Chapter 392: The Secret of Silas!

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But Lin Luo obviously didn't finish her sentence, and her laughter stopped abruptly with the next sentence.

"But if, I mean if we have the ability to successfully resist the demon army, then there is no need to fight to the death. As the leader of the Blue Jays said, the ice demons are endless, but our warriors are limited. Even if they can be replaced

One hundred, I think it’s a loss.”

Lin Luo's words made the little Blue Crow chief look happy and shouted:

"He's right! I support him very much!"

Sejuani's expression suddenly became unhappy, and she said with some contempt:

"Boy, are you scared? You are not a timid coward, are you?"

Lin Luo's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes suddenly became sharp, and his expression showed a little fortitude:

"Am I afraid? What do you think?"

Lin Luo was actually not very angry in his heart, but more of a weird and inexplicable feeling. After playing the game for so long, he had seen even the most arrogant boss, but he had never seen someone call him a coward. Today was the first time.

But he understood that these might be the words of the other party to provoke him, so he laughed and said:

"Your Excellency Sejuani, I have fought as many battles as you. It is more likely that I have encountered powerful enemies that you have never seen in your life."

[Tip: Sejuani of Winter's Wrath has noticed your provocation, and her favorability towards you has dropped by 50 points, and your favorability among the Winter's Claw tribe has dropped by 50 points.]

As expected, Lin Luo heard the reminder that his favorability level had decreased.

This happens in games. Each NPC in the game has a different compatibility with the player. Simply put, there are differences in personality, so this situation is likely to occur.

Sejuani advocates brutal violence, killing and aggression.

Lin Luo, on the other hand, likes to hide his cards, be steady, and make plans before taking action.

The two personalities were at odds with each other from the beginning.

So Lin Luo has no intention of establishing a good relationship with her. The game is just like reality in this aspect. It is impossible for everyone in the world to like you. There will always be people who dislike you, and they don't even need a reason.

"Haha, you are not very capable but your tone is not small. I want to see how powerful you are!"

An extremely cold storm surged out of Sejuani's armor, and at this moment another, more powerful, extremely cold air stopped her.

The Ice Queen looked cold and said in an unhappy tone:

"During the pre-war meeting, all problems should be solved with reason! Sejuani, I don't want to see something like this happen again."

Lin Luo saw Sejuani's face wilt unnaturally. Apparently they were both from the Iceborn tribe, and her tribe's strength was weaker than Avarosa's, and her own strength was not as good as Ashe's, so she expressed her dissatisfaction on

On Lin Luo:

"Boy, you know too little about the Freljord. Do you know how far the ice demon's power has developed in recent years? Do you know what I encountered on the way to Rakstak? Do you know the situation of the battle?

You know nothing, where do you get the confidence to teach us how to do things?"

Lin Luo was a little dumbfounded by her series of questions, but he said in a deep voice:

"I'm new here, so I really don't understand many things, but when you asked me before, I just expressed my own opinions!"

The atmosphere full of gunpowder was somewhat extinguished by Lin Luo's explanation.

Sejuani sneered:

"Then let me tell you now. As early as two years ago, the power of the ice demons was no longer comparable to the Avarosa tribe. At that time, Rakstak had been violently attacked. It was entirely because of the barrier of nature that he survived. These

You must not know, right?"

Lin Luo didn't speak, but thought about the snow-capped mountains like city walls when he came before. Did they protect Laxtaq?

"Perhaps you don't even know that during last year's Ice and Snow Festival, Winter's Claw had to join forces with Avarosa, because even my tribe could not defeat the demon army. Even so, the battle was narrowly won, with only one victory.

It was destroyed a little bit, and that was even with strong resistance!"

At this time, the short patriarch of the Blue Crow tribe said loudly:

"Warmother Sejuani! You have already said that we are no match for the Ice Devils, so why should we take the initiative? What is the purpose of your attack? Is it to make us die faster?"

Yes, since you can't beat it, you should defend it. Otherwise, would it be faster to go out and send it away?

At least that's what the leader of the Blue Jay tribe thinks.

Sejuani immediately laughed, and she looked down upon the other party with a thick and contemptuous smile:

"My words are so clear, why can't you, stupid thing like you, understand what I mean?"

The latter's face turned red, and he dared to get angry but did not dare to show off. Winter's Claw was a powerful Iceborn tribe, and his Blue Crow tribe was not worth mentioning in the eyes of the other party.

At this time, Lin Luo's voice suddenly sounded:

"You mean...Lark Stark has reached the point of no return?"

His voice made Sejuani and the Blue Jay leader look over at the same time.

Of course the latter was not really stupid. He quickly figured out something and his expression suddenly changed.

Lin Luo thought carefully about the conversation just now, and he suddenly understood what Sejuani meant.

Perhaps Rakstak has reached a point where he can no longer retreat. Since she said that the resistance last year was almost destroyed, then according to the setting that the ice demons will only become stronger and stronger every year, Rakstak this year is like a

is irresistible.

"So at this time, you advocate counterattack? Could it be that you have found some weaknesses of the ice demon, or other things that can help the war?"

Lin Luo asked Sejuani very quickly.

After thinking about it, this is the only possibility and the only way to live towards death.

As expected, Sejuani showed an expression of approval:

"In comparison, you are much smarter than this guy. You are right. Even if Winter's Claw and Avarosa join forces, it is almost impossible to resist the demon army, so we can only fight back!"

Sejuani said word by word:

"Besides, I have found a way to deal with the ice devil in the previous war. That method can increase our combat power ten times or even dozens of times! We must take the initiative to attack, this is the only chance! Cowardice and cowardice will only

It will lead to self-destruction. Natural selection is the survival law of Freljord. I don’t think anyone here is clear about it, right?”

Lin Luo was silent for a moment, and then he asked again carefully:

"Are you sure you have found a way to deal with the enemy? If you can show it, I wouldn't mind supporting your position."

Although Lin Luo and this guy don't look at each other, they must make a clear distinction between right and wrong. The war is related to the safety of the entire Lakstaq. Personal conflicts are nothing, not to mention that there is no conflict at all when the two of them just met.

Sejuani snorted and said:

"I left the tribe half a month ago and moved towards Laxtaq. Along the way I met many of the earliest demons, including a total of three 'Demon Aldo'. This has made me realize that this year's Ice and Snow Festival is unimaginably terrifying.

The point.”

"Then my tribe warriors and I killed two of the 'Demon Aldo', and I found rare demon crystals in their bodies. If this item is added to the war, it will cause several or even ten times the damage to those demons.

Lethality, isn’t that enough to explain something?”

Her words made everyone look at each other, and then a voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Luo looked over in surprise, because the person who spoke turned out to be Lie Shanhe, the leader of the Red Blade tribe.

"Warmother Sejuani, I very much agree with your proposal, but can you show us the so-called 'demon crystal'? After all, you can't explain this kind of thing with just your words, right?"

Lin Luo originally thought that Sejuani would show off easily, but unexpectedly her expression suddenly became ugly:

"I don't have that kind of thing in my hand, it was taken away by another person!"

The cold conference hall suddenly became quiet.

Then Lin Luo heard a burst of laughter, it was the tribes who advocated defense.

"Hahahaha! Are you talking nonsense? War Mother Sejuani, you couldn't have made up a lie to deceive us, right?"

"I believe you won't lie based on your identity, but it's really hard for us to trust you if you can't see!"

"That's right, you have to at least come up with the real thing, right?"

Sejuani looked expressionless in the face of these doubts and thick insinuations. Lin Luo felt that if the Ice Queen hadn't been there, she would have smashed the heads of these people with a hammer, but these tribes were indeed

He only dares to be so arrogant because of his big legs. In short, Sejuani is embarrassed now.

This is another great tradition of the Freljord. They won't believe the things they talk about. It's not as useful as a piece of hot barbecue. These people are a bit real and can't be more real.

At this time, Lin Luo spoke again:

"Your Excellency Sejuani, when you mentioned the migration, was it about ten days ago?"

A guess appeared in his mind. This couldn't be a coincidence, and Sejuani couldn't be talking nonsense.

"Yes, how do you know?"

Sejuani looked at Lin Luo in surprise.

Lin Luo thought for a while, and then asked in a deep voice:

"If my guess is correct, you also met someone who temporarily helped Winter's Claw kill those 'Demon Aldo'. Even so, you were seriously injured, right?"

Things have obviously become clear.

This was also the reason why Silas was suddenly late for three days half a month ago, and when he arrived at the Shimmer Bar, he was covered in scars. He had obviously experienced a war. All these signs indicated that there could be no mistake.

"If I guessed correctly, that person's name is Silas."

Lin Luo stared into each other's eyes and said:

"Did he take those demon crystals you mentioned?"

The name Silas caused an uproar in the council chamber.

Many people's faces change when they hear this name, as if they heard some terrifying name.

"Huh? It seems that I underestimated you. You know more than I thought."

Sejuani's impression of Lin Luo changed again, and the latter's favorability level increased again after hearing the news.

Lin Luo pondered for a while, then he suddenly stood up:

"Everyone, please give me a moment, I think I can give you some answers."


"You mean those demon crystals?"

Silas was rubbing his chin outside the castle, and he suddenly showed a smile:

"Yes, it was indeed taken away by me, but it was not something I took by force. It was the reward I got for helping them."

Lin Luo said:

"But you don't seem to have mentioned it to me?"

Silas said haha:

"Didn't I say it before in Zaun? When I come to Freljord, I will give you a good thing as compensation for my lateness..."

Lin Luo said:

"But until now, you don't seem to have given it to me."

He suddenly lowered his voice:

"What happened? Did you know something but didn't tell me?"

He remembered very clearly that Silas said when he was at the Shimmer Bar that he found something special when he came and would give it to himself later as compensation for being late.

But if he hadn't mentioned it now, he might have forgotten it.

But obviously he didn't really forget, but was hiding something from himself.

Silas' expression became unnatural, and then he suddenly laughed:

"Lin, you are really aware of everything. I can't hide anything from you... Yes, I discovered a piece of news that no one knows about, and this news is so terrifying..."

Lin Luo saw his smile turn into a bitter smile:

"It's no longer something you and I can interfere with!"

[Tip: You have come into contact with unknown variables, and you can learn about the follow-up through Silas, the Liberator.]

Lin Luo felt suddenly uneasy. Silas' power was unstoppable. When he said that even he couldn't intervene, the nature of the matter changed.

"What's going on?"

Lin Luo asked in a deep voice.

Silas took a deep breath and saw him suddenly raise his hands. Lin Luo saw the pair of forbidden magic shackles shining, exuding the light he had seen before, an evil light full of chaos and unknown.

"This is……"

Lin Luo was stunned for a moment, then his eyes suddenly widened:

"This is the power of the ice devil!?"

He looked at Silas in disbelief:

"You absorbed this power? Are you crazy?"

Obviously, Silas used the forbidden magic power to absorb the power of the ice demon, just like he did in the war throughout Demacia. This is also his unique ability. He can absorb power of any nature and turn it into his own use.

Lin Luo didn't expect him to be so courageous!

"Don't get me wrong... I just want to analyze the energy structure of the ice demon to crack it and find a way to successfully deal with this power."

Silas sighed, then clenched his fists tightly.

Lin Luo saw that there were evil and dark tattoos on his muscular arms, which showed that the truth was not as simple as he said, and that he had been somewhat changed by this power.

"But have you found it?"

Lin Luo asked.

"Of course not. This is not the power of Rune Land. No local power in Rune Land can completely restrain it. There is only one way..."

Silas took out a pitch black crystal.

This is an extremely regular black ball, but it is emitting steaming heat, a pure black heat.

"There were originally two, but I used one myself, and this is the only one left."

Silas handed the demon crystal to Lin Luo and said:

"This is the only way to deal with the ice demon. Use the power of the ice demon to defeat the ice demon!"

[Tip: You have obtained a rare different world item: Advanced Demon Crystal]

Lin Luo immediately took a look at the item attributes.

[Item from another world: Advanced Demonic Crystal]

[Level: Level 50]

[Grade: Legendary]

[Category: Rare legendary materials]

[Description: This is a trophy that can only be dropped by the legendary 'Demon Aldo'. Each 'Demon Aldo' will drop at least one demon crystal and a maximum of three demon crystals. Hold this item in any way.

The damage caused to the Ice Demon series monsters is increased by ten times, but the damage cannot be increased to the native creatures of Runeterra.】

[Evaluation: Only demons can defeat demons!]

Simply put it is a material, and material means it can be made into other things.

But even if it is just the raw material, holding this item can increase the damage to the ice demon ten times, which is so powerful that it is almost explosive.

Silas seemed to be very aware of the meeting in the castle. He gritted his teeth and said:

"There's another news... I have to remind you that what's going to happen next is terrible, and it's not what you or I expected at all!"

I saw him raising his right hand, and the dark and evil black power began to roll and condense, seeming to form an extremely dark picture, with a hazy and breathtaking scene flashing in it.

"This is the memory of another world brought to me by the demon crystal I absorbed!"

Silas gritted his teeth, showing an expression of hesitation.

"This is the first time that I have absorbed power, and by the way, the target's memory. I think this has something to do with the structure of the devil itself. But that's not the key... You must tell the queen personally, and note that you can only tell her alone, and everyone else

We can't know, otherwise the Freljord will fall into a terrible panic!"

Lin Luo looked at the picture carefully, and then suddenly he couldn't move his eyes away. The game prompted that the character had entered an uncontrollable state. Now Lin Luo panicked!

[Tip: You have been stared at by the ‘Destruction Demon Gundla’! Your character has entered an uncontrollable state!]

[Tip: You are protected by the rules of the world of Runeterra, and you have not been harmed by the power of demons!]

[Tip: ‘Gundela, the Demon of Destruction’ has marked your appearance, and you will become its hunting target first!]

[Tip: ‘Gundra, the Demon of Destruction’ is coming across the Howling Abyss to Runeterra…]

Lin Luo froze in place uncontrollably, until Silas suddenly clenched his hand.

As a result, the dark demonic power was absorbed into the body, and Lin Luo's uncontrolled state disappeared.

"Did you see it?"

Silas suddenly concentrated and asked.

"I saw seemed like an indescribable, unknown pair of eyes, a demonic eye bigger than a mountain. It was staring at me...what on earth was that?"

Lin Luo's face turned pale.

Although he had guessed what that meant, he still couldn't bear to be sure.

Silas sighed:

"You should have guessed, that is the biggest enemy that is approaching this year's Ice and Snow Festival!"

He said in a deep voice:

"It was also by chance that I learned by absorbing the memory of the ice demon that the 'Destruction Demon Gundla' is a powerful demon general in another world. It has power comparable to that of a demigod and is an extremely terrifying existence. I think...

It will be difficult for Laeljord to survive this year, so my suggestion is... you finish your work as soon as possible, and then leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. The battle at this level is no longer something you can interfere with."

[Tip: You have come into contact with secrets from another world. Terrible enemies are heading to Freljord, but the rest of them know nothing about it. 】

Lin Luo was shocked by this explosive information.

"Power comparable to demigods? Real or fake!?"

Legendary heroes can already dominate Runeterra, and it is simply unimaginable how powerful demigod-level beings can be.

"Of course, and only I should know this information, and now you know it too. That's why I said that you must tell the Ice Queen personally and cannot reveal it to others. At the same time, I think you should leave this place immediately after you finish your work.


Silas is right, with Lin Luo's current strength there is no way he can compete with the demigod.

Even Silas himself is only the strongest human being on the continent, but the power of a mortal cannot match that of a god.

As for what he said, don't tell anyone else, that's normal.

Otherwise, once the morale of the army is shaken and some people retreat, the war will be more difficult and Freljord's resistance will inevitably fail.

Lin Luo took a deep breath and felt that his brain was numb. One thing happened too suddenly.

But in fact, he understood that this was not sudden at all. Many signs had already appeared before, but now the ice surface with surging undercurrent suddenly broke, and the unknown danger officially arrived.

"I understand, I will convey this news to the Ice Queen."

Lin Luo returned to the castle's conference hall again, and everyone looked at him.

Because he had been there for more than twenty minutes, no one knew what he was doing.

Only the eyes of the two war mothers of the Ice tribe flickered.

They saw Lin Luo's gloomy face, and they looked at each other, as if they had guessed something.

"Everyone, I can prove that what War Mother Sejuani said is right."

Lin Luo had no intention of beating around the bush and directly showed the demon crystal:

"This is a demon crystal produced by the high-level demon Aldo. Half a month ago, my friend Silas and the Winter's Claw tribe encountered a large number of ice demons. Silas finally took these trophies, but it turns out that this

It is indeed a treasure to restrain the ice devil."

At this time, he took a deep breath and subconsciously controlled the words he was about to blurt out. He organized his words and said:

"And at this time, I very much agree with War Mother Sejuani!"

Lin Luo's expression was more solemn than ever before, and he said word by word:

"It is not advisable to just stick to it! And... the enemy we face this time is so terrifying that it is impossible to defend it. We must try to fight back, resist desperately, and find a way to deal with them. This is the way to defeat the enemy!


Lin Luo's words caused an uproar in the conference room!

Before this, his position was that he was not on either side, but just now he went out for a moment and his position immediately changed when he came back!

Moreover, Lin Luo's support is effective because he himself also accounts for one vote in the conference hall. This is equivalent to Sejuani gaining more support, and any tribe must accept it.

"Huh? What made your attitude change so quickly?"

Sejuani stared at Lin Luo curiously, as if she was re-examining him.

Lin Luo did not speak, but looked at the Ice Queen without trace. This time, he did not deliberately dodge, but looked at the other party calmly. He believed that with the other party's wisdom and agility, he should be able to see what this look was.


The other party's expression has indeed changed. Before, Lin Luo deliberately controlled not to look at anything inappropriate, but now that he is looking directly at him, it is definitely not because there is something wrong with his brain. It can only be because he has something important to tell him.

"It seems that this meeting has already produced results."

The ice queen's calm and cold voice sounded:

"Lakstak really can't retreat blindly. Since there is a way to deal with the ice demon, you have to try it. Freljordians are never timid."

Her words are like a gavel in a court, more like a king's edict, possessing the final word.

Once these words were spoken, no one dared to object.

Everyone accepted this fact.

"Okay, clan leaders, please go back and train your tribes to prepare for the coming enemies and let them taste the power of the ice atom people!"

People from the top ten tribes stood up one after another and left the meeting room quietly.

Finally, there was Sejuani. She also slowly stood up and walked out. Before leaving, her eyes kept looking at Lin Luo, as if she wanted to see through him. Finally, she showed an intriguing smile and walked away.

Less than half a minute.

People in the conference hall were enjoying their tea, and the room fell into silence.

All the seats were empty. Only Lin Luo stood there. The noble and calm Ice Queen sat dignifiedly and elegantly on the throne. Their eyes met, and all kinds of information jumped wildly. Lin Luo felt more and more that the other party was watching from various angles.

In other words, they are all enhanced versions of themselves now.

Because Lin Luo was sizing up the other person through his eyes at this time, in order to infer the other person's true character, mood swings, and all the details.

But it's like a very classic old saying.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.

The Ice Queen made a comfortable gesture, half-leaning on the throne, looking at Lin Luo with almost the same look.

To put it simply and straightforwardly, they are two powerful archers sizing each other up, but the difference in strength is still a bit big.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you?"

The Ice Queen suddenly spoke, which was much more straightforward than Lin Luo imagined.

This makes Lin Luo feel even more amazing, because he doesn't like to beat around the bush, and often does so because he has to cooperate with the other party, but what he really likes is to speak openly and openly.

"Her Majesty the Queen."

Lin Luo organized his speech for a moment, and then he said in a deep voice:

"Do you know what will happen to the Freljord this year? An unimaginably terrible enemy is coming, and I just found out about it half an hour ago."

What surprised him was that the other party showed no surprise at all, but nodded lightly:

"I don't know, but I know that danger will come sooner or later. If not this year, it may be next year, the year after tomorrow, five years from now..."

Her expression told Lin Luo that she was not as calm as she appeared on the surface.

Because her noble and beautiful face darkened unconsciously.

She lowered her head and rubbed her eyebrows with her hands, her tone revealing annoyance, and whispered:

"It's just that I didn't would come so fast, just like the big avalanche in Freljord, it always comes quietly and suddenly...will it come next's really caught off guard...


This murmur did not last long, and she raised her head again:

"It's the enemy under the Howling Abyss, right? Who told you? Silas?"

Lin Luo nodded:

"Yes, that is a demon general that has never appeared before. Its name is 'Destruction Demon Gundra'. It has the power of a demigod. Her Majesty the Queen, you are the king of Freljord. This is

The matter is very important to you, I wonder if you have a way to deal with it?"

Lin Luo noticed that when she said the demigod-level power, the Ice Queen's eyes trembled. She suddenly opened her eyes wide, and the overwhelming cold power of ice and snow surged uncontrollably. Lin Luo was

The cruel wind blew so hard that I couldn't stand upright.

The extremely cold storm paused momentarily, and the Ice Queen used strong restraint to suppress her emotional fluctuations.

"I understand. Thank you for the early warning. In any case, I would like to thank you on behalf of Avarosa."

The Ice Queen took a deep breath and said to Lin Luo.

[Prompt: You told the Ice Queen Ashe about the danger that Freljord is about to face. The terrifying demon general is coming across the abyss. The poor people of Freljord are in danger. The fate of the ice atom people is confusing.

She senses your kindness, and the Avarosa tribe's favorability towards you increases to: Friendly.]

Lin Luo was overjoyed, this increase in favorability was crucial.

Friendly favorability means that he can enter the Avarosa tribe without hindrance, which makes it much easier to trigger quests and contact NPCs.

At this time, the Ice Queen suddenly spoke again. She said to Lin Luo:

"By the way, you just said that there is indeed an item that can restrain the ice demon. Have you seen that item?"

Lin Luo raised his eyebrows when he heard the news. He suddenly thought of something and said calmly:

"Of course I have seen it. Not only that, that thing is on my body."

He directly took out the high-level demon crystal, and of course he was not afraid of the opponent snatching it, because according to the character setting, it was impossible for the opponent to do such a thing, and from the perspective of the game, this place was a non-combatable area, and the opponent could not force it.

The Ice Queen's eyes suddenly became sharp, and she couldn't help but look at the items in Lin Luo's hands:

"It's really strange. You said this is something that will appear when you kill the demon Aldo, but we have never seen it before."

Lin Luo laughed in his heart.

Of course, this must be a game setting. Many things will only activate this attribute when the player comes. This is a very common thing.

"This may help our war. Anyway, you won't stay in Freljord for long, so why not trade it to me? Avarosa is willing to meet one condition for you."

The Ice Queen showed a decent smile.

[Tip: You have activated the transaction mission: Avarosa's transaction.]

[Task description: The terrifying demon army puts endless pressure on the Freljord. They need to find a way to deal with the enemy immediately, and your advanced demon crystal can come in handy. Are you willing to trade this item to the Ice Queen? 】

[Task reward: Avarosa is willing to meet one of your conditions, but the premise is not to go too far.]

Lin Luo felt happy in her heart, but her face remained calm:

"Freljord is a part of Runeterra, and it is my responsibility to resist alien demons. Otherwise, if Freljord falls, Runeterra will suffer next. I am willing to accept the deal!"

The cold maid came over, Lin Luo took out the high-level demon crystal and put it in her hand, thus indicating that the task was completed.

"Tell me your terms."

The Ice Queen was very satisfied and looked at Lin Luo with a smile.

If Lin Luo and Zhuang Seni are two completely opposite personalities, then Lin Luo and the Ice Queen have many similarities, so the favorability factor does not need to be high.

Lin Luo said without hesitation:

"I would like to take the liberty to ask about the Dream Eater. I have a friend who really needs the Dream Eater's spine. This is very important."

This chapter has been completed!
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