Chapter 337: The way to break the game

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as time goes by.

More and more strange adventurers are coming to the breathing station.

And don't know why.

One after another, impressive guys came to chat with me, with strong ulterior motives that Aman could feel even with his eyes closed.

But she kept her faith and asked everyone only one question:

"You must make a condition that makes my heart beat!"

This condition that makes her heartbeat is exactly the condition that helps her climb up.

There is no doubt that all adventurers are stumped by this question.

But there is also no doubt that this problem was easily solved by that man.

The solution was so simple that she was stunned.

I only wrote one letter.

Things were just as Aman had guessed. He easily accomplished what no one else could do.

Later she found out that his name was Lin, and he was a young legendary adventurer.

The moment he heard this name, Aman felt his heart beat faster.

This is a familiar name, very, very familiar, and it makes my heart throb.

Aman was inexplicably excited, and she felt that her life had taken a turn for the better.

After she came back from the dance corridor, she drank a large table of wine excitedly!

This was the first time in her life that she got drunk, and she also got the other person drunk.

She tried to get something out of the other person's mouth, but of course she failed.

"You helped me, and in return, this is my iron rice bowl as a second-generation alchemy hunter. Now I give it to you."

Aman did give Lin Luo food for dinner.

A second-generation alchemy radar.

The other party actually showed a suspicious expression, as if he didn't believe that he was so kind.

This made Aman laugh inside.

There was one sentence she didn't say, but she knew she couldn't say it, otherwise it would make the other party suspicious.

This sentence is it.

The real reason is not that you helped me, but because that person is you.

If the man in front of me is the man who has appeared in my dreams for two years.

Then this person must be extremely important to me!

This was the reason why she chose to personally give the alchemy radar to Lin Luo.

Of course, Ah Hu, who knew about this, was very confused.

He didn't understand at all why Sister Aman gave the most important thing to the person she met for the first time.

What on earth is Sister Aman thinking?

It's impossible for her to do such a thing with her character!

Aman didn't answer. Ahu was so stupid that he couldn't understand what he said.

But she firmly believes that if there really is a destiny in the world.

It must be fate for them to meet again!

If this is the case, then he will definitely come and continue to look for me!

Aman guessed correctly again.

He came only the next day, and this guy needed his help to hunt down the alchemical beast.

Are you kidding me?

Everyone thought this guy was looking for trouble and asked the boss of Tangtang Respiratory Station to help you kill the alchemy beast. Why?

But Aman agreed again.

And not only did I not find him annoying, but I was looking forward to it in my heart.

Because Aman is waiting for him here.

And a deal was struck between them.

But at this time, Aman keenly sensed that the other party was still very defensive of him.

There is a vague sense of estrangement between them, unlike true heart-to-heart friends.

And this guy said with a very serious expression:

"I can promise you, provided that it is within my own ability and does not involve personal bottom lines... coveting my body is not acceptable."

Aman was stunned.

But it was the first time that she was made to laugh so much.

However, the deal was concluded easily.

As time passes day by day.

Every time Aman wakes up, he feels that the dream becomes clearer and clearer.

She gradually began to realize that something was wrong.

He seemed to be able to vaguely guess that some tragedy would happen later.

During this period, she felt frightened when she saw Ah Hu. She always felt that something might happen to Ah Hu, so she had to return to Shimmer Bar before evening every day.

But the gears of fate seem to be unable to stop.

Tragedy still happened.

She encountered the second separation between life and death in her life, which was like a locked fate that she could not change with human power.

She had obviously anticipated everything, and had sounded the alarm to Ahu in advance, and even secretly gave him a bottle of second-generation shimmering potion.

She could guarantee that nothing would happen to Ah Hu, but something happened to Ah Hu anyway.

The second separation of life and death from a close relative made Aman even more desperate!

But at this special moment of despair, she suddenly thought that something was wrong!

As everyone said, Crazy Snake Aman is a thoughtful person, and her advantage is that she is extremely smart.

So at the last moment of Ahu's life.

Aman suddenly realized something.

She began to wonder if she was trapped in a vicious cycle?

If I don't find a way to break the situation, will this dream cycle continue endlessly?

She has a very strong sixth sense, as sharp as a poisonous snake.

Something subconscious told her that no one could help her now, not even Lin.

In this dream.

The only one who can truly break the situation is yourself!

She can only rely on herself!

[Warning! The second phase of the transformation plan has been started, current progress: 65%]

[Warning! The experimental target is abnormal, and the crazy transformation progress... is being activated...]

The two people waiting outside the laboratory quickly stood up!

Lin Luo said quickly:

"Doctor, what does this 'crazy transformation progress' mean?"

Dr. Victor closed his eyes.

After thinking for a moment, his expression became excited:

"Great! Aman must have realized it!!"

Lin Luo raised his eyebrows, wondering what he meant.

Dr. Victor said:

"I must explain to you that this entire transformation plan is a complete transformation from the inside out, the inside refers to the heart, and the outside refers to the outside!"

"The first and second stages are both inner transformations, which cannot be helped by external forces. It is up to Aman to get out of her inner shackles. During this period, she herself is unable to realize the transformation process...that is,

It is said that she may exist in some kind of illusion now, and she does not know that she is being transformed."

He took a deep breath and said:

"But now, the crazy transformation progress is activated! This shows that Aman may have realized...she is now in the experimental transformation!"

"That's good news, Lin!!"

He said excitedly:

"This means that the second phase of transformation will definitely succeed! And the speed will be very, very fast!!"


"If, as I guessed, this is an infinite loop of dead ends, then how can I break it?"

On the road ahead to Piltover, Aman kept thinking.

She is a very smart person, and she can probably guess that on her trip to Piltover, she will inevitably be injured or even die.

But that's not the scariest thing.

The really scary thing is...

After I die, it is very likely that I will suddenly wake up like that morning two years ago.

Then everything he passes by will become the vague content of the dream, and in the end... he will experience it all over again, thus forming an infinite loop.

"No! Never allow this to happen!"

Aman is extremely sober.

This speculation made her extremely frightened when she thought about it, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

It was so terrifying to think that she would repeat a dream countless times without knowing anything about it. She could only understand everything in the end, and then continue to die before her eyes and start over again... This is simply terrifying!

Aman felt chilling in her heart, she must break this cycle!

What happened after that was exactly as she expected.

She came to Piltover and saw everything here.

She met Dr. Wang, and Ahu's life was finally saved.

But Aman can predict that the final critical point is coming!

If you can't find the key to breaking the situation this time, then there is a high probability that you will continue to start from scratch.

I will be forced to go through it all again!

"So...where is the breaking point?"

No surprise.

Piltover's police officer issued a wanted warrant.

A Man and Lin Luo had to flee.

During this period, she encountered a terrifying force that she had never seen before. Piltover's power was indeed beyond the reach of Zaun.

She also understood many things that she had never understood before.

For example, why did those heroes and martyrs rush to Piltover twenty years ago, and what is the meaning of climbing up?

They are so that the people of Zaun can breathe fresh air, have a healthy body, not have to worry about food and clothing, and not be suppressed by the powerful people of Piltover.

Can be the last.

When Aman faced the powerful Pell, she finally realized the essential gap between Zaun and Piltover.

Piltover is high not because it is rich or superior.

It's because they possess unmatched power that Zuan has no power to resist in front of them.

Scenes from the past appeared in front of Oman.

She raised her sharp blade high and rushed towards the terrifying enemy. Even if the opponent caught it with his bare hands, he could easily crush the sharp blade.

"The breaking point! It's right here!!"

Aman's dark pupils shrank.

She has realized that she is in a terrible inner fantasy.

She can't continue to fall here, otherwise all her efforts will be wasted!

Once she fails, she will most likely wake up from the dream two years ago and repeat it all again.

In this case, she will sink into eternal damnation and be unable to return to the real world!

This is unacceptable!!

So when the opponent relaxed his vigilance, Aman suddenly burst out and launched a fatal blow like a poisonous snake!

The crazy snake's prosthetic limb penetrated the opponent's chest like the tip of a knife, almost penetrating him!

But this move is obviously not fatal.

Because Aman clearly sensed that the opponent's body had been greatly modified, and he was unable to cause fatal damage at all.

"How can this be……"

Aman's expression finally changed.

He has launched the most sinister move!

This move should be able to kill it and then successfully break the game!

"Haha, how naive."

Aman felt a familiar scene.

She clearly remembered that she had definitely seen this scene in her dream!

Could it be that……

Are you still in the game?

Pell's chest was penetrated, but he still stared at Aman with an indifferent look.

There was sarcasm, indifference, and disdain in that expression.

"He is indeed a despicable rat. Even the way he fights is disgusting."

Pell slowly raised his hand and grabbed Aman's crazy snake prosthetic limb:

"However, you are too naive. In the face of absolute power, these dirty tricks are useless."

Aman's face turned pale.

She felt that this scene was getting clearer and clearer, and she had definitely experienced it personally.

At the same time, he was finally able to confirm that this Pell was the key to her breaking the situation. Only by defeating her could he escape this endless cycle of nightmares! can I defeat him?

The gap between them is really too big!!

Things are still developing.

There was a crunching sound, and Aman felt that his crazy snake prosthetic limb was slowly breaking apart.

Just like the sharp blade before, he felt that the other party was slowly destroying his prosthetic limb, trying to crush it alive in the most cruel way!

He felt like his crazy snake prosthetic limb was constantly shattering, and every word Pell said made his heart sting.

"Despicable rat, you have to remember. The ultimate reason why Piltover can suppress Zaun is because of the power of force. Just like now, I can trample you to death like a rat, just because,

I am stronger."

Pell grabbed Aman's neck and sneered:

"Without strength, you are nothing. Your fate is in my hands. You can only die!"

The huge force made it difficult for Aman to breathe, and she felt like her whole body was suffocating.

Everything in front of me began to blur.

She completely lost the ability to resist, and felt a buzzing dizziness in her ears.

She had a strong premonition that if she didn't break the situation at this moment, it was very likely that everything would return to the starting point again, forming a cyclic maze that she could not get out of.

"What to do... what to do..."

Aman fell into endless confusion.

If you really fall into some kind of cycle, how can you break out of it?

Did she look around, asking for help?

But who can help me?

She suddenly heard Lin Luo yelling, he was asking Jace for help!

Aman finally felt relieved.

If it was the guardian of Pi City who took action, I would definitely be able to survive, so that I could save my life no matter what...

Aman breathed a sigh of relief, and she began to want to give up resistance...

But just then!

An extremely terrifying thought appeared in Aman's mind!

Aman looked at Lin Luo suddenly, and she seemed to suddenly understand something!!

She suddenly realized that before this, she had firmly believed in herself countless times, so why did she suddenly give up?

I am very sure that I can only rely on myself to resolve the situation!

But why did he need others to save him in the end?

If I was saved by that Pi City guardian, wouldn't it be...

Violated your inner beliefs?


Could it be that……

Aman suddenly had an epiphany. She looked at Lin Luo suddenly and said:

"don't want!!!"

Sure enough, all this made her feel strange.

Because there was no such scene in her memory.

All variables start from here.

A trace of life emerged in Aman's heart!

Maybe the break... starts from here!

Lin Luo looked over puzzled:

"Aman, what nonsense are you talking about? You are about to die! I am saving you!!!"

The state of Oman is already on the verge of death.

The prosthetic limbs of the Zaun people are connected to their lives. If they are forcibly destroyed, it is almost the same as being killed directly!

Even Jess looked at Aman with a surprised look.

Why is this Zaun man not even afraid of death?

Is she crazy?

Only Pell was stunned for a moment, then let out an arrogant laugh:

"Hahahaha!! You despicable fool, did you know that you had offended the majesty of Piltover, so you decided to die obediently? As expected, they are all a bunch of despicable weaklings. I gave you a little color and scared you.

Don’t dare to resist.”

She slowly lifted Aman's neck, but the latter's expression began to become calmer.

This terrifying level of calmness even made Pell feel chilled. A creepy feeling emerged for some unknown reason, so much so that he actually felt a cold sweat on his vest.

Aman suddenly raised a disdainful smile:

"Because I have found a way to break the situation."

She slowly raised the crazy snake prosthetic limb, and a violent alchemical power began to surge.

Pell's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously said:

"Are you...wait! Are you going to detonate the alchemical prosthesis? Do you know what you are doing!?"

It turns out that Aman chose the most decisive self-detonation!!

If the alchemical prosthetic limb is destroyed, and the Zaun people can still breathe one last breath and have a chance to save it, then they can actively detonate the alchemical prosthetic limb, and the terrible energy will kill Aman in an instant!

Lin Luo's expression instantly turned pale, and he shouted loudly:

"Aman! Calm down, I can save you!!!"

Aman slowly looked at Lin Luo, a touch of emotion appeared in her eyes, but she shook her head and said:

"I know, you can save me. But you can only save me once, you can't save me again and again..."

Lin Luo couldn't believe it. He thought Aman was crazy:

"What nonsense are you talking about? What's wrong with you?!!"

Aman took a deep breath and smiled:

"Because I have completely understood that if I want to break the situation this time, I am destined to rely on myself alone. You can help me, but you can't help me forever."

Lin Luo said loudly:

"But have you ever thought that you will die like this and you won't even have a chance to regret it!!"

Aman suddenly smiled.

She stared at Lin Luo and said:

"Thank you very much, Lin. But this is my path. I, Aman, never regret anything I do."

To everyone's surprise, Aman finally chose to detonate himself.

Is it because she is really not afraid of death?

Of course not, no one is not afraid of death.

It's just that Aman is deeply aware that if he lets Lin Luo help, he may fall into a cycle again and again, and he will never be able to get out of it.

So this time, she chose to rely on herself.

Since we are living an ignoble existence, we can only exchange for countless reincarnations.

Then there will be neither destruction nor establishment, but life towards death!

Just like Aman said, even if she really died, Aman would really not regret it.

Because this is what she believes in!

The moment when a moth decides to fly towards the flame.

She had already expected that one day she would be burned to death by fire!!

"Damn mouse! You are absolutely crazy!!"

Pell's face changed drastically, and he waved his hand violently and threw Aman away!

Aman's combat effectiveness was no match for him, but that didn't mean he was willing to take risks and suffer the damage from the explosion.

After all, in his opinion, it doesn't matter if a lowly Zaun man dies, but if he even scratches his skin, he will lose blood.

The huge roar of the explosion directly knocked down tall buildings within an area of ​​more than 2,000 meters. In the center of the explosion, a soaring mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Lin Luo stared there blankly.

Aman... actually died?

But the next moment.

Lin Luo suddenly realized that Aman was not dead!

Because from the perspective of his player character, in the middle of the billowing mushroom cloud in the far distance, a green health bar still exists!

How can this be……

Aman exploded her alchemy prosthesis, and she survived?

how did you do that?

In fact, of course, Lin Luo was not the only one to notice this.

The powerful Jess and Pell both noticed this, and their expressions became extremely weird.

How can this be?

A Zaun who self-detonates an alchemical prosthetic body, just like an ordinary person whose brain is pierced, should be dead immediately!

Oman actually survived?

Only Pell felt that the terrifying feeling of creepiness was getting stronger and stronger.

An uneasy premonition told her that that nasty Zaun rat had become very dangerous!

You must kill it as soon as possible!

Pell shouted angrily, and he burst into a silver light and rushed into the dust and smoke!

The terrifying current cannonballs bombarded endlessly, and the pitiful ground was bombarded with huge pits!

Unfortunately, Lin Luo still saw that Aman’s blood volume had not decreased at all!!

When the dust and smoke dissipated, a frightened figure rushed out as if it had seen something absolutely terrifying!

That was Per, and he ran out in panic!

What followed closely was the sound of slow, clear footsteps.

Aman walked out with scars all over his body.

At this time, Lin Luo suddenly opened his eyes.

He finally understood why Aman was not harmed!

Because at this time, Aman's whole body is covered with a layer of deep purple light, like a protective energy that completely protects the body, rippling silently, giving people an ancient and pure, dreamy and powerful feeling.


Lin Luo was stunned for a moment when he saw this light.

This light is so familiar, so familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere before!


Lin Luo suddenly reacted!

Isn't this... the purple light of the Hex Gem?

Yes, it was a powerful Hex force that appeared in Aman's body.

This power seemed to be slowly integrating into her body and becoming a part of her!

Per's so-called attack was as weak as a joke in front of this purple light, and could not even make the light vibrate.

Only Aman's expression gradually became firmer.

She guessed correctly.

Her faith is like a moth flying towards the fire!

She cannot be afraid of death, but must move forward courageously!

Only by being neither broken nor established can we live toward death!

Oman made the right bet.

So she won her life back!

There was only one person present who looked at Aman in horror, and that was Pell.

His feeling of horror has reached the sky!

So much so that his face turned pale, and he didn't want to believe this fact!

He felt that his self-esteem had been challenged, and he felt an indescribable sense of crisis!

He roared with blood-red eyes and rushed towards Aman like crazy:

"Impossible! You despicable mouse! Why do you have such terrible power!!"

He mobilized 12% of his strength and turned it into a hurricane and lightning. The terrifying power plowed a shocking scratch on the ground. He was like a sharp dagger piercing Aman's forehead!

And from Lin Luo's perspective.

It was as if this level 50 epic boss had launched the final killer move!

The power of this blow is not to mention the player, even the legendary hero will still be hurt if he is not careful.

Lin Luo's heart was in her throat.

He looked at Aman nervously!

The terrifying hurricane mixed with lightning blew her black hair back. Aman stood tall in the hurricane and lightning, and the violent wind and rain could not shake her in the slightest!

The terrifying snow-white tip of the knife magnified in her eyes!

This speed was so fast that the world stopped and all sounds began to stop.


Lin Luo heard a clear sound of gold and iron.


Aman suddenly raised his left hand and grabbed the opponent's blade head-on as fast as lightning!

The terrifying sonic boom exploded instantly from the point of contact!

The ground was blown into ruins by terrifying energy, and there was deathly silence within a kilometer radius!

Aman narrowed her eyes, and then a cruel smile suddenly appeared on her lips.

All the guys she once regarded as enemies will be scared because of this smile.

Because this cruel smile is a precursor to when Aman thinks he has absolute strength and will start to use cruel methods!

Pell's expression finally changed!

He went from contempt at the beginning to horror, and then to fear at this time.

When this weird guy grabbed his blade with his bare hands...

The uneasiness in Per's heart completely exploded!

He roared angrily:

"Damn it! You humble rat! Let me go quickly!!"

Aman's expression gradually turned cold, and the dreamy purple energy was repairing her incomplete right arm.

And she just used her left hand that she rarely used, and easily restrained the opponent.

"What did you call me?"

Aman's voice was cold and cruel.

"Look carefully at your situation. Who is the cat and who is the mouse now?"


A terrifying cracking sound sounded.

Pell's eyes widened in shock, and he found that his sharp blade was trembling when he was pinched with his bare hands.

It seems that in just a blink of an eye, the two have completed the exchange of roles!

"I remember clearly just now that you called me a mouse a few times in total. Now listen carefully, if you call me a mouse, I will stab you a few times now!"

Aman showed an extremely cruel smile.

"Listen carefully. If I don't stab you once, I won't call you crazy snake Aman."


Click... click...

In the experimental energy nutrient tank, Aman's left hand seemed to move suddenly.

The purple energy expanded her blood vessels, causing her meridians to roll and swell.


Aman frowned, and she suddenly grabbed a cold catheter. The terrifying force caused the entire laboratory to shake!

[Warning: The third phase of the transformation plan has been started...The current progress...1%]

[Warning: The third phase of the transformation plan has been accelerated...the current progress...2%]

Victor looked up suddenly!

He looked into the experimental energy nutrient tank that was beginning to boil.

It turns out that the second phase of Oman’s transformation has officially ended, and the third phase of transformation has begun!

This means.

Aman has completely succeeded in getting rid of the shackles in his heart!

Lin Luo looked intently. At this time, Aman was floating in the energy nutrient tank, and his whole body was exuding billowing purple Hex energy light.

And at the position of her heart, the Hex gem slowly blended into the skin and flesh, entered the body, and merged with the heart, sending terrifying and powerful power to Aman's whole body!

Her flesh and blood body is merging bit by bit with the Hex Gem with ancient power.

Gradually, gradually, they become one.

Regardless of each other.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Dr. Victor suddenly screamed with excitement and banged his head against the glass crazily, as if he was seriously ill.

But Lin Luo could feel that he was not sick.

He was so happy that he almost went crazy.

"Great! My research is finally going to be successful!!!"

Dr. Victor was so excited that his breathing became disordered, and he said loudly:

"Lin! Now is the third phase of the physical transformation plan!"

"This stage is the easiest, but it is also the simplest and most powerful! Aman only needs to completely absorb the power of the Hex Gem, and she will be able to completely go through the three stages of overall transformation. When the time comes, she will...

He has power that far exceeds that of ordinary humans!!!"

He murmured excitedly:

"How should I name this project?'s such an exciting moment..."

He suddenly looked at Lin Luo and said:

"By the way, what do you think... let's call it the Super Human Warrior Project! What do you think? Isn't it very domineering?"

Lin Luo touched his chin:

"There's no need to ask me..."

Victor showed a serious tone:

"No! You have provided the most important material, and you also have the right to name it!"

Lin Luo was stunned, he didn't expect this.

But he didn't know how to name it, so he shrugged and said:

"It's up to you to do it."

Victor paced back and forth excitedly outside the laboratory.

He hammered his left palm with his right hand and turned his head this way and that.

"No, no, no... the name Super Human Warrior Project is too tacky... Since it is a qualitative change caused by the Hex Stone, why not call it... the Hex Warrior Project!"

Lin Luo said:

"I think everything is pretty good."

Dr. Victor looked at Lin Luo carefully and finally realized that it was unreliable to count on this guy.

He shook his head and said:

"Forget it...let's wait until Aman wakes up before making a decision."



The purple phantom like a cannonball roamed wildly across the ruined land, emitting terrifying sonic booms and kinetic energy.

At this time, Aman's right arm seemed to be growing out of thin air, and half of the dark purple arm had grown out, which seemed to contain the original energy that could destroy the world!

Her face was as pale as ice, and her attack method couldn't be described as cruel, it was simply bloody!

Pell was deformed by the violent punches and kicks.

He immediately lost the ability to fight head-on and could only rely on his good defense to resist.

The change in the battle situation shocked everyone.

Even Jess frowned tightly and stared at Aman with a deep gaze, especially her Hex right arm that was condensing.

Pell's strength is undoubtedly extremely strong.

Even Lin Luo couldn't resist his current strength, but he was beaten like a sandbag in front of Aman.

Pell finally felt that his life was in danger and roared at Jace:

"What are you still doing? Help me quickly!!!"

In the progressive and powerful Piltover, a humble Zaun should be so unbridled. What's even more outrageous is that she really has this ability.

Pell feels the shame from the inside out!

But more of a sense of horror and fear, he felt a fact very clearly...

The opponent is still getting stronger!

The opponent is still getting stronger!

There seems to be a steady stream of power pouring into the opponent's body.

He has an illusion that once the opponent's power is fully activated, it will be no less than a legendary power!

But then a cold voice made his heart despair!

"Jace! If you remember the deal between us, you'd better just sit back and watch!"

Lin Luo drank Jace at the most critical moment.

Although I don’t understand how Aman became like this, but in any case, this is a good thing!

Aman is her friend, and she will only benefit from becoming stronger!

the most important is……

They make it out of Piltover alive!

"Damn it! Do you want to watch me die!!!"

Pell suffered a crushing attack that he could not counterattack, and he let out a shrill roar that resounded throughout the sky!

On top of the bell tower in the distance.

The two figures looked at this in confusion.

"This is so weird."

Caitlin clicked her tongue and shook her head:

"This guy suddenly became so strong. Is there really a miracle in the world?"

This chapter has been completed!
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