Chapter 755 Use the wave to fight the wave!

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As time went by, the offensive of bacterial variants became more and more fierce, and eventually some "new varieties" that had never appeared in the Weifu Wasteland even appeared.

Those monsters were like an endless stream, pouring out of the gray-green mist, and their combat power was getting stronger and stronger.


The players in the alliance did not feel scared because of this, but became more and more excited.

Anyway, three days of OB is inevitable, so it’s better to die in a more spectacular way!

With such thoughts, the morale of the players seems to be endless, and no matter what kind of casualties they endure, there is no trace of fear or retreat.

With their brothers, the lawless gangsters moved their positions while fighting. With sufficient ammunition, they were able to hold a stalemate with the incoming bacterial mutants.

As we all know, the realm of heaven is controlled by mind interference devices. There is also a research facility hidden somewhere in the realm. There are apostles of the torch in the research facility.

Whether it is for the purpose of hiding themselves or preserving their strength, those guys hiding in the dark cannot be allowed to continue to be consumed like this.

Seeing more and more corpses piled on the wasteland, perhaps because they could not bear the continuous losses, or perhaps because they wanted to show off to the alliance, some unusual "evolved bodies" gradually appeared in the gray mist.


With a deafening roar, a machine gun position in the front row suddenly "flyed" into the sky.



Looking at the two players who fell to the ground with a scream, a look of surprise appeared on the face of the outlaw.

At this moment, dull footsteps penetrated the thick fog, and a huge long horn came into view.

That guy doesn't look like any other creature on earth, but rather looks a bit like a prehistoric ceratopsian.

The rotten pieces of flesh were sewn together with dark green mycelium, and the chitin-like carapace stacked up in layers looked as hard as armor. Its horns were only as long as one floor, and its body had three layers.

The building is so high.

Like moving mountains!

It's hard to imagine how this thing came out of the ground, or is it hidden somewhere where the drone can't see it.

But these are no longer important. The key is that this majestic and huge "strategic biological weapon" is probably beyond the scope of infantry weapons... Even a tank is enough.

The lawless maniac couldn't help but think that if this guy sprinted with all his strength, even if the huge concrete wall of Boulder City was placed here, a corner would be broken by that guy...

"Oh my this a boss fight?" The player standing next to him swallowed.

"Then the question is...what is this thing called?"

"According to general practice, whoever discovers the name will be named, and if no one is named, the system will automatically name it..."

"How about siege beasts?"

Even at this juncture, these newbies present still had the time to name the monsters.

The only "old player" present was almost resigned to his fate.

"It's all over this time..." The lawless gangster smiled bitterly and stuffed an incendiary bomb into the shotgun. At the same time, he called on the brothers beside him to take out the RPG rocket launcher and aimed it at the guy's head.

Say hello.

However, practice has proven that this is simply in vain.

The flames sprayed from the shotgun only left a "spot" on the guy's horny armor. The RPG's armor-piercing bullets were able to penetrate its defense, but the little water-like metal jet was not enough to destroy it.

It burns to death.

In the final analysis, it is not a creature in the ordinary sense. It is even more unnatural than those mutants who have been decapitated and reborn. It does not even have a nerve center.

What controls its activities is the Nagomycelium, which in turn is controlled by the mind interference device.

The consciousness from the "Kingdom of Heaven" controls all the puppets in the realm. This is the essence of the "Kingdom of Heaven" depicted by the torch.

It is also its most powerful and terrifying place!

Perhaps enraged by the scorching flames, the "siege beast" let out a dull cry, moved its heavy limbs and crashed into the players' positions.

The twisted long horn plowed a shocking ravine in the dark land, directly dividing the player's position into two parts in the middle.

Two more machine gun positions were forced to shut down, and a gap finally appeared in the dense fire network, allowing the "walking corpses" and "corpse dogs" that kept rushing up to find an opportunity to follow the gap in the fire network.

It broke into the players' last line of defense.

Being thrown to the ground by a group of zombies, [High-end Ingredients], who used up the last bullet, used his last bit of strength to shout at the blood-covered outlaws.

"Captain——! See you in three days..."

After wiping away the blood from Mohu's left eye, the outlaw grinned at him.

"Well, see you in three days!"

After saying that, he raised the shotgun and sprayed out an incendiary bomb. The hot and dazzling white phosphorus engulfed the cute boy and the zombies lying on him.

Not long after, surrounded by zombies, he detonated the explosives tied to his body and dissipated into a rain of blood in the dust of the explosion...

At the same time, the coordinates of the bombardment were also sent to Laishan Mountain, which was more than ten kilometers away.

The battle lasted for a full hour until the last player fell.

The number of bacterial variants that were annihilated was as high as 3,000!

This is equivalent to an average of hundreds of kills per player.

For the "7" newcomers who have just completed the task of passing on the torch and officially entered the wasteland with a vm, this result is already quite outstanding.

Facing the devastated ruins, the bacterial mutant that had lost its target began to turn its attention to the corpses at its feet.

Their life activities require nutrition, and no organic matter can be wasted, whether it is the enemy's or one's own.

The dark green slurry flowing under the earth began to gather towards this area, and thin threads extended from the thick trunk, entangled with the corpses.

They are like blood vessels, absorbing all available nutrients from those dead lives.

Although there are some smelly "dirty things" left on these corpses, it only needs to be inactivated first and then digested.

Not just corpses.

The walking corpses, corpse dogs...even siege beasts and all other fungal mutants all prostrated on the ground, letting the dark green vines climb up their bodies.

However, the benevolent Kingdom of Heaven did not swallow its children together. Instead, after establishing a connection with them, it slowly pulled them beneath the surface of the earth...

There is loss in the transformation of substances, and the more complex the synthesis path, the greater the loss.

If each synthetic fungus is transformed using the most primitive method, it won't be long before the Kingdom of Heaven's nutrients are exhausted, and like a slime mold, it expands to its limit and then collapses.

So they chose another “smarter” recycling method——

Bury "organs" that are temporarily unused in the soil.

But just when they were about to do so, a piercing scream suddenly came from the air.

The sound was like the whisper of death, and it came to their heads in an instant.

As soon as the siege beast raised its heavy head and opened its closed eyes, a dazzling white light took away its vision.

In its dim consciousness, it seemed to see a rising mushroom cloud and a heat wave sweeping across the earth.

The deafening roar was far louder than its voice, and even collapsed the ground beneath its feet.

Before it could react, the hot shock wave tore apart its flesh...

In the distance, a thin line of white smoke streaked into the sky from the main gun of the Loyalty airship.

The rocket extended-range projectile launched by the 400mm main gun delivers the cloud explosive warhead carrying solid fuel to the target battlefield.

This is the last step of the battle, clearing the battlefield where the battle has ended.

And the launch of this step of the combat plan also means that there are no friendly forces surviving in that area...

"Confirm impact point."

"The hit counts."

Come to the top of the mountain.

The Wilant soldiers who were guiding the bombardment targets from the rear reported the bombing results to the airship, and then fell silent after hanging up the communication.

A few minutes ago, they received artillery coordinates from friendly forces as planned.

Although they didn't know what the high command's plan was, they knew exactly what the information containing the coordinates meant.

Even if they have war written in their genes and blood vessels, it is impossible for them to carry out those fatal missions, and their commanders are even less likely to issue such orders.

Even though they were opponents, they couldn't help but feel a bit of respect in their hearts and silently paid them military courtesy.

These guys...are truly ruthless!

But at this moment, looking at the burning battlefield, the Human Emperor had a stunned expression on his face.

After a while, his expression regained his composure, and he thought to himself.

"...Are you going to fight a war of attrition with me?"

Even for well-preserved corpses, the recovery efficiency of nutrients is not 100%. It can be as high as 50%, which is already very high.

Especially for those "evolved bodies" with highly differentiated tissue structures, decomposing their corpses requires a huge amount of nutritional energy, and the final nutritional balance is less than 10%.

In comparison, smaller fruiting bodies are relatively easy to recover... which are what the coalition soldiers call "bacterial variants".

But even for those guys, the conversion efficiency is only about 30~40%.

Recycling three corpses can probably be combined into one.

If the coalition adopts a war of attrition strategy, it is indeed a suitable idea.

After all, he couldn't just leave those troops alone and let those guys roam around in his territory, searching for the psychic interference devices and even research facilities buried underground.

The latter is a necessary part for them to complete their final plan, while the former is related to their control of this heavenly realm.

This is a huge and complex system, and it took them more than ten years to perfect it into what it is now.

"Interesting idea..."

Seeing through the manager's plan, the Human Emperor let out a soft tut, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up into a meaningful smile.

"I admit that you are very capable, but what if I have hundreds of millions of chess pieces? How should you deal with it?"

Compared to the parish under his rule, three thousand bacterial variants were just a piece of dandruff on the giant's head, and they had to sacrifice 40 elites to remove this piece of dandruff.

Even if he catches up with an evolved body, this loss is nothing more than painless to him.

It's a shame that guy can think of using his mortal flesh and blood to fight against natural disasters.

That's as they wish, let's see who is the endless wave!

The official website of "Wasteland OL" and the forum are full of excitement.

Many players have just experienced their first dog leash in the game and are delivering their posthumous remarks.

I'll form the head: "It's so exciting! The Death Corps is awesome!"

The retreating dwarf: "It's really exciting, just how to survive these days. TaT"

Sudden death after staying up late: "I don't feel any pain at all. It's still a little different from reality. I feel that part of the realism has been weakened to cater to most people's tastes. I can only say that it's so-so... But I didn't feel any pain when I watched my intestines being taken out soberly.


Quit smoking: “Damn it, can you ever experience this thing in reality??”

Yin Leina: "This new generation is incredible, I suggest you investigate. (Funny)"

Tails: "Haha, I feel like I have changed too much after seeing this. (⊙x⊙;)"

Sisi: "...?"

Just when a group of players were noisy, as the last wave of players dropped offline, a new announcement was subsequently updated on the forum.

[Northern Route·Haiya Province Information Update!

Bacterial variant: The general name for organisms that are sutured by the mycelium of Nagozoa, and are distinguished from "addicts" who are corroded and controlled by Nagozoa. Generally, biological characteristics are not obvious, there is no nerve center, no fatal injuries, and the degree of tissue damage reaches 10% to 50%.

% interval, it is judged dead. Compared with the slime mold fruiting body, it has stronger toughness (HP) and relatively weaker recovery ability. It has strong resistance to puncture damage and weak resistance to explosion and fire damage.

Walking zombies: The most common bacterial variant, with an appearance similar to humans. The main attack methods are tearing and biting. They were first seen in Weifu Wasteland. It is suspected that the experiment was completed at Pinecone Farm. Individual combat effectiveness is poor. When in groups,

Quite dangerous. Risk factor 1.

Corpse Dog: The next most common bacterial variant, similar in shape to man's best friend. Its attack methods are also mainly tearing and biting, but it has a smaller size and faster speed. The risk factor is 1.

Creeper: Similar in shape to the "crawler" born from the mother nest in Qingquan City, slightly smaller in size, with burnt skin. Its attack method is similar to that of a walking zombie, but its speed and strength are more than three times that of the latter. The risk factor is 2


Spitter: There are obvious differences in appearance from the "Spitter" born from the mother nest in Qingquan City. It looks like a giant worm and can hide in narrow terrain. Its attack method is mainly to spit out highly corrosive organic acids and organic toxins. The risk factor is 1~3.


Incubator: The nest of the bacterial mutants, the "barracks" of the Torch Church, and the incubation organ of the Kingdom of Heaven. When the apostles (or forerunners) in the area determine that the bacterial mutants with a risk coefficient of 1 to 3 are not enough to eliminate the threat, they will be deployed on the surface

Incubators with higher production efficiency use nutrients stored locally to synthesize advanced bacterial variants with a risk coefficient greater than 3, or even hatch "evolved bodies".

Siege Beast: An evolutionary form of bacteria. It is as big as a mountain. It can make the ground shake when it runs. Its horny armor is so hard that it can easily overturn tanks and armored vehicles. It usually appears in highly corrosive lands.

After the war breaks out, it will sink into the soil and rest dormant.

The concept of "regional corrosion degree": It is related to the content of fruit-bearing hyphae in the local soil and can be measured through the test paper developed by the Alliance Biological Research Institute. Generally speaking, the deeper you go into the parish of the Torch Church, the higher the regional corrosion degree, and the monster will be refreshed.

The faster the frequency, the higher the upper limit of the risk factor.

[Recommended gameplay:

Construction of purification station:

Players can use corps or groups as units to go deep into the corrosive area to establish a large "purification base" or a small "purification station", and obtain "purification points" by spawning monsters or completing tasks. Points available for redemption during battle include airdrops of supplies, artillery strikes, and close-range air strikes.

, a series of battlefield support including sub-entity reinforcements, until the purification station is breached or the local corrosion effect is completely removed, it will be considered as clearance, and the remaining points will be automatically converted and accumulated into the 'Final Support Time' column.

The mission reward will be calculated based on the 'support time' and the 'regional corrosion degree' of the beacon location. If you cooperate with the reinforcement of the sub-entities to completely remove the corrosion in the area, you can also get additional reward bonuses!

Search and destroy Torch Church controlled facilities:

In order to conduct evil experiments, the Torch Church has seduced a group of researchers who are desperate for reality to engage in secret research. Cleaning up the corrosion in Haiya Province is to treat the symptoms, and destroying the research facilities controlled by the Torch Church can damage its roots!

These facilities are mainly located in opened (or abandoned) shelters or other underground research facilities. Since most of those shelter facilities are designed to defend against strategic weapons attacks, it is difficult to directly destroy them from the outside.

The Coalition High Command has authorized necessary incursions into Torch-controlled shelters. If the controlling party refuses to surrender, all means may be used to disable the facility.

In addition to research facilities, there are also some processing facilities that are suspected of carrying black boxes. If a black box left behind in the Prosperous Era is found, the residents of Vault 404 are obliged to keep it intact and recycle it as a tool to rebuild civilization.

(Note: This action needs to keep the battle video turned on throughout the entire process, and the task rewards will be determined based on the player's overall words and deeds)

The moment the announcement was sent out, the newcomers who were still delivering death remarks were immediately attracted by this sudden announcement.

Quit smoking: "Holy shit! Is this an endless mode?"

Edge of water: "Unlimited monster spawning!!"

Construction site boy and Brick: "Brothers!! Form a team!"

Debt-eyed: "Ouch!"

Commander Quanshui: "It's not considered an endless mode. When the corrosion in the land is cleared, as long as the Type B strain remains occupied, the area will return to normal, and then monsters will not continue to spawn... Probably? (I guess)


WC really has mosquitoes: "So as long as you don't use the points to exchange for Luo Yu's son, and only use them to exchange for ammunition and air raid support, you can continue to collect points, right? (Funny)"

Luo Yu: "???Are you polite?"

Commander Quanshui: "Well, theoretically yes, but the loophole in this rule is too obvious. I am more inclined to think that this is more like a 'tacitly allowed operation'."

Quit smoking: "How to say? (Confused)"

Commander Quanshui: "First of all, in addition to the supplies exchanged for points, the ammunition consumed in the mission must be purchased by the players themselves. However, the mission reward is not calculated based on the number of monsters killed, but based on the 'support time' and '

The degree of corrosion is calculated comprehensively, but according to the test results of Death Corps, the difficulty of the dungeon continues to rise."

"Assuming that the income is y and the time is x, the planning only needs to set an S-shaped nonlinear function as the player's income calculation formula, and set a time threshold t. When time x is less than the threshold t, time is used as the main calculation weight.

When Time


An aside: "Putting it off without ending the dungeon won't do any good except running out of ammunition. If you want to get higher benefits, you have to end the dungeon near the 'threshold' as much as possible, exchange for the maximum benefit, and then consciously go to

Go deeper into the map and challenge higher difficulty dungeons...that's it."

Commander Quanshui: "This is just a very basic numerical design. In detail, you can also set multiple time thresholds, and even link the time threshold to the difficulty - that is, the corrosion parameter. In fact, it can be understood from the perspective of the game.

The operation is also very reasonable. Players have been dragging it to consume the nutrients needed by the Torch Church to blast troops, and clearing the dungeon can expand the area controlled by the coalition. No matter what choice the player makes, it will be profitable for the coalition."

Killing chickens at midnight: "It's too troublesome! If I were to choose the northern route, I would probably choose 2. (wry smile)"

Commander Quan Shui: "What's the trouble? If you grind until you can't grind anymore, just call Xiao Yu's fruiting body and clear the dungeon. The second way of playing is more troublesome. You have to investigate the local intelligence at the same time.

Search for traces of the existence of the Torch Church... The most important thing is that there is basically no need to expect anyone alive to trigger a conversation with you, and a blanket search will probably have to be carried out after the area has been cleared of corrosion."

There are really mosquitoes in WC: "But thinking about it from another angle, it would be great if I could pick up a black box! (bad smile)"

Ye Shi: "@方长, can you do it? You still need Aguang to update it himself? (funny)"

Fang Chang: "I'm on the south line, don't rush me, I'll help you with the guy Aite on the north side. @ Canyon在流 Mol Rat"

The fugitive mole in the canyon: "It's OK to blame the blame, but I'm not a dog's mastermind - bah, I'm not a mastermind!"

Ye Shi: "Ah Guang: You sent it out, right? Your number is gone. (Funny)"

Mole on the run in the canyon: "Brother Guang, I was wrong! You are my brother!! (horror)"

Makabazi: "Hahahaha! Coward! (Funny)"

The bridge of the Heart of Steel.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Chu Guang was browsing the posts on the forum through the holographic screen, with a faint smile on his face.

As the planner and "hidden player" of "Wasteland OL", his understanding of the profession of "manager" has always been very clear.

His responsibility is not to study how to defeat a certain monster or a certain copy. That is what the "big guys" in the server should do.

What he should do is to use the resources at his disposal to formulate a set of rules with reward and punishment mechanisms to encourage those big players to work hard in the "direction where they should work hard."

As long as the rules are well formulated, players will naturally weigh the pros and cons, carefully select the location of a large purification base or a small purification station, and consider how to use limited ammunition and small feather entities to remove regional corrosion more efficiently.

No one knows where their limits are better than those on the front lines.

Whether it is a failed attempt or a successful experience, they will be summarized into guides on the forum.

When he was distributing game helmets, the reason why Chu Guang used forum activity as one of the reference weights was to get as many players who were "willing to share and cooperate" into the game as possible.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be the case for everyone, as long as this group of players accounts for the majority of the total, it is enough.

As for the specific game behavior of one or a few players, that is the player's own business. As long as it is not a common phenomenon, it is not within the scope of his need to consider. If you manage it too carefully, it is easy to focus on one thing and lose another. If you let it play, you will have unexpected gains.

Just like now.

Even without his need to hint, his little players did a good job and even helped him think through the "numerical design strategies" that he had not yet considered.

When setting up mission rewards later, he would ask Xiao Qi to refer to Brother Quanshui's opinions and reflect this part in the settlement of mission rewards.

Now that the Alliance Biological Research Institute has completed the analysis of soil samples, the Death Corps has also completed the "stress test" of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the "work schedule" for next month has been arranged.

Judging from the feedback in the forum posts, players are quite enthusiastic about the new event.

Especially for the newbies who have entered the game, several people have been eager to form a fleet on the forum and are thinking about where to set up the purification station.

In fact, the framework of the coalition's operational plan in the Haiya Province area is basically what is written in the announcement.

That is, on the one hand, we will clean up the corrosion in the Haiyia Province, and on the other hand, we will search for the facilities of the Torch Church in the purification area.

He just woven it into the language of the game and distributed it to the players.

Not only the alliance, but soon legions, companies, colleges and other survivor forces will also formulate their own battle plans and delineate their own war zones.

Soon, purification stations and purification bases will bloom all over the land of Haiya Province. I hope that the guy who calls himself the "Human Emperor" will not be too surprised by what is about to happen.

"I admit that you have a lot of chess pieces in your hand, but what if my player opens?"

Chu Guangdan smiled faintly, and lightly swiped his index finger on the holographic screen, gathering the blue light at his fingertips.

It's only early August.

The coalition forces crossed the Shifeng Mountains and entered the Haiya Province earlier than planned, and the problem that was originally a thorny issue for all parties has now successfully opened a breakthrough.

Use technology to fight technology, and use waves to fight waves.

This war might end sooner than he expected...


This chapter has been completed!
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