229 Desert Island Survival 7

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After breakfast, the two began to make wooden baskets. The wooden basket they made this time was larger, six meters long and three meters high. Jiang Run bound the sawed wood into the wooden basket, and Ye Fu laid the plastic sheets tightly together.

The snow in the yard can be harvested again. The snow on the island is very clean. Ye Fu boiled snow water once. Generally speaking, snow water will have various residues in it and needs to be filtered to make it drinkable. But the snow water on the island is very clean.

After cooking, there is not only no residue, but also a hint of sweetness.

Before dark, the two of them made ten wooden baskets and quickly picked up the fish and shrimps on the island before the second wave of waves came.

The wind and waves during the day were too strong. Ye Fu did not expect that the only coconut tree on the island was uprooted by the wind and waves. The coconut tree can also be used to make fire. Ye Fu took out a saw, cut it off and put it into the space.

As for the other trees in the backyard, there were not many left after being destroyed by the wind and waves.

There is no sediment on the island. Ye Fu originally wanted to build a thick wind-blocking wall, but the wind and waves were so powerful that they could hit a height of more than 20 meters. The wind-blocking wall was probably useless and would become useless.

Moreover, the amount of cement in the space is not very large, and Ye Fu does not want to waste it.

Before the maple seeds could germinate, the temperature dropped suddenly and it started to snow, and the seeds were probably frozen to death.

Ye Fu now only hopes that the sea will freeze quickly, but the sea water is too fluid, so the possibility of freezing is very small.

After picking up all the fish and shrimp and putting them into the space, Jiang Run walked around the island and found no safety hazards before returning to the wooden house. Ye Fu had already added some firewood to the fireplace and the kang.

There were already six or seven pairs of shoes made for Jiang Rong, and Ye Fu crocheted two more pairs of woolen slippers. After arriving on the island, it got dark early, and Ye Fu didn't sleep much. He spent the rest of his time making clothes and shoes.


"Come here." Seeing Jiang Run coming back, Ye Fu waved to him.

Jiang Run pursed his lips and smiled, took off his coat and shoes, and sat next to her.

"What's wrong?"

"I'll help you measure your head circumference and make some woolen hats. What color do you like?"

Ye Fu took out a box of wool. There were thirty-six and yarn balls in all colors.

"Red and black."

Ye Fu nodded, "Okay, I'll crochet a few more sweaters for you. This thread is wool, very soft and warm."

Jiang Run suddenly picked up a ball of green thread and asked, "Where's this?"

Ye Fu...Brother, are you serious?

"You want a cuckold?"

Jiang Run couldn't understand the meaning behind Ye Fu's words. He only thought that the green color was pretty good-looking, full of vitality, and quite refreshing.

"want to."

Ye Fu suppressed a smile and said, "Okay, I'll knit you a cuckold."

"Doesn't it look good?"

Ye Fu shook his head, "No, it looks good."

"Then why are you snickering?"

"Did I laugh? You saw it wrong. I am feeling sorry for your good vision."

Jiang Run felt that Ye Fu was laughing at him, but he had no proof.


The new day started with picking up fish and shrimps. Among the fish and shrimps that were caught by the wind and waves today were several pine leaf crabs. Ye Fu decided to steam them at noon.

Life on the island is both comfortable and dangerous. Before you know it, a month has passed.

Ye Fu counted the gasoline, engine oil, kerosene, and coal in the space. There was still a lot left, but he couldn't squander it.

Due to the magnetic field disorder, the compass stopped working immediately after arriving on the island, and Ye Fu didn't know where the island was.

If I want to leave in the future and there is no specific direction guidance, I will worry about accidentally entering another country.

At this time, the temperature on the island had dropped to 27 degrees.

"Jiang Run, I have always felt that there is something strange, but I can't put it into words. Today I suddenly realized it."

"What's weird?"

Ye Fu pointed to the sea not far away, "Have you noticed? The sea is rough every day, with strong winds and rain, but it has never snowed. In the entire sea, it only snows on small islands."

"It really is."

Ye Fu scratched his hair, "It's really strange."

Jiang Run couldn't figure out why this happened.


At this time, 900 kilometers away in the black water, on a very large fishing boat, thirty or forty blond and blue-eyed men were getting ready to go. They had crossed a thousand kilometers of sea and had not caught a single fish.

This sea area is the Dead Sea, turbid and smelly, without any living creatures. In order to survive, they must enter the territories of other countries to poach.

Anyway, it's the end of the world now, and the domain clause has been invalidated. There are still three boxes of weapons on the fishing boat. This time, they will definitely return with a full load.


Ye Fu extracted the toxins from the jellyfish and blended them into her newly developed new poison. She has not yet experimented with how powerful it is.

Ye Fu caught a poisonous fish and fed it a drop of newly researched poison. Within two seconds, the fish rolled its eyes and died.

Ye Fu took out two hundred crossbow arrows and asked Jiang Run to apply poison to the crossbow arrows. She put all the remaining poison into an insecticide bottle.

The cold wind howled, and Ye Fu's right eyelid jumped from morning to night. Looking at the suddenly calm sea, Ye Fu always felt that something big was about to happen.

The second month of the lunar calendar, before the end of the world, is already spring.

But there were still heavy snowfalls and howling winds on the island.

Ye Fu put the crocheted woolen hat on Jiang Run's head. The red woolen hat was festive and beautiful.

Ye Fu made him more than ten pairs of socks with wool thread. Although he always said he wasn't cold, Ye Fu still wanted him to wear thicker socks.

"On February 2, the dragon raises its head, let's get a haircut."

Ye Fu took out the scissors and helped him trim the broken hair around his ears. Her own hair could already cover her shoulders and she would not cut her hair in the future.

"Ye Fu, my eyes seem to be darker."

Ye Fu turned to the front, raised his chin, and stared into his eyes seriously.

It's true that the red eye is not only darker in color, but also a little strange, like glass beads.

The blue one changed from light blue to dark blue.

"Is there any discomfort in your body?"

Jiang Run shook his head, "I am stronger, heal faster, and my ears are more sensitive."

Ye Fu applauded, "It's awesome, so is it invulnerable now?"

Jiang Run shook his head, "That's not the case, it's just that he can withstand beatings better."

Unexpectedly, he would still joke, so Ye Fu hugged him and laughed.

"I thought you had mutated. Come on, let me find out if you have hidden your other ears and tail."

Jiang Run blinked, "Are these the rabbit ears you gave me?"

"That's a hairband."

Jiang Run shook his head, "Then I don't have any other ears."

Ye Fu pinched his face and said, "Jiang Run, why are you so cute? Did you grow up eating cuteness?"

"I grew up taking nutritional supplements."

Ye Fu laughed so much that he couldn't stand up.

Ye Fu felt better when she thought that there were many black photos of Jiang Run on her phone. In her spare time, she would dress Jiang Run as a girl, put makeup on him, and force him to wear a headband with rabbit ears.

Jiang Run never resisted and was very cooperative.

This chapter has been completed!
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