Chapter 448: Statue of Avarosa

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Sungate Central Research Laboratory.

Jace and Victor stared solemnly at the electronic map of Hex Technology in front of them. The colorful electronic lines gathered and entangled, and finally seemed to explode at a certain point, and then gathered into an extremely thick route, heading straight towards the north.

Shoot on the map!

In the Hex Flying Gate higher up in the Sun Gate, an extremely wide flying gate route goes straight to the northwest of Runeterra!

Jess's voice suddenly became excited:

"Get through!"

Victor was equally surprised and surprised:

"How is this possible...the flying gate project that took at least several years was suddenly completed?"

It turned out that Lin Luo had mentioned this matter to the two of them before setting off.

The Hex Flying Gate communicates with the entire Rune Land and can be teleported back and forth at will. However, many ancient places involve gods. This external factor makes the Flying Gate unable to advise, otherwise it will definitely attract wrath.

"Something must have happened to the Freljord!"

Victor thought:

"Perhaps Lin has accomplished some incredible achievement. In this case, the gods of Freljord have allowed the flying gate's route. This is a great thing!"

In fact, that's exactly what happened.

Lin Luo saw that the large map of the Freljord area was no longer a vast unknown state of fog.

Everywhere he went was just like an ordinary game map, with large and small game landmarks, boss spawn points, NPC avatars, and a shining huge ice-blue castle icon!

"——That's Rakstak, the main city of Freljord!"

Lin Luo took a deep breath:

"The Freljord is now officially open to all players!!"

[Tip: Congratulations on completing the Freljord Ice and Snow Festival event mission!]

[You have obtained mission reward 1: Absolute access to Freljord. As the most important part of completing this mission, you will obtain the qualification to have absolute access to anywhere in Freljord. This qualification is not limited to time and space.


[Tip: You can teleport crystals in the main city of Rakstaq, and you can complete any access point you want without any consumption. 】

[You have obtained mission reward 2: Favor of the Gods. You have become famous among the gods for the first time. All the gods in Runeterra will hear about you.]

Lin Luo carefully analyzed these two rewards.

In fact, in terms of combat effectiveness, this reward is not a reward at all, but it is very functional and highly developable.

And it is obvious that the most powerful reward he really gets is the power of the divine storm, but this power has limitations outside the Freljord. He looked at it before and found that it is actually the so-called extremely long cooldown.

Time, can only be used once within a week.

"So now, the Freljord mission has finally come to an end!"

Lin Luo took a deep breath. In the top-level high-intensity mission without much rest for almost a month, his perseverance now felt a little weak. It was a kind of mental and energy drained to the last moment.


"Rakstak should be holding a bonfire feast now, right?"

Lin Luo thought that when he came to Lakstaq and just won the first ice demon battlefield, the people of Laxtak became excited and excited. It can be expected that winning this ultimate decisive battle will make them ecstatic.

He suddenly looked at Lissandra and Silas:

"Let's go back to Larkstake and celebrate together?"

Lin Luo is actually not a person who likes liveliness very much, but today's period is particularly different and very memorable.

"Not going."

Lissandra coldly refused, and Silas smiled and said:

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime good day!"

Lissandra glanced at him:

"Lark Stark is not for me."

Silas said puzzledly:

"So what's right for you?"

"The cold, dark and silent Zhenbing Deep Palace is where I should go back."

After Lissandra finished speaking, she took a deep look at the Howling Abyss.

It is obvious that the Howling Abyss may be invaded by demons in the near future, but at least for now, with Lin Luo here, those demons will be afraid to attack again. In other words, as long as Lin Luo is still in Runeterra,

At least the Freljord is safe.

"Bye now."

Lissandra gave Lin Luo a rare look and shook her hand at him.

Lin Luo nodded:


When Silas saw Lissandra turning away coldly, he felt very humiliated and shouted loudly:

"After all, we fought side by side, why don't you say goodbye to me? You are too hard-hearted!!"

Lissandra immediately sneered:

"There's no need to be subtle. You can call me an old witch. I won't be angry because this emotion has been worn away over countless years."

Silas immediately rolled his eyes and signaled to Lin Luo that he was very annoyed now.

Lin Luo shrugged.

Every hero in Runeterra has a different personality, and this cannot be changed, because once it changes, those heroes will no longer be heroes.

However, after a while, the two of them still heard a rather distant sound.

"Goodbye, Lin Silas."

The two of them looked intently, and found that Lissandra had transformed into a very fast ice claw, speeding towards the direction of the Frost Fortress. She disappeared in just an instant. She had indeed almost lost her feelings, and she was closer.

To the so-called gods.

Silas looked thoughtfully at Lissandra's leaving figure.

He began to raise his chest and look at the serious, cold, and meticulous ice fortress city in the distance. It exuded stubborn coldness and chill, which could simply sharpen human blood and chill human will.

"I think I suddenly understand something."

Silas suddenly said this.

Lin Luo looked at him in surprise, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"I discovered that the gods in this world...I mean the gods I have seen before, the god from Demacia, the master craftsman from Freljord, and Lissandra who is close to the power of the gods. These people are certainly

Powerful, yet inhumane, this seems to be an irresistible law, the set law of this world."

As expected, Silas also noticed this, which Lin Luo had discovered a long time ago.

"That's right."

Lin Luo nodded.

Silas said: Gu Hao

"Actually, I have always dreamed of chasing the realm of gods. It has been my lifelong dream to come into contact with the unreachable realm. But when I got infinitely close to my dream, I suddenly realized that this was not what I wanted... although there was a high probability that I would not be able to achieve it.

That kind of existence.”

Lin Luo smiled and said nothing.

In terms of strength, who doesn't want to be as strong as a god? Unfortunately, everything has to pay a price. This is normal.

"So just be an ordinary person, hahaha!!!"

Silas suddenly laughed:

"At least among ordinary people, I am one of the taller ones. That's enough, isn't it?"

Lin Luo nodded, acknowledging his words.

"Let's go have a drink!"

Silas rubbed his hands excitedly and shouted:

"Let's go have a celebratory drink! The celebration feast of Rakstark must be very lively. They are waiting to welcome their unparalleled hero back. What are we waiting for!?"

Lin Luo laughed dumbly:

"I heard that drinking alcohol is a bad habit for magicians. It can affect the nerves and lead to control of mental power."

Silas suddenly threw his head back and laughed:

"Hahahaha! Those are the rules of ordinary people. How could a genius magician like me accept such a hero? Besides, even without magic, my fists and iron chains can still defeat a large number of people!"

He strode up to Lin Luo, hooked his shoulder and said:

"We are already comrades-in-arms who go through life and death, so it is even more necessary for us to have a drink... No! You can only stop after getting drunk!"

Lin Luo was noncommittal about this statement.

From a game perspective, he will never get drunk if he doesn't want to.

But on this occasion, perhaps a proper drunkenness can help relax.

After fighting so hard for so long, why can't we just relax and relax?

Half an hour later.

Two figures appeared outside the gate of Larkstake.

All the people of the Rakstak tribe stood in awe when they saw these two people, and then showed expressions of excitement and welcome, especially when they looked at Lin Luo. Countless people from the tribe fell to the ground and worshiped on the spot. This was what he did in the final mission.

Activated favorability: admired by thousands of people.

His current identity does not activate the power of the gods, but also belongs to the identity of the Ice Saint, which is equivalent to the messenger of Freljord. His identity is already on the same level as Ice Queen Ashe.

But no one would mistakenly think that he is the reincarnation of Avarosa.

Because in the deep-rooted thinking of this matriarchal social tribe, the inheritance or reincarnation of the female leaders of the three ice tribes is absolutely impossible to pass on to men.

So in their view, Lin Luo is just a new unparalleled hero in this era.

He has been recognized by the gods of Freljord and can control and protect this land. He is an absolutely respectable person, but he and Avarosa are two different people.

Therefore, Ice Queen Ashe is still the reincarnation of Avarosa.

Even if Lin Luo had personally met Avarosa and knew that the so-called reincarnation was probably just a gimmick, as Ashe said, it would not be a bad thing if it could make the people feel at ease.

"Lin! You are finally here!!"

Ice Queen Ashe is burning incense and worshiping under the statue of Avarosa in the center of Larkstark.

She felt Lin Luo's breath and quickly turned her head in surprise!

Now that her strength and identity have changed, her attitude towards Lin Luo has also changed. The reason is not only that Lin Luo fought with the Freljord and saved him, but also the Freljord that has been mentioned countless times before.

The ultimate law: power is supreme.

Strength is the highest priority standard used by the people of Freljord to evaluate a person. As long as the strength is strong enough, then it is good enough. If it is the strongest, then it is the best.

Knowing this reason, Lin Luo was not surprised. He accepted the other party's welcome as a matter of course and even said he was happy.

"Queen, this war is finally won."

Lin Luo smiled slightly, feeling a little like spring breeze, but also a little unconcealed pride.

In fact, no one can be proud of achieving such an achievement, defeating demigods with a mortal body. Although it requires the help of external forces, it is still a skill.

At least for anyone else, they wouldn't be able to do it.

"Yeah! We won! Thank you, Lin!"

The Ice Queen's wise and maternal demeanor is obviously only shown to ordinary people. When she truly recognizes and accepts a person, she will look different from usual. She shows a bright smile and exudes her own love for Lin Luo.

Good impression.

This kind of expression was very familiar to Lin Luo, and he had even seen it before. When he changed jobs, the three Freljord sisters all showed this kind of expression to express their affection.

There is no doubt that the Freljord is a rough and even rough land, very, very primitive.

Not just humans, the way many creatures express goodwill and convey feelings cannot be delicate, let alone poetic. Eyes are the way to ask, and what the other party needs to do is respond with eyes, or

No response.

Lin Luo smiled, his eyes intertwined with the Ice Queen, and looked at the statue of Avarosa.

This move made the latter's expression suddenly stiffen. Of course, it was just a few details, but he said enthusiastically:

"We are holding a celebration feast. You are the hero of this war, so you must celebrate well!"

Lin Luo nodded, but kept looking at the statue.

On this statue, he suddenly saw something different.

[Tip: You have come into contact with the Freljord Master Teleport Crystal. Whether you choose to teleport or not, you can currently teleport to any place without any consumption. 】

Only then did Lin Luo realize that the statue of Avarosa was not really just a decoration or a commemorative statue.

Maybe it is until the mission of the big event is completed.

But now the Freljord region has been completely opened. The server-wide prompt when the mission was completed has spread throughout the game, and the Hex Flying Gate in Piltover has opened the way to the Freljord.


This ancient land has finally opened its door to the whole world at this time.

All adventurers can upgrade their base and complete quests here, or even settle down directly here to create a tribal army that will develop into a powerful force in the future.

What is undisputed is that the land of Freljord can really be used, and if players can adapt to the environment here, it will be no worse than any other region, or even better. The abundant upgrade experience points will provide double the bonus.

Item explosion rate, as well as powerful mysterious tasks.

"This big statue of Avarosa is the teleportation crystal of the entire main city of Rakstaq. It can communicate with all the villages, gathering places, and tribes in the Freljord, so that players don't have to travel long distances in the future.

Trek, you can directly teleport to the area, this is the truly qualified game area."

Lin Luo stared at this huge Zhenbing statue.

He had really seen the appearance of Avarosa, which was almost exactly the same as the statue at the moment. At this time, the statue of Avarosa was looking far into the distance, especially affectionately, as if staring at something extremely important.

Lin Luo, who had first seen the statue, didn't pay much attention to this detail.

But after actually contacting and getting to know Avarosa, I discovered details about this person that ordinary people cannot understand.

"What the hell is she looking at?"

Lin Luo had a very confusing guess.

This chapter has been completed!
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