Chapter 758: 758 A Farce

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Chapter 758 758 A farce

Author: Long Boat Crossing the Moon

When he first arrived in Yuezhou, Ye Fu helped a father and daughter reunite. The boy tonight was the girl's friend. Later, Ye Fu also helped him find a job in the logistics department. Although several years have passed, but

Ye Fu has a good memory. Even though the boy's face was dirty, she still recognized him at a glance.

For a helpless child to survive in such a difficult environment, not only is he lucky, but from what happened tonight, we can see that this kid is a little smart and ruthless.

Maybe it was because of eating cans. Everyone's stomachs couldn't bear the greasiness, and they all had diarrhea. Ye Fu hurriedly got up and found antidiarrheal medicine for everyone. It took until the middle of the night for everyone to get better. Ye Fu lay down.

In the tent, she was exhausted.

"It's so windy outside, I feel like the tent will be blown away at any time, but the wooden house is more comfortable. When we leave here, we will find a place to resettle and move the wooden house out, so as not to build a house."

Jiang Run hugged her from behind and said, "Okay, then we will create a small yard and plant some fruits, vegetables and your favorite sunflowers."

"You can also dig a small pond and raise a few fish."

Jiang Run chuckled, "I listen to you, you can do whatever you want."

During the day, they had to share food, and Ye Fu fell asleep without a few words of conversation. Jiang Run looked at the dark top of the tent, his expression becoming particularly solemn.

Blue Star has been completely destroyed. If humans want to survive, they can only place their hopes on the underground city they brought back. The particulate carbon ash and thick fog in the air contain toxins. Although they are not fatal, living like this for a long time

In such an environment, human beings may mutate, such as facial features being distorted, limbs degenerating, horns growing, strange pupils, and in more serious cases, it may even be life-threatening.

He hasn't told Cheng Lin about the dungeon yet. Jiang Ron plans to find another opportunity to tell Cheng Lin after taking care of the food matter.

Jiang Run looked at Ye Fu, who was sleeping soundly, with distress in his eyes. The yard Ye Fu wanted might not be realized. He could feel that the air quality was declining rapidly. Maybe in a year and a half, Blue Star would become

It will become a garbage dump with excessive pollution. By then, humans will no longer be able to survive on Blue Star. If the environment cannot be improved, there is only death waiting for humans.

The only good thing now is that they found the underground city. But the underground city can only accommodate tens of thousands of people at most. The ticket to enter the underground city is like the ticket to enter Noah's Ark. If someone can come in, it means someone wants to

was abandoned.

But these were not important to Jiang Run. He hugged Ye Fu tightly and his irritable mood was relieved. For him, the most important thing was Ye Fu.


Ye Fu put some of the grain back into the underground warehouse after breakfast. At around six o'clock, Shen Li and the others came over to look for things. According to what Ye Fu told them last night, after discovering the entrance to the underground warehouse, they quickly attracted attention.

Having caught the attention of others, everyone couldn't wait to enter the underground warehouse. When they saw the food and several large buckets of water, everyone was crazy with excitement.

Things went as Ye Fu guessed. When they saw the food and water, everyone wanted to rush over and fight for it. At this time, Tang Yizheng and others held guns to scare everyone away.

"This is what we discovered. The food and water are all ours." Tang Yizheng acted like a bully. As soon as he said this, everyone stopped.

"Why, this is the food for the base. We have seen it anyway, and we have to share the food."

Tang Yizheng sneered, "Why should I share it with you? This is our food. Anyone who refuses to accept it will come up. The gun in my hand has no eyes. If the gun goes off and hurts someone, I will not be responsible."

"Why do you keep the food to yourself? If you don't hand over the food today, we will fight you tooth and nail."

People outside rushed in one after another, and the warehouse was blocked. Tang Yizheng fired a shot at the door, and the door fell down. The people who were still chattering were too frightened to speak anymore.

At this time, Cheng Lin appeared with Luo Yang and Jiang Run. He took on the identity of the base commander and negotiated with Tang Yizheng, asking Tang Yizheng to distribute the food to the survivors. Tang Yizheng was unwilling, so Jiang Run and Luo Yang raised their guns.

The two sides were at war with each other, frightening the survivors who were watching.

In the end, Cheng Lin pulled open his clothes, revealing the explosives tied to his body.

"As the base commander, I have the responsibility to ensure that everyone gets food. Besides, this is the base's reserve food. If you don't share the food, I will light the explosives and we will die here together."

The onlookers were instantly frightened and fled out of the underground warehouse. In the end, only a few of them were left inside. Cheng Lin coughed and glanced towards the entrance of the warehouse.

"They all ran away. These people are quite timid."

Luo Yang twitched his lips and said, "Brother Cheng, the explosives are so realistic. Who wouldn't be afraid after seeing them?"

Tang Yizheng was speechless, "The audience has left, are we still going to perform the play?"

Cheng Lin motioned for everyone to leave the warehouse and continue acting upstairs.

When they came out, they saw that the ruins at the entrance of the warehouse were densely packed with people.

Tang Yizheng, Wu Pei, Shen Li, Qi Yuan and Fang Ming from the villain side stood on one side, holding guns in their hands and shouting a few words, trying to anger Cheng Lin, Jiang Run and Luo Yang from the decent side.

Ye Fu stood in the crowd and watched the excitement. Fortunately, Tang Yizheng and the others were fully armed and even changed their voices. If everyone found out that they were a group of people directing and acting, it would probably be difficult for today to end.

"I'll count to three. If you don't share the food with us, I will detonate the explosives and we will all perish together."

The onlookers were so frightened that they backed away. Some people advised Cheng Lin not to get excited because they didn't want any more food. Cheng Lin refused righteously.

"No, this is the reserve food for the base. Each of us should get our own share. As the base commander, if I can't help you get the food, I will die here today." Cheng Lin was too caught up in the drama, but instead

Everyone was so scared that they continued to retreat.

At this time, he took out a box of matches from his arms. After lighting a match, Tang Yizheng raised his hands in cooperation.

"I surrender. I am willing to distribute food to everyone and do not set off explosives."

The survivors were so grateful to Cheng Lin that they were able to receive food. Everyone was so excited that they cried.

Cheng Lin directly issued new regulations. Everyone came to register, and after receiving the food, they marked it with indelible paint on the back of their hands to prevent anyone from receiving it twice.

Young and middle-aged men and women line up first to receive food and water, while children and the elderly go to the other side to wait for arrangements.

The food distribution was a complete success. Although the process is difficult to describe, the food was finally distributed.

It took five days to distribute all the food. The elderly, orphans and children were separated and placed separately. They also received their own food and water.

While distributing food, they were also looking for He Rui and the others. Fortunately, on the afternoon of the fifth day, when they were distributing food to the injured survivors, they finally found He Rui and Zhang Yuan. To their surprise,

Duan Lianzhao, Han Feng and Lu Jun were also among the injured survivors.

There is only one update today

This chapter has been completed!
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