266 Extreme cold 12

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Time passed day after day, and in a blink of an eye, we have been living in the small courtyard for more than eight months. The corn in the greenhouse has been broken, more than fifty corn plants, and more than a hundred corn cobs have been harvested, and the leaves have been pulled out.

Some kale and radishes. There is still barbecue tonight, so I have to eat it with kale to relieve the greasiness.

Ye Fu returned to the yard, where everyone was washing the duck feathers. During this time, the sun had warmed up a little, so it was time to dry clothes and duck feathers.

A few days ago, everyone had slaughtered all the ducks and made them into bacon ducks, leaving only two for easy taking on the road.

The number of horses also increased to twenty-one, and the elk also gave birth to a calf.

The carriage and wheels have been prepared. After some experiments, two horses pulling the carriage together can hold more than a thousand kilograms of supplies.

After everyone discussed it, we planned to leave the small courtyard in half a month and continue to the northwest. During this time, everyone would sort out all the supplies and fill a few down jackets with dried duck feathers for easy wear on the road.

The temperature is still around 66 degrees. Compared with half a year ago, everyone has adapted to the cold. As long as it doesn't rain or wind, there is no problem in traveling.

The number of argali sheep is quite large, and has grown to 180. Jiang Run has tamed them very well. The argali sheep have a violent temper, but now they are more docile than sheep.

Keep all the corn kernels to make seeds, bring with you the endless firewood and charcoal, and take away everything that can be taken away from the small yard.

Several fires were set up in the yard, and quilts were hung on wooden poles outside the fires for baking.

Ye Fu and Jiang Run didn't have a lot of things, and the carriage pulled by the mammoth belonged to them, so it was just big enough to put them all down.

Everyone’s supplies were put together and meals were not separated. The whole team was very united and there was no one holding back.

In terms of weapons, each person has a knife, a gun, bullets and the remaining guns are kept by Ye Fu.

After the duck feathers were dried, they were divided equally and everyone made a thick down jacket.

Everyone got a lot of clothes and shoes left on the fishing boat. Ye Fu and Jiang Run later brought some back from country W, and they still have enough to wear now.

The wood used for the carriages is very thick, and the two wheels are very strong. After cleaning the oilcloths, they were put away into the containers. After counting, there were four containers and five carriages.

The day before leaving, Wan Tao organized everyone to slaughter an argali sheep and prepare a sumptuous dinner. Ye Fu took out three large green bottles and everyone drank a small cup.

At ten o'clock the next morning, the sun had already come out. Wan Tao opened the door to the yard. Everyone got up and washed up one after another. After breakfast, they loaded the trucks with supplies, fed and drank all the animals, and gave some ponies.

The horse put on some warm rags, and with Wan Tao's "Let's go", everyone left the yard.

The door of the courtyard was closed, and the carriage creaked and set off. Ye Fu and Jiang Run sat in the mammoth carriage, and they walked at the back of the team.

Traveling in a carriage is much easier than before, and a stove can be placed on the wooden board at your feet.

The carriage that Ye Fu and Jiang Run shared was very large, with twelve double wheels.

It's almost like a small truck, with sliding windows on top and a bed, chairs, and table inside.

Mammoths are very smart. On the first day, Jiang Run drove the car in front and gave them some instructions. By the second day, they no longer needed any instructions at all and they would follow the team.

It was very warm inside the carriage, with the temperature almost ten degrees above zero. Ye Fu woke up from a nap and found that the team had stopped and the current location was Anhuai City.

It was cold and windy outside the window, but luckily there was no rain or snow. Ye Fu was fully armed, opened the carriage and got out.

The city, which has been abandoned for five or six years, is just like the ghost town on TV, dilapidated, desolate and uninhabited.

We will stay here for one night tonight and continue our journey at seven o'clock tomorrow morning. We found a leeward place, drove the animals there, started to boil the snow water, and let the horses and sheep drink water first.

There were many trees around. Ye Fu and Fang Wei took machetes and chopped down some leaves. Others had already built the shelter.

Each carriage is equipped with a stove. When sleeping at night, open the sliding window a little to avoid poisoning. In order to prevent sneak attacks by tigers and black bears, someone still needs to take turns keeping watch at night.

Qi Yuan and Fang Ming couldn't wait, so they went into the city with guns in hand. After dinner, Ye Fu took Fang Wei and Wenwen to the toilet. In order to prevent frostbite, they had to carry a stove when going to the toilet outdoors.

At 10:30 in the evening, the two of them had not returned yet, and Fang Wei became a little anxious.

"Could they have encountered a black bear?"

"I think they might be lost."

"Is there something wrong?"

After waiting for another half an hour, the two of them still hadn't returned. Fang Wei was about to cry. Everyone decided to go out and look for them. Finally, Jiang Chong found the two of them in a deep pit.

"They fell into the pit and couldn't get out. When I arrived, they both fainted from the cold."

Ye Fu worked for half an hour before rescuing the two unconscious people.

The rescue method was very simple. After a dozen or so slaps, their faces were slapped into pig heads, and the two of them woke up.

"Where's your whistle?" Wan Tao rarely looked serious.

Qi Yuan touched his body and found that the whistle was gone.

"The wind is very strong now and the temperature is still very low. If Jiang Run found you later, you two would have died of shock."

"Sorry, we won't mess around again."

Wan Tao sighed, "There will definitely be many dangers on the road, including when we get to the end, and there will definitely be a lot of trouble waiting for us. Everyone must be alert and don't get into trouble for fun."

"Fortunately, nothing happened to you this time. We are a whole, and everyone is responsible for the entire team."

Both of them were very scared. If they were ten minutes late, as Wan Tao said, they would go into shock soon due to hypothermia.

In order to prevent colds, Wan Tao cooked a large pot of Chinese medicine, and everyone drank two large bowls before setting off on the road the next day.

After this accident, everyone became cautious during the rest of the journey.

After ten days of walking about forty-eight kilometers a day, we arrived at another city.

The road here is much easier to walk, with endless plains as far as the eye can see, and not a single mountain peak in sight.

In addition to the snow, there are collapsed buildings. Occasionally, you can see a few bare fruit trees. The leader of the argali has a bell hanging on its horn. The jingling sound is heard, and a nest of black birds flutters away from the fruit trees.

In the carriage, four little guys were lying in their nests, sleeping soundly. Ye Fu took out a backgammon and played chess with Jiang Run.

Wenwen only had two snow rabbits left, and all the others were slaughtered.

Two snow ducks were also placed on their carriage. From a distance, Ye Fu could hear the ducks' quack quack.

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