160 Wild Boar

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After Ye Fu returned, he told Jiang Run about the matter.

Jiang Run was silent for a long time and said quietly, "Qi Yuan, are you only thirty-one years old?"

The most distressing thing was this, but luckily Qi Yuan didn't hear it.

"What do you think of him and Fang Wei?"


"I think it's pretty good too."

Ye Fu took out a watermelon, cut it into half, and ate it with a spoon. There was a tablet on the table, and a horror movie was playing. The two of them watched the movie and chatted about it.

The tree seeds scattered around the safe area have turned into small trees. The wind has been strong recently and has begun to carry sand and soil into the safe area. With trees and Sijiqing taller than people, people no longer need to cover their trees every day.

I kept my face to resist the wind and sand.

During this period, she focused on planting. Now that life in the safe zone has gradually stabilized, she can also take a proper rest and relax herself.

When Jiang Run was not out fishing or collecting firewood, he took care of everything. Ye Fu didn't need to worry about it at all. She took out the cookbook that Jiang Run had almost torn through and decided to continue making cooked food and fill the space with supplies.

"How about making some pork breasts, beef jerky, spicy fish steaks, spicy fish tails, spicy strips, and spicy duck necks?"

Jiang Run looked at her with eyes filled with admiration.

"Okay." Safety didn't hesitate.

Ye Fu also planned to make some pickled radishes and pickled vegetables. The vegetables in the field grew too fast and could not be eaten all. Some of them were stored in the space, and the other part was made into dried vegetables and pickled vegetables.

There are also several jars of pickled peppers, as well as spicy cabbage, lotus white, pickled cucumbers, vinegar and white wine in the leaves, which is enough for her.

Ye Fu lives on the top floor, where he can put the photovoltaic panels on the balcony to charge the battery. To prevent the photovoltaic panels from being seen by neighbors, Jiang Jun has blocked the left and right sides of the balcony with wooden boards.

Use a range hood to suck away the spicy aroma, and you can't smell anything outside after being separated by a wall.

A batch of chickens and ducks had to be killed every month, otherwise the shed would not be able to live in. Jiang Run went down with a bamboo basket to pick up eggs every day, and he could pick up hundreds of eggs every day.

"There are tea leaves in my space, let's get some tea eggs." When the temperature was high, she went to the club to search for supplies and found a lot of tea cakes and tea leaves, all of which were still stacked in the space.

Ye Fu carefully took out a gas tank, placed a large iron pot on the gas stove, and began to boil eggs.

To be honest, she was afraid of nothing but gas tanks, pressure cookers, and oil tankers on the road.

When Ye Fu sees these things, he always has paranoia about being persecuted, fearing that they will explode in the next second.

When she was stocking up, she actually thought about not buying gas tanks. She was even worried that the gas tanks would explode in the space and destroy the space. But later, she overcame her fear and stocked up not only gas tanks, but also liquefied gas bottles.


There are also cotton seeds in the space, but Ye Fu can't take them out out of thin air. The residents of the safe zone have picked up a lot of clothes before. Although they are tattered, they are not naked. Now they have the down of chickens and ducks and stuffed them into the clothes.

, can also keep warm.

Life has to be taken step by step. No matter when, it is never wrong to be cautious.

She can be a doctor or an expert in planting, but she must not be an alien with treasures.


Fang Wei and Qi Yuan went to catch snakes and actually caught a bunch of wild boars. When they drove five wild boars back, everyone in the safe zone was shocked, including Ye Fu.

Good guy, what about the low self-esteem you promised? Are you planning to go out to catch wild boars so soon?


Qi Yuan's sullen look could be seen clearly by Ye Fu even from a distance away.

"Qi Yuan is so prosperous that he caught a wild boar without making any noise."

"I guess it was Fang Wei who caught her. Fang Wei is a very fierce girl. She can catch snakes with her bare hands. Qi Yuan can't do that. He's only averagely courageous."

Ye Fu almost laughed out loud when he heard the words "Qi Yuan can't do it."

"Qi Yuan, how do you want to divide it?"

"It's hard to separate the five heads. If you can't tell them apart, you two might as well just live together. Fang Ming, what do you think?"

Fang Ming, standing in the crowd, stared at his sister with an unreadable expression.

"That bully Fang Ming, do you think he can let Qi Yuan take away the wild boars? I guess he will take them all and Qi Yuan will be miserable."

"It's not obvious that Ye Fu, Jiang Run, and Song Chunhe are all on Qi Yuan's side. How could they cause Qi Yuan to suffer."

"There's going to be a fight, let's fight, let's fight..."

"Fang Ming, Fang Wei caught the wild boar. I just helped her drive it back." Qi Yuan didn't want to divide the wild boars. After all, he didn't catch the wild boars.

"But you got kicked by a wild boar just for helping me. Brother, I want to share Qi Yuan's head." Fang Wei looked weak, but she didn't expect that people can't be judged by their appearance, and she was indeed the one who caught the wild boar.

"Well, you can figure it out yourself."

Everyone thought Fang Ming would not agree, but unexpectedly he had no reaction and showed no signs of anger.

People who wanted to watch the excitement were a little disappointed, but looking at these wild boars, they were all jealous.

"Fang Wei, where did you catch him?"

"They were very fierce in the mountains. I defeated them and then drove them back."

Fang Wei gave the wild boar, which was neither big nor small, to Qi Yuan. Qi Yuan was unwilling to take it. Fang Ming gave it a look and he immediately accepted it.

"Qi Yuan is very lucky. He actually got a wild boar. It seems that Fang Weizhen has taken a liking to him."

"Fang Ming, Qi Yuan wants to be your brother-in-law, do you agree?"

The booing started again. Fang Ming looked at everyone and found that he didn't get angry.

"This is Fang Wei's private matter, I don't care." Fang Ming said calmly.

"Then you took her to see Brother Song before?"

When this matter was mentioned, everyone burst into laughter again, and Fang Ming was a little embarrassed. After all, he was indeed reckless in that matter.

"It's none of your business. No one will touch you if I touch porcelain. Do you need you to sow discord here?"

The man who was yelled at looked a little unhappy, but he didn't dare to confront Fang Ming, so he could only endure this tone.

"Fang Wei, go home."

Fang Wei glanced at Qi Yuan and whispered, "Are you going to catch snakes tomorrow?"

Qi Yuan sighed and looked at Fang Wei seriously, "If you don't go tomorrow, let's go the day after tomorrow."

Fang Wei immediately became happy, but Fang Ming couldn't stand it anymore, so he drove the wild boar and dragged his sister away.

"Uncle Qi, you have a pig." Wenwen looked even happier than Qi Yuan. She pulled the tail of the wild boar and touched it left and right.

"It's a sow. If she gives birth to piglets, I'll give you one."

Wenwen was even more happy, "Great, then if my lamb gives birth, I will also give one to you."

Qi Yuan smiled and nodded, "Okay, then the two of us can herd sheep together."

The wild boar weighs more than 40 kilograms, has a long and thin body, and its limbs are not short. It snorts and nudges the grass on the ground with its nose.

Although the people watching the excitement are jealous, they will not do anything to rob. Everyone remembers the safe zone rules set by Wan Tao.

Robbery and theft are not allowed, they will be caught and expelled from the safe area.

This chapter has been completed!
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