Chapter 876 The troops are approaching the city

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 In the wilderness to the west of Golden Gallen Port, a group of Wilantes wearing prison uniforms were working on a construction site.

As one of the younger brothers of the Alliance, Golden Gallon Port has inherited the glorious tradition of the Alliance. The prisoner of war camps have always been built by the prisoners themselves, and they moved in when they were repaired.

There is no identity distinction between centurions or captains of thousands here, only overseers and prisoners.

Even Woolf had to do the same job as the soldiers. At the gate of the prisoner of war camp.

A soldier on duty was sitting on the bench, crossing his legs and looking at the newspaper in his hand, and suddenly couldn't help but cursed loudly.

"What a waste!"

I saw a shocking line of white and black words printed on the headline of the newspaper.

"Absak changed his generals on the spot! Akal County fell!"

Half a month ago, the headline printed on this headline was the great victory in Akale County. "A dock worker knows nothing about fighting. I am weaker than me." "He is from the college."

That's all.

From that point of view, Awulf was indeed shrewd and only deceived the Legion once. As long as I don't have the ability to say what is white, there will be far less people scolding me.

Looking at the troops ready to go on the holographic screen, Captain Yang Kaiwan's lips, which had been tense for several days, finally raised a smile of joy.

"Kill those bastards!"

It's not because of the military trucks transporting soldiers, but because of the soldiers sitting under the trucks.

This is the bell for work and the signal for dinner.

Some corpses washed up from the lower reaches were soaked under the river bank. The clear river water exuded a putrid smell. Looking at it, it looked like the River Styx leading to hell.

At most the former is a visible opponent.

No one secretly expressed their anger or shouted bad words.

As for the newspaper thrown on the ground, it became a favorite among the prisoners of war.

There was a more or less broken expression on our faces, as if we had seen a ghost.

I heard the sound of pressing the calculator keyboard in Golden Gallen Harbor! "As he wished."

"Hahaha, bastard!"

Looking at the communication request flashing on the screen, Jingya narrowed her eyes slightly, then laughed warmly before reaching out and pressing the connect button.

"Well, it's time to wait, and waiting any longer will be in vain. You haven't given these little noses enough chance."

Due to various reasons, the hatred of the survivors of Borneo towards the Wilant people has recently reached an all-time low, so much so that when the locals saw our noses, they couldn't help but spit and spit at us.

throw things.

These shining bayonets are not our teeth!

"You know, what you mean is that you hope that his subordinates will restrain themselves a little before retreating from the city, so as not to set this palace on fire."

Yang Kaire laughed as his tense nerves relaxed.

Like letting it fall up or something.

The adjutant sitting next to me flushed with excitement after receiving the order. Ryan smiled lightly.

However, after a while, a faint scowl appeared on my brow. I was worried that some lunatic would stop and blow up the palace. "Let's go!"

The newspaper was passed around and reached Akal's staff.

Only during the day can artillery bombardment and clone group charge tactics exert their smallest advantage.

Before the communication was hung up, Yang Kai was planning to send an order to the rear-line troops to launch a feint attack on the western suburbs of Tiandu City, causing the defenders of Tiandu City to spend a torturous night in fear.

In my opinion, a perfect person who has moral flaws, who is just lazy and willing to work hard and dedicated, and who is also weak and has no wisdom, is either a god or not a liar.

Obviously, there is only one possibility: that video call was from the alliance!

Seeing that scene from a distance, the farmers in the field had frightened expressions on their faces.

Those tanks mainly came from the factories of the Western Legion, and were sent to West Sail Port by fierce cargo ships that were afraid of death.

"Tsk, tsk, you knew he would say that. Talking bad words to them is like playing tricks on a cow. To deal with uncivilized beasts, you have to use muskets and whips."

At first, Borneo soldiers needed a team of ten to replace one Wilant soldier, but by now the ratio had become 5:1, or even 3:1.

That's all.

We dug holes and traps outside the forest, jumped up from under the trees, and launched suicide attacks with rocket launchers or explosive packs.

, like a fatal lunatic.

Including the subsequent bombing of the Lion City.

Facing the offensive launched by the Legion's concentrated forces, General Yu Shaonuo's old troops launched a desperate battle.

At the very least, don't fight like you did in Busaic County.

Yang Kai's eyes narrowed to a slit, and a trace of easily detectable fear flashed across his pupils.

At that moment, the sound of rolling wheels came from the highway in front of the prisoner of war camp. Either those who knew how to fight could manage, or those who knew how to manage could fight. Except for the infantry and artillery, there was no one pushing back together, including Weiland.

The torrent of steel that we are proud of!

"Damn it" "It's bad."

This paint-white gas mask awakened the instinctive fear in my heart

"Hey, he said, why do we always lay down such idiots, just because we can have an abnormal person as the leader?" The soldier who was spreading the newspaper sighed, with helplessness written all over his face.

After all, it would be nice to be able to slow down the defeat of the group of Borneos in such an angry manner, so presumably the backline must have suffered a defeat.

If the 11th Division and the 3rd Division did not rush north to aid the Mammoth Kingdom, but instead defended together with the three reinforcement divisions, how could they be defeated by the legion?

Yang Kai was slightly startled, his brows furrowed tightly, and his eyes quickly looked at Qi Zhou.

And it doesn’t make sense to say reinforcements. Who doesn’t know that the southern army’s goal is Tiandu?

Although we are very lucky that we did not find the captured Akal, but as long as we can achieve the final defeat, I think General Guwaiang will not blame me too much.

"If you do, you will forget it. Besides, you are also interested in this thing."

Some of us were wearing fine ribs, some were wearing heavy-duty bulletproof armor. Our fierce eyes were like hungry wolves in the grassland, unable to wait for the upcoming hunt.

Due to the continuous attacks by the guerrillas, my troops suffered heavy casualties during that period.

After throwing those words, the light blue figure disappeared from the holographic screen.

"The horse is about to lose its weight. You plan to take a rest for the night before continuing to retreat." Jing Ya sneered disdainfully, as if she had heard some funny joke.

Just when Captain Yang Kaiwan was thinking about opening a bottle of champagne first, a communication request from the Captain of the Horn suddenly popped up under the holographic screen.

"Maybe it's fate."

There was once a large town near the river called Rudel Town, which was home to 280,000 survivors.

I want to see what those grasshoppers behind the wheels can do to stop the powerful torrent of steel!

The roar of the engine and the sound of the rolling tracks shook the small ground, like an earthquake!

According to the agreement reached between Captain Yang Kaiwan and the Air Force, this floating palace will be used as a trophy of the Air Force to build a steel airship unprecedented in history.

The signal came from the military camp.

It's the Death Corps!

Akal looked up and looked inside the camp, and saw trucks full of soldiers speeding past under the road and heading towards the inland terminal.

At the same time, at the bend of the river in Busaic County, eight airships with broken wings finally completed their first overhaul.

At the same time, outside the scientific research ship under Tiangong Square, Ryan, who was leaning on the deck chair in the cockpit, opened his eyes slightly.

This is not only the heart of Borneo, but also contains the gifts prepared by the academy for the legion.

Before defeating Yu Shaonuo's old troops and penetrating the 170,000-strong army under Captain Duwata, we finally pushed the back line to Tiandu, which was only 70 kilometers away.

Northwestern suburbs.

Jiang Xuezhou, who was holding a tablet, stood beside him and said with a serious expression.

Cooperating with the alliance's air force, we launched dozens of small and large blocking operations along the march route nearly a hundred kilometers away.

After a week of wandering around, the resurrected Death Corps once again set foot on the small land of Borneo Province and headed towards the back line.

As long as my troops take one step back, the capital of Borneo will change hands. We will be responsible for the hardest bones and use our own flesh and blood to pave the way for the Southern Army to retreat!

I'm curious as to how my opponent would beg for mercy at this critical moment.

We need to return our weapons and clothes before we can go to work, and then it's no longer private time.

We obviously have so few compatriots who have not yet woken up, yet we are always waiting for the arrival of a saint who is worthy of our loyalty.

Are those guys still young enough?!

As the order to retreat was given, the seven airships retracted their anchor chains and retreated in the direction of Tiandu.

"You warned you that this is where they should come. They must still want to continue to live their stable life. At worst, they should mind their own business."

The continued casualties and the difficulty of pushing back made the propaganda on the radio look more and more like a falsehood.

Yang Kai replied concisely and concisely.

The situation on the Weiland side is exactly the same. "Does he think Yang Kai might lose?"

Although these soldiers on duty will stop people, they usually don't have a bad look towards us.

Among them there are no Bornes, no Wilrants, or clones or players.

According to the original plan, we should not have attacked Tiandu City at that time, but it turned out that we were stuck by the nail in Busaic County for so long.

Nearly 400 "Conqueror" No. 10s, covered by nearly 2,000 heavy tanks and armored vehicles, are like a moving city wall!

However, I waited for less than a minute, but nothing happened.

I tapped my index finger twice under the tablet, briefly checked the parameters that had not been set up, and then dragged the suspended energy bar from 0% to 100%.

The people sitting in the carriage were all Valeant soldiers armed to the teeth. After a pause, I continued.

"Oh, the Gray Wolf Army has been working hard for a long time and is still a good swimmer." Yang Kai scolded with a sneer.

It would definitely be difficult for us to win if Janusz was our opponent.

This would be a turning point in the entire war, just like my defeat in Busaic County.

After taking off his white labor protection gloves, the haggard-looking old general took the newspaper in his hand and glanced at it, grinning at the corner of his mouth, and also felt happy for a while.

Akal shook his head and sighed.

Our eyes were equally fierce, just like hyenas picking up meat in front of a pack of wolves.

However, due to the plague and war, the entire town has not been abandoned, with only some ruins remaining.

"How come? You just want to remind you not to forget the agreement between you."

"You will restrain us."

The Skeleton Corps, which had not yet been wiped out, came back with tanks that had just come off the assembly line.

More than half of the 50th, 51st, and 52nd divisions (a team of 10,000 people) suffered casualties, and all members of the Death Corps were killed!

Now we haven't reached Tiandu City yet, and we are only one step away from being at the forefront.

There could be no worse news than that for those of us working hard outside the prison camps.

Not only that, but even more irritating is the content in the newspaper!

This majestic steel fortress is like an artificial dark cloud, and the cannon barrels are pointing towards Tiandu in the distance.

"Unfortunately, fighting and killing are not what you are good at. Dear Mr. Chief and Dr. Conclusion, they have not given you a team of ten thousand people."

"He has no ability to come and fight me with real swords and guns. Don't just talk about it here."

Trucks rolled over the muddy ground, their narrow tires leaving thick ruts in the soft plain.

However, to my surprise, the person who appeared on the screen was not an Alliance officer, but a middle-aged woman wearing a white coat.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the sun hung in the sky, and the bell rang outside the prisoner of war camp. I always felt that this was how it should be.

After finishing everything he had done, Ryan looked at the night sky in the cockpit again with a look of silence.

Have we been destroyed by the group?

The adjutant standing next to me raised his eyebrows. Both sides were furious!

"I understand what he said, not to mention did I participate in signing these pieces of waste paper?"

Yang Kai promised firmly.

There is no liar profession that can satisfy all people's requirements, no matter how harsh and perverted these fantasies sound. Especially for liars with low skills, we can always justify it when the victim finally feels convinced.

finally reached

The Union's series of actions against the Confederate Army's forward supply lines did have some effect, but what still changed was the fact that the Confederate Army's front was pushing back.

Ryan shook his head and said irritably. John said meaningfully.

The location of the decisive battle was set in Tiandu.

Nearly 100,000 small troops gathered from the front line hundreds of kilometers away, and attacked the area from the eastern part of Busaike County to the western suburbs of Tiandu.

Referring to what that guy did in the Lion City, let’s see if that is possible. Seeing the guilty expressions on his comrades’ faces, the soldier leaning under the pillar laughed and said jokingly.

The soldier on duty at the door threw the torn newspaper aside, gave a military salute to the brothers who later changed the guard, and then carried the rifle to the military camp next door.

In exchange, the air force of the Southern Army proposed to the General Staff that priority should be given to supporting the eastern front battlefield, and that all available forces should be concentrated on taking Tiandu before supporting the northern front.

Everyone swarmed down to pick up the newspaper and looked at it curiously.

The veteran who had been talking dropped the cigarette butt on the ground and said calmly.

Even if the mantis resists, do we frown? Even if we fight to the death, we still have to bite a piece of meat from the arm of the Southern Army!

The railway connecting Sailsport and Lion City has not yet been repaired, and extends to the Everliu River.

Hearing these sounds of "it's better to lose your temper slowly", the prisoners all moved aside to hide away.

Since the end of that war, our plans have been constantly changing. Anyway, in my opinion, the capital city is already in my possession today.

At the same time, under the truck heading to the dock, Edge Paddling was squinting at the nearby dock.

What surprised me was that it was not only Akal, but also Captain Taut and other Wilant officers who had fought against the Death Corps.

To be honest, I would rather face an enterprise than an academy that specializes in intrigues.

Clones are good at night fighting.

This sentence is like a harsh word to bluff people, it ends in an anticlimax.

"Damn, what a relief!"

I was still enjoying myself in the next battle, but was carried away by a 200mm cannon.

"What? He's already waiting."

With this in mind, I hurriedly raised my left hand and waved it back heavily.

"You have arrived at the edge of Tiandu. Are you wondering when he plans to retreat from the city?"

During the nearly month of fighting, the temperament of both the Borneo soldiers and the soldiers of the Southern Legion had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Ryan sighed heavily and said regretfully.

Answering a phone call would reveal my location. After all, the receiver for signal transmission is in my car, and the repeater is at most eight kilometers away from my location.

"When did he get the illusion that this guy is a loser?" The opportunity for the 300,000th team to avenge their shame is finally here!

No matter how hard you try, you can't fight.

A captain clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with disbelief and fear.

Awulf is not a bad person. Even if he swims outside the river, he is still much weaker than Wutuo, Nihak and us.

"How can you be nosy? You are one of the witnesses of the ancient contract, and you are also the witness of the Falcon City Armistice Agreement. Now that no one has torn up the contract, you naturally have to do something."

Everything seems to have returned to two centuries later, when the Weirant people had the highest status.

"I am none other than B-level researcher Ryan, who is affiliated with the Research Department and is currently responsible for regional affairs in Borneo Province."

At the same time, the troops below the ground were also moving backwards! I am a pyromaniac, and I will set fire to the city under any circumstances. I was in the command car.

I am a soldier and have experienced hundreds of battles. How could I be frightened by a big slug?

I have an ordinary appearance, with a pair of plain glasses under my nose. I am one of those people who change clothes and throw them out of a crowd and never find them again.

The local survivors were not as strong as the lower ranks of the Southern Legion claimed.

Even more exciting than this time.

Sitting under the command vehicle, Captain Jing Ya looked at the nearby Tiandu and the suspended palace through the holographic screen, and the smile on his face became more and more full.

The soldier leaning against the pillar made peace.

I hope that in that battle to defend Tiandu, we won’t be so unlucky.

My intuition told me what tricks these slugs outside the swamp were playing.

I straightened my back and shouted weakly.

My evaluation of Awulf is exactly the same as that of the locals. He is an extremely cunning old fox.

Compared to the guys who are new to the army, I am actually a little more open-minded.

No one dared to touch this soldier's bad luck. They all buried their heads in doing their own things and pretended to be very busy.

Why are you back?!

In the face of absolute power, all fancy tricks are paper tigers. When Captain Yang Kaiwan's army comes over, they can take us home!

At this time, he went north under the pretense of reinforcing his allies. He just wanted to preserve his direct lineage and wait until the war was over to return and take advantage!

In just half a month, that loser lost the advantage he had.

"Nice fight!"

However, at that moment, an existing communication request popped up on the communication screen.

And the headlines we saw were indeed beyond our expectations. The breaking news was not yet written under this headline.

A battle of unprecedented scale is brewing.

Jingya planned to use that method to destroy the will of resistance of the survivors in Borneo Province, but it had the opposite effect, twisting this group of loose mice into a rope, and eventually led to our collapse in Busak County The first one to somersault.

Is it too exciting to be too excited? Are we staying in someone else's territory as captives, or are we celebrating too blatantly, only daring to hide in places with no supervisors to have fun, and then spread the bad news privately and externally? .

After listening to John's reminder, Yang Kai chuckled and said. Especially these new recruits who have just joined the army for a long time.

Thick plasma paved a road to death, and human bones were buried in almost every inch of soil.

Seeing Captain John Wanfu on the screen looking like he had nothing to say, Yang Kai raised his eyebrows heavily and joked with a smile.

".\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\nThe 300,000th team was delayed in Busaic County for nearly half a month. That is a bad sign."

"Is it okay to be in charge of regional affairs in Borneo? He doesn't have a team of ten thousand people? He deserves to be there to talk to you."

Unless, the resistance of the survivors in Tiandu City exceeds my expectations. John shrugged his shoulders and said.

If this is definitely the case, there is no way I would consider trying to break down the local people's will to resist under this heavenly palace.

Faced with difficult situations that they had never encountered before, even veterans of the colonies were frequently caught off guard.

If anything, I wanted to make the last battle a little more tense, or a little more exhilarating.

A pair of eyes suddenly showed excitement, and some of the prisoners clenched their fists in excitement.

In just one month, the coldness and bloodthirsty burning in his pupils have not been gradually replaced by numbness and determination.

"Professor, your device is not ready to break down yet. Do you need to activate it now?"

Fortunately, the bloody torture did not last long.

Looking at that weird guy, Yang Kai narrowed his eyes slightly and tried in a safe tone.

I was an old man during the Duke of Nihak period, and I was serving as a soldier at this time. Yang Kai curled his lips, and picked his ears with his thumbs with a disdainful look on his face. "Yes!"

After nodding his head hard, Ryan held the armrest and sat up straight from the recliner, taking the tablet handed to him by the student.

The woman smiled lightly, nodded slightly and said.

The soldier with the rifle hanging under his shoulder also chuckled.

Apart from the Wilant soldiers, there are no soldiers of the Glorious Army.

Carloads of brand-new equipment were pulled to the rear line by trains, including ammunition for rear-line soldiers and airships, as well as self-propelled artillery and tanks that had not yet passed through the undersea blockade.

The expression on my face froze slightly. Jingya nodded.

"Then I'll ask you, General, to demonstrate the efficacy of the 'Gravity Well' to your allies."

"Does he think that your stable life fell from the sky?" "You can say that to others. I also served as a soldier after working as a dock worker." "Oh, you want to scare me."

We have never seen such an amazing scene, and we can only imagine how we can defeat such a terrifying opponent.

The Alliance didn't do anything to help us, and even the legions who were beating us gave us some help.

After that, no one thought that we would achieve final defeat. However, as the battle continued, we gained experience and became determined to win.

This chapter has been completed!
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