Chapter 273: Lux's inner secret

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It was only early morning in Demacia at this time.

The blue-grey sky is shrouded in gloomy clouds, seeming to herald the coming of war.

Judging from the time in Runeterra, the war outside the Legion of Heroes took place in the middle of the night yesterday.

Now that it is dawn, the Flying Flame Legion has returned to the Demacia training ground with its troops and armor removed, causing a great sensation. From time to time, there are thunderous roars in the noble manor, and there are also angry shouts of smashing cups and kicking over tables and chairs.


The flying gray-headed sparrow of Demacia is perched on the huge statue of the Winged God, and from time to time it spreads its wings and flies to the square, playing.

In the Dawn Castle, Xin Zhao returned in triumph and told Grand Marshal Tiana, General Galen, and Jarvan IV about the situation of the war. When they talked about it, they all burst out laughing to relieve their anger.

The roars of these noble manors, the chirping of gray-headed sparrows, and the laughing of Jarvan IV and her brother... none of them could make Lux feel any sadness or joy. She only felt that they were noisy.

She stood under the statue of the Winged God as usual, with a pious expression.

She held the "Yishen Bible" in both hands, closed her eyes quietly, and prayed to the contents of the Bible in a low voice.

The ancient and tall statue of the Winged God, with a mysterious and compassionate smile, stared into the distance of Demacia.

This prayer is given every fifteen minutes.

Lux will come and pray four times at three times: morning, noon and evening.

Over the past ten years, she has almost never slacked off.

But this doesn't mean how pious she is.

It's because of those words that were engraved deepest in her memory a long time ago.

'Lux, your existence is meaningful. You are beyond the laws prohibiting magic. Because you have the blessing of God, the law cannot punish you. You should become a believer in God and be grateful for God's gift.


This sentence was said by Lux's mother.

As the most powerful noble family in Demacia, the Crownguard family also suffers from serious internal divisions.

The one headed by Galen belongs to the royal family, and the one headed by her mother belongs to the aristocratic faction. Maybe the two can coexist peacefully in the family, but in the political situation, they have become enemies of each other.

In general, human strife is unavoidable, and this is true for any class.

'The situation in the family is very bad. The relationship between me and your brother is getting more and more stalemate... My good daughter, you must be an adjuster. You cannot make the situation at home worse. You must do something for us.'

Her mother said this and handed her a copy of the Wing God Bible.

'Don't secretly study those terrible magics, which are curses of the devil. You should be like other young ladies...learn to pray, pray quietly, and your family will give you rich food and clothing, and send you to the Illuminati. That's it.

Live this life quietly.'

Lux was only ten years old at that time.

The Illuminati is a place to worship the Winged God, and many nobles will go there.

At that time, she was very confused about what God is. Is there really a God in the world? Even if there is, what does it have to do with this Bible? God will not give a poor person a Bible if he prays for a lifetime.


But at that time, she only knew to listen to her mother's words, and her brother did not object, so she agreed.

To this day.

Daily prayer has become a part of Lux's life.

It wasn't until a few years ago that a turning point occurred in her life.

Because of her curiosity about magic, she and Jarvan IV went to the Forbidden Prison.

The man in the deepest part of the Demonic Prison said something to her, and her heart was shaken.

That person is a civilian with magical talent, and even the genius with the highest magical talent in Demacia!

His talent was far greater than his own, but he was imprisoned for violating the law prohibiting magic, and would face hanging at a later date.

When they first met, the other party's words were very sharp, which made Lux feel uncomfortable.

"Tsk...poor girl, you are a powerful beast, but you are imprisoned by your family."

When he said those words, his whole body was penetrated by magic-forbidden steel nails, and iron chains were tied to his body. His flesh and blood had collapsed, his hair was disheveled, and his entire body was forcibly pressed to the ground, as if he was being forced to surrender.

But he raised his head stubbornly and arrogantly, revealing a pair of scarlet but calm eyes that made people tremble.

"Although it is our first time to meet you, I feel that you have powerful magic in your body... Oh, how ironic, we are the same kind of people, but I am about to be hanged, and you are enjoying the rich food and clothing... But then again,

I can feel that... there is actually no essential difference between your experiences and mine."

When he said that, his expression was very sarcastic.

He seems to have seen through a lot of things.

Facing this man, Lux felt as cold as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

The other party was like a wild beast sealed under the abyss, staring at her from the bottom of the abyss. What made Lux even more chilled was what happened to the other party.

She didn't expect the law against magic... to be so cruel to people who possess magic.

I don’t even know what the other person’s intention was when he said this.

She retorted loudly:

"What nonsense are you talking about! I don't understand it at all!"


The man laughed maniacally, and blood gushed out from his hideous wound.

"Don't act stupid, my noble lady, there must be a reason for you to come here, right? Let me guess... Is it because you are becoming more and more curious about magic, or because you feel that the power in your body cannot be suppressed?

Well, um... Or maybe it’s both?”

That man seemed to have seen through Lux's heart.

His expression suddenly calmed down and he said:

"No need to pretend anymore, I said we are the same kind of people, I understand you as I understand myself."

Lux opened her eyes wide:

"I've never seen you!"

"No need to meet, you and I are both people with extreme magical talents. You couldn't help but come here because you felt something strange inside your body, right?"

Lux took a deep breath and said:

" strange?"

The man chuckled:

"Of course it is the sprout of magic that has grown vigorously and is trying to break through your body. As you grow older, those magical powers will no longer be able to be hidden. You came here because you were that right?"

Lux's delicate body trembled, her lips trembled, but she did not retort.

In fact, it was indeed the case, and it was Jarvan IV who took the initiative to bring her here.

She took a deep breath and said:

"Then what did you mean just now? We are not the same kind of people. I have not learned magic, and I will not learn magic in the future."

The man was suddenly surprised, raised his eyebrows and said:

"You can actually resist this instinct? It seems that I underestimate you. Your will is still very strong."

Lux said:

"Because I am a scholar of the Illuminati, I am a believer in God, and I will not learn magic."

The man smiled:

"Let me guess, it's because your family is afraid that you will expose your magic power... so they forbid you from learning magic and send you to the Illuminati to hide your eyes from others?"

"Yes, they are protecting me!"

The man's expression suddenly turned cold:

"Are they really protecting you? You know this best yourself. Otherwise... what is the purpose of your coming here?"

Lux's expression froze:


"Is it because your thirst for knowledge about magic is getting stronger and stronger? This is normal. This is talent. Just like a person with musical talent, he will listen to music unconsciously as he grows up, and he will be sensitive to music and like it.

Or a person who has a talent for gourmet food, he has no power to resist when he sees delicious food... And you have a talent for magic. As you grow older, you will be exposed to magic uncontrollably. This is an instinct and a gift from God.

Your instinct!"

Lux took a few steps back suddenly, if her inner secret was revealed!

The man smiled sarcastically:

"Is it strange how I know this? I told you, we are the same kind of people...because that's how I was arrested, and you came to see me..."

The man thought for a while and said:

"Maybe you are afraid of not being able to control the magic in your body, so you want to ask me?"

He suddenly smiled and said:

"Dear noble lady, you have found the right person."

Lux's pretty face turned pale and she said in a trembling voice:

" should I suppress magic..."

The man's scarlet eyes suddenly stared at Lux:

"Why suppress?"

"Because I don't want to cause trouble for the family. If my magic is exposed, the family will be implicated..."

"So are you willing to be imprisoned in a cage like me?"

Lux said inexplicably:

"I have never been imprisoned!"

The man suddenly laughed:

"Innocent noble lady, do you really understand what I say? Do you really think... you are free? God has given you the talent that countless people dream of, but your family has strangled it. Isn't this a kind of imprisonment?

?Then tell me, what is imprisonment!!!"

The man struggled violently, scarlet blood sputtered out, his eyes were bloodshot, veins popped out, and he roared hysterically.

Lux's lips trembled:

"But I...have a good life."

The man's laughter stopped suddenly, with a trace of sadness in his eyes, and he stared at Lux and said:

"Yes, I have indeed suffered from physical pain, but my heart has never yielded. And I have felt the freedom of magic burning in my hands, doing whatever I want, just like a new life, enjoying the gift given to me by God, that kind of true freedom

…Have you ever?”

Lux shuddered and took a few steps back.

The man smiled sadly and said:

"You have a superior family, rich clothes and good food... but your heart has been imprisoned by the family. You have powerful magic but you can't use it. At this moment, you are just in another cage, looking at me who is also in the cage. There is no relationship between us.

There is no essential difference."

The man's expression suddenly became distorted, sad and angry:

"This is the fate of mages in Demacia, this damn anti-magic law..."

The man's words were too sharp and instantly pierced Lux's weakness.

It almost made her eyesight turn black, and she felt helpless.

She suddenly felt a spotlight shining down on her, and she suddenly discovered that she was also imprisoned in a cage, and she was also trapped by chains...

The man seemed to have accepted his fate. He sighed deeply and said:

"Noble lady, please be honest with me. Who are you?"

Lux was stunned for a long time, and finally she spoke.

He told the other party what he had experienced. After hearing this, the other party burst out laughing:

"You actually listened to your mother and prayed for ten years. This bullshit religion like the Illuminati is just a joke of the aristocracy! I never believe in gods. If there really is a god in this world, I will ask it 10,000 times to save me.

, redeem me... But the fact is, I'm going to the gallows soon, who the hell would believe that kind of thing?"

The man grinned, his body was suffering from the pain, but the smile on his face was so fearless, free and easy, even mocking.

"It seems that my guess is correct, our experiences are the same."

"I am a commoner, and your damn brother suppressed me with the magic-forbidden torture device; you are a noble, and your mother imprisoned you with the so-called 'Bible'. Our essence is the same... We both have power, but we are suppressed.

,not available."

Lux thought she would refute, but she didn't.

Because the other party was right, everything she did was just because her mother asked her to do it, nothing more.

The man's tone became more joking:

"Let me guess, maybe you have known for a long time that the so-called god is just an excuse to escape in your heart. Your daily prayers are just to reassure your mother and stabilize your family, and even to... Demacia's stalemate


"Because no one knows better than you. Once you use that power, Demacia will inevitably go to war in order to protect you to the death of the royal family, and your family will be completely divided... You are afraid of all this happening, so you pray for that every day.

Ridiculous god, so you want to escape from the fact that you have power...but in fact, you are not a believer at all, everything is just your disguise."

Lux's golden pupils suddenly shrank, and the Bible in her hand quietly fell to the ground.

She couldn't imagine that her inner secret would be exposed by a masked person.

"You must have been right."

The man smiled and said:

"What you are going through now, I have experienced it to some extent, so I understand it very well. But your power is bound to explode. Sooner or later, you will have to face that day. There is no use being an ostrich that deceives yourself. You must find a way.

, control the magic power in your body."

The man's tone suddenly calmed down:

"And you have no way to control the magic power in your body, so you came to me. That's why you came here, right?"

Lux said calmly:

"Since you have guessed my, how should I control my magic power?"

The man raised his eyebrows and said:

"Why should I tell you? Do you think we are familiar with each other after just a few words? Let me tell you, I am very crazy and unruly. I know how to control magic power, but I just won't tell you. Anyway, I will die soon."


Lux frowned and said:

"Then what do you want?"

At this time, the man suddenly showed a smile that showed his plan had succeeded, and said in a consulting tone:

"How about... let's make a deal?"

Lux felt like she was going crazy, making a deal with a death row prisoner!

But for some reason, she unexpectedly said:


The man suddenly lowered his voice and said:

"Soon after, I will be hanged in public in the square... But I don't want to die. You have to help me escape from this cage, and I will also help you escape from your cage... If you have any magic problems in the future,

Just come and ask me, okay?"

Lux swallowed. She always felt like she was being bewitched, as if she had stepped into a trap that the other party had set in advance.

She kept backing away and said:

"You are a devil... everything you just said was a lie to me! You just wanted to trick me into saving you!"

The man smiled and said only one word:


"I won't fall for your trick!"

Lux picked up the Bible and fled away like flying.

The next day, Lux came here quietly, and she brought three notebooks.

"I agree to your deal. I will help you escape from here, but you must answer these magical questions for me."

Lux said expressionlessly.

The man raised his disheveled head and said with a smile:

"You came earlier than I thought."

"No nonsense, it's just a transaction."

The man looked at the elegant handwriting on the other person's notebook and laughed sarcastically:

"Lux are indeed the daughter of the largest noble in Demacia. Your status is higher than I imagined."

Lux said with a cold face:

"What about you? What's your name again?"

The man's expression suddenly turned cold, and a thick flame burned in his eyes, like a ball of burning seeds of hatred.

"My name is Silas. One day, I will wipe out everything in Demacia. Just wait for me!!"

"Lin, this is what happened back then."

Lux stood under the rising dawn, her eyes complex.

"This is what I went through."

just now.

Lin Luo found Lux ​​and completed the task of being promoted to the fourth-level legion.

The other party mustered up the courage to tell him these deep-seated past events.

This reward is not some equipment or props...

It's a story about a character.

At the same time, Lux's favorability has also undergone a complete qualitative change. This reward may be stronger than any other equipment and props.

[Tip: After you listened to Lux’s past, her favorability towards you has greatly improved.]

[Tip: You have broken into her inner world, and her special affection for you has been opened: She has a soft spot for you. Please guard the secret between you and her. Once you leak this secret in any way, she will

Your favorability will be completely reduced and can no longer be improved through any method.】

"I see……"

Lin Luo was very surprised after hearing this story.

He originally thought that Lux was very innocent. This was the impression she had always received from her.

But in fact, the torture she experienced in her heart was no weaker than anyone else's.

All her innocence is just disguised to reassure everyone. After all, her power is too powerful. She must be as simple as a blank sheet of paper without showing any malice, so as to maintain the stability of Demacia.

"This is my most precious secret. Even my brother and my mother don't know."

Lacus stood under the morning sun, her expression looking confused, and she murmured:

"Because I trust you, I tell you without reservation. You must not tell anyone."

Lin Luo nodded. He didn't expect that he would discover more profound things during this trip and understand the other party on a deeper level.

"Don't worry, no one else will know about this."

He changed the subject:

"Speaking of which, I really thought you were a devout believer."

When he first came to Demacia, he saw Lux praying devoutly, but he didn't expect that she was just pretending. Are all women born actors?

Lux was silent. She looked at Chaoyang with complex eyes and said:

"Actually, I was a devout believer before. I believed in the existence of God. This is true."

Lin Luo said:

"So... your opinion changed after meeting Silas?"


Lux looked a little bitter and said:

"As I grew up, I finally understood that I was just a political tool used by my mother to check and balance."

"She asked me to join the Illuminati, but she just didn't want me to learn magic, because my magical power would threaten the nobility, and my mother is one of the leaders of the nobility. She wanted me to remain absolutely neutral and stabilize the situation in Germany."

"But you still secretly learned magic."

Lux sighed:

"Yes, just like those rising sun."

She stretched out her slender fingers and pointed at the dawn rising on the horizon.

"The power in my body is like those radiances. It will rise sooner or later. It is not determined by human will. Of course, this is the best place for the sunrise every day. I quietly practice the magic of light in this place. This is not the case."

Perceived by people.”

It turns out that she was praying on the surface, but actually practicing magic. It was really amazing.

Lin Luo asked:

"But since you already have magic, why don't you use it? As long as you take action, the nobles will definitely lose."

What Lux said today made Lin Luo understand even more that she was never simple, and she had thought a lot.

Lux looked into the distance with a calm expression:

"Because I don't want to see Demacia go to war."

Lin Luo understood what she meant.

With her around, neither side dared to take the initiative to start a war.

Because Lux holds the initiative, if the nobles go to war, they must be afraid of her, and if the royal family goes to war, they must ask for her help.

But Lux chose to be neutral and not help anyone. Both sides would throw their weapons at the enemy, thus forming a stalemate.

This is exactly what happened.

Lux's faith has long since collapsed, but she is still praying. This is just a situation, to declare to people on both sides that she does not want Demacia to go to war.

"Because...your mother?"

Lin Luo asked.

Lux nodded:

"Yes, without war, there will be no death. As long as the stalemate continues, the Crown Guard family can still exist...and once I join the war, I will definitely lose one of them, either my brother or my mother.


It turns out that Lux has long had the ability to determine the outcome of a war.

But, she didn't use it.

Lin Luo thought about the previous employment list. There was a suffix of "scholar" after Lux. It turned out to be this reason.

He spread his hands and said:

"But there is no way to go on like this. War will break out sooner or later. Even if the royal family does not rely on your power, it will start a war."

Lacus said with a complicated expression:

"Yes, so after the royal family found that they could not rely on my power, they made a new plan... That is, not long ago, Prince Jiawen decided to border an emerging city-state and request assistance in terms of combat power."

He looked at Lin Luo and said:

"And that city-state is your hometown, the heroic city-state. The heroic dragon-slaying battle proved the strength of the federation. Your congressmen and Marshal Tiana reached a cooperation and let all your adventurers come to Demacia. Since the royal family cannot

For my help, I ask you adventurers."

"That's why the royal family agreed to open the legion territory to you, agreed to open the training ground to you, and even allowed those adventurers and mages to walk in Demacia... All of this is just a transaction between two countries, and I think you understand.


Lin Luo was silent. He didn't expect that Lux could see so clearly.

When she took the initiative to find him, maybe it wasn't a chance encounter, but she didn't know anything at the time.

The two fell into a long silence with each other.

"But the war is about to begin."

Lin Luo said:

"Consultant Xin Zhao has told me that the war in Demacia is imminent and is no longer under your control."

Lux's expression also looked confused:

"Yes, this day has finally come."

Lin Luo asked:

"If you were asked to choose now, which side would you help? You belong to the royal family in name at least. If you take action, the royal family will almost have a chance to win."

Lux's expression suddenly became pitiful, and she turned to look at Lin Luo:

"Of course I know, but after the war is over, there will be a reckoning... My mother and family will inevitably be divided, and I don't want to see this!"

Her expression began to struggle, and she said with great difficulty:

"Lin, you are an outsider, you see more clearly than me! Please tell me, what should I do?"

The words fell!

Lin Luo suddenly heard a huge and vibrating sound from the game!

[Tip: You have been exposed to the final mission of Demacia: The Worldwide Demonic War!]

[Tip: In the next few days, the situation in Demacia will completely change. A national war is about to begin. Lux is in a painful confusion. You are her only trusted friend who is on the outside. Your next words and deeds will affect

To the situation of war!】

[Tip: There is no time limit for this task, but the faster it is completed, the higher the evaluation will be]

[Tip: The rewards are not fixed. Different evaluations will result in completely different rewards. Everything will be settled after the task is completed]

[Tip: You currently belong to the royal camp. Once the royal family is defeated, all your royal favorability will be reduced, your legion will be expelled, and your gem mines will be forcibly recovered. 】

Lin Luo said without hesitation:

"Of course I will take action! Help the royal family!"

This chapter has been completed!
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