108 Longtan Base

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After hearing Qi Yuan's words, Ye Fu had not yet responded, and Jiang Run's expression turned ugly.

If he can't eat meat, won't it cost him his life?

"Ye Fu, I want to live with you." He was very serious and solemn.

"Only couples can live together." Qi Yuan snorted. He always felt that Jiang Run's aura was too dangerous, but this person was a head taller than him, and he was afraid that he couldn't beat him.

"Do Officer Song and Wenwen also live in single rooms?"

Qi Yuan nodded, "He handed over a pack of cigarettes. As well as He Rui and Zhang Yuan, we gathered some things and let them live in a single room."

Ye Fu looked at Jiang Run and patted his arm, "We can get two single rooms."

Seeing that she had no intention of abandoning him, Jiang Run was instantly coaxed.

"Then can I have dinner with you every day?"

"How can Ye Fu get anything to eat? You, a grown man, don't be a parasite and work hard to support yourself." Qi Yuan was so angry that he almost jumped up, and Ye Fu had to stop him quickly.


"How can I be calm, Ye Fu, where did you find a boyfriend? He doesn't support you and still wants you to support him. It's too much. I'm telling you, I have food there. Don't worry, I won't let him go hungry.


Ye Fu was funny and touching.

"He is very powerful. Jiang Rong has been taking care of me all the way."

"Okay, I'll just protect you. Anyway, if there's anything you can ask Captain Chen to help with, he's a very good person, because he has two children at home and he's quite hard-working."

Ye Fu understood instantly.

There are about 350 people in the fishing team. Captain Chen is the general captain, and there are various teams below. There are fifty people in each team. Each person has to catch an average of eighty or ninety kilograms before they can go back.

There were still a lot of fish in the Yinjiang River, and they brought plenty of tools. At eight o'clock in the evening, Captain Chen called it a day and everyone hurried on at night to return to the base without stopping.

"After walking for about two days, there was a car. We drove here, but the road here collapsed, so the car stopped at Mingfeng Mountain."

Ye Fu put away the tent. She carried the tent while Jiang Run carried other things. Wu Lili glared at Ye Fu several times, but Ye Fu ignored her.

"Ye Fu, have you decided what to hand over?"

Ye Fu nodded and went to the smoking bar. There was a lot of space in this thing, so he just took this opportunity to change to a single room.

Ye Fu also prepared a pack of fruit candies as a bribe to Captain Chen. Qi Yuan just reminded her that Captain Chen has two children.

Because the weather is too cold, even dead fish are not afraid of rotting. They put them in sacks, tie them up and carry them on their backs. Everyone is the same. Some people carry two bags, and some people carry one bag. These will be recorded, and when they go on a mission,

You can get points, which are settled every month and can be accumulated to the next month. The points can be exchanged for things, such as clothes, candles, sanitary napkins, medicines...

Ye Fu observed these people. Most of them were in ragged clothes, looked numb, and exhausted. For them, it was enough for them that the base could provide shelter from wind and rain, have a place to live, and have enough to eat.

Ye Fu and Jiang Run were walking at the back of the crowd. Occasionally someone fainted suddenly, and Qi Yuan would go over for diagnosis and treatment. But Ye Fu knew the cause of the fainting without checking. It was simply malnutrition, too tired, too hungry, and too cold.


Qi Yuan said that when setting off, the base would distribute dry food to everyone, and some people would eat half of the food they received. After going back and forth, they could only work hungry.

Two days later, a group of people walked to Mingfeng Mountain and saw more than 20 trucks parked at the foot of the mountain.

Captain Chen ordered all the fish to be put on the truck first, and then people would get on after the fish were loaded into the truck.

Ye Fu and Jiang Run were always mixed in the crowd. They got on when others got on the bus, and sat down when others sat down.

The car drove for five or six hours and arrived at Longtan Base. It was no different from Ye Fu's imagination. The base was very big and there were patrols at the entrance. Qi Yuan said that in addition to the buildings built on the ground, the base also had underground cities.

, all vegetables are grown in the underground city, and chickens, ducks, geese, cows, sheep, pigs are also raised...

The base residents who live in collective housing are in the east, the base residents who live in single rooms are in the west, and all the leadership live in the north. There are not only luxury apartments, but also single-family villas, with constant electricity and no shortage of water.

The scientific research and technical personnel live in the south, and there are also apartment buildings there.

"My eyes feel uncomfortable." Jiang Run muttered suddenly, and Ye Fu looked at him warningly.

"Be patient, otherwise I won't care about you if something happens to you, and all the food will be mine."

Jiang Run pursed his lips and looked at her.

"I am such a ungrateful person."

Everyone got off the car and lined up to enter the base one by one. Ye Fu looked at the base gate that was almost ten meters high and felt it was very inconsistent.

"Ye Fu, I told Captain Chen that he and I will take you over to apply for the base resident certificate later, but you have to prepare your things in advance."

Ye Fu had already prepared it, it was in the bag.

After all these people went in, Captain Chen explained the matter to one of his subordinates and then walked towards Ye Fu and Jiang Run.

"Ye Fu and Jiang Run, both of them are twenty years old. You know medical skills and are you qualified to practice medicine?"

Ye Fu nodded, "I am a student at Lancheng Medical College, and both my parents are doctors at Lancheng City Hospital."

Captain Chen nodded with satisfaction, "What about him?"

"Jiang Run used to be a soldier, and he has very good skills." It's the end of the world anyway, and there's no way to verify these things, so Ye Fu has to find a reasonable explanation for Jiang Run's skills.

Sure enough, Captain Chen's eyes lit up.

"Okay, you come with me."

"Captain Chen, please take care of me. We are all honest people. We are new here and we feel very uneasy."

Ye Fu pushed a small black bag to Captain Chen. Captain Chen opened it and took a look. There was a pack of fruit candies and a pack of cigarettes inside.

"Those who are capable don't need to be uneasy, but I still have to remind you that there are many people in the base, so it's good to be honest and responsible."

Ye Fu nodded, "Yes, we remember it."

Entering the base, there are all kinds of houses, as well as skyscrapers that Ye Fu has only seen in science fiction movies. Less than a year after the end of the world, this place has already developed to this level. Ye Fu is very curious about the people in charge of the base.


Qi Yuan winked at Ye Fu from behind and secretly gave her a thumbs up. Ye Fu raised his eyebrows in a sultry manner and was caught by Jiang Run.

Doumiao and Luoluo are still packed in cloth bags and are currently hanging around Jiang Run's neck.

Along the way, Captain Chen and the two of them introduced the scale and development of the base, but he said nothing about the people in power.

"We've arrived at the base office building. It doesn't matter if you don't have an ID card. You can apply for a resident card later."

The four of them entered the building. Ye Fu looked at the clean and white marble floor tiles, and suddenly had the illusion of going back to the end of the world.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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