Chapter 551: 551 Missing

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Cheng Lin adapted well to the villa. He also asked Shen Li to bring many books from the base to give to Xuxu and An An. He usually worked in the guest room and occasionally came out to grind medicine powder with everyone.

Recently, two children were lost in Guanshan Villa. The children's parents made a fuss at the Haguang City Office Building. The official sent thirty patrol officers to investigate the matter. They carried guns and searched door to door, but they found a child in the villa area. I couldn't find the two children.

"There is a fence outside Guanshan Villa, and there are security personnel at the front and back doors. No one else can enter except the residents. Are these two children hiding in the villa area?"

"There won't be human traffickers or ogres, right? Do you still remember? This kind of thing also happened in the safe zone. Several children were lost one after another, and finally they were found in the warehouse of the medical building."

Of course everyone remembers this incident. It made people panic at the time. In the end, Doumiao helped them find the suspect and a few surviving children.

Ye Fu pondered for a moment, "It was still broad daylight at that time. It's pitch black outside now. Although there are street lights, hiding people is too simple. There is no surveillance in the villa area, so the probability of finding the two children is very small."

Thinking that there were two children at home, Ye Fu's expression became serious, "Xuxu, An'an, you two can't sneak out to play outside, do you understand?"

"I know, we will never go out."

An An is more honest. He will definitely not go out unless he says it. Xuxu's character is exactly the same as Qi Yuan's. He is also a restless monkey. In order to make her understand the importance of the matter, Qi Yuan and Fang Wei used various threats and inducements. Xuxucai promised never to go out to play.

"It's better to close the door. The gap in the middle of the iron door is a bit wide. Children can get out. Use hemp rope or iron wire to reinforce it."

Fang Ming nodded, "Okay, leave this matter to me and I'll handle it."

"It's not easy to have children these days. There are thousands of households in the villa area, but there are only a few children. If the child is lost, the family will be very anxious." Liu Zhang thought of something and looked up at Cheng Lin, who had been silent.

"Mr. Cheng, there are many orphans in the refugee camp. How are these children resettled?"

"There is a special place for orphans."

The orphans in the refugee camp were the first to move into the resettlement housing. Pei Ling gave them a full-body test. All the children without genetic diseases were picked up by Shen Li. Cheng Lin needed a younger team, so selecting and training from the orphans was the best option. .

Hearing Cheng Lin's answer, Liu Zhang nodded. He believed in the military's arrangements. Instead of living in the refugee camp and seeking a life at the hands of the military, they would not only have enough to eat, but would also have a better way to survive.

"Where are those old people?"

"The elderly can choose to work or not, or they can receive relief grain, but only three kilograms a month. As long as they work, they can get five kilograms more grain a month, which adds up to eight kilograms, which is enough to eat."

Wan Tao nodded, "This method is good. At any time, people must support themselves. Only by supporting themselves can they be full and have dignity."

"It would be great if Haguang City had a police station. If there was a police station, residents' sense of security would skyrocket."

Everyone looked at Fang Wei, and she rubbed her hands uncomfortably, "Isn't it a bit whimsical?"

Ye Fu waved his hand, "Your idea is very good. The police station can indeed improve residents' sense of security, and it can also deter bad guys. It is estimated that crime incidents will be much less. However, the police station needs to invest a lot of manpower. The most important thing is this aspect Talent is hard to find now.”

"Isn't it just a temporary training? Go and select some of the patrol officers to set up a special police team. To be honest, the word "police" sounds more reliable than patrol officers." Qi Yuan glanced at Officer Song and said, "Brother Song. Go and train them specially, and they will be on duty in less than three days."

"Mr. Cheng, what do you think?"

Cheng Lin looked at everyone with a teacup in his hand, "I think it's very good. You can just discuss it."

When Shen Li came over, Qi Yuan told him the good news very excitedly. Shen Li was already busy, and the leader's words would break the legs of the people below. Now it's better. The resettlement house has not been completed yet, and the base The internal strife is not over yet, and another police station is being opened.

And these are all his work alone.

Does anyone have any sympathy for beating workers?

"You look very unhappy, are you worried?"

Shen Li glanced at Qi Yuan and said, "If you change jobs with me, you will know why I am unhappy."

Qi Yuan smiled awkwardly, "Thank you for your hard work. Eat more later. As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Shen Li, I'm optimistic about you."

When Shen Li saw Ye Fu, he immediately thought, "Sister-in-law, Qi Yuan is so free, can you ask him to do something for me?"

Ye Fu nodded, "Okay."

"I'm very busy recently and need an assistant. Can you ask Qi Yuan to be my assistant for a few days?"

Qi Yuan was so angry that he didn't expect that Shen Li would repay kindness with hatred. Fortunately, he even left a plate of meat skewers for Shen Li.

"Yes, it's just that he's very fussy. Can he do a good job as an assistant?"

"It's okay, I can teach him, but the work will be harder." Shen Li glanced at Qi Yuan in embarrassment, "I'm just worried that he won't be able to endure the hardship."

Ye Fu slapped Qi Yuan on the shoulder, "He can endure hardship."

Qi Yuan endured the pain and nodded quickly, "Yes, I can endure hardship, am I just an assistant? I'll do it."

The matter at the police station was settled like this, but in addition to Qi Yuan, Shen Li also took Wu Pei and Fang Ming away.

It would be good for the three of them to go out with him to practice. It is easy for people to become lazy if they are always at home.

The two missing children have not been found yet, and Wang Meiyu's son has also disappeared. The patrol officers left after searching for a while but could not find her. Wang Meiyu cried like crazy at home. Her son was missing. She vented all her anger on In just two days, her stupid daughter had aged more than ten years, and had some white hair on her head. Wang Meiyu ran out of the house with a flashlight, crying outside and calling her son's name, and came to Building 11 At the door, she went crazy and banged against the iron door, cursing and slandering Ye Fu for kidnapping her son.

"You must have kidnapped my son in order to retaliate against me and let me go in. I want to find my son. Is there any justice? How can you bear to hurt such a young child? If my son has three shortcomings, I will Your lives."

Neighbors heard the sound and came out of their houses to watch the fun.

Wang Meiyu's voice was high-pitched and thin, and when she cried, it was like a goose being pinched by the neck, making a "quacking" sound.

She found that the iron door could not be opened, so she sat on the ground, patted her thighs and cried.

"My son must be in Building 11. He was kidnapped by this evil-hearted person. Return my son to me, or I will crash and die here."

I went shopping today

This chapter has been completed!
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