Chapter 787 Weird, why did this door open by itself?

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 "Damn! They found us!"

In the control room of the underground facility, looking at the figure appearing on the screen that was finally repaired, the staff member sitting in front of the terminal exclaimed.

A trace of panic also flashed across Arzu's face.

Although before being entrusted with the important task by the Holy Son, he often acted together with the executioners of the Tribunal and experienced many front-line battlefields, but he was not a professional combatant after all, not to mention that even professional combatants may not have so many

The opponent of the regular army.

Most of the Torch Church's research facilities are built on shelters, which is somewhat similar to the Enlightenment Society and even the Alliance.

This underground facility is no exception. It was originally named Vault 182. It was opened in the early days of the Wasteland Era and was later converted into Biological Research Institute No. 182 by the Torch Church to conduct research on Gestalt life forms and their sub-projects.

The entrance to this facility is located in the center of the old site of Fortress Town, and at this moment, the Alliance is sending two platoons of troops to search this direction.

The hearts of all the staff members were in their throats, and there were expressions of panic on all their faces.

"It's probably the mutants on the ground that exposed our traces..." An older researcher swallowed his saliva and cursed, "These pigs don't succeed enough but fail more than they do!"

The researcher standing next to him said nervously.

"Mutants...why are mutants here?!"

Another researcher wearing glasses said solemnly.

"The devil knows... probably the communication equipment is broken and I came here to ask what happened. Damn... these idiots don't know how to adapt to changes!"

Judging from the surveillance footage, there are not just a few mutants hiding in this area, but a team of 100!

He even couldn't help but wonder if these idiots were deserters from the front line!

Some researchers were arguing in disbelief, while others were secretly rejoicing.

The latter are mainly researchers from North Island.

If not for being held at gunpoint by Charas and threatened by the people here to install some kind of brainwashing chip, the devil would be willing to come to this place to design equipment for mutants.

Although they dare not show it on their faces, they are the happiest at the moment.

Now that the Alliance has landed on the Death Coast, Charas must be doomed.

Although they are not out of danger yet, at least their families are safe.

Ignoring the endless quarrels among the staff, Arzu just urged the communication engineer responsible for repairing the communication equipment.

"How long will it take to fix it?"

"Come on, come on! Give me another 10 minutes!" The engineer was facing a tablet, tapping his index finger on the touch screen, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

On the flat screen is a robot that is about the size of a thumb and looks like a flying insect. It is lying in a dense pile of threads, rubbing its needle-thin mechanical arm, and emitting electric light from the tip from time to time.

Finally, just as his sweat dripped on the floor for the Nth time, the insect-like circuit maintenance robot finally completed all the welding operations and repaired the circuit section burned by the electromagnetic pulse.

He took a deep breath and leaned on the chair, wiped the sweat on his forehead and said happily.

"It's done——"

Before he could finish his words, he was pushed away by Arzu who was standing next to him.

The latter eagerly grabbed the tablet, tapped it with his index finger several times, and connected to the tribunal at the rear.

When he saw the [Communication Connected] icon appear on the screen, a trace of ecstasy appeared on his face for an instant, he grabbed the headphones, put them on and shouted desperately.

"Call the Tribunal, this is Research Institute 182! The Alliance is approaching us, we need support!"

Research Institute No. 182 stores a large amount of information about the Gestalt Life Project, and the Tribunal will not leave them alone!

Compared with those mutant cannon fodder, those combat elites armed with black box-produced pre-war era equipment are the real trump cards of the Torch Church!

After a brief silence, a steady and reliable voice came from the other end of the communication channel.

"...This is the disciplinary team. We have received orders to go to your area. Please close the door and wait patiently!"

Hearing this voice that was like the sound of nature, Arzu clenched his fists in excitement.

There is help!

On the other side, there is a mountainous area only 2 kilometers away from the underground facilities.

About 40 soldiers wearing exoskeletons were quietly lurking on the edge of the jungle, their almost completely transparent outlines completely blending into the surrounding environment.

Under the influence of the optical camouflage device, as long as they remain motionless, no one can catch their traces with the naked eye.

Standing in the middle of the team, the man who looked like a captain stared in the direction of the fortress town with a stern expression, and tapped his helmet with his index finger.

"This is the 'Hunter'. We have arrived near the target... We have confirmed that the target was hit by an EMP and lost contact."

The voice of the Holy Son came from the communication channel.

"How's the battle going?"

The man named Hunter said solemnly.

"The Alliance has landed on the shore, and the local garrison has been completely defeated."

There was silence in the communication channel for a while, and it took about half a minute before he continued.

"...bring Arzu and the information from the institute back, and take everyone else away as much as possible, and dispose of the ones that can't be taken away."

A sharp light flashed in the hunter's eyes.


At the same time that Alzu called for reinforcements to the Tribunal, two platoons from the First Battalion and the First Company of the Burning Legion had arrived at the edge of the fortress town, both of which were located in the dense forest.

The settlement is like a castle, with the surrounding terraced houses standing like high walls.

The windows on the first floor only start at a height of 6 meters, and without exception, they are equipped with anti-theft nets wrapped with steel wires. The highest window is more than 20 meters long, and the roof is designed as a shooting platform with a bunker.


There are only three or five steps between the row houses, and there is a crooked covered bridge. From a distance, they look like the gatehouses of a city wall.

[A strange combination of circumstances] You can imagine how the survivors fought against the plunderers who invaded their homes when there were still people in this settlement.

They piled obstacles on the covered bridge, stood on the roof and shot at the intruders. After the intruders passed the bottom of the covered bridge, they threw down the obstacles and divided the intruders' team into two parts.

However, these brave people no longer know where they have gone, and only a few green heads are left poking around.

[Get to the Sky in One Step] Opened the VM and retrieved the information he had downloaded from the official website.

"I heard that a survivor self-rescue alliance called the 'Iron Tower' appeared in this area more than ten years ago. They used the signal tower from the Awami League era as a symbol and formed a militia to patrol various gathering places... It is somewhat similar to us."

"There is information about this settlement on the official website. It is said that in the early days, it was an outpost established by Vault 182 on the surface. Later, for some reasons, both Vault 182 and the surface outpost were abandoned. It was not until around a hundred years ago in the Wasteland Era that this settlement was established.

The facilities were reused by a group of wastelanders, and the surrounding buildings were widened and improved."

"Then the 'Iron Tower' organization was born and took over this settlement. The population of the latter slowly grew from the first few hundred people to the later 20,000... It wasn't until the Torch came here that this number was cleared to zero."

In fact, even if the ruins of this settlement are not within the scope of the alliance's third phase offensive, they will return to search here after the landing operation is completed.

But just now, their drone discovered traces of mutant activity in this area, so Brother Shadagger asked them to come here in advance to see if there were any big fish.

The two players following him heard what Dengtian said and couldn't help but complain.

"It's okay to clear..."

"What a hell joke."

"That's how it is written in the setting collection. I just followed it and asked the planner if I had any suggestions."

Yi Dengtian took a family member's camera and took some photos of the exterior of the settlement.

This camera is the only relic left in the world by his good brother, although the piece of shit will be alive in a few days.

"...Speaking of which, the settlements in this wasteland are really all kinds of strange." Half a Year Old sighed with emotion, "There are slums like King Gallen Port with millions of people, there are also circular islands with grids of building blocks, and there are also

There is this kind of earthen cannon building.”

"It's a wasteland after all." Half Year Old teased.

"There are three mutants operating at the door... I can't see what's going on inside," he put down the camera, looked at Lao Yin, and asked with his eyes, "Should we do it directly? Or sneak in first to see what's going on inside."

"It's too troublesome." [Yin Xiang Miao] raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist, making an offensive gesture towards the teammates behind him. "Kill all the beasts here, and then slowly figure out what's inside."


"Killing all the people is the perfect way to infiltrate," Half Year Old excitedly picked up the rifle hanging on his chest and loaded it with a click, "Work, work!"

The mutants standing at the entrance of the settlement did not know that they were in danger, and they were still communicating with each other hummingly.

At this moment, three gunshots rang out almost at the same time, and the three heads exploded in a mist of blood, with red and white spraying all over the floor with a loud bang.


Upon discovering that the sentry at the door had fallen to the ground, the mutant standing behind the gatehouse roared, then picked up his rifle and fired at the door, and then kept sighting no one for a long time.

It accidentally emptied the magazine. It hurriedly tore off the magazine and tried to replace it with a new one. However, before it could insert the new magazine, a quadcopter drone with a gun barrel crossed the porch and killed someone.

It came in, and with the sound of gunshots, its head exploded.

By some strange combination of circumstances, he led the three players behind him into the alley first. He fired with a burst of rifle fire, killing several mutants who tried to surround him.

At the same time, the three squads of the first platoon were divided into nine squads and charged into the abandoned town from nine directions. The second platoon circled to the flank of the town and feinted to distract the mutants' firepower.

Facing simultaneous attacks from several directions, the mutants in the town were stunned.

Looking at the corpses lying on the ground in the alley, a power player reloaded his magazine and couldn't help but tease.

"The mutants in Qingquan City are much smarter than this thing."

Another player next to him spoke concisely.

"He's pretty good, he's probably a new recruit."

Mutants are not actually stupid, they are just a bit grumpy.

According to old players, the mutants they encountered in the suburbs of Qingquan City a long time ago were not only able to make mines and traps, but could even make their own rifles.

In the end, it was our friends from the Pioneer who took action and wiped out those beasts.

Battle videos from that time can still be found on the official forum, and there is no bragging.

However, the mutants here are completely different. Let alone using the terrain to fight, they don't even understand the guys in their hands.

The Church of the Torch seems to have quickly produced a group of mutants through some special method, but these mutants, like the eight-fold growth clones of the Legion, are far inferior to those green-skinned animals that grow naturally in terms of mentality and experience.

60 people versus 100!

There was no suspense in the whole battle, it completely turned into a one-sided massacre!

Seeing that these mutants were so easy to deal with, some players couldn't help but feel a little confused.

However, at this moment, a change suddenly occurred.

A team of four was trying to search through the alley and into the square in the center of the town. Suddenly, a gunshot sounded from directly in front, and the player walking in the front was instantly shot in the head.



The remaining three people were shocked, stopped making jokes in the communication channel, and quickly dodged to the bunkers on both sides.

A player is hiding behind a concrete block.

The other two players broke open the window and climbed into the house next to the alley.

But then there was another bang.

The squad leader, who had just turned over and hid in the house, happened to see with his peripheral vision that the teammate who was hiding behind the concrete pillar was shot through the man and the bunker, and his flesh and blood and cement slag were shattered into pieces.

"What the hell?! What the hell is this?"

The player lying by the window widened his eyes, as if he had seen a ghost.

They fought from the edge of the town to the center of the town without killing anyone, but in just a few seconds they were knocked down by two shots!

"It's a Gauss rifle!"

The squad leader squatting next to him looked solemn, looking at the direction where the two teammates fell, and while comparing the map on the VM to circle the building complex directly in front, he shouted into the intercom.

"Team A engages the enemy! Team B and Team C spread out! Press on from both sides and wait for the air strike to then engage in firefights!"

After giving the order to the other two teams, the squad leader switched the communication channel and continued to shout loudly.

"...This is Platoon 2, we encountered an enemy sniper! That guy knocked down two of our brothers! We need air force support!"

After hearing his voice, a reply came quickly from the other end of the communication channel.

"Copy that, can you pinpoint their location?"

The captain glanced out the window and did not dare to stick his head out, let alone reveal that he was by the window. He could only grit his teeth and say.

"The specific location is uncertain, but we have circled the approximate location on the map... Those guys are definitely not mutants! They should be the Tribunal of the Torch!"

"Understood, the coordinates have been synchronized to the Air Force...will be there within a minute!"

After hanging up the communication, the captain gave the team member next to him a look. The latter took out the drone from his back with understanding, crouched to the other side of the building and threw it out.

The four-rotor drone turned over in the air, quickly stabilized itself, and flew towards the sky with a buzzing sound.

The drone lens quickly locked onto the general area where the sniper was, and provided the camera lens and relative coordinates to the approaching P-2 "Lightning" attack aircraft.

Two teams, Team B and Team C, had already reached the vicinity of the sniper and were counting down nervously.

A minute was as long as a century, and the two sides faced each other in silence.

And at this moment, the explosion of the machine cannon hitting the ground suddenly resounded throughout the square!

Hundreds of large-caliber machine gun bullets poured out in an instant, crushing an entire group of dilapidated buildings on the north side of the square with devastating force.

It wasn't until the flames and dust of the explosion soared into the sky that the roar of cannon fire and the roar of attack aircraft engines belatedly passed over the heads of the players.

There is no time to hesitate.

It only took a few seconds to make a judgment, and the hunter ordered over the communication channel without hesitation.

"Team 1 and 2 advance forward, team 3 and 4 outflank from the flanks!"

"Quick victory!"

"Yes!" The sonorous and powerful answer resounded in the communication channel. Figures lurking in the shadows of abandoned buildings stepped out of the environment that was almost integrated with them, and surrounded the alliance team that had stopped pursuing.


At the same time, the other two squads in the first platoon also realized that something was wrong. They called the second platoon to move forward and immediately moved in the direction of the second squad for reinforcements.

At this moment, the news that the troops searching for the ruins of Fortress Town encountered the Tribunal of the Torch Church reached Lao Bai, who was directing the construction of camps and docks on the beachhead.

After looking at the map twice against the information, it only took Lao Bai two seconds to make a judgment.

"It's probably a big fish!"

"I think so too," Fang Chang nodded and touched his chin with interest, "How about I bring a team of reinforcements over to take a look."

According to the information they collected, there are ruins of a shelter there. Although the shelter has been abandoned for more than a century, it cannot be ruled out that the Torch Church may transform it into a scientific research facility.

A similar situation has also occurred on the Northern Line.

Lao Bai smiled heartily and patted his shoulder.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!"

The battle on the beach has basically ended, and there is currently no shortage of manpower.

The tens of thousands of mutants defending the position were completely disorganized by them. They were running towards the rear like headless flies. The only remaining work was to clean the battlefield and build docks, so there was no need for him to watch here.


After coming out of the command tent, Fang Chang immediately took a company of players to board the "Chimera" infantry fighting vehicle that had just landed through the floating dock, and applied for two Yunling ornithopters from the NPC army.

As support, they headed towards the fortress town and killed them.

And just when he arrived at the battlefield, two platoons from one battalion and one company were locked in an inextricable fight with the Tribunal team of the Torch Church, and the sound of exchanges of fire resounded continuously in the ruins.

Judging from the steady and ruthless attacking rhythm, this group of guys should be the so-called "executors" in the Torch Church Tribunal like those they had in the eastern suburbs of Qingquan City and Pine Cone Farm!

Seeing the alliance's reinforcements arriving on the battlefield, the hunter who was fighting on the front line couldn't help but have a hint of despair in his eyes.

too fast!

Just like when they landed, these guys acted without any sloppiness. After the strategic missiles were fired, landing craft and armored vehicles immediately pounced on them.

They have just figured out the reason for the loss of contact with the frontline command post. The alliance's landing troops have already penetrated the defense line they set up on the beach!

It was the same now. Less than 20 minutes had passed since they exchanged fire with the Alliance reconnaissance force that had searched near the fortress town, and reinforcements had already arrived from the large force behind them.

No chance at all!

If they continue to be entangled like this, they may no longer face just a few ten-man teams, but they will face encirclement and suppression by battalion-level or even regiment-level combat units.

Looking at the dozens of corpses thrown down by both sides and the position that could not be conquered for a long time, the hunter finally gritted his teeth and roared in the communication channel.


After saying these words, he immediately turned around and disappeared under the shadow of the buildings in the settlement, not daring to stay here for a moment longer.

The same goes for other teams. Just before the "Yun Ting" ornithopter was about to arrive on the battlefield, they all turned around and evacuated the battlefield, disappearing under the shadows.

The mission has failed.

All we can do now is reduce losses.

However, almost all the executioners felt heavy in their hearts.

Although their faith is extremely devout and they have no doubt about the Supreme Holy Son, they don't even see the slightest hope of victory. Even the "good news" has become a luxury hope...

The pressure on the front line suddenly decreased, and the players squatting behind the bunker finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this battle was quite enjoyable for them, the equipment of this group of opponents was a bit ridiculously powerful. Almost all members were optically invisible and had self-aiming locks. They almost took the position out of their hands several times.

Grabbed it.

If the reinforcements had arrived about 10 minutes later, it would have been hard to say whether the outcome would be better or worse.

Looking at Fang Chang who was walking to the front line, Yin Qian Wan, who was directing the battle on the front line, walked up and reported the whole story of the encounter and the casualties.

"...We were fighting with mutants at first, and then these guys suddenly appeared. I feel like they wanted to take something away, but they probably didn't succeed."

"These people are not stupid. They know that there is no point in continuing to fight, so they decisively chose to retreat." Fang Chang glanced around, narrowed his eyes slightly, and raised the corner of his mouth with a faint smile, "Soon

We'll know what they're trying to take away."

At the same time as he finished speaking, a player who had followed him as reinforcements came over.

"We found an underground passage under the public toilet in the square, which is suspected to be the entrance to Vault 182."

When he heard the location of the entrance, his eyebrows couldn't help but twitch.

"These guys are really classy."

"It may not be the taste of these guys. What if it was designed by the guys before the war?" Fang Chang joked with a smile, then looked at the players who came to report and said, "Come on, let's go down and take a look.

Look what's hidden in this shelter."

If the shelter is renovated after being abandoned, the security program may not be the original one before the war, and it is possible to unlock the access control through external hacking programs.

This mainly depends on the reasons for the abandonment of the shelter, the last manager's arrangements for the stay of the shelter, and the method by which the successor inherits, etc.

For shelters that have been restarted abnormally, they can be unlocked with an officially produced offline key. A slightly more complicated access control program is just a matter of setting up an antenna and connecting it to the Internet.

These are the experiences summed up by players active in the pioneer city, and of course they are also valid in other areas in the wasteland.

When they heard that the "blind box" was about to be opened, the faces of all the players suddenly showed expressions of eagerness to try it.

"let's go!"

"Haha, hurry up!"

At the same time, Arzu was pacing back and forth near the buffer door of the shelter, swearing from time to time.

"What the hell, why is it so slow?"

What are these people dawdling about!

He has backed up all the data in the shelter on the chip in his brain, deleted all the original files that could be deleted, and messed up the ones that could not be deleted as much as possible, just so that they could escape when he retreated.

A little faster.

At this moment, a staff member hurriedly walked through the buffer door and ran in front of him.

"Mr. Arzu...they are coming!"

Arzu was happy when he heard this.

"Here it comes?! Why don't you open the door quickly!"

Seeing him still talking in his sleep, the staff member was so anxious that he almost cried.

"No, it's not the people from the Tribunal, it's the people from the Alliance!"

In just a moment, the old face covered by the hood quickly lost its color, and its lips turned blue and white.

The alliance is coming...

How can it be?!

In a daze, he saw the gear-shaped door suddenly shake and roll to one side under the pull of the mechanical cantilever.

The staff member who came over to report the news was startled and collapsed on the ground when he saw this scene.

As for Arzu, there was no movement at all, and he stood there blankly, as if he had lost his mind.

The huge gear-shaped door slowly opened.

A man in power armor stood at the door.

I saw the man raising his left arm, and his right hand was holding a data cable pulled out from the armor of his left arm.

The thread seems to be plugged into a certain position on the door, but it hasn't been plugged in yet.

Looking at the old man in gray robe standing at the door and the man slumped on the ground next to the old man, Fang Chang was obviously stunned for a moment and muttered something.


He hasn't taken action yet.

Why did this door open by itself?


This chapter has been completed!
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