Chapter 628: 628 Resentment

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"Let's put it this way, if we don't put out the fire and let it spread, thousands of acres of pine forests will be burned, and when the fire becomes uncontrollable, where it burns it will not only destroy vegetation, air, water and soil, but it may also Inducing a greater disaster, do you still remember why we left Lancheng? Because the fire in Lancheng was beyond control, we had no choice but to flee. The same is true this time. Once the wildfire develops into a global fire, the entire Blue Star, we Where else can you escape?”

"The most important thing is the living environment. The living environment in our country has been shrinking. Unless we have to, the Chinese people will definitely not be willing to leave this land. And the living environment outside is probably not much better. We can't go back to the south. After all, the nuclear power plants are In the south and coastal areas, we can only stay in the northwest and north. Once the forest fire spreads across thousands of acres in Lanzhou Province, the grasslands of Mongolia Province will be the first to be affected. This fire must be saved."

Ye Fu's words clearly explained the current situation and existential crisis faced by human beings. Wenwen already understood it. The others sat on the ground in silence. Everyone knew that human beings are too insignificant, and human beings are Blue Stars. It is just a creature in the world. It is no different from other species. It is just more intelligent, but fragile. Its life is not only short, but also ambitious. Even if human beings can enter the universe, they have no ability to fight against natural disasters. Every time a natural disaster comes, luck will Those who are bad will die directly, and those who are lucky will survive by chance.

"It's almost time. Let's go over and cut the isolation belt. Take the time to fix the isolation belt to prevent the burning area from expanding."

Everyone stood up, Qi Yuan patted his butt, took the machete and left.

"Work, work, I guess you have to work overtime tonight."

Ye Fu collected the garbage into the space, changed into a mask, and then followed.

"The weather is very hot. Thick smoke is blowing this way. Be careful of heat stroke and don't work too hard." Jiang Run warned with a serious expression before going to cut down the tree.

Ye Fu grinned, "I know."

Jiang Run rubbed Ye Fu's hair, "You're so good."

Ye Fu frowned, "I know, I'm going to wash my hands and I'll be there right away."

The condition of the pregnant woman was very bad. She was indeed having a difficult delivery and would probably need a caesarean section. After checking her condition, Ye Fu asked her opinion while she was still awake.

"Everyone is working hard. In short, as long as you live, there will be no day without hard work."

Ye Fu waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Ye Fu called the others to prepare to go back. With more people and greater strength, it was estimated that after three or four more days of digging, the isolation belt would be ready.

The child's cry was a little weak. It had been held in the mother's body for too long, and the body was a little purple. Ye Fu checked the limbs and facial features, then cut the umbilical cord and wrapped the child.

"Then let's have a caesarean section, doctor, we must save this child, please."

Ye Fu guessed that it was the pregnant woman suffering from depression. She was so tired that her legs were weak. After digging for isolation tape for a day, she no longer had the strength to deliver the baby to the pregnant woman.

"Haha, indeed, I went to bed. Where is Jiang Run?"

After Ye Fu entered the carriage, she immediately entered the space to wash her hands and face, and changed some clothes. She ate a piece of chocolate, then left the space, picked up the medical kit and went to the truck where the pregnant woman was.

The man breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay."

"He was worried about Ye Fu and followed him."

"Please help take care of me. You are in your second trimester, so you will have no problem taking care of the child."

After a day's work, everyone was exhausted. Many people fainted due to heat stroke, and some were injured. As soon as Ye Fu and others returned to the camp of the fifth team, the husband of a pregnant woman came to look for her.

"Dr. Ye, you are finally back. There is a pregnant woman who is about to give birth."

"Ye Fu is too hard. I feel that being a doctor is the most tiring profession at any time." Fang Wei couldn't help but sigh.

"Doctor Ye, is she out of danger? She hasn't woken up yet, what should I do with the child?"

After Ye Fu put the child aside, he began to suture her wound.

"The mother just had a caesarean section and needs a good rest. Please try to keep your voice down. She gave birth to a baby girl. The baby is a little thin, but very healthy."

"You should find Dr. Luo. They didn't dig the isolation belt. They should be in the camp."

The pregnant woman was injected with anesthesia, Ye Fu closed the curtain, adjusted the light bar, and then put on protective clothing. The surgical tools had been sterilized and could be used directly.

On the other side, Ye Fu arrived at the carriage where the pregnant woman was, only to find that Jiang Rong had followed him. The smell of blood was strong, the space was small, and many pregnant women and children were inside. Ye Fu did not let Jiang Rong go in to help, but asked him to go to the front to fight.

Bring a basin of hot water, it will be needed later.

"Dr. Ye, is she okay? Is the baby a boy or a girl? Is she healthy?"

"Dr. Luo and Dr. Qiao are both busy. Many people have suffered from heatstroke and injuries. They are dealing with it. Dr. Ye, the pregnant woman has been working for several hours, but she just can't give birth. Everyone says she has a difficult labor."

After another forty minutes, the suturing was completed, and Ye Fu staggered to open the curtain.

He took the ax and went to chop down the trees in front of him. Ye Fu held the shovel and continued to dig out the dead grass.

For the first time in so many days, Ye Fu saw different emotions on a woman's face, and Ye Fu nodded solemnly.

Ye Fu explained a few words, then picked up the medical kit and prepared to leave.

"As long as you cooperate, nothing will happen to the child."

Entering the carriage, there was only one kerosene lamp inside. Ye Fu took a folding light bar from the box, hung the light bar on the inner wall of the carriage, and pressed the switch. The interior of the carriage was instantly bright as daylight.

The carriage was very quiet, and no one else dared to make any noise to disturb her.

After many years, Ye Fu had no confidence in helping others perform a caesarean section again under such difficult conditions.

I don’t know how long it took, but a baby’s cry broke the peace in the carriage, and the other pregnant women breathed a sigh of relief.

"We are all pregnant women and don't have the energy to take care of them. Dr. Ye, why don't you stay and take care of them? You are a doctor, you are more professional than us, and it is the doctor's responsibility to take care of patients. It is really inconvenient for us with big bellies.


Ye Fu looked at the pregnant woman who was speaking, "I went to the woods to dig an isolation zone for a day. I just came back and had not eaten yet, so I came over to perform an operation and deliver the baby. There were only five doctors in the team, and everyone was very busy. Although I was...

Doctor, but no one pays me a salary here. I see patients and deliver babies all based on my conscience. You said that it is the doctor's responsibility to take care of patients? Does the child in your belly belong to the doctor?

Also, you are now four months pregnant. Logically speaking, you are not qualified to ride the bus. There are regulations in the team that pregnant women over seven months old can ride the bus. You have rested here for a day, and there is no need to dig isolation belts or collect wood.

What's wrong with cooking, you guys are in the same carriage, helping to take care of the children? Is it difficult? Why don't you start digging the isolation tape tomorrow?"

The pregnant woman's face turned pale, "Dr. Ye, that's not what I meant. I'm just inexperienced and I'm afraid I won't be able to take good care of her."

On the Lantern Festival, the heavenly officials give blessings and wish everyone health and happiness.

This chapter has been completed!
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