Chapter 670: 670 Picnic

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"Some people were having a picnic over there, and I smelled the aroma of barbecue. It was such a special aroma, and I didn't know what kind of meat it was."

Ye Fu took out the ingredients from the space and put them on the table nearby. "I just saw those people catching rats. It should be rat meat."

"Rat meat? No wonder it tastes so good."

"There are a lot of wild vegetables in the grass. These are dandelions, and bracken. Around Qingming Festival is the season when bracken grows wildly. It's a good time for us to have a picnic today. Ye Fu, bring me a small hoe and I'll dig it.

Wild vegetables.”

Ye Fu came over and took a look. It was really bracken. She took out three small hoes from the space and handed them to Qi Yuan. Qi Yuan took the hoes and went directly to dig dandelions with Xuxu and An An.

"The scenery is really nice, Jiang Run, let me take a photo for you." Ye Fu took out his cell phone from his pocket and took a photo of Jiang Run.

At half past six, the sun was setting, and the aroma of barbecue filled the camp. Ye Fu took Jiang Run and sat in front of the tent. There were plates of roasted mutton and venison on the table. Fang Wei shouted to Qi Yuan to take them.

After returning with the children, Qi Yuan stood up on the grass in the distance and waved, then came back with the two children carrying a bamboo basket.

"This area is full of wild vegetables, and they are growing very well. Today is a great harvest. The wild vegetables sold in the supermarket are not as good as those I dug."

Ye Fu took the bamboo basket and said, "Just blow it. Look at these brackens. It's such a waste to pinch them so short. The brackens can be pinched longer and dried into dried vegetables. They can be stored for several years. They can also be used to make cold dishes and braised pork ribs."

, but bracken is slightly poisonous and needs to be boiled to remove the poison. It is best to boil it with plant ash. Not only will the poison be removed, but the bitter taste will also be scalded."

“Can bracken be transplanted into space?”

Ye Fu was speechless, "We are not short of food, so why bother?"

"It's a dish after all. I can change the taste once in a while." Qi Yuan is still interested. He doesn't even want to eat barbecue now, he just wants to dig wild vegetables.

"Then you dig it, and when you get back, you can try to see if you can grow it."

Qi Yuan really took the hoe and continued to dig wild vegetables. Xuxu and An An were not to be left behind, and they hurriedly chased after him.

"This guy really can't sit still."

"Qi Yuan and these two children are good at it, let them have a hard time."

"Uncle Wan, Brother Song, that's enough. You guys rest for a while and bake again later." Ye Fu took out the tea that was roasted in the morning and made a pot of it. Because it was new tea, the taste was not very strong, but had a light fragrance.


"This tea is really good. It's really new and delicious." Fang Wei picked up the tea cup and took a sip, passing a cup to Fu Jiao next to her.

"The weather has been really good recently. If I remember correctly, it hasn't rained since I came to Yuezhou." Fang Ming looked at Cheng Lin, "Brother Cheng, is the water in the lake at the base enough to drink?"

"There is enough water. The base sent some professionals to explore the water. Water will emerge from the bottom of the lake. The water is inexhaustible."

"That's good. The water shortage is serious. There are so many people on the base and there is so much agricultural land."

"Every aspect of the base has stabilized. I haven't been very busy recently. Next month, in a few days, people from the central base will come to borrow food. There are many of them. Even if half of them went to the Central Plains

, there are still more than 10 million people who have come to the eastern grasslands, and I am still considering how much of the food I will lend them this time."

"Have they opened up wasteland there?" Ye Fu asked.

"It's open. There is a lot of agricultural wasteland next to Jiang Province. It can be planted after being reclaimed."

"Then let's lend them wheat and cassava. Even though it's against the season, it doesn't mean we can't plant them."

"I think so too, but I'm also worried that sowing this season will waste food." Cheng Lin picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"No matter what, food must be lent to them, otherwise how would these more than 10 million people live?"

"There are a lot of wild vegetables this season, and you can pick mushrooms soon. It just takes a few months."

Not far away, a child joined Qi Yuan and the others. The grass next to them was shaking. Jiang Run picked up a bamboo stick and threw it directly. With two "squeaks", a mouse immediately died.

Ye Fu pulled the mouse out, and the bamboo stick penetrated the body of the gray mouse. In the past, when he was in Lancheng, Ye Fu had seen such a big mouse. Those mice had eaten the flesh of dead people and had grown extremely fat.

This gray mouse is quite big, and I don’t know what it ate to grow up.

"Jiang Run, how did you do it? A bamboo stick can kill a mouse?" Fang Ming stepped forward and opened Jiang Run's palms. These hands were no different from his, but they were longer and fairer, with rosy palms. They don't look like rough man's hands at all.

Jiang Run is not a rough guy either.

"It doesn't make any difference. Do you have inner strength?"

Jiang Run pushed him away in disgust, "Don't move your hands or feet."

"How stingy." Fang Ming deliberately patted Jiang Run on the shoulder before running away. Jiang Run was too lazy to argue with him and turned his head to whisper to Ye Fu.

The sky was getting dark, and Ye Fu had eaten enough. Several fireflies suddenly appeared on the grass, and then more and more fireflies appeared.

After seven o'clock, the wind on the grassland became colder, and the people picnicking nearby had already gone back. Every half hour, a military patrol car passed by from a distance.

Ye Fu took out several camping lamps from the space. The lights were dim and the sound of insects was rising and falling.

In the distance, Qi Yuan came back with Xuxu and An An carrying a bamboo basket. They had not eaten anything at night and were complaining that they were hungry. Wan Tao got up and cooked grilled fish and rabbit for them.

"How much did you dig?"

Qi Yuan took a sip of tea and said, "It is estimated to be more than a hundred kilograms. There are too many wild vegetables. I just met a few children who insisted on helping me dig wild vegetables and pulled out all the roots."

"Where's the rest?"

"Over there, give me a sack later and I'll collect it. I don't believe it. Bracken and dandelions cannot grow in the black soil of space."

Cheng Lin had already fallen asleep on the recliner. Fang Ming took out a deck of cards and called Tang Yizheng, Wu Pei and Shen Li, and the four of them started playing cards aside.

Luo Yang seemed to like today's new tea very much. He had already drank several cups. Qi Yuan reminded him not to drink too much, as it would make him prone to insomnia at night. Luo Yang smiled nonchalantly.

"I never lose sleep."

"Luo Yang only sleeps five hours a day. If he had insomnia, he would have died suddenly." Shen Li couldn't help but say.

"I think Luo Yang is still energetic. Being a leader is hard work. If it were me, I would be exhausted. No wonder the leaders I saw on TV didn't have much hair. They seemed to be too worried."

As soon as Qi Yuan said these words, Ye Fu couldn't help laughing.

"What did I say wrong?" Qi Yuan was confused.

Ye Fu covered his stomach and laughed, "Have you forgotten? When you were in Heguang City, you lost your hair and asked me to prepare medicine. I didn't even find it funny if you didn't mention your hair loss. Qi Yuan, Qi Yuan, why do you always like to expose yourself? What about the dark history?”

Qi Yuan's face turned dark instantly.

I went to visit yesterday and came back a little late

This chapter has been completed!
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