Chapter 116: The third challenge

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While Lin Luo continued to clear the black smoke lava cave, whether he knew it or not, overtly or covertly, there seemed to be an undercurrent surging.

"Three minutes, fifty-two seconds and six!"

It is hard to imagine that this copy was out of reach for most players in the early stage. Although it is indeed a regular copy, Lin Luo's speed is also unimaginable.

This is the best result Lin Luo and the others have achieved after playing more than ten times!

This dungeon itself is not difficult. As the damage is obviously overflowed and the coordination becomes more and more proficient, the speed is already so fast that it is incomprehensible.

Many civilian players really can't understand why some people can be so good at playing the same game!

While Lin Luo was recording, of course he was also leveling up. This dungeon didn't have much experience, but there seemed to be no other place to go except this dungeon, and there was a steady stream of equipment gold coins being produced.

However, Lin Luo spent a lot of money during this period. He had used four quivers and repaired his weapons several times, but compared to the huge profits, they were still not worth mentioning.

"It seems that my video release will inevitably cause the price of gold to fall faster and faster."

Lin Luo asked Wang Xiaoer and found that the gold price ratio had dropped very quickly, down to 1:20 so far.

According to the news given by Wang Xiaoer, the price of gold will continue to fall, and it will fall below 1:30 tomorrow, or even more exaggerated.

Lin Luo's wave of strategies can be said to have greatly reduced the difficulty of the Black Rock Cave dungeon, which in turn will lead to faster and faster gold coin production!

"Will anyone buy gold coins like this?"

Lin Luo frowned and asked.

In the early stage, players basically did not enhance their weapons, let alone identify equipment. Only purple equipment needed to be identified. Of course, it must be extremely expensive. Needless to say, now that the gem synthesis system and pet capture system are not enabled, no one will consume gold coins.


Except for the gold coins that daily life players need to make potion weapons, there seems to be no need for them.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xiaoer shook his head:

"Don't worry, there are still people collecting gold coins, and the amount collected is extremely terrifying!"

Lin Luo said puzzledly:

"Why do those people wait for the price of gold to fall before closing?"

Wang Xiaoer shook his head:

"That's not clear. It must be in urgent need. Anyway, I have already given out most of the gold coins, leaving only a part for circulation. If you have more gold coins, you can throw them out now."

After saying that, he handed over a game ID:

"This is the man who is collecting gold coins, as much as he has. If you have a large quantity, you can sell them to him."

Lin Luo took a look at the game ID, which was called Buddha.

"Lord Buddha?"

Lin Luo stared at the ID carefully and wrote down the name in his mind.

In fact, the current gold price should not have fallen so fast.

It's just that the players' enthusiasm for learning and leveling up is too scary. After the first copy of the black rock lava cave was developed by Lin Luo using rock climbing methods, countless geniuses emerged and made more and more masterpieces.

Video, develop more playing methods.

When we reached the last level, everyone started climbing the wall almost at the same time.

Even if you can't climb the wall, you still have to hold the back row up. There are even more talented players who pull the boss to the edge of the rock wall and let the mage control it. The back row steps on its head and the wall, and even uses ropes as hook locks.

Climbing the wall, this game is free for netizens. It’s really cheap.

When it was upgraded to night, Lin Luo already had 50% experience at level 12. At the same time, there was finally a second team upgraded to level 12. They were members of the rng club. They cleared the black smoke lava cave faster than Lin Luo's team.

The fastest, the upgrade speed has naturally caught up.

At this time, Lin Luo received another valuable email. When he opened it, he saw that it was all white gold coins. The amount was so large that Lin Luo was dazzled for a moment.

"Oh! Why do I have more and more gold coins?"

Lin Luo looked at the gold coins accumulated by clearing the level, as well as the gold coins distributed by Deep Blue, and then looked at the gold coin numbers in the backpack that were jingling and jumping crazily...

Finally, he rubbed his eyes and finally discovered a fact!

This is not a dream.

It seems like...

Really made a fortune!!!

"Okay, that's it for today's upgrade. I'm going to rest."

It was already ten o'clock in the evening, and Azijun finally couldn't help but yawn.

"If I can't beat you young people, I'll say goodbye."

Azijun did it as soon as he said it, but he didn't leave any room for redemption.

"Then I'll get off too. Mao Tou wants to have a good sleep today. I want to sleep until nine o'clock tomorrow and wake up again!"

After saying that, the cat's head also fell off. He really hasn't changed his lazy dog ​​nature.

Only Tata and Lin Luo were left, looking at each other.

Lin Luo suddenly said:

"Are you sleepy?"

"not sleepy."

"Then continue to fight?"




Lin Luo and Tata started their journey into the black smoke lava cave. This gave Lin Luo a good idea. Can there be a two-person clearance record, or even a single-player clearance record?

Hey, the involution is really too serious now!

Thirteen minutes later, Tata and Lin Luo came out of the copy panting.

Sure enough, the team had no heroes and no mage, so the difficulty increased exponentially, but it should be said that playing with two people had its advantages. At least Lin Luo became a lot more skilled in cooperating with Tata after this trip.

"Let's fight until 11 o'clock. Let's sleep a little longer and wake up at 9 o'clock. Tomorrow's boss will be the last level."

Lin Luo said this, and Tata nodded obediently.

When the time came to eleven o'clock, Lin Luo sent a message to Gong Ziyu, and then signed off to rest.

He took a shower, turned on his mobile phone and looked at site B. As expected, his post shot to the top of the rankings, and the popularity was terrifying beyond words.

The number of followers on my account has increased to 7w, and I have received countless private messages from everyone.

"……so good!"

Lin Luo let out a long sigh and fell on the bed contentedly. The sense of fulfillment made him feel that life was full of hope.

He has never looked forward to tomorrow as much as he does now!

Didi, didi, didi...

This time it was finally not a phone call but a serious alarm clock ringtone.

Lin Luo opened his eyes, and surprisingly he didn't feel confused. Instead, he felt energetic and clear-headed as soon as he woke up, as if he could do things right now.

This means that the quality of his sleep last night was really, really good.

After all, in this day and age, even getting a good night's sleep is not an easy task.

"Today is another day full of hope!"

As Lin Luo said this, he happily got out of bed and went to the kitchen while humming a tune and beating eggs.

In this suburban rental house, a few rays of bright sunlight rarely shined through the gaps in the smoke exhaust window, squeezed into Lin Luo's small kitchen, and shone on him.

Ordinary clear water was also covered with a layer of golden luster, reflecting on Lin Luo's rather thin but delicate face.

He picked up the phone and looked at it again.

Tata was still the first to get up, sent a good morning to the group, and was already playing the game.

"It seems that everyone is looking forward to today!"

Lin Luo thought of this, quickly scooped up the noodles, and finished them as if he were enjoying delicious food.

Three minutes later he appeared in the federal main city.

It is also morning in the main city, the brighter sunshine is falling on the city-state, and the hard-working and simple NPC people are cleaning the fallen leaves on the streets.

"In the game, it's late autumn now."

Tata appeared next to Lin Luo and smiled at him:

"Good morning Lin Luo."

Lin Luo nodded and saw the horizon rising under the sun. Gong Ziyu and others were walking towards him swinging their shoulders and flexing their muscles, with energetic smiles on their faces.

"Good morning, Captain Lin! You look very energetic today!"

Lin Luo raised his hand to greet him and said with a smile:

"That's because I changed my equipment."

The spirit in the game can really increase the spirit, just like the charm value can really make people look better.

Favorite Rainy Day shook her staff excitedly and said:

"Captain Lin, when do we set off?"

Lin Luo glanced at Gong Ziyu and Qing Wuzi, and the two of them smiled and made an OK gesture. Of course, the skill CDs in the game are calculated based on game time, and there are 48 hours in a day in the game. Their talent CDs have already been cleared.


At this time, Azijun and Maotou also came from a distance, each standing beside Lin Luo.

"Dear adventurer, morning light and rising sun, Captain Alrus of the Federation Knights salutes you!"

A column of city-state guards holding spears passed by. When they saw Lin Luo and the others, they immediately raised their hands to salute, with an expression of respect in their eyes.

This is because Lin Luo and the others' prestige points are already quite high.

When the black smoke dungeon title is fully activated, Lin Luo's prestige points will be able to break through the first small level.

Lin Luo nodded, opened the friend list again, and found that Red Sorghum was not online yet, so he thought about it and sent a message.

"very good."

Lin Luo took a deep breath of clear air and looked towards the endless land to the west.

"The ruins of the ancient magic giant—let's go!"

[Tip: Your team has arrived at the hidden upgrade area—the vast dark desert.]

A howling dark wind swept past.

Lin Luo and others appeared in the violent wind and sand. This was their third time here.

"Today we have to fight a sustained battle, which may last longer than ever before!"

Lin Luo said, releasing five bottles of buff potions and Blurred Memory Potions to everyone in advance.

Now he is a very rich man, at least there are more gold coins in the game than can be used up, so he prepared a lot of potions when he came, which is definitely enough to play this dungeon.

"I'm going to pull some monsters!"

Tata and Wu Wuzi took the potion and rushed into the dark skeleton soldiers.

Now Lin Luo and the others are clearing monsters at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye. The two skills are just a wave of monsters. If you shoot a skeleton monster in four directions, it will fall down immediately.

At this devastating speed, Lin Luo pushed forward while brushing materials.

It only took about ten minutes to arrive at the Darkin Altar.

Lin Luo placed three hundred materials on the altar. The altar shook crazily, and Commander Cade appeared in the pillar of blood.

"Go straight to full firepower!"

Lin Luo found a good position to stand, and struck directly with the hunter stance. With double potions and auxiliary buffs, his output reached a terrifying level. With three consecutive shots and the burst of all combined skills, his burst alone was enough to defeat the boss by five points.

One's blood!

After upgrading all his equipment, his level has also been greatly improved, and his damage can already crush the first boss.

Coupled with Gong Ziyu and two increasingly powerful mages, the first round of 20-second bursts directly surpassed the first mechanism of Cade's command, beating it down to half of its health, and even skipped the Zongheng Death Ray.

Mechanism, comes directly to Darkin Thunderstorm!

Everyone still has to complete this mechanism conscientiously. Unless you can instantly activate it when you meet, there is no way you can jump through this mechanism.

Now, all the attributes of Lin Luo and his party have improved. Higher agility means faster speed, and practice makes perfect.

Everyone escaped the five levels of lightning punishment, and no one was hit. I have to say that everyone here is a master. Even the sixth-level favorite rainy day that I met at the beginning has gradually been trained to become a powerful mage in his own right. He is no longer a drag.

Oil bottle.

After the mechanism passed, everyone's CDs had improved, and a round of terrifying outbreaks continued.

A minute later, Commander Cade collapsed to the ground, and the Sword of the Living Dead began to awaken.

"Damn, this sword is really powerful. I wish I could have this sword."

Gong Ziyu spoke his mind.

There was a big gap between them before, and Gong Ziyu didn't have such daydreams, but now that he is getting stronger and his ambitions are getting bigger, he feels that a swordsman like himself should be equipped with such a good sword.

"Hehe, after our attack is over, we will have an extra chance to turn over the cards, maybe we can turn them over."

Lin Luo said this while outputting the Sword of the Living Dead easily.

Only a minute and a half later, the Sword of the Living Dead let out a shrill roar, and finally turned into ashes all over the sky.

Lin Luo and others took some medicine on the spot to replenish their state, and then continued towards the second level.

[Tip: Your team has arrived at the hidden upgrade area—the ancient spiritual forest.]

Lin Luo and others walked into the forest of the spiritual world with ease.

This time they stopped when they went deeper, dozens of tree people, and two green-named tree people leaders jumped out.

They chattered to Lin Luo.

What answered him was a huge fireball from Cathead, and then the elemental explosion arrow exploded among the tree people!

Gongziyu's spinning sword turned into a raging storm, his favorite rainy day lightning guided crazy electrotherapy, and he used various skills. Cat Tou's Exploding Starfall was used in the previous level and it was not as good as the CD. Lin Luo and eight skeletons

The soldiers fired wildly.

About fifteen minutes later, Lin Luo and his party arrived in front of the giant wooden bridge on Zhimu Island with ease.

Lin Luo was followed by eight skeleton archers standing quietly. Azijun also summoned four tree people, and Tata Gongziyu and others crowded together.

Lin Luo took out a heart facing the fire to calm down the crazy giant wooden bridge, and then everyone climbed up the tree one after another.

"Mao Tou, are you ready for Explosive Starfall?"

Although the CD of Exploding Starfall is extremely long and the chanting time is extremely long, its range is extremely large and the damage is exaggeratedly high.

Cat head nodded and said:


When Lin Luo and the others came here before, they had to rely on Tata's red deer charge and Azijun's group concealment to barely escape. They also found a canyon behind them and spent a long time slowly killing all the tree people.

But it's different today. They have higher levels and more complete skills, so there's no need to resort to such clever tricks.

After all, there is a word called force defeating skill.

As long as you output enough, you don't need any bells and whistles, just be reckless and you're done!

This chapter has been completed!
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