Chapter 808: 808 Inform all parties

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Chapter 808 808 Notify all parties

Author: Long Boat Crossing the Moon

Ye Fu still had a lot of money left, and he had already stocked up on all the goods he needed to stock up. The two of them also went to the mountains to dig a lot of raw soil to grow vegetables. After Officer Song, who was far away in Lancheng, received Ye Fu's message, His whole face changed drastically.

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Song looked at him nervously.

"Something may be going on. Wife, you and your company will take a month's sick leave. At eleven o'clock the day after tomorrow, you take Wenwen, your parents, your father-in-law and your mother-in-law, and fly directly out of Lancheng to Lanzhou Province."

Mrs. Song noticed something unusual and wanted to ask, but judging from Officer Song's expression, it was probably an internal secret that she couldn't know.

Officer Song held his cell phone. Some time ago, his old classmate who worked at the Security Bureau revealed a piece of news to him.

More than two months ago, someone invaded the computer of the Security Bureau and sent out a warning letter that the world would be doomsday on April 1. The higher authorities attached great importance to this matter. It is said that they sent many people to investigate the identity of the hacker, and finally found out The location was a genetic laboratory in Haicheng, but there was a fire in the genetic laboratory. All staff, including all test subjects, were killed in the fire.

At first, the Security Bureau only thought it was a prank or a provocation from a hacker. However, after the fire in the Haicheng Genetic Laboratory, the meaning of this letter was different. Therefore, in the past two months, the higher authorities have begun to take action. , purchase food and materials, transfer important property such as medical equipment, high-tech products, medicinal materials and food seeds...

This matter is very confidential. So far, Officer Song has not told anyone.

But the message he received today not only told him that the end of the world would happen, but also reminded him that he could take refuge in Lan Province, which made him have to be vigilant.

But except for him, no one around him received this message. Officer Song checked everyone he knew and found nothing, until he thought that two months ago, Ye Fu from the tenth floor sold the house and got together with a heavily armed man. The strange man left.

Officer Song felt his heart beating very fast. He felt that he had discovered an important truth, but he soon calmed down. Looking at the messages on his phone, he patted his face and deleted the messages.

No matter whether this message was sent to him by Ye Fufa or not, the other party reminded him that he was his benefactor and he could not retaliate for kindness.

"Husband, won't you go with us?"

Officer Song shook his head, "I'm a policeman, I can't leave. When you go there, you must buy more supplies. In addition, reinforce the doors and windows. Don't trust anyone. Don't worry, wife, I will go find you and wait for you to settle down." Send me your home address."

Mrs. Song's eyes were filled with tears, "Husband, I don't ask you what happened, I beg you, come with us. Wenwen is still young, she can't leave you, her parents are old, there are four old people, and I am one People can't stand it, you are not only a policeman, you are also the backbone of this family."

Officer Song looked at Mrs. Song and could not say a word. As long as he wore the clothes on his body for a day, he would not be able to step down from this responsibility. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot have both ends. If he left with his whole family, he would be punished. What to do with the people he left behind?

"But you are just an ordinary person, an ordinary person with elders and younger ones. You can be great, but you can be selfish. You are not a god, and you cannot be a savior. Husband, look at us. If you lose the members of our family, Anyone, do you still think this kind of persistence is worth it?"


"I won't force you to make a choice. If you must stay here, then you promise me that you will have to find us for up to one year. Wenwen needs daddy and I need you."

Officer Song hugged Mrs. Song tightly.

"I promise you, I will definitely look for you within one year at most."


On the ninth floor, Qiu Lan, who was reading at home, received the message and thought it was a scam text message. After a quick glance, she deleted it.

But that night, she had a nightmare. In the dream, there was a sudden rainstorm in Blue Star, and the whole world fell into panic. One night, robbers broke into the house and robbed her. Her parents died tragically in front of her, and her grandparents eventually left her. She

She became an orphan, but she still had Ye Fu from upstairs who went out to look for supplies with her. Later, she took in Du Na and her daughter. Unexpectedly, she attracted a wolf into the house, and a snake attack broke out. Qiu Lan locked herself in the bedroom, and she gave Ye Fu

After writing a letter, Fu decided to commit suicide.

Qiu Lan woke up with cold sweat all over her body. Thinking of all the horrors in her dream and the text message she received during the day, she got up and knocked on her parents' door.

"Mom and Dad, I have something to tell you."


Teacher Zhao is Ye Fu’s first calligraphy teacher. In Building D, Teacher Zhao is not only highly respected, but also deeply respected and loved by everyone.

But he fell ill in the past few days. He was hospitalized after catching a slight cold, and his waking hours were very short every day.

Teacher Zhao's children all knew that their father could not survive this test, so they all returned to him.

On the first floor of Building D, Teacher Zhao’s granddaughter was tidying up her desk and saw an old-fashioned mobile phone. She took it and asked her father.

"Dad, is this grandpa's cell phone?"

Teacher Zhao's son took the phone and looked a little painful.

"Your grandpa has always been frugal in his life. I bought this mobile phone for him eight years ago. It's broken and he just can't bear to replace it."

When the phone is turned on, countless messages come in.

Teacher Zhao's son looked through them one by one until he saw a strange message.

"The fraud gangs these days really have no bottom line. They can even make up nonsense like the end of the world."

"Let me take a look." The little granddaughter was curious and moved over to check.

"It sounds like that, but how could grandpa receive such a fraudulent text message?"

"You don't understand this. The fraud team likes to deceive the elderly the most, because the elderly are very defensive, and most of them have pensions. It's really disgusting. Delete it."

"Dad, why don't we buy some more supplies and put them at home? Don't you think the weather has been a bit hot recently? It's only March."

Unable to resist his daughter, the man nodded, "Okay, okay, I'll give you 10,000 yuan later, and you can buy whatever you want."


In Hualian City, Ye Fu and Jiang Run went to the supermarket for shopping again.

I bought a big bag of drinks, potato chips, and various snacks.

Ye Fu doesn't like snacks, so he bought these for Jiang Chun.

In Ye Fu's words, Jiang Run didn't have a childhood, so she now wants to help him regain the feeling of childhood.

"It's April 1st soon. I'm a little nervous. I don't know if Officer Song and others will take the message I sent seriously."

Jiang Run patted her shoulder and said, "I will do my best to obey fate. You have already informed them anyway."

Ye Fu suddenly thought of his roommate.

"Tell me, should I inform my roommates?"

Jiang Run frowned, "Are they worthy of trust?"

Ye Fu shook his head, "I don't know, I'm not very familiar with it."

"I suggest you not to send it to them. If you pass it on to ten or hundreds of people, it may cause panic. And if you only send it to them, it will be easy to trace it to you."

This chapter has been completed!
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