Chapter 971 Undercurrents in Deep Space

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The air in the conference room was quiet for many minutes.

Digesting the huge amount of information, Chu Guang sat in front of the conference table without speaking for a long time. After a while, he put his index finger on his eyebrows, cleared his thoughts and spoke.

"So... the heavenly beings extended a helping hand to the Southern Legion through the Enlightenment Society and provided them with a series of trump cards including the 'Death Agent,' the Seed of Gaia'"?

"Yes," Qi Liu nodded and said seriously, "I don't care whether it is a trump card or not, but we have conclusive evidence to prove that it is not a technology possessed by the Southern Army."

Chu Guang looked at him incomprehensibly.

"I don't understand what their motives are...or what exactly do they want to do?" Why give this card to Tyr?


They don't want the Wasteland to end.

In other words, they hope that the Wasteland Era will completely enter the Doomsday Era and will accelerate to the end. There are only two explanations.

He couldn't think of a third explanation. Qi Liu was silent for a while and said.

"The reason why heavenly beings are called heavenly beings is because they do not recognize us as their compatriots, or in other words, they have drawn a clear line with us after ascending to another dimension."

"Of course, the dimensions I'm talking about here are not dimensions in the sense of space, but in the sense of existence." Chu Guang pinched his eyebrows.

"Is there a more direct explanation?" Qi Liu got straight to the point.

"Have you ever heard of mind uploading?" Chu Guang responded immediately.

"You mean the Vault 101 thing?"

In fact, not only Vault 101, the Torch Church also uses a method similar to distributed computing to disperse and store thoughts in bionic chips, thereby building an earthly "heaven" in an overhead "heaven".

In other words... the same goes for heavenly beings?

No wonder the Torch Church went there directly! Chu Guang felt a sudden enlightenment in his heart.

Qi Liu, who was sitting opposite him, nodded and said in a deep voice.

"In order to complete the expedition to the colony five light years away, many people in the expeditionary force gave up their bodies a long time ago."

"It is difficult for us to analyze their thoughts with human thinking, but we have obtained some useful information after years of observation... They are not our compatriots, and this is not their home."

"Their compatriots and their homeland exist in their memories, and they want to return to the era of the People's Federation, or to that era of infinite prosperity."

"Even if this seems impossible to us, time can only move forward and cannot go back." Chu Guang took a deep breath.

"So...they plan to destroy this planet?" Qi Liu shook his head and nodded again.

“Aren’t you ever confused, since we have the gravity well technology, why didn’t we use gravity wells to remove the garbage from outer space in the early days of the Wasteland Era?”

Chu Guang's pupils shrank slightly. "Could it be..."

Qi Liu nodded.

"We have tried everything we can, including deploying gravity wells. We even still have a prototype of a gravity well in the Great Rift Valley today. Unfortunately, when we drive gravitons to try to reduce the gravity of this planet, When the field collapsed, a force no less powerful than ours interfered with our interference with gravity, and this force was at the Lagrange point not far from us."

After a pause, he continued.

"It's a pity that there are not so many what-ifs in the world, but if we had succeeded in letting the garbage fall down, the radioactive fallout alone would not have been enough to keep the cold winter lasting for half a century."

Chu Guang's Adam's apple moved.

"They want to kill everyone on this planet?"

"At least eliminate most of them, or let the surviving people regress to the feudal dynasty or even the Stone Age, or even simply become animals," Qi Liu said in a calm tone, "Of course, they don't think this is genocide, but "Again"."

Chu Guang: "...Isn't this the same as the Enlightenment Meeting?" Qi Liu nodded and said.

"So they can get along with Enlightenment and they can get along with Tyr. Are you still surprised why those heavenly beings gave the card "Seed of Gaia" to Tyr?"

"I'm not surprised, just sighing." Chu Guang sighed and said, "They can obviously use these technologies to do some personnel work..."

But it must be admitted that their position is indeed much higher than that of the Enlightenment Society.

Moreover, they have a deeper understanding of cleansing, and even do not want the residents of the shelter who have retained some of the fire from the old era.

Qi Liu shook his head and said.

"They are no longer human. There is no point in worrying about this anymore." After a pause, he brought the topic back to the issue of "Gaia's seeds".

"Your research on Xiaoyu is actually very meaningful, and it is gradually getting on the right track. We don't want you to go astray, so we concealed the matter about the "Seed of Gaia"."

"After all, that technology brought serious disasters to us in the old era... At least in our opinion, you can clearly move towards a better future by starting over."

"But it turns out that we were superficial this time. Some things are really not suitable for children to play with, but some things are useless even if they are hidden. You will always use your own methods to discover the truth hidden behind history. Secret, just like we have been tirelessly exploring the future."

"Your Xiaoyu is still Tyr from the Southern fact, he is a Gaia-like life form, and the latter is most likely born through the 'Seed of Gaia'. What should have happened has finally happened."

"Dr. Conclusion says the time has come, and our CTO thinks so too."

"Perhaps from now on, we should face the past we have experienced together more honestly." Chu Guang looked at him intently.

"What we need is substantial help, not verbal comfort."

He originally thought that the college would keep silent and shirk the blame, but he didn't expect that the next words of the director of the Investigation Department made him hold his breath.

"That's exactly why I'm here."

"From now on, we will open to you all our research on gravitons, including anti-gravity technology-"

"Those are technologies that you, companies, and legions have mastered, but have never really owned."

"As for the scientific research ship, don't dismantle it once you find it. It's pointless."


The deep dark sky.

A broken starship hovered silently in orbit, with debris of various sizes and a fully protective space suit floating next to it. It merged with the surrounding fragmented wreckage to form a man-made asteroid.


This is a synchronous orbit, 36,000 kilometers from the equator.

At the same time, it is also the most remote border area in this blue wasteland, and is rarely visited by scavengers.

Because they are far away from the oxidizing environment, time has not left many traces on these ruins of the old era, and the armbands and badges of the People's Federation Aerospace Forces are still clearly visible.

However, the glory of the past has long been covered with dust, and is no longer worth mentioning, just like the dazzling array of ruins.

However, today was different from usual. A silver-white spaceship slowly approached from a distance and opened a corner of the coffin...

Research ship cockpit.

The expressionless man stared quietly ahead, with light blue light spots reflected in his pupils. Looking at the coordinate parameters getting closer and closer, he opened the communication module and said in a calm voice.

"...This is Luo Yi. I am approaching the coordinate position and will soon enter the communication barrier area."

After a long pause, a reply mixed with the noise of electricity came from the distant deep space. "Roger that, keep going."


Without too much communication, the man reached out and turned off the communication module, completely entering a state of radio silence. Then he opened the throttle valve of the plasma engine and accelerated the scientific research ship forward.

The light blue plume jet pushed the scientific research ship closer to the dense "artificial asteroid belt" just around the corner.

The raging metal storm is getting denser and denser, and the metal fragments and debris, large and small, are running in regular or irregular orbits at terrifying speeds.

They collide with each other, split into smaller pieces in the vacuum, or release escaping electric sparks. If you enter this area without protection, even the Titans will be beaten into sieves!

However, when the scientific research ship sailed into this area, something unexpected happened!

I saw that the fragments that were originally rushing around seemed to have eyes, deviating from the original trajectory and taking the initiative to avoid it!

That miraculous scene was like an invisible hand protecting the scientific research ship, pushing away the deadly orbital debris and aircraft debris for it!

That is not some supernatural power, but the deflection shield at work. Of course, using this power is not without cost.

While the flying fragments were being bounced away, the energy on the shield capacitor was also being consumed rapidly! [Warning! The remaining amount of the shield capacitor is 50%!]

[Warning! Shield capacitor remaining 45%!] [.......]

The energy tank is being consumed rapidly!

Although the reactor's energy continued to flow into the shield capacitor, it still couldn't keep up with the consumption rate! The man glanced at the holographic interface, but there was no emotion on his face.

He didn't seem to care about his own safety at all, and he seemed confident about crossing this dangerous "water", which was indeed the case.

When the remaining capacitance of the shield approached 3%, the scientific research ship parked next to the dilapidated starship.

Almost at the same time, the number of debris hitting the deflector shield suddenly decreased, and the constantly beating red warning light suddenly turned green!

The energy flowing into the shield capacitor from the reactor gradually made up for the shortfall in the energy tank. The man reached out and clicked on the holographic screen, locked the relatively safe access point, and switched the plasma engine to breakpoint injection mode. Navigation

The system independently designs the landing route.

Crisis resolved.

The scientific research ship slowly approaching the access point was like a canoe sailing into the harbor through the storm, steadily approaching the dock that greeted it.

Access point locked.

The scientific research ship "anchored" successfully. "I have successfully landed."

Having turned off the communication module, he did not choose to report the good news to the space station at Lagrange Point. He just said this silently, then removed his seat belt, left his seat and floated into the buffer cabin.

The inner gate slowly opened, and several cold corpses were floating quietly in the buffer cabin. [The buffer cabin has been opened. The outside air pressure is lower than the safety threshold, please wear full protective equipment...]

The man didn't take a second look at the corpses, nor did he pay attention to the safety reminder suspended in front of him. He just put the jetpack on his back, then reached out and opened the safety cover on the wall, and punched the red button.


The red warning light came on, and accompanied by a harsh siren, the thick outer hatch slowly opened.

The air in the buffer cabin was evacuated in an instant, and the corpses suspended in the cabin were blown out of the buffer cabin in an instant as if they were being held by ropes.

The same goes for the man standing in the cabin.

It's just that he took the initiative to follow the airflow out of the cabin, and the moment he left the cabin door, he put his hand on the edge of the cabin door and used his strength to turn around and change direction.

The flowing movements are as smooth as a pre-programmed program.

The man standing on the top of the scientific research ship looked back behind him, watching the corpses being swallowed up by the deep darkness, and then looked indifferently at the majestic starship wreckage in front of him.

The shock felt when standing close and admiring this giant thing is far more profound than when standing far away. The words "Orion" cruiser are still clearly visible on the armor shell, and it has not changed due to time.


Compared with that era of infinite prosperity, the people struggling in the wasteland are as small as cockroaches. If they live in the darkness using the rotting bodies of giants as nourishment, aren't they just cockroaches?

But - it's all almost over.

The man stopped to admire this magnificent monument for a while, and then pressed the button in his hand. "Hiss-"

The jet pack sprayed out a stream of white mist, pushing him towards the entrance that was very close at hand. He kept you waiting for a long time.


[Since the Borneo authorities declared war on cockroaches, the level of pesticides in the water of the Everliu River has increased sharply. A large number of cockroaches and other insect corpses are floating on the river, attracting birds to eat, causing serious damage to the ecosystem.

At present, this irrational war is still going on. Due to the lack of ecosystem, red soil once again plays the role of decomposer. According to the aerial photography of weather drones, many places in Niuzhou, Xiangzhou, Wolf State, and Snake State have stopped expanding.

The red soil shows signs of expansion again.

In response to the freshwater resource crisis caused by excessive levels of chemical substances in the Yongliu River water system, the authorities of Kinggallon Port have introduced seawater desalination equipment from the South China Sea Alliance for emergency response, and have interviewed Borneo's ambassador to Kinggallon Port, Anwo, to negotiate on the ecological damage.

As the expansion of red soil has reduced the area of ​​cultivated land and reduced the production of food and cash crops, analysts are worried that this may cause Savoie to continue to declare war on red soil, triggering a greater ecological disaster.

Mayor Jodu called on the media not to create panic, and said that declaring war on red soil is impossible from a scientific point of view, and it is also extremely ridiculous. There is no reason for the family to do so and it is absolutely impossible.

However, this speech did not seem to have any effect. Instead, it intensified panic, causing the citizens of Golden Gallen Port to store water and food.

—"Survivor Daily" Dawn City Edition]

Dawn City.

On North Street of Linghu Wetland Park, Chu Guang was sitting at a ramen stall waiting for breakfast. He was flipping through the newspaper in his hand. Unexpectedly, when he opened the first page, there was a picture of a big cockroach. He suddenly had an "old man, subway, mobile phone" expression on his face.

Closed the newspaper.

Sitting opposite him was Cheng Yan, the alliance's foreign minister.

Seeing the expression on Chu Guang's face, Cheng Yan knew which news article he must have seen, so he joked.

"There are no fools in Borneo, especially in Golden Gallon Port. I have been there before, and the people there gave me the feeling that even the newsboys walking down the street have 10,000 ideas for making money in their heads."

Chu Guang shook his head, took out two chopsticks from the bamboo tube on the table and wiped them with paper towels. "A fool can't do any harm. I'm afraid that someone who is too smart will do stupid things."

A few days have passed since he met with the director of the college's Investigation Department that day. During this time, nothing special happened in the alliance. The "Survivor Daily", which really had no news to report, published the little thing about Tiandu again.

On the headlines.

Perhaps because Dolly brought some people to the Great Desert and the province of Batoya for development, the level of the editorial department of Dawn City has dropped a lot recently. I didn’t choose this photo carefully, and the one used was Qingquan.

Mutated cockroaches in the city.

How can there be such a big thing in Borneo?

However, "Daily Survivor" is not an official organization of the alliance after all, and it is not easy for him to visit there again and again. The last time he went there, the president almost cried.

Just as he threw the paper towel into the wastebasket, the young man carrying ramen came running over in a hurry. "Here comes the ramen! Please use it, you two!"

"Thank you," Cheng Yan smiled and nodded at the energetic young man. Then he looked at Chu Guang, who had already started eating noodles, and asked tentatively, "Are you really not going to take care of it?"

Guan Guan... there's that word again.

Chu Guang was really too lazy to answer the question, so he stuffed a piece of garlic and threw it into the noodle soup, ending the topic with one sentence. "It will cause ecological shortage."

Hearing this, Cheng Yan stopped asking any more questions and changed the subject in a good-natured manner.

"What about the prisoners of war? Both Tiandu and Mammoth Kingdom have expressed the hope that we hand over Gulion to them. Although there are conflicts between them... they are all our allies in name."

"Gurion?" Chu Guang frowned, "Isn't that guy at Xifan Port?" Cheng Yan said with a bitter smile.

"It was indeed there at the beginning, but I don't know if Zaid offended the emperor of the Eastern Empire or for some other reason. The people of the Eastern Empire took Gulyon to the Golden Gallen Port...only Akbar was left behind.

Got them."

This slick guy...

Chu Guang chuckled and shook his head, seeing through Saren's cleverness at a glance.

This guy wanted to use the borrowed knife idea to kill again, and this time he wanted to use the alliance's hand to beat his own puppet.

Abu Saik has been dismissed from his post by the committee. Although Tiandu is still an ally of the alliance in name, it is actually estranged from Dawn City.

Anyone can see that the Family Club is a puppet of the Eastern Empire, including the Family Club itself.

However, Zaid is not honest. He not only wants the benefits of the Eastern Empire, but also wants to continue to get the benefits of the alliance by living here and there.

The Tiandu Federation is almost a corpse, and the fact that he sewn it on the committee chair is the best evidence.

Saren knew that he could see this and would never abandon the allies of the Mammoth Kingdom and give Gulyon to Tiandu, so he readily handed over the knife.

And if he really handed Gulion's knife to the Mammoth Kingdom, his purpose of beating the Borneo Kingdom would be achieved. No matter how shameless Zaid was, he knew that he both wanted it and that it was impossible.

As for killing Guion himself, there would be no loss to the Eastern Empire.

Saren is a member of Weiland, but he is also a political animal. At most, he cares about his feathers for the sake of face, but he does not sincerely never abandon every compatriot like those "witnesses".

Chu Guang actually already had the answer in his mind, but he still asked the question to Cheng Yan.

"You are the foreign minister of the alliance, what do you think? There is only one Guion, who is better to give it to?" Cheng Yan said in a very soft voice.

"I heard that among the 800,000-strong army of Borneo's "Iron General" Grove, there are many old troops of the Southern Army, and there are also a large number of weapons of the Southern Army. Some of them were taken over from the Eastern Empire, and some were from the Northern Empire.

Captives of Operation Wind.”

Chu Guang: "So?" Cheng Yan's pupils flickered slightly.

"Currently Grove is confronting the Mammoth Kingdom in the north. If Gulyon is handed over to Tiandu, the Mammoth Kingdom may be in danger."

Lacy who could stop Gulyon is already dead.

The current leader of the Mammoth Kingdom is Shava, the stormtrooper captain of Lasi. Although this person is quite capable and has experienced life and death on the battlefield, after all, he comes from an internal affairs background and is not considered a handsome man.??????.??


Although Grove got a bargain on the southern front, it can be seen from Operation Beifeng that this person also has some real abilities, otherwise he would not be printed on the playing cards by the Southern Army.

"Do you mean to kill Gulion?" Chu Guang asked casually, not wanting to hear him beating around the bush.

Guion's role is probably equivalent to Griffin, he is just the commander-in-chief of the war zone. Whether he should die is a matter for the Borneo people themselves. The alliance's key liquidation targets are all in Yavent City, and he must be at least a four-star or above.

The captain of ten thousand.

For example, the Minister of General Affairs, etc.

As for a three-star captain of ten thousand men, it would be better for the people to decide whether he should be sentenced to death or to life imprisonment. He actually didn't want to get involved.

"I didn't mean that, and on the contrary," Cheng Yan shook his head quickly. "The court in Jingallang Port will undoubtedly sentence him to death, but killing a polished commander is meaningless to us."

After a pause, he lowered his speaking speed and spoke hurriedly in a voice that only two people could hear.

"I suggest that you put his trial in Mammoth City... After all, legally speaking, the survivors of Mammoth City also participated in the war against the Southern Army and were the main force on the battlefield. They have the power to judge Guion.

And it has more power than Tiandu today."

Looking at the bright-eyed Cheng Yan, a smile suddenly appeared on the expressionless Chu Guang's face.

"That's right. You don't have to go around in circles with me. Just tell me what you think." Cheng Yan smiled sheepishly.

"I'm not beating around the bush here... I just want to explain to you clearly the reason why I did this. After all, you can definitely tell that this Gurion is actually a knife handed to us by Saren. If you really can't bear to part with Tiandu

Because of the relationship, it would be fine to execute him at Golden Gallen Port."

After a pause, he added another sentence.

"Of course, I must remind you that false friendship will not bring any real benefits. Any sweet words from Zaid will definitely not be fulfilled in the end. He will only try his best to steal our wool."

"A little liar also wants to take advantage of me. He's still a little green." Chu Guang chuckled and pushed the empty bowl aside. "You have a good idea. Since you already have an idea, let's go ahead and do it.


Cheng Yan smiled slightly and said understandingly, "I understand."

The affairs of the Borneo Province were only part of the post-war order, and Chu Guang did not really want to play this game personally.

In contrast, the "Abu Spaceflight" that he had recently built in Friesport, with whom he had met once at a human conference, was more interesting to him.

This guy is retired, but he can't stop running out to start a second business.

If this guy really succeeds, maybe he can change the opinion of the conservatives in the alliance towards the Borneo people.

Of course, what he hopes more is that that guy can have some positive influence on the Borneo people in the alliance, so that they can learn self-respect, self-love and self-improvement.

Now that we have left Borneo Province, we should stop wandering around looking for Dad and Sa Po. On the other hand, what Chu Guang cares about more is the Heavenly Man.

If he didn't break the sharp sword hanging at the Lagrange point, he would not be able to sleep peacefully.

Especially now that the Legion has been disbanded.

The burden that originally belonged to Julius can now only be shouldered by him.

This chapter has been completed!
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