Chapter 606: 606 Plate Cracks

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The warehouse on the first floor had been flooded, deafening thunder fell, the glass was shattered, and a piece of the top corner of the building opposite was struck by lightning. Ye Fu looked outside blankly, and the scene in front of her eyes changed. She seemed to have returned. We arrived at the tenth floor of Building D in Xingfu Community.

"The rain is getting heavier and heavier, which is not good."

After Shen Li finished eating his lunch, he looked out sadly. He took out his walkie-talkie and asked the two soldiers guarding the outside to go to the first floor to check the electric switch and water inflow. Fortunately, there was a bathroom on the second floor. Shen Li told Ye Fu With a cry, he hurriedly ran to the toilet.

After Ye Fu finished eating, she went into the space to take a look. The storage area was full of fruits, vegetables, chickens, ducks and geese that she and Jiang Run had brought in. There were also a lot of feces, corn stalks, wheat straw and bundles of weeds on the ground. .

Wenwen saw her and hurried over to ask what was going on outside.

"It's not good, but the sun's rain has turned into a cold rainstorm. It's still thundering outside, and the warehouse on the first floor is flooded. I just came from the breeding area and am preparing to collect vegetables."

Ye Fu took the opportunity to change into a pair of rain boots while talking, "I'm going out to collect vegetables. The situation outside is not good. You guys stay inside for now. If Jiang Run enters the space, tell him that I am in Warehouse No. 3."

Wenwen nodded, "I understand, Sister Ye Fu, you must pay attention to safety."

Ye Fu nodded and then came out of the space.

She hurriedly put the mountains of vegetables into the space. When Shen Li came back, Ye Fu had already put away a third of them.

After hearing what Ye Fu said, Shen Li felt that it made sense.

Wenwen and Xuxu both burst into tears. Ye Fu patted their shoulders and informed everyone of the situation outside.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, there was a thunder, followed by shaking, and the string in Ye Fu's mind suddenly broke.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and the sun disappeared again. Shen Li kept sighing. He said that if he had known that there would be a heavy rain, he would not have taken down the sun lamp.

Shen Li collapsed on the ground, his hands shaking violently and his whole face turned pale.

Ye Fugang ate and her energy and strength recovered a lot. She concentrated on getting rid of all distracting thoughts and collected all the vegetables in the warehouse as quickly as possible.

Jiang Run frowned and said, "It's very dangerous outside now. If you go out, you will die."

"Brother Jiang, sister-in-law, I have to go out. I want to find Brother Cheng. He is still in the office building."

The harvesting of wheat fields has lost its meaning. The mud and water are turbid. The recovered wheat still needs to be cleaned and dried. However, it is a waste of manpower and material resources. There are still several acres of corn in the corn field, so there should still be value in harvesting.

In the space, other people surrounded Shen Li, asking about what happened outside. At this moment, Luo Yang, Ye Fu and Jiang Run suddenly appeared, and everyone felt relieved.

Thunder and lightning fell one after another, and the busy residents in the fields were hit. They fell into the water and twitched twice, then died.

Ye Fu and Jiang Run looked at each other, and both fell silent.

"You are not allowed to leave. If you don't want to starve to death, you must stay and finish harvesting this wheat field."


Upon hearing the order, the residents left the wheat fields and all rushed to the corn fields.

It is human nature to fear death.

"Give up the rush to harvest the wheat fields, give up the wheat fields, everyone, go to the corn fields to collect corn cobs."

"Maybe it's a good thing to take it off. It's been thundering outside, the street lamps have been shattered by lightning, and the sun lamps may also be struck by lightning. No matter how hard the glass is, it's just glass, not to mention there are conductive wires inside."

"The underground city is safe. Let's go back to the underground city first. Brother Cheng is in the office building. Brother Cheng told us that once danger comes, return to the underground city immediately. As long as the door of the underground city is locked, the defensive equipment of the underground city will automatically open."

"Have you forgotten the days when you had no food to eat? This amount of food is enough to feed tens of thousands of people for a year."

The man who was struck to death by lightning was floating in the water. The soldier with the gun wiped the rain off his face, walked over and dragged the corpse to the shore.

After he finished speaking, he flopped out of the water and left.

People watched this accident in horror, and saw thunder and lightning falling. They got scared, dropped the sickles in their hands and ran to the shelter. One person took the lead, and many people started running behind him.

Shen Li nodded, "Yes."

The soldier in olive green raised his gun and fired two shots into the sky. He wanted to drag the person leaving to stay, but was pushed by the other person.

Because the owner of the space is Ye Fu, the space is bound to her. When she entered the space, she was on the second floor of Warehouse No. 4. When she leaves the space again, her body will still appear on the second floor of Warehouse No. 4.

To prepare, the plate cracked, causing an earthquake. Ye Fu grabbed the dazed Shen Li and threw him into space. She shouted Jiang Run's name, but did not hear the answer. Ye Fu dodged a bag that hit her. Carrot, ran directly to the second floor.

The mud and water in the field were turbid, and the wheat had been buried in the water. The management staff looked at the wheat field in the rain and went to the truck on the shore to get a loudspeaker.

Many people left, and many stayed. The water in the fields was up to their waists, and the rain became heavier and heavier, becoming uncontrollable.

Jiang Run pulled Luo Yang and jumped down from the stairs on the third floor. The moment he hugged Ye Fu, he took her into the space with him.

The man got angry, grabbed the soldier's hand and bit him hard.

"Sister-in-law, the rain has intensified again."

"I'm here."

"Don't leave, there's still wheat left, don't leave."

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Fu and Jiang Run met at Warehouse No. 4. They looked at each other and then went to different floors to collect supplies.

"We have to speed up. You put the scattered things into the sack. Don't waste what you can take away. Pack everything up."

No matter how loud the people who maintained order shouted, those who ran back did not stop. Instead, more and more people left the wheat field.

"This is your responsibility, what does it have to do with me."

"Jiang Run, Jiang Run..."

"I'm afraid of death. I don't want to be struck by lightning. Please let me leave. The base is not short of this food. The base must have spare food. Isn't human life more important than food? I can't die. My child is still waiting in the shelter. I."

The shaking outside continued. Ye Fu used his consciousness to check and found that the warehouse had collapsed and the land outside was torn apart, forming huge deep valleys.

Shen Lili has two ways to go back to the dungeon. First, he leaves the space and returns to the dungeon by himself. Second, Ye Fu leaves the space and she returns to the dungeon, and the people in the space follow her back to the dungeon.

"The earthquake hasn't stopped yet, please wait a little longer."

Shen Li was a little anxious, "There is a crisis warning in the underground city. Half an hour after the alarm sounds, the safety door will automatically lock. Once we go back late, the safety door will be locked. If no one opens the door for us, we will not be able to get in." "

Luo Yang came over and held Shen Li's shoulders, "Shen Li, don't worry. I know you are worried about Brother Cheng, but it is very dangerous outside. Please calm down. Brother Cheng is so powerful, nothing will happen to him."

This chapter has been completed!
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