350 Farm Daily 22

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Although this incident made everyone a little uneasy, they could only take it one step at a time. Ye Fu was more optimistic. After the blizzard started, the life of the refugees became more and more difficult. There were not many people with property. Even if the superiors wanted to confiscate the farm,

There are also some considerations to be made.

Mo Qing's body was severely deficient. Wenwen told Ye Fu that Mo Qing would talk in her sleep and tremble when sleeping at night. After Ye Fu found out about Mo Qingshan, he learned that Mo Qing had experienced a kidnapping on the way to escape.

Hundreds of people who fled together were surrounded and suppressed by bandits. Mo Qing watched Mo Qingshan being beaten with her own eyes, which left a serious psychological shadow.

Ye Fu is not good at psychological counseling, but Fang Wei can. After Ye Fu told Fang Wei about this matter, Fang Wei found Mo Qing. After a while, Mo Qing's condition improved a lot.

Aoyama's vocal cords also returned to normal.

The snow has stopped, but the temperature is still very low. Although the surrounding mountains are very high, they still cannot block the cold current. Unless there is something particularly important, Ye Fu rarely goes out.

"The ringworm on Luoluo's body has finally healed, and I can put them out."

The two birds were a little depressed after being locked up for so long. As soon as they were released from the cage, they actually flew out again. However, the temperature outside was very low, and their fur had not yet grown well. It was so cold that they made a shrill cry.

If they could talk, they would be cursing at this moment.

"I told you it's very cold outside. If you don't listen to me, you'll suffer a loss." Pulling Luoluo back and putting it on the table, Ye Fu peeled off the few remaining hairs on it and began to apply medicine to it.

"When those people came before, they seemed very excited." Jiang Run suddenly put down the book in his hand and looked at Luo Luo thoughtfully.

"Are you talking about the group of people who came here to collect taxes? Did some of them capture Luoluo and Hongniao?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. Luoluo is inherently spiritual. It will not lose control of its emotions for no reason. Either it sees the murderer who captured them or smells it."

"There is also the possibility that it has seen one of those people somewhere."

Ye Fu lifted Luoluo up, "You are really lucky. You know how to fly back. Next time you meet your murderer, just give me a hint and I will help you get revenge."

Luoluo pecked Ye Fu's palm, then flew to her shoulder and began to close her eyes and meditate.

In the middle of the night, two wolf dogs roared wildly. Officer Song and others immediately went out to check the situation. On the west fence, the two thieves who originally planned to climb in were caught by the barbs of the wire and were unable to escape.

When Officer Song and others arrived, one of the thieves was stabbed in the leg by a piece of wood and bleeding a lot. The other one was hanging upside down, his face turned blue from the cold, and he kept shouting for help.

The two thieves looked young, around twelve or thirteen years old, and Officer Song didn't have the heart to attack them. After giving a warning, he let them go.

"The fence is so high and has barbs. They dare to climb over. They are so brave."

"The two children are also pitiful."

"The fence must be inspected tomorrow, and any gaps must be repaired."

The next morning, Ye Fu didn't say anything when he found out about it. There were many people who came to climb over the fence before, but no one could climb over it anyway.

"The thorn trees on the inside of the fence have also grown a lot taller. They already have a defensive effect, but the thorns are still relatively soft."

"If someone comes over again, just give some wheat bran ground into powder and matches. It doesn't need to be too much, just a pound." Ye Fu made the decision after thinking about it.

"Sometimes leaving a way for others to survive is also leaving a way for yourself. When desperate, people's spirits can easily break down, and they may do extreme things at this time. However, we still need to warn others to prevent some people from showing off everywhere."

Officer Song also agreed with this decision. He has been a police officer and understands the weaknesses of human nature better.

Sure enough, at night, the child who hung upside down last night came again. When he saw Officer Song, he was so frightened that he was about to run away, but was stopped.

"Where's your partner?"

"He's injured. I don't dare to do it anymore. Please let me go this time." The boy was panicked and scared.

"Where are you from?"

"We came from Taal City. There were too many refugees there. They started to drive us away and sprayed us with pepper spray. We had no choice but to leave."

Officer Song was surprised that Taal City was actually expelling refugees. He asked some more questions, and the boy told them all.

"Here are the wheat bran and matches for you. It's too cold. You should go back quickly."

The boy didn't answer. Officer Song smiled, opened the bag and took a sip, "It's not poisonous."

"For me?"

"Yeah, but it's not much, only one pound. When you finish eating, come to me at the gate and I'll give it to you again. Don't climb over the fence. It's not safe. Go back."

The boy took the bag and smelled it carefully. His eyes lit up as he said, "Why did you give me food? I climbed over the fence last night."

"Someone asked me to give it to you."

"who is it?"

"I can't tell you this. It's a secret. You can't tell others what you have in your hand. Can you do it?"

The boy nodded, "I won't tell."

"You can go, the wind is light now."

Watching the other party turn around and leave, Officer Song sighed, checked the condition of the fence, and went back.

And the boy came again, ten days later.

"My grandma is still dead. I brought the food you gave me back to her, but she died before she could eat it. Qian Hai also died. His legs hurt and he couldn't come out to find food. His father beat him. I'll go

I went to find him and wanted to give him half of the food, but he died too, having been beaten to death."

Qian Hai is his partner.

The boy looked calm, as if he was talking about something unrelated.

"Qian Hai's father also wanted to steal my food. They all wanted to steal my food. I hid in the cave and didn't dare to go out. I went back secretly the day before yesterday and they were all gone. I don't know where the bodies of grandma and Qian Hai went.

I searched for it for a long time but still couldn't find it. If I hadn't been afraid that the food would be robbed and hidden, grandma and Qian Hai would not have been taken away by them."

Officer Song felt like there was a lump in his throat. There was still a handful of hard wheat bran and only two matches left in the boy's arms.

"Grandma hasn't eaten for a long time. If I ran back faster, he wouldn't starve to death."

He rambled on, with no emotion in his eyes.

"This child is so stimulated. I really don't dare think about the situation outside. What on earth does Taal City want? Why are they trying to expel the refugees? Are they crazy?" Fang Wei's eyes turned red with anger.

"What should I do with this child?"

"If it weren't for that box of matches, he would have frozen to death in the past few days. It's so pitiful. There are injuries all over his body, and his feet are black from the cold and have pus."

"I want to go to Taal City." Ye Fu suddenly said.

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