Chapter 727: 727 Wire Network

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Chapter 727 727 Wire Network

Author: Long Boat Crossing the Moon

"Lu Jun said that after the wire network is completed, it will be electrified. No matter whether it is a person or an animal, as long as it touches it, it will be shocked. Although it is a bit dangerous, it can deter those who try to escape into our territory."

"Are they seriously injured?"

Wenwen shrugged, "It's not serious. He was stabbed twice on the abdomen and shoulder. I think he is full of energy and will probably return to normal soon."

"Isn't this serious?" Ye Fu couldn't laugh or cry.

"I stay in the hospital every day now. Their condition is not serious. At least the limbs are still there. After the injury is healed, it will not affect my life."

What Wenwen said makes sense. To this day, everyone only wants to have sound limbs and a clear mind. Fortunately, the base is more humane. Even if the conditions are difficult, the elderly, disabled and people with dementia will not be abandoned.

"The base is really not easy. It is too difficult for so many people to survive and do well in all aspects. In fact, the management has many differences about the placement of these people who have lost their labor force. Some managers think that they have lost their labor force.

They cannot contribute to the base, and they are in pain while alive, so euthanasia is recommended. Of course, once these people accept euthanasia, their families can receive some compensation, but some managers think that this is too cruel, and they insist on reverence for life.

No one can end their lives until they are dead."

Wenwen sighed after hearing this, "Both opinions are reasonable. Some people are really miserable alive, medical staff are also working hard, and their families are even more miserable. It would be better to die a hundred times. But from another perspective, if they are allowed to

If they accept euthanasia, even if they are willing, the residents will definitely question the base's practices, which is very detrimental to internal unity. After all, the base is now seeking stable development."

As for the final result, it is not up to them to decide.

Wenwen rested in the courtyard for a day and then returned to the hospital to work. Ye Fu led everyone to continue growing vegetables in the space.

The next Sunday, Wenwen came back and told everyone that the wire network on the border had been completed and the base had energized the wire network. In the future, there would be no need to worry about people from outside the area coming to grab territory and cause damage.

In addition, Wenwen also brought back another news.

"Those who were paralyzed after being poisoned all chose euthanasia. They took the initiative to ask the hospital. They did not want to live and continue to suffer. After the hospital and the base management reported it, and after several days of discussions, they finally agreed."

When Wenwen came back this time, her mood was obviously much lower. This incident had a great impact on her.

Officer Song chatted with her for several hours before she opened her heart.

Ye Fu and Jiang Run would occasionally visit the base. A small playground was built by the lake. Many children and the elderly gathered here to exercise every day. The scale of the base was getting bigger and bigger. Compared with a year ago, it is now

It has more than doubled in size. Although the road is still a loess road, people drive sprinklers to sprinkle water every day, and the roadside is full of trees and greenery.

Sometimes Ye Fu would meet old acquaintances, and everyone was living hard. Dr. Tian finally had new clothes and new shoes, but he was even busier now.

Li You and the others are now able to stand on their own, and they live in a better house and their income is higher than a year ago.

Everyone and everything is getting better.

Ye Fu and Jiang Run were sitting on a bench by the lake, blowing the cold wind. She had been feeling a little melancholy recently.

"What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?"

Ye Fu sighed, "In the blink of an eye, I am already thirty-two years old."

Jiang Run stared at her for a long time, "I can't tell, you haven't changed at all. You are the same as when I met you."

"The bad thing is, you and I haven't changed at all. Everyone around us is getting older. Xuxu and An An are also growing up. Jiang Run, if we don't change, what will everyone think?"

This chapter has been completed!
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