309 Road 2

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Ye Fu brought the whetstone to everyone, and everyone else took out their long knives and started sharpening them. Suddenly, the sound of sharpening knives was heard in the peaceful temporary spot, which scared the driver of the truck pulling coal behind him. In the middle of the night,

Started the car and everything ran away.

"What's going on? They're all gone."

Smelling the truck exhaust, Qi Yuan looked puzzled, "I still want to go over and find out some information from them."

"Maybe he was frightened by the battle we went through to sharpen our knives."

I have to say that Fang Wei has revealed the truth.

"We are good people, what are they afraid of?" Qi Yuan shrugged and continued sharpening the knife.

"When I came here just now, I saw some Tangli trees there. Jiang Run and I went to cut some branches."

"Tangli tree? You don't have to pick the branches for livestock to eat. They also eat the pine needles."

"No, I use the Tangli tree to make bows and arrows. Unfortunately, there is no jujube wood, but the Tangli tree is also a top-quality material." Ye Fu handed the knife to Jiang Run, and the two left the temporary spot.

"I just sat in the carriage and glanced outside, and happened to see a particularly thick Tangli tree. I was really lucky."

The wind was very cold at night and the ground was a little slippery. Ye Fu took out his night vision glasses and put them on. Jiang Run took her left hand and the two quickly entered the mountain.

The Tangli tree is very easy to recognize. Although there are no leaves on the branches, the branches are lush and thorny, and the trunk is curved, making it easy to distinguish it from other trees.

When they came to several Tangli trees, Jiang Run was responsible for cutting them, and Ye Fu went to look for seedlings. Tangli fruits can be eaten and can also be used to make wine.

Jiang Run cut off the Tangli tree and sorted out the parts that could be made into bows and arrows. Ye Fu also found a few seedlings, and she dug up the pine seedlings next to them and put them into the space.

In addition to the parts that can be made into bows and arrows, the remaining wood has also been collected by Ye Fu and can be taken back for grafting or burning firewood.

There was still some snow in the mountains. Ye Fu took out the temperature measuring device and took a look. It was now minus 40 degrees. Humans can already adapt well to this temperature.

Whenever she sees seedlings on the road, Ye Fu will dig them up and take them away. This has become her habit.

Back at the temporary point, everyone had sharpened their knives. Ye Fu put the branches of the Tangli tree on the fire to bake, and when hot water came out, he took them out and peeled off the bark.

The Tangli tree is very tough, and its thin branches can be used as arrows without eyes. The branches with clear lines can be processed into bows and arrows.

"There are still some cowhide and sheepskin left, which can be used just right."

We had made bows and arrows before when we were on the ship. The wood material used that time was not good enough. This time we used Tangli wood, and the range can reach more than 100 meters.

At three o'clock in the morning, everyone put away their things and returned to the carriage to rest. At seven o'clock the next morning, they fed the livestock with fodder and ate some dry food, and everyone continued on their way.

During the day, there are more vehicles on the road. They are all trucks pulling coal and wood, as well as some moving vehicles. Some drivers will bring supplies and knock on the door. If the other party is willing, the deal can be concluded.

Another truck passed by in the afternoon, pulling kudzu and kudzu. The kudzu can be used to make clothes, and the kudzu can be eaten and planted.

The road is smooth, and you can indeed walk 70 to 80 kilometers in a day, but there are also many bandits on the road, and there are bandit dens on almost every hilltop.

Of course, there are also villages where life is pretty good, with people living in buildings with big iron gates and servants at home.

When the cart pulling the kudzu passed by, Ye Fu broke off a section and smelled it. It was no different from tree roots. The broken roots inside were white. The kudzu can be eaten raw, but eating too much will make your mouth numb.

Ye Fu did not eat it and put it directly into the space. Although there was only one section, it can be planted and tried.

"There are a lot of things in the mountains, and even kudzu can be dug out. It seems that people at the upper levels can still live a good life."

Ye tightened the scarf around his neck, looked at the passing cars outside the window, and couldn't help but sigh.

"I now feel like I'm back at W." Jiang Run said suddenly.

"But I don't want to rob my compatriots." After Ye Fu finished speaking, Jiang Run was also amused.

"During that time, we all became wanted criminals." If they weren't worried about Qi Yuan and the others being in danger, the two of them might have continued their sweep for a while.

"The situation here is better than in country W. When you walk on the road there, you can smell the smell of blood and corpses in the sewers."

Ye Fu was surprised, "You've never said this before."

"I was worried that you would be scared at that time."

"Why aren't you worried now?" Ye Fu snorted deliberately.

"After returning to this land, your mentality has improved. You are not too defensive and your spirit is relatively relaxed. Even if you encounter a critical situation, you are not particularly panicked. But when you were in country W, you often woke up at night.

, during those days in the Chacha Desert, you lost a lot of weight because you were too nervous."

Ye Fu later realized, "It seems like this is really the case. Let's not mention that we need to disguise ourselves. We just feel uncomfortable all over in a foreign country. Our hearts are racing and we can't feel at ease."

After the end of the world, everything will be the same everywhere, but you will still feel safer in your own land.

"After passing these service stations in the past two days, I found that everyone is using kerosene lamps. When we finish the grocery store, I plan to make some candles to sell."

Candles are also hard currency and should sell well.

Jiang Run raised his eyebrows, "Then what do you want to trade with others?"

"Seeds, saplings, charcoal, coal, anything useful can be exchanged."

"By the way, I also plan to raise silkworms and grow cotton. If it is silk, it can be exchanged for oil and gasoline."

Ye Fu looked at Jiang Run, "Do you think it's feasible?"

"Of course, as long as you want to do it, you will definitely succeed." Jiang Ron remembered that "Tiangong Kaiwu" recorded how to breed silkworms, and he could also learn and help.

At 9:30 in the evening, the team stopped at a ruined temple, and Qi Yuan suddenly ran over.

"Ye Fu, Douding has diarrhea."

Douding is the name of the rabbit raised by Qi Yuan. He has gained a lot of weight recently, but he usually keeps it in a cage and Ye Fu has not seen it a few times.

"What did you feed?"

"I fed him water and raw meat, and he fell asleep after eating it. I just discovered that he was in very bad condition and had diarrhea."

Ye Fu was helpless, "I'll go over with you and take a look."

Arriving at Qi Yuan's carriage, he saw the sickly Dou Ding in the nest, and Ye Fu lifted it up.

"It should just be ordinary diarrhea. Give it some medicine. By the way, let it go out for more activities and keep it in a cage every day. It will suffer from depression."

Douding has a fierce personality, but now he can no longer be fierce and looks very pitiful.

Qi Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, "It scared me to death. I thought it was going to die."

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