183 Polar Day, Cellar 4

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Ye Fu quickly retreated into the cellar. Her thoughts could not calm down for a long time, and she sat on the chair in a daze.

"Don't think too much, all this will pass." Jiang Chong saw that her energy was starting to slump again, so he walked up to her, reached out and patted her shoulder.

"I just feel that human beings are too insignificant. In front of nature, they are so insignificant that they have no ability to resist."

In fact, Ye Fu is not depressed, she is just thinking about a question, will this seemingly endless natural disaster really have an end?

Life in one's own cellar is like being locked up in a narrow iron box. It seems solid and solid, but in fact it is vulnerable.

At meal time, Ye Fu took out a bottle of wine for the first time and poured a full glass for Jiang Run.

"Come on, let's get drunk today and rest. When we wake up, maybe everything will revive and everything will be better."

Ye Fu clinked glasses with him, Jiang Run frowned and looked at her, "Drink less."

"My ability to drink is okay, but I'm not that good at drinking. If I get drunk later, you can knock me out."

After drinking a glass of wine, he felt that all his worries were gone. Ye Fu started to let himself go and talked a lot about himself to Jiang Run. As he talked, she suddenly started dancing and singing.

"Jiang Run, just drink. Once you're drunk, you'll be fine. You won't think about anything anymore."

Jiang Run looked at the wine in the cup, took a sip and blushed.

"taste not good."

"How can wine be so good? Wine is just a good medicine that numbs people's spirits. At least at the moment when they are drunk, people are relaxed."

Ye Fuwai sat on the chair and looked at Jiang Run quietly.

"Jiang Run, congratulations."

"Congratulations to me?"

"Congratulations on your survival. I was always worried that you would die."

Jiang Run smiled helplessly, "Why do you have such worries?"

"When you come to the base, I'm afraid you will be caught by others."

"Don't worry, no one can catch me, nothing will happen to me." Jiang Run poured her a glass of water, Ye Fu took a sip and looked at him angrily.

"This is water. Do you think I'm drunk? I'm telling you, I'm sober."

As she said this, she staggered up and performed a flat fall.

Fortunately, Jiang Jun had quick eyesight and quick hands to hug her, otherwise Ye Fu would have had close contact with the ground.

"I really hope the day will end when I wake up."

After saying that, Ye tilted his head and fell asleep directly.

Jiang Run pinched her face and carried her to the bed.

"Go to sleep, have a good sleep, everything will be fine."


Ye Fu didn't know how long she stayed in the cellar. The numbers on the calendar were crossed out one after another. By the end, she no longer counted those days.

Several pots of flowers were also placed in the cellar. After a long day, the camellias withered and never bloomed again.

Alcohol can only anesthetize her temporarily, but cannot anesthetize her forever. After she wakes up, the extreme daylight has not ended, nor has the high temperature.

A fir tree suddenly ignited spontaneously. The fire burned for four days and four nights. Ye Fu put on insulating clothing and decided to go out to see what was going on outside. However, after the temperature rose to 58°C, even if she wore insulating clothing, she could only stay outside.

Stay there for twenty minutes, otherwise you will have difficulty breathing and your skin will become itchy and painful.

The safe area was still quiet without any movement. Ye Fu walked around outside for more than ten minutes. All the trees and dead grass in this area had been burned. Ye Fu looked at the few trees in front. Although only charcoal was left after burning,

There are even sparks on it.

Fortunately, Jiang Run dug his cellar in the pumpkin patch, where there were no trees or grass.

Ye Fu had the illusion that he was on the surface of the moon. The surface was rugged, with cracked ravines, and a pungent smell filled the air.

After walking around for a while, she returned to the cellar.

Although she had only been out for half an hour and was wearing insulating clothing, the skin on her body had already begun to turn red.

"I'll go out to check later." Jiang Run applied ice to her arm. Looking at the red skin, his expression became much more serious.

"Aren't I just curious? It always feels like there are only two of us in the world. It's too quiet. The fire a few days ago burned down all the plants in the safe zone."

Ye Fu washed his face and said, "I didn't hear the whistle. Qi Yuan and the others should be fine."

Ye Fu took out a mirror and took a look. Strangely enough, her appearance had never changed since she drank Jiang Run's blood.

There is a difference between being nineteen years old and twenty-three years old, but she still looks like a nineteen-year-old now, except that she gained some weight for a while and had baby fat on her face.

Look at Jiang Run again, what he was like when I picked him up in Suiyun Mountain, he is still the same now, nothing has changed at all.

When he was in Yinjiang, someone asked him his age and he said he was twenty. Ye Fu had no doubts.

But now Ye Fu suddenly had a very bold idea. Is the twenty years old Jiang Chun said really twenty years old, or will he stay at twenty forever?

If Jiang Run's blood can keep her young, then after Wenwen drank Ye Fu's blood, except for becoming stronger, everything else was normal.

Although she had doubts in her heart, Ye Fu did not show it. For her, it was enough that Jiang Run could be trusted 100% and would never hurt her.

The rest is not important.

Putting down the mirror, Ye Fu looked at the bean sprouts that had been stuffed in the bucket a few days ago. They were six or seven days old and should be ready for harvest.

Opening the lid of the bucket and looking at the white and tender bean sprouts inside, Ye Fu suddenly wanted to eat hot pot.

“How about hot pot later?”


Eating hot pot requires a sense of ritual. Ye Fu took out various side dishes from the space. After cleaning Jiang Jun, he put them on the table. Although it was hot outside, it was cool in the cellar, which was perfect for eating hot pot.

Doumiao and Luoluo became energetic after being sluggish for a while. Although they couldn't go out to have fun, they were very obedient and never sneaked out.

Ye Fu took out two bottles of Coke and froze them in ice water for a while, then took out the projector, found a comedy, and projected it on the wall.

Ye Fu sat on the straw mat and sighed contentedly, "It's still more comfortable in the cellar."

But eating hot pot also had side effects. Two hours later, Ye Fu started to have a stomachache.

She put on her insulating suit, ran out of the cellar, and went to the burned woods not far away.

After eating hot and cold food, it was strange that his stomach didn't protest. Ye Fu returned to the cellar entrance holding his stomach. Just as he was about to go in, his stomach started to hurt again.

"Ouch, it's going to kill me." Ye Fu could only return to the woods.

After going back and forth several times, I felt exhausted.

Back in the cellar, Ye Fusheng lay down helplessly, "I will never eat hot pot again. If I do, I will be a dog."

Jiang Run...

"Actually, you don't have to run out."

There was a cubicle in the cellar where she could take a bath. Jiang Run wanted her to use cat litter inside to solve the problem, but Ye Fu couldn't do it. She would rather die of heat than go outside.

Ye Fu looked at Jiang Run with a sad face, "I can't do it, I want to lose face."

Jiang Run looked at her sunburned face and sighed inwardly.

As long as people live, they have to eat, drink, and have diarrhea, and occasional embarrassments are inevitable.

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