Chapter 666 A rain forest full of dangers

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At the same time that the Southern Islands Federation patrol left, the exploration team led by Yin Leina and Elf King Fugui also happened to leave the camp and go deep into the jungle.

There are only ten people in this makeshift team. Except for the two leaders, the other four are players who have just passed LV10. They are equipped with basic miner exoskeletons and light and heavy protective gear plug-ins.

The flames set off by the incendiary bombs had been extinguished, and the rustling of insects resounded all around, as if nothing had happened.

No one dares to take it lightly.

The locals would rather live on the island than on land, not because they have a soft spot for the island scenery.

Although most players set foot on this unfamiliar land with enthusiasm for the new map, no one is willing to actually become the excrement of alien species.

Especially on the first day when I haven't even earned my money back on the air ticket.

"This is the seaside port area of ​​Schloan City. One kilometer further northwest is the seaside residential area, where there are groups of villas and pleasant seaside parks..."

Comparing the travel brochure in her hand, Yin Leina glanced at the lush tropical vegetation around her, her expression gradually taking on a subtle tone. It cannot be said to be exactly the same as what was pictured in the travel brochure, it can only be said to be completely unrelated.

Although Qingquan City also has large areas of the city covered by vegetation, the situation here is completely different.

Although there is still a small amount of reinforced concrete left here, most of them are the remains of urban drainage systems and highway facilities.

And most of them have been torn apart, and their original appearance cannot even be seen.

As for those high-rise buildings and coastal villa groups, they have naturally disappeared completely, and no trace of their existence can be seen.

After staring at the map in the booklet and studying it for a while, Elf Wang Fugui took out a pencil and drew a circle on the north side of the port, and tapped on it with the tip of the pen.

"The underground parking lot in the residential area on the north side of the harbor may form puddles... just like the one in Qingquan City.

Yin Leina gave him a funny look.

"Become a nest of alien species like Qingquan City?" Elf King Fugui thought while stroking his chin.

"The possibility is not small!"

Yin Leina said with a smile.

"Yes, the two tasks can be done together." "To be on the safe side, let's divide them into groups first.

The Elf King Fugui ordered the team to be divided into three groups and advance forward in a triangle, so that even if they encountered an unexpected situation, they would not be wiped out in one wave.

And if one group encounters danger, the other two groups can quickly provide support from both wings.

This is the experience that veteran players like them have summed up on the battlefield, and they just take this opportunity to teach it to the newbies.

However, although the plan was very thorough, the speed at which the group moved forward was not ideal.

In less than three kilometers of cross-country travel, they encountered at least ten alien attacks.

In the two most dangerous times, they even encountered a mutated giant python with a waist as wide as a bucket, and a group of mutated dog-nosed bats that looked like pterodactyls.

If Brother Fugui hadn't reacted quickly enough and shot an exploding arrow at the group of mutant canis bats that hadn't dispersed yet, this improvised convoy would have almost overturned!

In addition to those strange-looking alien species, the dense vegetation in the rainforest itself is a huge obstacle.

The vines buried in the bushes can trip people up if not careful, and the vines formed into a network are like natural low walls.

"Oh my god... the vegetation here is too dense." He used a hatchet to cut off the vines blocking the road.

The vines on the road, the power players wearing heavy armor couldn't help but smack their tongues.

"Why don't we just set fire to it?"

The agile player who followed behind with a rifle complained softly, carefully watching the surrounding jungle and the shadows making rustling sounds.

The physique player walking in the back row said with a smile.


Molotov cocktails? Are you kidding me, bro, this is a tropical rainforest..."

According to historical data, a napalm bomb can cover 2,500 square meters of land, but it can only burn about 50 square meters of tropical rainforest on average.

Trees in a wet environment are completely different from dehydrated construction lumber, and completely removing an entire rainforest would cost astronomical amounts of fuel.

The cost would probably be higher than clearing out the fruit-containing mycelium around Jinhe City.

"...····By the way, this damn place was really a city before?"

Wiping the sweat from his forehead and looking at the chipped woodcutter, the strength beast walking in the front couldn't help but complain.

"It looks like from the pre-war map, we should be near the highway now." The physique player at the back pulled out the booklet inserted into the exoskeleton, looked at it, and stuffed it back.

"Highway? Here?"

The agility player looked back at him in surprise. The latter nodded and continued concisely.

Two centuries have passed. Typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, and wild vegetation... no one has maintained it. It is not surprising that the traces of civilization have been erased."

The three people’s in-game nicknames are Squirtle, Blastoise, and Hanbagui, a physical expert.

From the nicknames, it is not difficult to tell that the three of them are good buddies who have known each other in real life, and maybe they are still in the same dormitory.

This kind of situation is not particularly rare in "Wasteland OL". After all, the distribution of closed beta qualifications for this game has never been truly random and tendentious.

According to the analysis of an A-test expert on the forum, "Wasteland OL" is ostensibly a game, but in fact it intends to create a virtual community where AI and people can get along well. Therefore, in theory, if both players meet the operational requirements

According to the selection criteria of the merchants, and they happen to be very familiar with each other, the probability of being issued a closed beta qualification together is not small.

Of course, this is only one of the factors that affects the weight value of the screening. After chatting for a few words, the three stopped talking. While observing the surrounding situation attentively, they carefully moved forward and continued to explore. They parted a dense bush.

, a collapsed concrete structure quickly caught the eye of [Squirtle], who was leading the charge.

Green vines wrap around the cracked concrete wall. On one side of the wall is land with lush weeds, and on the other side is a pit that is more than ten meters wide and bottomless.

"I'll go over and take a guys cover me." Squirtle swallowed, hung the woodcutter on the exoskeleton, put on the assault rifle and spat.

Approached carefully.

No alien sounds were heard.

After carefully checking the wall wrapped with vines and confirming that there was no danger, he took out a flashlight and approached it, shining a light on the bottomless pit.

The bright beam of light reached the deepest part of the pit, and floating waves of light caught his eye.

Listening to the ticking sound of the water droplets falling into the water, a hint of joy suddenly appeared on [Squirtle]'s face, and he turned around and called out to his teammates behind him.

""There's water here-

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the panic printed on the faces of his two teammates.

"Your back!" "Come back!"

Almost at the same time as the two teammates screamed, [Squirtle], who was standing next to the puddle, felt a huge force hit his side.

That's a vine as thick as an arm!

That thing was like a tape measure. The moment it hit him, it quickly wrapped around his exoskeleton breastplate twice and pulled him back violently.


The air was completely squeezed out of his chest, and [Squirtle], who was almost suffocated, opened his eyes wide, and his eyeballs almost fell out of his sockets. He felt like a flying insect falling into a pitcher plant.

Driven by his survival instinct, he reached out and grabbed the edge of the pothole.

However, the force exerted on his chest became stronger and stronger, and even the polymer linings inserted into the exoskeleton were pressed inward.


"Brother Jie! Hold on!"

[Water Turtle] opened it with quick eyes and hands and hung it under the barrel of the gun.

He set the safety of the grenade launcher and fired a high-explosive round at the half-collapsed concrete wall.

The explosion of fire exploded on the wall, but the flying fragments only scraped off a layer of wall dust and a few pieces of emerald green debris, but still could not stop the thick and powerful vines from continuing to tighten and pull downward.


Using the last of his strength, Squirtle, who had already rolled his eyes, gritted his teeth, took off the VM on his arm, and threw it towards his teammates.

Almost at the same time, he rolled his eyes. He could no longer hold on, and was dragged into the bottomless abyss by the vines.

"Jenny!" "Jackie!!"

Seeing their teammates being swallowed by unknown plants, the two teammates let out a tragic roar.

However, the roar was quickly swallowed up in the dark green rain forest, leaving only the rustling of leaves and the rustling of insects.

Picking up the VM stained with mud from the ground, [Blastoise] put his hand on the helmet with a sad look on his face, took a deep breath and said.

"This is Group B. We discovered that there is abundant fresh water under a concrete structure, but there seems to be a monster living inside..."

The answer came quickly from the communication channel. Elf King Fugui: "Monster?!"

"To be should be plants," he glanced at the deep pit with a lingering look. The water arrow turtle swallowed and continued, "Brother Jie was killed in an instant, and we didn't even have time.

Call for support.

There was silence in the communication channel for a while.

Along with the rustling sound of electricity, Elf King Fugui continued. "... Got it, wait for us there, we'll come over right now."

The water arrow turtle nodded quickly. "Okay!"

After hanging up the communication, he put Squirtle's VM into his backpack, and then took a longing look at the concrete structure that had returned to silence.

It was completely impossible to tell that it was a trap from the outside. "Poor Brother Jie was gone in an instant."

Hanbagui sighed and his eyes drifted to the rainforest to one side, but he just happened to

What I saw was a big tree as thick as a bucket, with dense rows of green berries growing from its roots.

That thing looks familiar.

He couldn't help but let out a sigh, leaned down, reached out and picked one out from the root of the tree, held it in the palm of his hand and looked at it.

Seeing his actions, the Water Arrow Turtle standing aside asked curiously.

"what are you doing?"

Standing up from the ground, Hanbagui threw the green berry in his hand to him.

"Does it look familiar?"

The water arrow turtle stretched out his hand to catch it, but only glanced at it, his eyes suddenly widened.

"Kind of... Wait, shit! This is that one!" "Which one?"

Attracted by his startled expression, Han Bagui cast a curious look at him.

Without taking a breath, the water arrow turtle looked at him in shock and said, "Naguo! This thing is Naguo!"

Hearing his answer, Hanbagui immediately came to his senses. "What the hell?!"

The sun set in the sky to the west, and half a day had passed since the Alliance's cargo airship arrived at the Baiyue Strait.

In just half a day, there have been ten deaths in the new map.

Five of the cases occurred in the forest surrounding the camp, and the other five occurred on the beach, fairly evenly distributed.

In addition, twelve players suffered serious injuries that were difficult to heal during the exploration mission.

In order not to waste precious game time, these players decisively chose to give up treatment after saving through the hibernation cabin.

The airships of the Niuma Group will carry archived data, VMs, and recovered active materials back to the alliance territory for the warriors.

And this service is provided free of charge.

For a camp with more than 300 people, the loss of more than 20 people is already a serious loss.

At this moment, Fang Chang finally understood the meaning of the meaningful words left by the NPC when he left.

I bet the other party doesn't think they can stay here forever.

Think about it too.

If this land was really so easy to cultivate, they wouldn't have given up on the resource-rich land and gone to live on the island.

However, although this high loss is unacceptable to the NPC, it is just a drop in the bucket for the players.

Open a new map.

A little bit of death is totally acceptable.

"...The speed of removing the rainforest plots is still too slow. We should hire the Jungle Corps." Fang Chang thought as he stared at the camp shrouded in dusk.

At this moment, the communication request icon suddenly appeared on the VM screen.

Seeing Lao Na's ID appear on the screen, Fang Chang took out his headphones and put them on, stretched out his index finger and pressed the connect button.

"Hello?" "I'm Yin Leina. "What's wrong?"

"We found Danshui here, but the situation there is not very optimistic. It is suspected that a large carnivorous plant has taken over there, and it may take some time to clear it out. In addition, we found some nachos nearby, which seem to be wild.


Upon hearing this piece of information, Fang Chang was stunned. "Wild Naguo?!"

Yin Leina: "e... How do you say it? It's a little different from the artificially bred ones we saw in Jinchuan Province. The reproduction speed of this thing is not fast, and it grows on specific areas like fungus.

It is on the tree, and it is only a shallow layer distributed along the roots of the tree. If you don’t look carefully, it can be easily confused with the berries in the bush.”

Fang Chang frowned slightly and immediately asked, "Where is the soil nearby? Is it contaminated?"

Yin Leina: "I haven't seen any contaminated soil... As for whether it can be seen under a microscope, I don't know. I only have a magnifying glass here. I'm wondering if there is a possibility that these naturally growing sodium

The fruit is the original appearance of Naguo, and what we encountered in Jinchuan Province is an improved variety implanted with mutant slime mold DNA."

The official website setting seems to describe it in the same way.

The earliest Naguo was introduced to the Haiyia Province from the southern sea. Before the Torch Church introduced the genes of the mutant slime mold into it and spread it as the cornerstone of the Kingdom of Heaven, it was just a group of special tropical fungi.

That's all.

Just like fungus.

Fang Chang thought for a moment and said immediately, "Collect some samples for me." Yin Leina smiled.

"No problem! By the way, we sacrificed a teammate in order to recover the sample. That guy's equipment cost a lot of money. Look at this..."

Fang Chang rolled his eyes. "Is ten thousand silver coins enough?"

With a satisfied smile on her face, Yin Leina said happily, "Deal!"

The port of the roundabout on the other side.

A man in luxurious clothing, accompanied by Coast Patrol Officer Mudar and two federal soldiers, boarded the deck of the Meat cargo ship.

Seeing the group of people stepping onto the deck from a distance, Zhimahu quietly returned to the cabin with Misa and a group of children who had come out for fun.

Pushing open the door to the captain's cabin and walking down the gangway, Sisi glanced at the leader, then looked at the only Mu Da she knew, and asked pleasantly.

"Who is this?"

Mu Da looked at the man beside him and introduced him in a respectful tone.

"This is the Governor of the Roundabout, Mr. Channing, and this gentleman is in charge of this port and the settlement behind it.


After listening to Mu Da's introduction, a hint of surprise flashed across Si Si's face. Then he looked at the governor with a smile and said politely.

"Hello, dear Mr. Governor, do you know why you came to our ship?"


Ning said expressionlessly.

"You have been here for three days. If you were planning to buy supplies, you should have replenished them long ago.

Sisi said apologetically.

"I'm very sorry. Our ship has some minor problems and may need to stay at your port for a few days. Of course, we will pay for the detention... I have consulted the port manager and it is 1,000 per day.

Dinar right?”

Channing stared at her for a while, then suddenly said, "You are from the Alliance."

Sisi was stunned for a moment and raised his eyebrows slightly. "How did you see that?"

"We did a little investigation in Silver Moon Bay, the White Bear Knights, right?" While speaking, Channing glanced at the flag hanging above the cabin.

Seeing that the other party had confirmed their identity, Sisi knew that even denying it would be meaningless and would appear to be a lack of sincerity on his part, so he simply admitted it generously.

"Yes, I am indeed a citizen of the Alliance, but this ship is not an Alliance warship, it is just a cargo ship we bought in Silver Moon Bay. Chanin waved her hand and interrupted her.

"I'm too lazy to waste time talking in circles. Let's get straight to the point. What are you planning? You, those people, that airship parked to the west!"

Sisi just planned to say that he didn't know those people, just like everyone had agreed on the forum in advance, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble.

But at this moment, she suddenly caught a hint of unnoticeable fear in the governor's eyes.

She was sure that she had read it correctly, and that fearful look only appeared after confirming their identities and origins.

Then Sisi remembered the clues he had obtained from the previous investigation mission issued by the administrator—the Federation of the Southern Islands was established under the leadership of supporters of the Torch Church, and before that, these settlements were under the jurisdiction of Vault 70.


If there are supporters of the Torch Church within the Federation of the Southern Islands, or even apostles of the Torch Church, then it is not difficult to understand why they are so sensitive to the actions of the Alliance.


After discovering that they were members of the Alliance, they did not immediately show hostile behavior, but chose to test them first.

Obviously, these people are not die-hard allies with the Torch Church, but only agree on the stance on Vault 70.

In other words, these people can actually be won over.

With a slight movement in his heart, Sisi immediately changed his mind flexibly and acted as if he knew the situation of the airship very well.

It's like this Meat cargo ship is also part of a certain plan.

"Please don't be so nervous. As you can see, we just set up a few tents there. It's more than a hundred sea miles away from you, so it won't bother you."

"Do you think I will believe it?" Channing stared at her and sneered, "You came all the way thousands of kilometers here just to put up a few tents?"

Sisi shrugged his shoulders, making an expression that seemed to be seen through.

"Okay, let's be honest... We plan to build a settlement there to take in the survivors who escaped from the Xilan Empire, those Yue people."

Channing still looked unbelieving.

"What do you care about those people? Does their life and death have anything to do with you?"

Facing the obviously probing eyes, Si Si smiled calmly and said.

"It doesn't matter, but it can't be said that it doesn't matter at all. They are all survivors in the wasteland, and it is our duty to end the wasteland. We will reach out to take care of any hidden dangers that may pose a threat to the civilized world. If you didn't do it,

Don’t worry about us. Unless we really can’t stand it, we rarely interfere in the affairs of other survivors’ settlements.”

When she said the second half of the sentence, her tone took on a hint of meaning.

It was obvious that he had heard the hint, and Governor Channing's expression froze as he stared at her and said.

"What do you mean."

Looking at him with a smile on his face, Sisi said bluntly. "We heard a rumor that someone planned to cooperate with the madmen in Haiya Province to introduce the mycelium of Nago from the land into the ocean."

Channing narrowed his eyes, a dangerous light reflected in the slits of his eyes. "...Does this have anything to do with you?"

Not paying attention to the threat in his eyes, Sisi simply nodded and said matter-of-factly.

"Of course there is, and it's not a small matter. The plague on land is enough to give us a headache. If those madmen still plan to get them into the sea and make this planet a mess, all our efforts will be in vain.

All in vain.

"This planet?"

Channing chuckled, looked at her and continued.

"We haven't seen as far as you, but how did you know that putting that thing in the ocean would mess up the planet instead of making it more normal?"

Si Si raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Oh? Do you think that would be more normal?"

"Do you think it's normal now?" Channing asked with a sneer, "Before those lunatics you call transferred the mind interference technology to us, our fishermen and businessmen had to go to sea with their heads in their belts, and this

It's all because of the alien species in the sea!" "And now, the experiments of those lunatics you mentioned in Haiya Province have achieved enough results, and both the alien species and slime mold have become as honest as sunfish!

If we can introduce that thing to the southern seas, we can not only obtain a large and safe fishing ground, but also completely eliminate the brood nest parasitic on the wreckage of the Tianting space station!"

"That thing is the source of all evil, the source of all alien species... Its DNA has been polluting the entire ocean for two hundred years! Do you think this is "normal"? Now we can solve this once and for all

Please tell me why we don't do this!"

Sisi looked at him and asked.

"Does Vault 70 think so too?" Channing curled his lips in disdain.

"Those guys have been dumbfounded in the shelter, they think

The whole world should run according to their methods. Only by following their arrangements is it good, fast and correct. It seems that as long as we behave

If you be obedient, the world can go back to two hundred years ago, and they can bring back the utopia painted on the toilet paper... Even now they can't explain how that utopia disappeared."

Si Si fell into deep thought.

She initially thought that these people were just like the survivors of Singularity City, and were simply being led by the church's sticklers, but she did not expect that they made their choices after careful consideration.

"Have you ever thought about that thing that the torch gave you...that fruit is not as beautiful as you imagined."

Channing said frankly.

"Yes, that thing is indeed not perfect yet, just like the mind interference device. But at least those people have come up with some results, and we just need to make good use of it and minimize its negative effects. The situation will always be

Is it much better than now, or do you have a better way?"

"Yes," Si Si looked at him seriously, "We have solved the brood nest in Qingquan City... You should know about it, right? In the past, researchers from Vault 70 would regularly go there to collect samples.

"Hearing this, Channing's face showed a trace of surprise. It was obvious that he did not understand the recent events in Qingquan City.

But soon, his eyes narrowed slightly again. This was the second time.

The governor's eyes flashed with danger.

"I was just wondering, how do you know us so well...Have you had any contact with people from Vault 70 recently?" It wasn't just his expression that was getting worse.

The eyes of the two soldiers standing behind him also began to flash with dangerous light.

"To be precise, our managers have been in contact with their managers. However, we did not listen to their words just because we are all residents of the shelter. Just like now

, we are seeking your opinions."

Not paying attention to this guy's threat, Sisi stared into his eyes without changing his expression and continued speaking word by word.

"I ask for your opinion again. If we have a better way to deal with the mother nest hosted on the Tianting space station, are the survivors of the ring island willing to give us a chance to prove ourselves."

Channing chuckled.

"Those people are much more generous than you. They promise not only to solve the nest of Tianting, but also the alien species in the entire sea area..."

When he said this, he suddenly stopped.

Perhaps feeling that the euphemistic wording was not only asking for his opinion, but also a last chance for himself and the island at his feet, the governor finally took back the polite refusal that came to his lips.

"... If you are willing to give it a try, then give it a try. The survivors of the roundabout have no reason to refuse you, but it is hard to say for the federal authorities. Some of them themselves are apostles of the torch."

Hearing this answer, Si Si breathed a sigh of relief and had a happy smile on his face.

Her judgment was correct.

Just as she initially guessed, the newly formed federation only reached a consensus on the issue of Vault 70, and the Torch Church did not completely win them over to its chariot.

Local survivors can be fought for!

"I will pay attention. In addition, I want to talk to Shelter 70. If you can cease the fire first, our work will go smoothly.


Channing chuckled and said.

"Then I can't help you. The war is a federal matter. You have to go to North Island to discuss it with the president of the federation. And I advise you not to waste your time. The conflict between us and those guys is not just about whether to let the Torch people come.

To solve the matter of the Heavenly Court's brood, they must pay the price for their arrogance."

Sisi continued to ask.

"Can you tell me the reason for your fighting? There must be a trigger.

Channing replied impatiently.,

Danshui. Sisi was stunned for a moment. "Danshui?" Channing nodded.

"There are no fresh water lakes on the man-made islands in the southern seas. There are nearly a million survivors living here. We cannot all rely on rainwater. The fresh water on each island is mainly supplied by seawater dewatering devices.

Sisi: "They occupied that place?" Channing waved his hand.

"It's much more than that. In order to make us obey, they first closed the facility, and then blew it up after we occupied the facility. And not only that... they also destroyed a total of twelve of our buildings.

Ocean current generators and offshore mining wells. Fortunately, we still have solar and wind power to make ends meet, but life is still very tight." Sisi thought for a moment and said.

"I understand... By the way, regarding Danshui, we may be able to help before you restore power."

Channing was stunned for a moment and looked at her strangely.

"You? This is a settlement of 100,000 people. How do you plan to help? Will you help us transport it from Silver Moon Bay?"

This bragging is a bit too much.

Especially just three days ago, these guys bought more than ten cubic meters of Danshui from their port at a high price. If there was really a way to solve the Danshui problem, would there be any need to spend that wasted money?

Not paying attention to the suspicious look, Sisi continued. "Didn't I just say that we plan to build a new settlement next to the Baiyue Strait to deal with the mother nest in the southern sea and at the same time take in those Yue people who have fled. There.

It is land and has abundant water resources. It can be used by 10 million people, not to mention 100,000 people, and the cost is definitely much cheaper than converting seawater."

"Come on," Channing waved his hand and said with a smile, "The settlement? If you can persist there for two months, I'm wrong." He narrowed his eyes slightly, and a smile appeared on Si Si's lips.


"Then let's try it."

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