Chapter 783: 783 Sailing

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Chapter 783 783 Voyage

Author: Long Boat Crossing the Moon

Different from the sea voyage many years ago, this time the sea was calm and calm, and everyone's faces were relaxed and happy.

Wenwen wanted to fish on the deck, smelling the salty sea breeze, and Ye Fu also moved a deck chair to sit next to her.

"Sister Ye Fu, there are not many fish in the sea, and they are so small."

Ye Fu inspected the fish caught by Wenwen. These fish were very healthy, not contaminated, and could be eaten.

"It can be made into dried fish and pickled fish. When we return to Lanzhou, we can take it back for everyone to try."

Xuxu was tired of playing, so he also brought a knife over to help deal with the small fish. The cargo ship drove slowly, and they didn't know how big the sea area was. Yuncheng was not very far from Lancheng. According to their estimated time, one We can return to Lancheng within a month, but now the situation has changed, the route back to Lancheng has also been changed, and the return journey should be longer.

"We didn't meet anyone along the way." Wenwen sighed, "Sister Ye Fu, do you think there are any survivors in Lancheng?"

"When we left Lancheng, two-thirds of the city had been covered by fire. Even if there were no subsequent disasters, Lancheng would have turned into a fire ruin twenty years ago. Maybe there are still some ruins left. Maybe, there are already It turned into a sea and the entire city was destroyed. No matter what the outcome is, the chance of any survivors in Lancheng is very small."

Wenwen was a little disappointed, but she quickly cheered up.

Although there were not many fish in the sea, they still caught a lot.

In the evening, after the cargo ship stopped, Qi Yuan and Jiang Run left the cockpit and came to the deck. Ye Fu was playing with the barbecue grill. Officer Song wrapped the marinated fish with lemongrass, and Wenwen and Xuxu helped beside them. Put it on the grill. After a while, the aroma will come out.

"It smells so good." Xuxu shrugged her nose, smelling each fish like a kitten.

"The fish in the sea tastes good. I was originally worried about pollution or radiation, but I thought too much." Ye Fu put the first grilled fish in front of Jiang Run, and then took out the last box of Coke from the space.

"It's okay. If you don't eat it, you won't get sick. We haven't eaten anything? Aren't we living a good life?" Qi Yuan opened a can of Coke and was about to drink it. Ye Fu snatched the Coke back.

"You can't drink."


"Aren't you applying hair tonic? If you drink Coke, the effect of the hair tonic will be greatly reduced."

Qi Yuan looked reluctant, "You actually want to avoid eating? You didn't say that before."

"You didn't need to eat taboos before because you were still young. Qi Yuan, you are forty-eight years old this year."

Qi Yuan curled his lips and said, "Taboo food is taboo, why are you attacking my age?"

Ye Fu put the Coke in front of Xuxu, Qi Yuan snorted, "Children can't drink Coke, the president will not grow taller."

"Don't listen to his nonsense. He is just jealous of us. Come on, cheers."

Qi Yuan...

"Hiccup...delicious." Xuxu smiled shyly, "Auntie, I like the sea and boats. Can we always live on the boat?"

"It's rare that you don't get seasick." The first time she took a boat, she was a little uncomfortable.

Xuxu puffed up her chest and said, "I'm not dizzy. I want to sail a boat in the future. I want to be an adventurer."

"This dream is so cool, Xuxu, you can definitely do it, but we can't live on the sea all the time, because we still have to go home. Also, the sea is not always so calm. Once the wind blows, The ship may be blown over. If the ship hits a rock, the hull will leak or sink. Navigating on the sea is very dangerous. Are you afraid?"

The sea was very calm today, and Xuxu had never seen a rough sea. She could not imagine the crisis, but she still nodded firmly.

"I'm not afraid. I will become very brave in the future."

"Let's drink to Xuxu's dream."

Qi Yuan silently poured a cup of tea, stood up and clinked glasses with everyone.

After the barbecue, everyone went to the cabin to rest. Ye Fu and Jiang Run were responsible for keeping watch. They lay side by side and watched the stars. Ye Fu took Jiang Run's hand and clasped his fingers tightly, then turned her head to look at him.

Under the bright moonlight, Jiang Run's facial features seemed to be covered by a veil of darkness. His eyes were so beautiful. Although the abnormal pupils were gone, the black pupils were as deep as the night sky tonight, as if they were about to swallow her up.

Ye Fu came closer to him and kissed him on the eyes out of nowhere. Jiang Run chuckled. Ye Fu realized that he had been seduced and glared at him angrily.

"Kiss me again, okay?"

Ye Fu lay back, "If you refuse, you are laughing at me."

It made her look like an impatient pervert.

"But I didn't even have time to feel it, so you ended it. Kiss me again, please." He was used to acting coquettishly, and his cold eyes were staring at her as if they were half filled with water.

Ye helped him stand up, whined, and took a bite on his chin.

Jiang Run laughed so happily that Ye Fu put his hands on his hips and looked at her, "Do you want more?"

"No, no, no, come closer and I'll help you look at your teeth. Why does it hurt so much to bite someone?"

Ye Fu raised his eyebrows, "Who told you to feed me blood every day? I will turn into a vampire sooner or later."

"Really?" Jiang Run hugged Ye Fu and held her tightly in his arms, "Such a beautiful vampire is mine. You can only bite me and drink my blood. Do you understand?"

Old Ye Fu blushed, and his breath when he spoke sprayed on Ye Fu's ears. Ye Fu's body softened and she leaned weakly in his arms.

"I know, I will only bite you. Ooooooooooooo..."


On the third day at sea, the wind finally picked up and it rained a little. Xuxu got caught in the rain on the deck. Everyone tried to persuade her to go back to the cabin, but she didn't want to. She said being in the rain was particularly fun.

As a result, three hours later, Xuxu managed to catch a cold. She lay on the bed and wiped her nose, looking at Ye Fu with tears in her eyes.

"It's so fun to get wet in the rain." Even though he has a cold, he is still talking arrogantly. I don't know who his character is like.

Ye Fu took photos of her and wrote down Xuxu's embarrassing story. When she returns to Lan Province, she must let her good friend An An know about it.

"Auntie, Brother An An will definitely laugh at me."

Ye Fu smiled maliciously, "No, he will definitely think you are cool. Okay, cool girl, it's time for you to take medicine."

On the tenth day of the sea voyage, Ye Fu saw the land through the telescope, as well as the smoke and earthen houses on the land.

"There are survivors over there."

Everyone gathered around and Ye Fu handed them the telescope. After reading it, Xuxu jumped up and down with excitement.

"Finally we saw a living person, aunt, do we want to go ashore?"

Ye Fu nodded, "Go ashore, but you have to go to another port."

It was certainly worth seeing the survivors, but Ye Fu had no intention of getting close to them.

For the survivors on the shore, the sudden appearance of strangers is not a crisis.

This chapter has been completed!
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