Chapter 105: Defeat me and stay

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When Wu Long saw this, his face turned green with fright. He stared blankly at Zhou Wu, unable to believe that a small fourth-level Jindan realm could have such strength.

You know, Zhou Wu's own strength alone is enough to rival any strong person in the out-of-body realm. Of course, this is without using true energy. Even if he uses true energy to compete in strength, Zhou Wu will not lose at all.

For those who are strong in the out-of-body realm, combined with the iron pot's space jump, this can be regarded as Zhou Wu's method of defeating the enemy.

"There is one left, and there is one space jump left. There is exactly one person left." A strange smile filled the corner of his mouth, and the next second, Zhou Wu's figure disappeared from the spot.

Although Wu Long knew that Zhou Wu would appear beside him in the next second, his soul power was not strong and he could not tell which side Zhou Wu would appear on. He just randomly chose a direction, shot out with a palm, and jumped into the air.

, the next second, Zhou Wu appeared on the other side, with a crash, and the sound of the iron pot being slapped, Wu Long was slapped hard and flew out, landing next to Wu Xuan and Wu Zhi.

Zhou Wu smiled, looked at the three of them proudly, and asked, "How powerful is my iron pot?"

Wu Xuan and the other three stood up. As strong men in the Out-of-Body Realm, although they suffered a big loss, the injuries of this degree were not enough to affect their performance.

"This kid is not just an alchemist!" Wu Xuan said solemnly.

Zhou Wu grinned and said, "Who told you that I am an alchemist?"

"You are a disciple of Master Huoyun, and Master Huoyun is one of the best alchemists in Jiuzhou. As his disciple, aren't you an alchemist?" Wu Zhi asked.

Zhou Wu laughed loudly: "Haha, when it comes to alchemy skills, I'm afraid I can't even be considered an ordinary third-grade alchemist, but when it comes to fighting, I'm afraid you are no match for me."

The three brothers of the Wu family were about to retort. Suddenly, they saw Zhou Wu raise his right hand, and the agitated Long Yinsheng shook out from his right palm. In an instant, golden light shot up into the sky like a beam of light. In the beam of light, the golden spear of the Holy Dragon Spear

The figure is particularly eye-catching.

"This is my other natal magic weapon, the ultimate soul weapon, the Holy Dragon Spear!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them suddenly widened their eyes, looked at the Holy Dragon Spear in Zhou Wu's hand in disbelief, and shouted in unison: "What? The best Horcrux! How is this possible!"

Feeling the shock in his eyes, Zhou Wu showed a smile on his face and said: "I'm not afraid to tell you that I have other natal magic weapons on me. The iron pot is not very aggressive, as you have seen, and among the remaining natal magic weapons,

The Holy Dragon Spear is just the weakest."

The three people's eyes widened again. This time, their mouths were so surprised that they almost fell to the ground. They all looked at Zhou Wu as if they were looking at monsters.

"How could this kid have such a powerful Horcrux? And there are more than one!" Wu Xuan said blankly.

Wu Zhi frowned, looked Zhou Wu up and down, and said in a deep voice: "Brother, something is wrong. This kid has multi-attribute spiritual roots!"

"Multi-attribute spiritual roots? Is this impossible?" Wu Long said.

Wu Zhi said in a deep voice: "This kid has shown the iron pot, and now he has shown this gun. He also said that he has other magic weapons, and he has not left the word "life". As we all know, on the land of Jiuzhou, every monk can only

Binding a natal magic weapon, and very few monks will have dual spiritual roots. As long as these two spiritual roots are not mutually exclusive, becoming a monk can bind two natal magic weapons. This guy has already demonstrated two natal magic weapons.

Space attributes, metallicity, if my guess is correct, he has at least three spiritual roots, and this third spiritual root should be the fire spiritual root!"

Wu Xuan and Wu Long suddenly realized it. Wu Xuan patted Wu Zhi on the shoulder and said: "The second brother is worthy of being the think tank of our three brothers. Once you analyze it like this, we all understand that the three spiritual root monks can cultivate to the golden elixir realm.

This is the first time I’ve seen it.”

"Brother Zhou, can you let us see your third natal magic weapon?" Wu Long asked.

Zhou Wu smiled slightly and said: "His analysis is correct. I have at least three spiritual roots. However, it is not entirely correct. I am not afraid to tell you that I possess ten spiritual roots."

"Ten spiritual roots! It seems I made a mistake." Wu Zhi said with a helpless smile.

"Wait! Did you just say! Ten! Ten spiritual roots?" Wu Zhi suddenly realized something, suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhou Wu. The surprise in his eyes could no longer be described in words, and his eyes almost fell to the ground in shock.


"What? Ten spiritual roots?"

"Ten spiritual roots appear in one person! How is this possible?"

"The Five Elements Spiritual Roots that combine metal, wood, water, fire, and earth have appeared on this continent, but there have never been monks with six kinds of spiritual roots. Once the Five Elements Spiritual Roots appear, even if they don't practice, they will be affected by the lack of the Five Elements Spiritual Roots.

Suppressing each other, leading to early death! How did this kid survive?"

Zhou Wu shrugged and said, "Isn't this how I live my life, eating and sleeping every day? Don't you want to see my third natal magic weapon? Please take a look."

After saying that, the Yang Sword broke out of the body and floated in front of Zhou Wu. Suddenly, the temperature within a ten-mile radius suddenly rose. When the three people with the out-of-body realm felt the breath of the Yang Sword, their skin was burned by flames.

Feeling a burning sensation, I quickly retreated several miles.

"That sword! It's so powerful! My skin is still aching." Wu Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Such a strong momentum has at least reached the level of a sacred weapon!" Wu Zhi said in a solemn voice.

"Holy weapon! Oh my god, this is the first time I have seen a sacred weapon! It is so powerful. Big brother and second brother, how are you going to deal with this kid?" Wu Long said.

Wu Xuan also looked at Wu Zhi. As the think tank among the three, Wu Zhi would always make suggestions when encountering problems.

Wu Zhi thought for a moment and said: "Although the other party has a powerful magic weapon that is powerful enough to destroy us, he only has the cultivation level of the Golden Core Realm, and we have the cultivation level of the Out-of-body Realm. Big Brother and Third Brother, think about it, the Golden Core Realm

How is it different from the out-of-body realm?"

"Spell! It's a spell!" Wu Long said quickly.

Wu Zhi showed a confident smile and said: "Yes, it is a magic weapon. In battle, magic weapons can be cast instantly, but spells need time to condense. Therefore, many monks like to use magic weapons as soon as they start fighting. However, this does not mean that magic weapons are used in battle.

It's not as powerful as a magic weapon, but as long as you have enough time to condense the magic, it won't be easy to deal with this kid."

"The second brother is right. Third brother, let's go together. This kid's magic weapon is strong, but he is only at the Golden Core level. It is impossible to control two magic weapons at the same time. Let's attack him on the left and the right. The second brother will do it.

Use magic to deal with this kid."

After saying that, Wu Xuan Wu Long spread out to the left and right, and from a distance, they offered their magic weapons. Two red flying swords, inferior spiritual weapons, were their natural magic weapons.

"Well? The magic weapon of destiny? These three people are not weak in talent, but they already have the magic weapon of destiny. It seems that it is a bit tricky. Are they going to join forces to deal with me?"

The natal magic weapon is much more powerful than ordinary magic weapons. In addition to the cultivation level of the out-of-body realm, it is indeed difficult for Zhou Wu to deal with two people at the same time.

I saw that the two red flying swords were both top-grade spiritual weapons, on the same level as the iron pot, but in the hands of Wu Xuan Wu Long, their momentum was comparable to ordinary mysterious weapons. One left and one right, they attacked Zhou Wu.

Zhou Wu was not afraid at all. The two men obviously underestimated Zhou Wu's strength. Zhou Wu ignored the incoming flying sword and instead looked at Wu Zhi who was concentrating his spells.

"The First Form of Fulong Jue: Fulong ascends to the sky!" The exciting dragon roar sounded, and the Holy Dragon Spear was thrown. At the same time, two flying swords came to Zhou Wu. Zhou Wu's ninth-grade fire spirit root, coupled with the Yang

With the fire in his body, the temperature of the flying swords of the two men could not be overstated by the word "immune" for Zhou Wu.

When the flying sword was about to hit Zhou Wu, Zhou Wu's arms shook, and he raised both hands at the same time, and he actually grabbed the two flying swords that were coming.

This scene frightened the three of them. The Holy Dragon Spear rushed towards Wu Zhi. Wu Zhi was so frightened that he froze in place. The spell in his hand stopped condensing and dissipated in an instant. Fortunately, this blow

Zhou Wu did not aim at Wu Zhi, the Holy Dragon Spear just rubbed his body and hit the ground behind him.

"Boom!" The Holy Dragon Spear blasted out a deep pit several feet deep on the ground.

"He! He actually caught our flying sword with his hand!"

"This kid is not human at all! He is simply a monster!"

"There are such monsters in this world!"

Fulong Jue can continuously strengthen the body. Coupled with Lei Yue's special training in the past half month, Zhou Wu's body is as hard as iron and as hard as a mysterious weapon. Ordinary magic weapons cannot hurt Zhou Wu at all, unless the mysterious weapon

Otherwise, even with the above magic weapons, Zhou Wu would not be able to be hurt even at close range.

Zhou Wu also intended to accept the three people as disciples of the Yilong Sect, otherwise he would not have revealed so much information about himself to the three of them. Today, the Yilong Sect needs monks like the Out-of-Body Realm to join.

"Three of you, do you still want to fight?" Zhou Wu threw the flying sword at Wu Xuanwu Dragon, made a backhand move, and the Holy Dragon Spear returned to his hand, looking at the three of them with a smile on his face.

It was obvious that the three people showed unwillingness on their faces. This was the biggest opportunity in their lives. If they could stay with Huo Yun and work together, there would definitely be a lot of benefits. The most important thing for alchemists is resources. As long as they can get some benefits

, it is possible for them to attack the distraction realm or even return to the virtual realm in the future.

Wu Xuan clenched his fists and said unwillingly: "As long as we can defeat him, we can stay with Master Huoyun. Second brother and third brother, we will never miss this opportunity. We can only use that trick."

Wu Zhi and Wu Long both nodded, and the three of them showed determined expressions. Three flying swords rushed out and stood above the heads of the three of them. Wu Zhi's flying swords were also top-grade spiritual weapons. Three top-grade spiritual weapons were composed of

A triangular array, and in an instant, the heating air waves spread in all directions like waves.

Zhou Wu grinned and said to himself: "Is Zhongyu going to show his true skills? Then I won't keep it anymore."

The three golden elixirs were rotating rapidly, and Zhou Wu's momentum was so great that it was not inferior to anyone in the Yuanying realm. In other words, Zhou Wu's momentum was stronger than that of the average ninth-level Nascent Soul realm, almost approaching the out-of-body realm.

The aura of a monk.

This chapter has been completed!
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