Chapter 774: Chapter 774

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Chapter 774 774 Taking blood to make medicine

Author: Long Boat Crossing the Moon

Chapter 774 774 Taking blood to make medicine

Qi Yuan returned to the underground city. No one was surprised. Before that, Ye Fu wrote a letter to Cheng Lin, asking him to find two people to guard the underground city warehouse. In the near future, she and Jiang Run would bring Qi Yuan back to the underground city.

Far back to the dungeon.

The underground city is different from the underground passage. Although it is crowded here, it is bright and clean, and everything is in order. In addition to learning various knowledge and skills, the children also have to take on the work of growing food, cleaning, washing and cooking. Here, again

Even though he has a strong bone, Cheng Lin has a way to make him obedient.

When Xuxu saw Qi Yuan, she was stunned for a long time before cautiously stepping forward.

"Dad, I thought I was wrong again."

Qi Yuan burst into tears instantly. He held Xuxu in his arms and said sorry over and over again.

"I don't blame you, dad. I just miss you very much. But Sister Wenwen told me that you will definitely come back. I know she won't lie to me and you will really come back."

"Yes, I'm back. I will never leave you behind again. Our father and daughter will never be separated again."

Xuxu grinned, "Okay, but why aren't aunt and uncle coming back? I miss them too."

"They still have things to do. They will come back when they are done. By the way, aunt also brought you candy."

"Where are you?"

Qi Yuan opened the duffel bag, which contained not only candies but also various fruits.

"Go and share it with everyone."

Xuxu happily distributed the things to Wenwen and the others. Everyone was still curious about the situation outside, so Qi Yuan had to tell them what happened after the dungeon was closed.

"Those people outside will probably not survive."

"so serious?"

"It's very serious. Many people have died during this period. The pollution has penetrated into the underground passages. Ye Fu and Jiang Run have sent many masks, protective clothing and oxygen bags. The young people have strong resistance and have no symptoms.

For older people, even if they take special medicine, it still doesn’t work.”

"Are they two busy enough? This is too hard." Officer Song was a little worried about Ye Fu and Jiang Run. He wanted to go out to help, but he knew very well that if he went out now, he would die or cause trouble for them.

"The burden falls on their shoulders. If they are ruthless, they don't have to worry about other people. People outside will die sooner or later, but they can't be ruthless."

"Our biggest contribution is to manage the dungeon well. Don't hold them back."

"By the way, how are the trees outside?"

Mentioning this, Qi Yuan showed a smile, "These trees not only have no impact, they also grow very well. The method of planting trees to fight pollution is really effective, but the effect is very small. It is estimated that we have to wait until these trees grow into towering trees before the pollution can be eliminated."


"There's no point worrying about this now, Qi Yuan. You, Brother Song, and Wu Pei will live in the same room. Now that you're back, you'll start working tomorrow." Cheng Lin gave Qi Yuan a brochure, which contained all the information about the underground city.

Departments and Planning.

"Just tell Li Shen which department you want to go to and let him help you arrange it."

Qi Yuan chose the job of growing vegetables without even thinking about it.

"I still like growing vegetables."

In the evening, everyone got together for a meal. Qi Yuan and Fang Ming still disliked each other, and they could get into arguments even after a meal. But everyone knew that during this period, except for Officer Song and Xuxu, they were the most worried

The person from Qi Yuan is Fang Ming.

Men, they just don’t mean what they say.


In the space, Ye Fu couldn't wait to take off his protective clothing and quickly went to the bathroom to take a shower. The several corpses handled today were all highly decomposed, and he always felt that his body was smelled of corpses.

The total number of people who died in the three passages was more than 20, and they were all old people and disabled people. Ye Fu had previously suspected that someone deliberately killed the old people and disabled people in order to deprive them of food, so this time she

The corpses were specially examined, but there were no problems with them. She also asked some acquaintances, including Qi Yuan, and their answers were the same. These people all had palpitations and shortness of breath before they died, and then died suddenly.

Ruling out homicide, it seems that pollution sources are most likely to invade the elderly and those with relatively weak health. Ye Fu plans to make some vitamins to improve immunity. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, he still has to give it a try. He can save everyone.

After taking a shower, Ye Fu dove into the laboratory.

"Research is the most important thing, and you have to eat. Your irregular diet is not good for your stomach. The stomach is an emotional organ, so you can't abuse it." Jiang Run forcibly pulled her out of the laboratory.

"I know, I just want to get the medicine out as soon as possible and help them as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, I'll do it with you later. I'll think of a better way."

Ye Fu looked at Jiang Run expectantly, "Tell me, what is the recipe?"

"Add a little bit of my blood and the effect of the medicine will be doubled immediately."

Ye Fu frowned, "No, it's too risky."

"Blood can be diluted. After a bowl of diluted blood, tens of thousands of pills can be made. The diluted blood can only improve immunity."

Ye Fu was still worried, she didn't dare to gamble.

"Let me think about it."

"Okay, don't worry. People will only think of Dr. Ye as having great medical skills and won't associate it with me. In fact, the effect of the medicine added with my blood will only be slightly better than the effective medicine."

Ye Fu glared at him, "If someone is inspired to have heaven-defying abilities, have you thought about the consequences?"

Jiang Run laughed loudly, "No, unless like you and Cheng Lin, you drink several times in a row, each time drinking a big bowl."

"But after Wenwen drank my blood, her strength became very strong. She didn't drink much, just a few sips."

Jiang Run thought for a while, "Maybe she is quite strong. Your blood is fused with my blood, and with the blessing, her abilities are stimulated in advance."

Ye Fu was convinced by him.

"But with so many people, how much blood do you have to bleed?" Ye Fu frowned, "My blood is fine too. Each of us will take half, and I will bear the burden with you."

Jiang Run hesitated to speak, Ye Fu's blood could certainly be used, but the effect was only one-tenth of his, so it would be better to use his blood directly.

"I heal faster, just use my blood, and I don't feel any pain."

"Jiang Run, you must be the Bodhisattva sent by heaven to save the common people."

"I'm not." Jiang Run looked at her with a smile.

"I'm just your little follower."

Your most loyal believer.

Old Ye Fu's face became hot and he pounced on him and bit him.

"It's so kind of you."

"Ahem... let's eat first. If you really think I'm good, you can make it up to me tonight."

Ye Fu understood instantly.

"Oh, you are so annoying. I'm shy and I can't listen to this."

"I mean, you can help me bring tea and water in the evening. Where did you want to go?"

Ye Fu...

"Do you want to do something else to me?" A smile flashed in Jiang Run's eyes, "It's not impossible."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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