fake!"


"What are you afraid of if you really get sick?"

"That's right! We are going to see a doctor!"

A huge crowd of people flocked to Gopal's residence, and the momentum became larger and larger, reaching tens of thousands at least.

Sava, who had been kicked several times on the buttocks, was so frightened that he sat alone at the door of the theater and did not dare to speak.

He had long thought that his godfather might attack Gopal first, but he didn't expect that everything would happen so quickly and suddenly.

Grove is coming back from the front line. Don't you think of Grove's thoughts?


Suddenly he saw General Pickley, who was red-faced, thick-necked, and excited.

That guy is an old minister of Absaek, so he should be feared and will never be promoted.

But from another perspective, he might not be the safest for Zaid...

Because you can kill him anytime you want, no matter how high up the guy is.

Recalling that he was sitting near Zaid when watching the show this time, just a chair away, Sawa's brain buzzed and he understood everything, and his face turned pale.

"Iron General" Grove is in danger!

Cold sweat spread all over his body.

He originally planned to take advantage of Gopal's downfall to use Grover as his last trump card, but he didn't expect that this guy would leave so early, too early to have any effect.

His layout had just begun, but the pieces on the chessboard were disrupted!

Only then did he realize how terrifying the Mahatma was, but it was already too late...

Thick dark clouds shrouded the sky over Borneo, and the rain with lightning and thunder seemed to never end.

The People's Federation soldier who sat under the dead tree and threw the cigarette box fiercely probably never imagined that someone would pick up the cigarette box again, and pick it up again and again, and change it into a new one that no one had seen before.

New tricks.

I probably won't be able to quit smoking.

Borneo Province is in a precarious situation, and Golden Gallen Port is hardly immune to the situation.

The troops stationed outside the city could keep the Tigers and Black Panthers calm, but they could not suppress the restless emotions and disintegrating nerves of the people in the settlements.

Everything seemed to have returned to the years before Wu Tuo's death.

The enthusiasm of the energetic people gradually turned cold, and they no longer imagined what the future would be like.

Those things are too vain.

Or is it true that money comes from making money? Where can’t you go if you have money? What things can’t be done? What things can’t be bought?

The port's pragmatists finally took that final step, stepping into nothingness.

However, this may not be a bad ending for them, at least they won't have to die so many more.

When they no longer fantasize about the shape of utopia or sponsor unrealistic causes, but compete to see who has more silver coins in their pockets, the number of tall buildings in Golden Gallen Harbor has doubled, and the narrow streets have become wider.

Many of the bicycles speeding on the street have two extra wheels, allowing them to run at faster speeds!

People who got rich were the first to get on the bus, and poor people also added hundreds of buses after the subway, just like the changes that the survivors of Dawn City had experienced.

Not just a means of transportation.

Prosthetic bodies from the wasteland also flowed here one after another, and gradually appeared in the streets and alleys.

There were also immigrants from the Free States.

They were tired of the endless street fighting and couldn't stand the monotonous leisure of Dawn City, so they took their accumulated wealth and traveled across the ocean to come here, trying to find their own piece of the broken spiritual fragments of the locals.

Flashing neon lights suddenly filled the streets and alleys like pigeon cages, giving this weather-beaten ancient city a somewhat cyberpunk flavor.

This is probably something Rowell did not expect.

From the biological research institute under the ice and snow to the cyber city filled with high-rise buildings.

This span is indeed too big...

"Extra! Extra! According to a researcher who wishes to remain anonymous, dragon lizard excrement from Baiyue Province has an aphrodisiac effect!"

"Holy shit?!"

"real or fake?"

The lively port area is bustling with people, and the newsstand is crowded with neighbors who live in nearby markets.

On the pier, a cargo submarine slowly approached. A girl with emerald skin jumped onto the pier with curious eyes and exclaimed.

"So many people! Here!"

Looking at the bustling crowd and the buildings not far away, Han Mingyue couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic on her expression.

"The changes here are quite big."


Ye Shi couldn't help but sigh, his thoughts drifted back to a long, long time ago, and he remembered what it was like when he first boarded this pier...

At this time, the sound of bells in the distance rushed his thoughts back to the present.

At the same time, Dora suddenly stretched her neck curiously and looked at the sky in the distance.

"what is that?"

I saw hot air balloons floating in the sky, like dandelions in the sunset.

It was also the first time Ye Shi saw a similar scene, but he didn't take it seriously. After all, this thing was not unusual either in the league or in reality.

"It's probably a sightseeing balloon. It seems to be by the Yongliu River... let's go take a look together later." Looking at Dora's expectant look, he said calmly.

At this time, Han Mingyue suddenly interrupted.

"Before that, can I take up some of your time? I would like to take Ms. Dora to Camp Lowell... Although it is a presumptuous request, I would like to ask her to use her psychic powers to help me see something."

The Alliance has been excavating that ruins, and has unearthed many interesting things.

However, due to the many renovations of the ruins by later generations, almost all of General Rowell's personal belongings were lost.

She wanted to see if she could find anything using her psychic powers.

Ye Shi cast a questioning look at Dora, who immediately nodded and said seriously.

"I can help you."

A bright smile appeared on Han Mingyue's face.

"Great, if we can find the notes of General Rowell himself, we can complete the last piece of the puzzle...Thank you!"

Dora had a sheepish smile on her face and nodded slightly.

"You're welcome, we are friends, this is what I should do."

Her learning ability is indeed extraordinary.

She can already apply what she just learned a few days ago.

Just as the group of people were talking and laughing, several black cars stopped in front of the pier.

As the car door opened, the mayor of Golden Gallen Port, Jodu, got out of the car and walked in front of everyone, surrounded by several city hall officials and bodyguards.

It’s different from when I was at French Fries Port.

On the territory of the alliance's partners, this semi-official and semi-private visiting group received an exceptional reception.

"Welcome to Golden Gallen Harbor!"

Looking at the guests from the Alliance and Nanmen II in front of him, Jodu had a bright smile on his face.

"On behalf of the residents of Golden Gallen Harbor and the entire city hall, I welcome you!" ()

This chapter has been completed!
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