Chapter 438: It can't be him

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There is a fierce figure walking on the Zhenbing Bridge.

Silas left before the war started. He headed north alone and arrived at the Frost Fortress five days ago. He then passed through the bitter cold and terrifying land of extreme ice, and finally arrived at the place guided by his heart.

"Only by coming to this place can we have the slightest chance of defeating the ultimate demon of destruction."

Silas murmured to himself, The terrifying demonic power around him intertwined with the magic fluctuations, forming indescribable power ripples, making him seem to be the incarnation of the demon itself.

So even though he was walking on the Zhenbing Bridge, which was occupied by demons, there were still no ice demons attacking him.

In fact, throughout the entire war, Silas was the first to realize the crisis.

Because he absorbed the power of demon crystals from the beginning, and the memory from another world told him that the demon army descended from under the Bridge of Perfect Ice, Silas secretly made up his mind, hoping to use his actions to add a layer of strength to the war.

share of strength.

"According to legend, if you can cross the Bridge of Perfect Ice, reach the end of the world and pass the God's Trial, you should be able to determine the victory of this war..."

Silas took a deep breath, dragging the magic-forbidden chains hanging on the ground with both hands, and the fierce flames surged on his strong body.

The reason why he was able to come here safe and sound was not only because of his own personal strength that was close to the peak of the legend, but also because he had fused part of the power of the Ice Devil, so he acted rashly.

If he does not have the latter power, even if he reaches the legendary peak strength, he will still be piled alive by endless demons.

"It's already halfway there..."

When Silas arrived at the center of the Perfect Ice Bridge, he was actually extremely exhausted.

Without the blood of ice, in this extremely horrifying and harsh environment, he really managed to get here with his unimaginable terrifying will and powerful and majestic magical power.

In addition to protecting the hard-won present, of course he also has some selfish motives, which is to make a wish to the master craftsman Ornn to obtain stronger power.

Everything he did was not only to win the war, but also to become stronger.

So he must move forward.

Not only to protect what must be protected, but also to pursue the dream that we have always dreamed of!


Just as Silas was tired and forging ahead, a huge and terrifying roar sounded behind him. His expression suddenly changed, and he looked back in surprise!

"what happens?"

Silas quietly held the magic-forbidden chain with both hands, the terrifying magical power began to linger, and a sense of uneasiness arose spontaneously.

He is now in the middle of the Ice Bridge, which is the most terrifying place in Freljord.

And he didn't have ice blood. He had already used 80% of his strength to resist the extreme cold wind and snow, and the remaining 20% ​​of his strength was impossible to face the rioting demon army.

Once he falls into the endless siege of demons, his fate will be almost the same as death.

But even so, Silas still has enough strength. If the crazy ice demon attacks, he will never be timid or desperate.

The imaginary demon riot did happen, but what surprised Silas was that the direction of the demon riot was not towards him, but towards the direction he came from. It was obvious that someone else caused this fluctuation.


"Has anyone else...come to the Bridge of Perfect Ice?"

Silas suddenly realized that the movement just now was not directed at him, but that someone new had come here.

"Could it be..."

Silas' eyes flickered for a moment, and he suddenly thought of something:

"Could it be the Ice Queen's group?"

He knows that only people with the blood of ice can come here. He himself is a variable. That is because his power is high enough and he has absorbed the power of demons and can blend into the enemy army. It is impossible for the rest of the people to be like this.

an ability.

Silas's guess was correct. He saw jet-black spikes of perfect ice rising in the distance, and their power revealed the power and majesty of ancient times.

"is her?"

Silas murmured:

"The Frost Witch from the Deep Ice Palace has appeared. She must have come here for the Freljord war!"

"It's Lissandra!!"

To the south of the Zhenbing Bridge, there is an icy blue divine dragon speeding through the violent wind and snow.

Lin Luo fully activated the saint's ice bloodline and activated the dragon's possession. He obtained the exclusive Fereljord series special effects. Of course, the most important thing was the soaring movement speed. He also saw the sky from far away.

Densely dense black ice thorns.

This is Lissandra's signature skill, which means that she wants to go to the Hearth Temple as she does. This is the only way to win the war.

Lin Luo activated the Eye of Perfect Ice, which increases the Saint's Ice Bloodline. Unfortunately, they were too far away from each other, making it difficult to see what was going on there.

"It's only less than half a day, but the distance between them is probably countless tens of thousands of years."

Lin Luo's eyes flickered, and he suddenly had this thought.

If the trial space of Gu Shuangkou is really a piece of real history, then from a certain perspective, Lin Luo has really met Lissandra, but it’s just that many years have passed and she doesn’t know what she has become now.


But according to the pitch-black Zhenbing ground thorns, it can be seen that the latter has probably been closed and blackened over countless years. He has completely bid farewell to the cold and beautiful young Zhenbing mage, and has been transformed into another person over countless years.


"Gotta speed it up!"

Lin Luo gritted his teeth and rushed towards the Zhenbing Bridge quickly.

At this time, on the Bridge of Ice, exactly the same scene as before happened, but as Lissandra had expected before arriving, their strength was too weak, although Lissandra herself was stronger than before.

, but the most powerful eldest sister Avarosa has become today's young queen Ashe. The gap between them is simply visible to the naked eye, not to mention that Sejuani's power is weaker than that of Cyrelda. She is just ordinary.

Ice bloodline, even the threshold of Ice Saint bloodline has not been touched.

"Damn...this gap is too big..."

Lissandra walked at the front of the three, just as Avarosa was at the front of the three sisters.

When she faced the most terrible pressure and responsibility for the first time, there was a crushing pressure that hit her head, as if it was going to crush her.

This is the responsibility to save the entire Freljord. Only when this responsibility is completely placed on oneself can one feel the sense of despair and powerlessness. But there is always someone who has to bear it, and they must be at the forefront.


The Perfect Ice Magic around Lissandra's body moved slightly. At this moment, she suddenly realized how much pressure Avarosa had endured.

valley stallion

Did she also hesitate, shrink or even give up when encountering these terrible difficulties?

These thoughts flashed through Lissandra's mind, and her heart suddenly trembled.

Because she suddenly realized a terrifying fact.

That is, if he chooses to avoid responsibility now, then Sejuani and Ashe behind him will never be able to withstand the demon's attack. They are not strong enough to resist these enemies like himself.

In the same way, the three sisters who came to the Bridge of Frost were in the same situation.

Lissandra suddenly froze on the spot, as if the time on this bridge was reversed, and she suddenly returned to countless countless years ago. The quiet figure walking in front of her said nothing, and looked firmly at the howling abyss. the other side.

"If I fall down now, Sejuani and Ashe will not be able to resist these terrible enemies..."

Lissandra's hoarse voice trembled slightly, and she murmured:

"If Avarosa fell back then, then Serelda and I would also..."

Lissandra suddenly understood an extremely cruel truth. The reason why this truth is cruel is that some things can never be understood from the perspective of a bystander. Only when you personally put yourself in their shoes can you empathize, but often when you understand this truth It's already too late.

Just as Lissandra realized that someone must take responsibility now, and that person could only be her.

Either she sacrifices herself to save Sejuani, Ashe and all the fellow citizens of the Freljord, or she freezes herself again and plunges the world into irreversible disaster.

"Lissandra! What are you thinking? I can't hold it anymore... I have to move faster!!"

Seeing Lissandra in a daze, Sejuani gritted her teeth and shouted loudly.

Lissandra woke up from her own struggle, and the terrifying black magic Zhenbing surged crazily. She suddenly gritted her teeth and whispered:

"No... I'm not that great... Even if I can understand you now... I can't do as great a feat of devotion as you... Avarosa, my sister, I will go to the Hearth Temple with all my strength, but I will never make the same mistake as you!!"

Lissandra burst out with earth-shattering ice power and bombarded the oncoming terrifying ice demon head-on!

——There was a frightening clicking sound.

Lissandra's expression suddenly changed, and she realized that something terrible had happened!

"Not good! The Ice-Immortal Bridge has broken! Run!!"

That's right, the violent fluctuations in the battle just now have already affected the Ice Bridge under your feet.

Although it would not cause the entire bridge to break, the bridge beneath my feet had cracked for a distance of 700 to 800 meters, and the broken ice and rocks began to fall crazily into the abyss!

"Sejuani! Ashe! Rush forward!!!"

Lissandra waved the black ice and hugged Ashe beside her.

She raised her right hand, and a jet-black claw of the Perfect Ice spread forward quickly. When it came to the safe bridge a thousand meters away, Lissandra twisted her body and actually performed a strange transformation. , arrived at the place where the Demonic Claw of Perfect Ice reached, and escaped from danger directly.

It's a pity that Sejuani doesn't have such good luck, because she is a melee hero. She can easily be surrounded when she rushes into the demon tide. Of course she can easily break through at normal times, but there is no time for her to break out now because of the collapse. The Zhenbing Bridge fell directly downwards.

Because of Sejuani's failure to retreat in those few seconds, she fell helplessly. The powerful ice blood could only resist the wind and snow, but it could not allow her to directly transform into the wind and snow!

Ashe suddenly looked at Sejuani, her icy blue eyes suddenly widened, and she let out a heartbreaking wail:

"—Sejuani! No!!!"

Although Lissandra is a living being from the ancient era, Ashe and Sejuani are the real two sisters, just like the three ice sisters in ancient times.

The cruelest thing in the world is when a hero wants to save the world, but the person closest to him has already been sacrificed before the final battle even begins.

Sejuani's miserable and frightening roar echoed in the hollow ancient Howling Abyss!

Even the ice demons were stunned for a moment by the tragic shock, not to mention how heavy and sad Lissandra and Ashe felt.

"...I have already said that we must pass the Ice Bridge as soon as possible."

Lissandra's emotions were as deep as ice, and she only let out a heavy sigh.

She forcibly dragged the grief-stricken Ai Xi forward, but unexpectedly the latter suddenly let out a frightening scream, which was less passive and more surprising.

Realizing that something was wrong, Lissandra turned around suddenly. A blue aurora rushed from a very far distance, and without hesitation rushed towards the Howling Abyss, splitting through the wind, snow and darkness, and speeding through the void. It was a flying stream of light.


Lin Luo had just seen the bridge collapsing, but he didn't expect that it would collapse due to Lissandra's final attack, and Sejuani would be seriously injured on the spot!

Lin Luo is very aware of the situation in the Freljord. Avarosa, who is as powerful as before, does not have the ability to fly, which means that even if she falls into the Howling Abyss, she will basically die, let alone Sejuani now.


And there was no way he could let such an important plot character die like this, otherwise it would be a huge loss if it affected the subsequent war.

Therefore, Lin Luo immediately activated the flying ability of the future warrior. No matter what, Sejuani would definitely not die, at least not in this situation, so he must save her!

The speeding aurora rushed into the Howling Abyss. Lissandra looked at the figure in shock. The memories that had been sealed for many years began to surge and tumble, like an active volcano that had been deposited for countless years finally awakened and was about to erupt its core.


"This figure looks so familiar..."

Lissandra murmured to herself, she felt that all this was extremely unreal.

If it is true, how is it possible and how did he survive to this day and age? If it is false, why is he so familiar?

It wasn't until the light of Lin Luo's future warrior soared into the sky, flying away the countless ice demons that came to kill, that Lissandra truly saw Lin Luo's appearance and froze on the spot in shock, then shook her head in disappointment and whispered softly.

Said to himself:

"I'm just could there be such a coincidence in the could that person survive from that era?"

Lin Luo suddenly landed from the sky and placed Sejuani on the ground.

His eyes couldn't help but fall on Lissandra for the first time, and what he thought next was:

"The other party shouldn't be able to recognize me, right?"

Yes, Lin Luo had noticed a detail before, that is, when he was on a job transfer mission, he had another local character image, which was probably equivalent to his soul traveling into the ancient world at that time, and by the way, he also had himself.

All skills and attributes.

But in the eyes of that ancient Freljord, his body shape, appearance, and even his language and accent were completely different from his current self. This was a mechanism for changing jobs in the mission space.

So theoretically, the other party cannot see your identity.

Even if the other party survived from ancient Freljord and his memory was not lost at all, it would be difficult to identify himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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