Chapter 690: 690 Grief

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After the coffin was finished, everyone set up a mourning hall in the wooden house. Duan Lianzhao knew that someone had passed away, so he brought other soldiers over to pay their respects.

Tang Yizheng, Fang Ming, Qi Yuan and Wu Pei put Liu Zhang in the coffin. Xuxu and An An picked a lot of flowers and pine and cypress leaves. Wenwen started to tie wreaths. With the sound of firecrackers, the coffin lid closed and everyone put the coffin in. When they arrived at the mourning hall, Fang Wei brought some white cloths, and Ye Fu was the first to take one and wrap it around his head. Seeing everyone wearing mourning, Wan Tao turned his back and wiped his eyes.

Shen Li was entertaining Duan Lianzhao and others. Liu Zhang passed away and no one was in the mood to cook. After the funeral hall was ready, Wan Tao came over and urged everyone to have something to eat.

"If you are hurting your body because he doesn't eat or drink, will he be able to leave in peace? Don't be too sad. We have lived together for so many years and there are no regrets in this friendship. Children, go to eat and have a good time after eating. Rest and don’t be sad. Today I will keep a vigil for him and tomorrow I will put his coffin in the storage area. I will find a place to bury him next spring."

Wan Tao was very insistent. After driving everyone away, he personally offered three sticks of incense to Liu Zhang, then pulled up a chair and sat next to the coffin.

"From now on, no one will play chess with me anymore, but it's okay. Whenever I have time, I will go to the storage area to chat with you. Old Liu, the storage area has a preservation function. I put you there for your own good. Wait until next spring, I will find you a good place with mountains and water. You used to talk about planting more fruit trees. Then I will plant hundreds of them for you next to your grave. If you don’t like to join in the fun, then Away from the base, the prairie to the northwest is pretty good..."

Ye Fu stood outside, heard Wan Tao's words, and quietly left the mourning hall.

In the kitchen, everyone gathered around to eat, and everyone was a bit bored.

"Uncle Wan means that the spirit will only be suspended for one day, and Uncle Liu will be placed in the storage area tomorrow. He doesn't want to see everyone sad, and he is also worried that Uncle Liu's passing will affect everyone's mood and life. Let's all cheer up and stop crying. At least , don’t cry in front of Uncle Wan, got it?”


After dinner, everyone went back to the room, but as long as they thought of Liu Zhang, everyone couldn't sleep. Ye Fu sat on the bed in a daze, and Jiang Run stood silent in front of the window.

Perhaps more than ten years ago, he didn't know what it was like to have a family member die, because he didn't have a family at that time and couldn't experience this feeling, but today, he experienced it personally.

Although they are not related by blood, they have truly become a family.

There is an empty seat when eating, a pair of bowls and chopsticks are missing, familiar voices can no longer be heard, and there are no busy figures in the corner of the living room.

It turns out that losing a family member is not a literal loss, it is like a wind that you can no longer catch and it will never come back.

Ye Fu raised her hand and wiped her face randomly. She didn't want to cry, but the tears seemed to be uncontrollable. As long as she opened her eyes, they would fall.

"Special medicine is not a panacea, and space is not a safe house that can avoid life and death. Everyone will eventually grow old and die."

Ye Fu looked at Jiang Run, "I'm just worried about Uncle Wan, whether he can survive. He and Uncle Liu have been good brothers for decades. The death of Uncle Liu is a huge blow to him."

Jiang Run poured a glass of water, then dragged a chair over, sat in front of Ye Fu, and handed the glass to her.

"Uncle Wan is not a weak person, he will cheer up, and you should cheer up too. Stop crying, your eyes are swollen."

Ye Fu nodded, "Okay, don't cry anymore."

Wan Tao spent the night talking to Liu Zhang in the mourning hall. Early the next morning, he urged everyone to put Liu Zhang's coffin in the storage area.

"He definitely doesn't want to see you like this, with your eyes swollen like walnuts."

"Uncle Wan, please stop for two more days."

"Don't stop, carry it over. From now on, everyone should do whatever they want. We live an active life and live a good life. This is what he wants to see."

Before carrying the coffin, Duan Lianzhao came to the wooden house alone. He told Shen Li that he wanted to help. Shen Li went in and informed Ye Fu. Ye Fu saw him coming alone and nodded to let him in.

There were eight people carrying the coffin, including Jiang Run, Fang Ming, Qi Yuan, Wu Pei, Tang Yizheng, Shen Li, Duan Lianzhao and Officer Song.

The coffin was lifted, and Wan Tao came over and patted it twice.

"Old Liu, let's go."

The coffin was carried to the storage area, and Wan Tao made an offering table and placed Liu Zhang's favorite foods and a set of chess pieces on it.

"Go back, let's not disturb him."

Duan Lianzhao thought he was going to bury the coffin in the soil, but he didn't expect it to be carried to another place, and it was a place filled with various supplies.

He became more and more curious about this place, but he also knew that he was a soldier, and a soldier's duty was to obey orders, not to be curious about things he shouldn't be curious about.

But what if the coffin is left here and the body rots? But seeing everyone's sad faces, Duan Lianzhao could only suppress his thoughts.

Ye Fu walked up to Duan Lianzhao and thanked him solemnly.

"Captain Duan, I've been troubling you for the past two days."

"No trouble, the base director said you can come to us if you need anything."

Ye Fu waved his hand, "But your task is to farm. Five thousand acres of food is related to the survival of the base residents. You should take this task seriously."

Duan Lianzhao stood at attention, "Yes."

After Duan Lianzhao left, Ye Fu lit three sticks of incense and inserted them into the incense burner. After three bows, he left the storage area with everyone.

Liu Zhang's death had a great impact on everyone. For a long time after that, laughter and laughter could no longer be heard in the wooden house.

The violent storm and snow in Yuezhou did not stop, and the base residents could not leave their homes. After a hurricane, the base gradually returned to calm, but a thunder broke the calm again, and a long-awaited heavy rain finally came.

When people see the heavy rain, there is no joy in their hearts, only endless fear and worry.

Ye Fu and Jiang Run came out of the space every day to check the situation. On this day, Shen Li went to the base office building. When he came back, Cheng Lin and Luo Yang followed him.

Ye Fu and Jiang Run were warming themselves by the fire in the kitchen of the small courtyard. They were a little surprised to see Cheng Lin and Luo Yang.

The rain in Yuezhou was not heavy, but it was gloomy and rainy, falling endlessly. Fortunately, the strong wind stopped, the snow stopped falling, and the temperature rose by two degrees.

Although the three of them were wearing raincoats and boots, they were still shivering from the cold.

Ye Fu quickly added each other to the fire and asked Shen Li to take the two of them to the room next to them to change clothes.

"My clothes haven't gotten wet, so I don't need to change them. I'm really sorry for you. I've been so worried about the weather lately. If Shen Li hadn't come here, I wouldn't have known that Uncle Liu had passed away."

A trace of sadness flashed in Cheng Lin's eyes. Liu Zhang's passing reminded him of an elder, so he and Luo Yang rushed to the small courtyard non-stop, just to mourn Liu Zhang.

"Uncle Liu passed away peacefully. He passed away in his sleep and did not suffer any pain."

Hearing Ye Fu's words, Cheng Lin sighed, "Uncle Liu is such a good person."

This chapter has been completed!
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