192 polar day, road 13

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"It's so cruel to confiscate someone's house."

Jiang Run squeezed Ye Fu's palm, "Am I cruel?"

"That's wrong. He is extremely brave and powerful."

Ye Fuzheng fell asleep in a daze. Someone outside cried and called her name, which frightened her so much that she woke up.

"Is someone calling me?"

Jiang Run said "hmm" and said, "She's a woman. Are you going out?"

"Let's go out." Ye Fu put on her hat and walked out of the tent. An aunt rushed over and grabbed her arm.

"Dr. Ye, my son was bitten by a scorpion, please save him quickly."

Ye Fu was so shaken by her that she felt dizzy, "Take me there first. Where is the scorpion? Have you brought it back?"


"Take me there first." Ye helped her back to the tent, picked up the medical kit, and followed her to save people.

The aunt's son was lying on a straw mat. His right calf was swollen and the bite area was a little red. The scorpion's stinger was still in his flesh. He kept wailing in pain.

"I'll help you remove the poisonous stinger first, and then use a silver needle to help you force out the poison. Auntie, get a little water and help him clean the wound."

As soon as the aunt touched the wound, her son screamed loudly and a circle of people gathered around him. At this time, someone ran over and handed a dead scorpion to Ye Fu.

"Dr. Ye, it was this kind of scorpion that stung him."

Ye Fu took a look and knew it was a pincer scorpion, not fatal.

"Stop screaming, no one will die."

After Ye Fu pulled out the stinger, he used a silver needle to squeeze out the toxin inside. Although it was still very swollen, it would be fine in two days.

"Doctor Ye, is this okay? My son keeps complaining about pain. Why don't you prescribe him some painkillers?"

"Where is the medicine now? Auntie, although this kind of scorpion is poisonous, it is not fatal. It is a very common scorpion in our country."

After saying that, Ye Fu took the medical kit and left, and the aunt even chased after him.

"Dr. Ye, let's take a look at him again."

"I told you not to be pretentious. Didn't Dr. Ye say that what stung your son was a very common poisonous scorpion, which is not fatal?"

There was an uncle nearby who helped me talk, but the aunt was not happy.

"That's a poisonous scorpion. There will definitely be sequelae, right?"

"What are the side effects? How long has it been since a big man with a big body and a thick body has been so pretentious?" The uncle couldn't stand it anymore and almost spat on the aunt.

Ye Fu took advantage of the opportunity and ran away. There were now several thousand people in this team, including some weird ones.

After two days of rest, we have to continue on the road, passing through villages and towns, small roads, mountains, and winding collapsed roads. Our next destination is Tancheng.

Tancheng is more than 400 kilometers away. In this case, it may take half a month to twenty days to travel.

On the second day after leaving the township, the team came to the foot of a mountain. Wan Tao said that there was a thousand-year-old temple here, and they could rest here for a few hours. Many people put down their luggage and knelt down devoutly. Some people wanted to go up the mountain to kneel down at the temple.


"Dad, what are they doing?" Wenwen was puzzled.

"When human beings are helpless, they will grasp at the straw of gods and Buddhas and pray for blessings."

Officer Song took Wenwen up the mountain because he also had a wish to pray for.

Qi Yuan and Fang Wei also followed, and the others followed suit after seeing so many people coming up.

Ye Fu and Jiang Run didn't move. They found a shady place to sit down, drink water and rest.

"Ye Fu, Jiang Run, why don't you go up?"

Wan Tao walked over with a smile, and when he saw the two of them resting where they were, he couldn't help but ask.

Ye Fu shook his head and said, "I won't go. The mountain is too high and the gods and Buddhas have their spirits. They don't want us to be so tired."

Wan Tao laughed loudly, "What you said is quite interesting."

Liu Zhang came over with a marching kettle and said while wiping his sweat, "I was here more than 20 years ago. There is a tourist town here. This ancient temple is very famous. There are many people seeking children and marriage. To think that so many places have collapsed, but this ancient temple is still intact."

"Old Huang went up with Chengcheng. I remember that he was a materialist. How come he has become superstitious at this age."

Wan Tao smiled and said, "This is normal. Even a materialist wants to have peace of mind after going through so many things."

"What is this mountain called?"

"Dry Mountain."

Ye Fu stood up, covered his forehead with his hands, and squinted his eyes to look at the mountain peaks in the distance. The mountains here are different from the mountains in Suiyun Mountain. There are endless mountains here, and there are still mountains outside the mountains, boundless. Boundless, no end.

"Ouch, it collapsed, the Buddha statue collapsed."

Several people walked down, complaining all the time.

"I knew I wouldn't have gone up. After walking for half an hour, I saw a pile of ruins."

"There is nothing in the temple. I still want to ask the gods and Buddhas to bless me for a safe journey."

Officer Song and the others also came back, and Wenwen was a little disappointed. She told Ye Fu that there were only collapsed walls and broken tiles, so she couldn't make a wish.

"You can make a wish in your heart without telling anyone, and they will hear it."

Wenwen's eyes lit up, "Really? Then can I secretly make many wishes?"

Ye Fu smiled and nodded, "Of course, your wish is yours, you can think of it as much or as little as you want."

"Do they think I'm too greedy?"

"of course not."

People who had gone up the mountain were coming back one after another. It was almost time, so Wan Tao gave an order to continue on his way.

Since ancient times, fleeing and fleeing from famine has been full of sorrow and hardship.

When the water was getting less and less and the food was gradually bottoming out, some people often broke down emotionally. The team trained by Liu Zhang carried spears and weapons to prevent anyone from being malicious on the way.

"We'll reach Tancheng in another ten days."

"Can you still hold on?"

Ye Fu nodded, "Yes."

The only good news is that since the departure, the team has been intact and no one has died.

After crossing another big mountain, Wan Tao asked everyone to rest where they were for five hours, and many people began to go into the mountain to look for prey.

"Ye Fu, I seem to hear the sound of water."

Ye Fu grabbed him and said, "Are you sure?"

"I'll go take a look first."

After Jiang Rong left, Ye Fu quickly set up the tent. Qi Yuan and the others were already eating dry food. Ye Fu was not in the mood to eat and kept looking in the direction where Jiang Rong left.

Half an hour later, Jiang Run finally came back.

"Is there water?" Ye Fu dragged him into the tent and asked in a low voice.

"There is a small cave on the mountain with a small pond inside. The water should be groundwater, and the water output is very small."

"Tell Wan Tao and the others that many people are almost out of water. Without water, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble."

Compare robbery to plunder.

Jiang Jun nodded, "Okay, but the amount of water produced is very small, and I'm not sure if the water is drinkable."

"The water deep in the mountains, even if there are germs, can't poison people."

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