Chapter 582 This is a necessary sacrifice

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 When the Viper transport plane returned again, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

Also arriving on this flight were Ms. Chen Yutong, an active researcher of the scientific expedition team, in addition to the twelve brothers Kuang Feng and Murderous Dagger.

Seeing Chen Yutong jumping out of the cabin, a trace of surprise appeared on Lao Bai's face, and he walked up to look at her and asked.

"How did you come?"

"Isn't there something wrong with the mind interference device here? The administrator entrusted me to come over and restore it to normal..."

Looking around at the bloody mess around him, Chen Yutong felt his stomach churn. He turned away from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​bones and looked at Lao Bai, looking up and down and saying with concern.

"You're not hurt, are you?"

Lao Bai said dumbfounded.

"What can I do? There are only about twenty people in total."

The equipment of the Executioner Squad is indeed something good, but to be honest, its combat effectiveness is not outstanding, and it relies too much on the power of the equipment, so it is natural that the gold coins will be exploded.

What Lao Bai didn't know was that it wasn't that the executioner team was not strong, but that their own combat effectiveness was a little too high. To gain recognition from the Weirant people, it was impossible to do it just by relying on strength.

With the strength of that team, they may not be able to defeat the legion's youth army on a frontal battlefield, but things like infiltration, sabotage, rebellion and poisoning are commonplace, and assassinating a high-ranking person in a settlement is even easier.

The Torch Church was able to conquer such a large territory and turn countless survivor settlements in the diocese into its own puppets. At least half of the credit must be attributed to the Inquisition.

But then again, the executioner team also didn't expect that the optical camouflage would actually be ineffective, which was why they didn't use it at all in subsequent battles.

I'm afraid that in the end, they all suspected that the alliance had mastered some kind of technology that could see through optical camouflage, otherwise it would be completely impossible to explain why their two consecutive sneak attacks ended in failure.

Chen Yutong looked at Lao Bai suspiciously, confirming that this guy was not trying to show off his strength, but that nothing had happened. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, curled his lips and said.

"I'm relieved it's okay." Lao Bai sighed and said.

"I'm definitely fine, but you may not be. This is a war zone and it's no joke."

Chen Yutong blinked.

"You will protect me, right?" Lao Bai was stunned for a moment and nodded.

"That's for sure, I will try my best

Seeing that Chen Yutong had no intention of giving up staying here, he couldn't help but ask, "By the way, isn't the thing you're studying about Naguo? I remember that your area of ​​expertise is biology."

Chen Yutong said with a smile.

"Yes, but I have also dabbled in the research on mind interference devices. Have you forgotten? I asked you to accompany me to the eastern suburbs of Qingquan City for investigation."

"I thought you were just curious to visit.

"It was true that I just visited it at the time, but later I became very interested in it, so I briefly learned about it through the resources of the scientific expedition team."

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When she said this, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips proudly.

That thing is indeed not difficult for her. Her learning ability is not weak, especially in the fields she is good at. In addition, her age happens to be the golden age of scientific research. If the academy's stage is not too crowded, she will not do it.

As for just a small E-class.

It's okay to have a brief understanding... Lao Bai couldn't help but feel ashamed when he heard this.

His failure to study well was a lifelong regret, and he probably had no chance to make up for it in this life.

Looking at Lao Bai who was still standing there, Chen Yutong urged him.

"Okay, don't waste time here. It's too late for someone else to come over. Take me there quickly."

Lao Bai sighed, nodded and said.

"follow me."

Passing through the stairwell, the two came to the basement of the annex.

When passing the collapsed door panel, Chen Yutong saw the little girl tied into a rice dumpling, and the little girl who was guarding her.

Another girl next to the child.

When she looked at the lamb, the lamb was also looking at her secretly.

Chen Yutong stopped in front of her, leaned down with his hands on his knees and asked.

"Is this sister your friend?" Xiaoyang nodded and whispered.

…..It’s sister Yinyin, she is two years older than me

"Yin Yin, that's a good name," Chen Yutong touched the lamb's head, curled his lips and said, "What about you?"

The little sheep whispered shyly, "I...little sheep."

Little sheep.

The most common names in the wasteland are mountains and rivers, spring, summer, autumn and winter, followed by plants, trees, insects, birds, tables and chairs. Even in some farming-based settlements, cows and horses are used as names, and sheep are used.

But not common.

Chen Yutong was silent for a while and said softly, "Your friend will get better."

After hearing these words, Xiaoyang's tense expression relaxed significantly, with a joyful expression on his face.

She didn't know why she instinctively trusted the strange sister in front of her, but she always felt that she knew a lot of things, just like a doctor.

"What about the people outside..."

"It'll be fine too."

However, I probably won’t be able to go back to the way I was before.

The memory of being brainwashed will not disappear, and the dead will not be brought back to life. Even if it is only for a short time, those crazy thoughts will remain until you wake up.

The survivors of this settlement will probably spend a long time in fear and regret.

After all, I'm afraid not even half of the people who actually died at the gunpoint of Union soldiers.

Looking at the happy expression on the lamb's face and the twisting and struggling Yin Yin, Chen Yutong sighed softly in his heart and followed Lao Bai to the laboratory at the back of the basement.

When she saw the experimental equipment in the compartment on the side of the corridor, she had a surprised expression on her face.

"……This is."

Seeing the surprise on her face, Lao Bai stopped and asked curiously.

"What's wrong?"


As a biological laboratory, the equipment here can be said to be quite comprehensive.

Not to mention basic equipment such as constant-temperature incubators, ultra-clean workbenches, and biological safety cabinets, more advanced protein detection devices, cell synthesis devices, DNA synthesis devices, brain wave detectors, etc. are also available.

These basic experimental tools are not very cutting-edge technologies in the Prosperity Era and can be found in relics such as biological laboratories or pharmaceutical factories.

However, what is confusing is that several pieces of equipment were obviously not recovered from the ruins, but were made after the Wasteland Era.

As for why she knew...

Because the models of those pieces of equipment are almost the standard equipment of the Institute of Biology of the college.

She couldn't be more familiar with what she was familiar with...

He Anshui is the owner of Green Pine Hotel.

The hotel he runs is right next to the gate of Pine Cone Wood Farm. The location is easy to identify and easy to remember, because it is the only hotel there within dozens of miles.

His daily job is mainly to receive some traveling traders and mercenaries, and by the way, he also helps his master, Mr. Zhao, to collect some information on the wasteland.

It is impossible for any settlement to live a prosperous life just by farming. There will always be things that cannot be produced by oneself and need to be exchanged with outsiders.

This is especially true for plantations where farming is the main focus.

Mr. Zhao knew very well that Pinecone Wood Farm needed those traders, but he extremely distrusted those cunning guys, so even if there were many empty houses in the settlement, he would never let outsiders come in to stay overnight.

Unless the merchant is appointed by himself.

Thanks to this, He Anshui, who runs the only hotel in Songguomu Farm, has made a small fortune relying on the franchise rights in his hands.

Although most of the income needs to be handed over to the master, he relies on this business to make a living.

You can still save some money.

Moreover, he does not need to go far away to work like Yang He, nor does he need to send his family to the manor's annex as hostages. The master is very relieved about him because he is right on the edge of the settlement.

Be it people or property.

He Anshui is a person with no ambitions and no extra thoughts. He just wants to live his life peacefully. After all, in the years of running the hotel, he has seen too many wastelanders with missing arms and legs.

Those guys may not have an owner, but that's all. If you open their pockets, you'll find nothing, and no one will ask if you die. He still prefers certain happiness to this life of one meal and no next meal.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why his father gave him the name "An Shui" - hoping that he would be as stable as the water in the well in the backyard.

Speaking of which, Wu Wenzhou came back and brought news from the north, saying that the wastelanders there were so harassed by the looters that they finally decided to unite.

Looking at the way he was beaming when he talked about the alliance, He Anshui knew that this guy probably had the idea of ​​leaving here, but he scoffed and didn't take it to heart.

It's okay to listen to what's going on outside for fun, but God knows how dangerous it would be if we really went there.

And what about 0.9 silver coins per kilogram of corn?

No matter how cheap meat is, can it be as cheap as here?

Here, whether it is gold or silver money, just one coin can be exchanged for a large basket. Regardless of how other serfs are doing, at least he is quite comfortable.

Eat a lot of meat and drink a lot, and you will gain weight if you are not careful.

The most comfortable place in this wasteland is the Pinecone Farm...

I don't know how much time passed.

The buzzing lingering in his ears finally disappeared, and Mohu's vision gradually became clearer. He Anshui shook his head and patted his old face with his right hand.


The sticky feeling made him slightly uncomfortable.

Even if he doesn't like to wash his face, he won't get so much grease that he can pull out threads. The same goes for his mouth, as if he has eaten a mouthful of rust and his throat seems to be stuck.

"Did I fall asleep..."

He slurred with something in his mouth. As soon as he opened his mouth, something fell out and fell to the ground into a thick puddle of scarlet.


Looking at the pool of scarlet in front of his knees, he was startled, his eyes slowly raised, and then he saw the inhuman "thing" lying in the pool of blood, and each of them kneeling on top of "that thing"

Familiar faces next to me.

Among them were hotel cooks, waiters, and serfs working nearby... There were twenty or thirty people in total, and the narrow guest room was packed to the brim.

Like him, they all knelt on the ground, facing the inhuman "thing" in front of them at a loss.

Mohu's memory begins to awaken.

He Anshui recognized this room. It was the guest room of his old friend Wu Wenzhou who often traveled far away.

It was said that at noon, he was still wondering why the guy didn't go back when he reached the door of his house, but came here to join in the fun with the mercenaries.

He had already guessed who the inhuman guy in front of him was.

In fact, there is no need to guess at all.

He remembers them all.

Old Lao Wu...

He Anshui's lips began to tremble, his face lost color, he jumped back as if he had been electrocuted, collapsed on the ground, kicked his legs and retreated to the wall.

The soaked pants dragged a shocking trail of blood on the ground.

What have I done?


It was as if a pot of sulfuric acid had been poured into his stomach. He Anshui vomited out with a loud sound, curled up in the blood and vomit, and trembled as if in pain.

"Ah... Kaka..."

No words came out of his mouth, let alone what to say.

He wanted to ask why. Why did it become like this.

It was obviously fine a second ago...why? He had a lot of questions to ask, but he didn't know who to ask.

The people kneeling next to Old Wu were like him, gradually waking up, then gradually becoming frightened and desperate, and then they vomited, and tears and stomach acid squeezed out of their bodies...

People knelt on the ground and repented, or howled in a cathartic manner, or banged their heads against the wall, trying to end this miserable dream and numb their nerves with pain.

Pinecone Wood Farm was once again filled with wails and wails.

But this time, it seemed that the room was even more miserable than the previous night, with a pure white room.

Scenes of tragic scenes were gathered together on a palm-sized screen, forming a semi-curved wall.

Sitting in the center of the room, the old man quietly watched the ongoing purgatory on earth. Gujing Mubo's face finally turned into a long sigh.

Even knowing that this is a necessary sacrifice on the road to utopia.

Even though it is clear that those guys are just domestic animals in captivity.

But seeing this miserable look, he still felt a little unbearable.

Even a mind interference device cannot achieve 100% brainwashing. There are even those who are immune to Naguo, let alone a technology that is still in its infancy.

Band 03 will cause 99% of the people to eat 1% of the people. If the 99% of the experimental subjects are allowed to wake up, at least half of them will be defeated by their own memories.

So he asked the mutants to come over and clear the place.

The purpose is to allow those experimental subjects to die painlessly after the experiment is over.

This was his greatest kindness to the experimenters who sacrificed their lives for glorious evolution.

However, I didn't expect that those guys who had no mercy at all and would do anything to achieve their goals would actually adjust the frequency of the mind interference device.

This is a cruelty more cruel than killing them.

"Sure enough, I still need to practice..."

Sensing the flash of anger at that moment, Luo Gan lowered his eyebrows and murmured to himself.

When he used Zhao Tianqian's body to meet the children earlier, when he saw the astonished expressions on those guys' faces, he couldn't help teasing them. This was actually inappropriate.

Among the many bishops of the Torch Church, he is one of the older ones. He entered the Holy Realm more than ten years ago, but his cultivation is the least advanced.

The so-called cultivation here is not some cultivation technique or recited scriptures, but a kind of harmonization or sublimation of one's own mind.

Human beings cannot complete their own evolution, just like stepping on the left foot with the right foot and unable to reach the sky. This has nothing to do with what shoes a person wears.

Even if technology can give people wings, it cannot think like birds born with wings.

There is no doubt that humans standing at the top of the food chain are higher-level animals than birds. There is no need for humans to become birds. But when the development of civilization reaches a bottleneck and human feet leave the soil on which they live, humans and

The inherent limitations will gradually be exposed.

Perhaps this creature only deserves to have civilization within light years.

Human nature, which is closer to the bottom than methods and systems, builds the underlying logic of human civilization.

It is not the front-end technology of the warp engine, nor can it solve any problems in the material world, but it will allow people to give back everything they do not deserve.

Otherwise, how can we explain that after reaching the starry sky, the People's League, which had clearly ended all conflicts and moved from differences to unity, would lose everything in just three years after a long period of prosperity.

"Torch Project" gives an explanation.

The collapse of the post-war reconstruction committee also offers an explanation.

This kind of creature always lives in an unstable environment. Once they judge that they are threatened, they will definitely find a way to strike first.

There is only a slim chance that they will be lucky enough to bet on a bright future... and this is usually named great or miraculous in the history of the AFC.

Because this is something that doesn't happen often.

Even if it did happen, it had a significant impact on the course of history.

The church inspired by the torch came up with a solution.

If you want this weak species of human beings to ascend to a new dimension, you must think from a level above humans. Becoming a "gestalt life form" is just a superficial explanation. What they really want to do is to become gods.

Man cannot adapt to life in heaven. But God can!

For this reason, the bishops of the Torch Church must give up all human attributes and look down on mankind from a standpoint other than human beings. This is also the most fundamental reason why all bishops will enter the "sacred realm".

Only by entering the "sacred realm" away from the constraints of gravity can we have true divinity!

If they don't do this, sooner or later they will be like the earliest mutants, who have clearly become other species, but still stand in the shoes of humans and think as humans.

The final result is obvious.

The mutant tribe born on this basis has no inheritance from human civilization, but is more like retracing the path that humans have taken from primitive society.

And they themselves would either be killed or go crazy. Luo Gan would often lament that although he had abandoned his physical body, it was still difficult to completely separate himself from human nature.

Perhaps it was because he was already too old when he entered the Holy Realm, and the old ideas seemed to have grown on his rotten flesh and blood, and were engraved into the circuit board along with the current.

He would often envy that child. The Holy Son chosen by them.

That guy is like a blank slate, the most perfect master god.

"Sorry, the Executioner Team failed... Alliance forces occupied our research facility and emitted Band 05 through the mind interference device."

"The interference we imposed on the experimental subject... has been lifted."

The sound floating in his ears interrupted Luo Gan's reverie.

He waved his index finger lightly, and a pale blue floating window floated in front of him. In the darkness, he saw an apostle in a robe kneeling on one knee and bowing to him.

The background of the shot is the basement of Pinecone Farm Church.

The shadow of the hood obscured the man's face.

Although he couldn't see the apostle's eyes, Luo Gan could feel the shame and regret buried under the brim of his hat.

In fact, their experiments were going well until the Executioner Squad intervened, but their opponents were a little too experienced on the battlefield.

But overall, the experiment was very successful, just not perfect.

Not wanting to see these loyal children blaming themselves, he comforted them with a soft voice.

"It doesn't matter, my children, a small mistake is nothing to us, not to mention we have already obtained the data we need."

"The experiment at Pinecone Wood Farm is over. Take those data and evacuate from the passage under your feet. Someone will meet you at the end of the passage."

"Qi Tribe will handle the aftermath for us. The apostle buried his head and said respectfully.

"Yes! Lord Bishop."

A smile of approval appeared on Luo Gan's face.

However, at this moment, his brows furrowed slightly, and he vaguely felt something unusual.


That is his title, but it is usually secular people or peripheral apostles who call him that.

A more official title would be forerunner or pioneer.

Even some apostles close to the core of the Torch Church will use the titles "bishop" and "pastor" in private, but this usually does not occur in communication between superiors and subordinates.

Of course, such a trivial matter did not make him unhappy, he just felt a little confused.

In order to answer the confusion in his heart, he looked down at the apostle and said.

"My child, lift your head." "Let me see your eyes."

The apostle was obviously stunned for a moment, obviously not understanding what he meant, but he still obeyed

He did as he was told, slowly raised his head, and met his eyes.

There is nothing unusual about those eyes.

It writes about the doubts and confusions that normal people would have.

The only flaw -

I'm afraid it's just a little too artificial. It doesn't look like human eyes.

And like "things" wearing human skin...

At this moment, Luo Gan finally realized where that sense of dissonance came from.

As he saw through his poor acting skills, his muddy eyes gradually became filled with murderous intent, and he stretched out his withered fingers towards the screen in front of him.

He's going to tear this guy apart!

At the same time as he stretched out his hand, the paper man hidden in the screen seemed to have sensed the crisis and suddenly ran away, as if wanting to distance himself from him.

The picture on the screen shook violently, as if there was an earthquake. The man desperately escaped into the underground tunnel, but no matter how he escaped, he was still on the paper-thin screen.

He didn't know how this guy got into his memory partition, but if it thought it could get out of here alive, it would be too naive.

Looking at the poor guy who got into the cage because of his cleverness, Luo Gan's lips gradually turned up into a cruel smile.

"You can't escape."

But at this moment, an accident happened.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, the screen that was just a few feet away from him disappeared with a "pop" sound.

Holding his right hand in the empty space, his expression instantly froze, and then a trace of anger emerged from his muddy boy's eyes.


Being set up...

That Zhao Tian was dead, so he stopped caring about the useless corpse, but he didn't expect that the abandoned interface installed in that guy's head would be used by the other party.

Under such circumstances, the body of that person could still be recovered... You underestimated those bed bugs.

The index finger clicked on the communication interface.

Luo Gan was about to inform the four apostles who stayed in the settlement about the leaked intelligence, but the communication interruption icon was hung next to the four names.

His expression gradually changed from stunned to solemn.

After occupying the mind interference device, the opponent did not turn it off, but further increased the output power, and the interference range also expanded beyond the manor.

No wonder they removed Band 03's interference with the survivors so quickly.

Now no one can contact the four apostles in the settlement. We can only pray that they will be smart and evacuate from the settlement immediately if something goes wrong.

The only good thing is that I can't contact the four apostles, and the Alliance people shouldn't be able to contact the soldiers in the settlement.

At least for a while, those kids were safe.

However, even so, Luo Gan still couldn't be optimistic.

He closed his cloudy eyes, fell into deep thought, sighed softly, and said to himself.

"It's difficult..." The bridge of the Heart of Steel.

Zhao Tianqian's body was lying on a stretcher and had been cold for some time.

When the previous "Viper" transport plane returned, it took it to the alliance's military base at the junction of the provinces. Later, under Chu Guang's order, it was moved here by another "Viper".

At this moment, an expressionless android was kneeling next to him, his index finger poking into his nostril, and a light blue data stream flashed in the hole.

Suddenly, its body swayed slightly and its eyes closed. At the same time, a thin stream of green smoke came out of the corpse's nostrils.

It's like something has been burned.

Sun Eclipse opened his eyes again, and the blue stream of data had disappeared, and his index finger was pulled out from the corpse's nostril.

Having been waiting for a long time, Hanshuang stepped forward and asked more anxiously than anyone else when he finally saw the result.

"how's it going?"

solar eclipse

He glanced at Hanshuang, then at Chu Guang who was standing aside, and said in a calm tone.

"There is a passage leading outside in the basement of the church. Those apostles should be there." "Thank you for your hard work!"

Chu Guang nodded in thanks, and then ordered Xiao Qi to update the new information and tasks on the players' terminals.

Although the signals in the manor area were interfered with by the psychic interference device, the official forum in the other world was not affected in any way.

His good brothers who are good at exploiting game bugs specially arranged for a person to squat offline to guard them in order to receive first-hand information when communication is interrupted.

It is a pleasure to play games with smart people.

"You're welcome! It's our honor to serve you," Hanshuang said with a bright and charming smile on his face before Sun Eclipse, "If you need anything, please feel free to trouble us!"

Sun Eclipse didn't speak, but looked at his right hand silently, his eyes full of confusion.

"It's weird..." it muttered to itself. How did that guy see it?

This chapter has been completed!
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