Chapter 473: Balance and Shadow

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Lin Luo always felt that he was in a hurry along the way, and the appearance of the gods' curse made him breathless, which made him a little uneasy.

He suddenly remembered what Hauser had said before, that he often felt restless and anxious. Could it be that he had also entered this state?

"Forget it, don't think too much."

Lin Luo shook his head, not having time to think too much.

I just feel that many things about coming to Ionia have indeed been fragmented. They come and go in a hurry, and they don’t really calm down. Thinking of the Shadow Dragon Lord who he will contact next, he is even more upset.


His intuition told him that this person would not be as easy to deal with as Seti.

Whether in terms of strength or from other perspectives.

"We're almost there... Well, looking at the geographical coordinates, it seems to be the location of the Kinkou Sect?"

Lin Luo gathered his thoughts and looked at the location pointed by the coordinates of the shadow dragon.

It is a large green mountain, and deep in the mountain lies the oldest sect in Ionia - the Kinkou Sect.

Before Irelia appeared in House Zan, the Kinkou was the oldest and most powerful force in Ionia.

Nowadays, Irelia has risen and led the Zan family to become the strongest force in Navoli. However, due to the weakening of the internal struggle within the sect, the Balance Sect has retreated to the second largest force.

"Is he the most powerful shadow ninja in Ionia?"

Lin Luo had some guesses before he came, and when he approached the Kinkou Sect, this guess was almost confirmed.

When it comes to the Balance Sect, the relationship between this force cannot be explained clearly in a few words, but Lin Luo has personally experienced many people who have relationships before.

The first is the fortune-teller Jhin he met when he first came to Ionia.

Is he really just a simple killer?

Obviously not.

In addition to his identity as a killer, he was also the main factor that led to the collapse of the Kinkou sect's teachings and the disintegration of the entire sect.

According to what Lin Luo knew before.

A long time ago, the Balance Sect was jointly run by three major coaches, namely the Eye of Twilight, the Thorn of Outliers, and the Heart of Fury, forming a stable triangle that checks and balances each other to lead the inheritance of the entire sect.

A long time ago, a terrifying murderer appeared that shocked the entire Zhiyun Province. He slaughtered people without any reason, and he did not need any reason to kill.

Then it is obvious that this person is the fate master Jhin. As Lin Luo understands, he kills without any motive, just for the pleasure of the mood, so he has become a murderous maniac that is feared throughout Ionia.

Since Jhin controls all the spirits of the Flower of All Enchantment, his power is very powerful in the legendary level, and he has no fixed place to come and go without a trace, the Ionians can't find any trace of him, so they can only ask

The strongest force at the time - the Kinkou Sect.

But before that, the Kinkou Sect had an ancient tradition that had been passed down for thousands of years.

That is - not caring about worldly affairs.

The teachings of the Balance Sect are used to maintain the balance and security of the spiritual world and the material world.

What does it mean?

That is to say, if there are evil spirits or demons from the spiritual world coming to the world and massacring humans or ordinary people, they will not sit idly by and take the initiative to destroy the evil spirits.

But if it is a dispute in the material world of Ionia, they have nothing to do with it.

To put it simply, the Kinkou sect is equivalent to an exorcist. They kill demons and evil spirits, not murderers and rapists.

This kind of thing should be collected by the local militia in Zhiyun Province or the temporary army sent by the parliament.

But because this fortune teller was too strong and too ruthless, no one could control him, so the Kinkou Sect had to make an exception, breaking the thousand-year tradition and intervening in a murder case in the material world for the first time.


Perhaps it was already destined that it was precisely because of this exception that the Kinkou Sect would fall apart in the future.

The person who handled the case personally at that time was the previous Eye of Twilight - Master Kusuo.

He also brought two proud disciples, one was his biological son Shen, and the other was his adopted son and close disciple Jie.

This exceptional attack caused many delicate thoughts and distractions to appear in the minds of the three of them.

At the same time, they also felt it for the first time.

There is a pure evil in this world that is more pure than evil spirits and demons, and that is humans.

There are very, very few people who have extremely evil thoughts. When they kill people and harm others, they are countless times more terrifying than evil spirits.

At that time, these three people each had different ideas in their minds.

Master Ku said the master’s thoughts are.

How can people be so evil? Is his appearance really a coincidence?

His son Shen's idea is that the teachings of the Kinkou Sect are clearly to maintain the balance between the two worlds, but this time an exception was made because of one person. Then... will there be countless exceptions in the future?

And the last person is the adopted son of Master Kushuo.

The fluctuation and shock in his heart was the greatest.

At that moment, he began to doubt the teachings of the Kinkou Sect. Why had the Kinkou Sect only maintained the balance between the two worlds for thousands of years?

Is the appearance of the Zhiyun Province murderer this time a special case? Is this the first time in a thousand years? Obviously not. Doesn’t that mean that because of their pedantic teachings, the Kinkou Sect has made countless poor people suffer from evil people?

Of course, these are just initial thoughts and biases.

Although they went through many hardships during the pursuit, and although the three masters and apprentices witnessed countless tragic situations of life and death along the way, after painstaking efforts, they finally captured the golden devil, the murderer of Zhiyun Province.


"He must be killed!"

This was the suggestion of the young disciple Jie. He had a gloomy face and had a tooth-for-tat and over-inflated sense of justice in his nature. He advocated killing people to pay for their lives and debts to pay for their debts.

"It should be left to Master."

This was the suggestion of the eldest disciple Shen. His personality is different from that of Jie. He is more Buddhist, traditional and indifferent. He hopes to leave the decision to his master.

"We are not qualified to kill him."

This was Master Kusuo's decision. He frowned tightly and struggled with his clenched hands for a long time before making a decision with a long sigh.

This decision was shocking, especially to the two disciples!

Even his own son Shen was very puzzled:

"He is a top-notch serial murderer! We have been hunting him down and witnessing his evil deeds with our own eyes. We all know what he has done. The crimes he committed are enough for ordinary people to die a hundred times, so why are we not qualified to kill him?"

Even though Shen has a self-denying nature, the humanitarianism in human nature still makes him unbearable. As the old saying goes, the rabbit dies and the fox is sad. He saw those cruel corpses along the way. It is impossible to say that there is no emotion in his heart. He also hopes that those who deserve what they deserve

subject to sanctions.

Master Ke Kushuo still shook his head:

"No, no."

An angry voice rang out, it was Jie who couldn't hold back his anger, and he retorted loudly:

"Why not! Isn't it only natural to kill people to pay for their lives!"

"Yes, but we can't be the ones to deal with them."

Master Kushuo said this.

Jie asked loudly:


"Because we are members of the Kinkou Sect, and balance exists among all things. Our duty is to protect the balance between the two worlds. If he is an evil spirit, I will do it without you telling me, but he is a human being, and he should be handed over to the court.

, hand it over to the people in the council for trial, they are the ones qualified to decide Jhin’s life or death.”

These words shocked Jisheng like never before, and for the first time he felt that his faith was shaken.

When a person who has grown up in a certain doctrine and belief suddenly conflicts with the beliefs he has learned and respected, his temperament will most likely change drastically, and his entire spiritual outlook will even undergo earth-shaking changes.


Don't say anything to refute, because what Master said is right, and the teachings of the Kinkou Sect are exactly the same.

They are not qualified to kill, even such a big devil who is full of evil!

"But I don't think he will be sentenced! Those guys in the parliament are just a bunch of idiots. They don't even have the ability to arrest people! Let alone kill people?"

Jie retorted loudly.

"These are none of our business, we have already caught him."

Master Kushuo sighed.

In the end, Jie decided to trust his master's judgment.

After all, he has practiced the doctrine of equilibrium for more than 20 years, and he cannot collapse because of a murderer.

But no one knew that although the mountain of faith in his heart had not collapsed, it had begun to shake slowly.

There seemed to be a tenacious sprout that broke through the gap under the mountain and began to grow slowly.

And after the disaster of Noxus came not long after, this sprout completely burst through the soil, overturned the rocks, and completely collapsed the faith in his heart!

That year, the Noxan cavalry entered Ionia.

That year, the war was raging, the people were in dire straits, people were living in fire and water, the world was sad, and the whole country was invaded and humiliated.

"Master! We are going to attack! We are going to protect this country!!"

Ring returned from his training outside the mountain. His whole body was filled with the smell of blood. He stared with demonic scarlet eyes. It was enough to imagine how many people he had killed, all of whom were Noxian troops.

"Jie, listen to me... The Kinkou Sect... is only responsible for guarding the balance between the two worlds and has no right to interfere with matters in the material world."

Master Kushuo's old face wrinkled, his two white eyebrows drooped, and his tone was bitter.

He would always say this when faced with anything.

Jie took a few steps back in disbelief, raised his hands exaggeratedly and said:

"Master! What are you kidding! What on earth are you thinking?! Do you know what time it is now? Our country has encountered a war of aggression! The enemies have fought outside the mountains! You still want to tell me that we

You must not interfere in the affairs of the material world? Why on earth is this?”

Master Kushuo did not answer, but shook his head with a grimace.

Until this moment, the entire spiritual world of Ji, all the beliefs in his heart, all the teachings of cultivation, the respected master, the beloved Kung Fu sect, and all the things he has remembered to yearn for, insist on, and think are beautiful, pure, and noble,

Everything that was a pilgrimage and incomparable...all collapsed.

"Master, our compatriots are experiencing a massacre..."

Jie's voice trembled, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes like blood.

Master Kushuo bowed his head and remained silent.

"Our hometown is being trampled by tyrants..."

Master Kushuo still bowed his head and remained silent.

"The Kinkou Sect should usher in a change! We must resist the tyrant and defend this land!!"

Jie's voice roared to the point of deformation, and all the brothers did not dare to say a word. Only he dared, not only because he was Master Kushuo's favorite disciple and adopted son, but also because he had the highest talent and the most prestige among the younger generation.

He is almost the next successor of the Eye of Twilight, and the candidate for the leader of the Balance Sect.

However, Master Kushuo remained silent.

Jie was completely disappointed and desperate, and he exited the temple step by step:

"I understand, you are all afraid of death, but I am not afraid, I will go myself!"

Jie flew out like a wild shadow. At this time, he finally heard the master's voice. He was like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, and turned around in surprise!

Unfortunately, what he never expected was...

The words that came out of Master Kushuo's mouth were completely different from what he wanted to hear.

This sentence made him feel like a bolt from the blue during the day. He felt that his world had lost its light. It was like a lonely shadow. All the bystanders looked at him coldly, and no one stood up to speak for him or speak for him.

It's a plea.

I heard Master Kushuo's tone a little cold:

"Jie, starting from today, you are no longer the next candidate for the Eye of Twilight. You have an extreme personality and are not suitable to be in charge of a religion. I will pass this position to your senior brother Shen... Also, I

My order is that you are not allowed to go down the mountain. If you go down the mountain privately, from now on, you will no longer be a disciple of my Kinkou Sect. I will take back your name as a disciple, and the relationship between you and my master and disciple will be severed from now on!"

The four big words of kindness and righteousness echoed heavily in the thoughts of caution!

At this moment, he seemed to have lost all hope.

He felt that everything in front of him was distorted, and the meaning of life seemed to have suddenly been lost.

He never thought that the master-disciple relationship of more than twenty years would be severed because of this incident, but he was not only a disciple, but also the adopted son of Master Kushuo. This relationship seemed to have been severed with a knife.

"...It's such a severance of kindness. If you can't repay the kindness of upbringing and teaching, you will have to be a cow or a horse in the next life. An unfilial son will go down the mountain!"

Jie knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times, then broke through the obstacles of his brothers and walked down the mountain.

The leader of the Kung Fu sect is a true believer in what he preaches.

After Jieyi went down the mountain in anger, Master Kushuo really took back his teaching title, passed the position of the next Twilight Eye to Shen, and never allowed Jieyi to go up the mountain again.

So from that day on, the precepts were no longer called precepts.

He has a new title, which he chose for himself, called Jie.

"Jie" is the homophone and antonym of "Jie".

A few years later, the reckless young man who went down the mountain in anger has become the leader of the Shadow Stream sect in Ionia. People respect him and call him: Lord of Shadow Stream - Jie.

As for what happened next, Lin Luo probably knew it.

Probably after Jiwu came down from the mountain gate, he encountered the encirclement and suppression of the Noxian army. Later, he was really unable to withstand the tyrant's cavalry, so he finally secretly returned to the mountain gate. He pretended to apologize and admitted his mistake, and let the disciples of the master let him go, while he

Quietly arrived at the sect's forbidden area.

When he was still very young, he went deep into the hidden tomb of the temple, where he found an exquisite black box. Although he knew that this was violating a taboo and that only the master of the sect could open the black box, he still asked

A peek inside the black box.

A long time ago, Master Kushuo told him that there was a demon hidden in it, and no disciples of the Kinkou Sect were allowed to look into it.

'But now that I'm not a disciple of the Kinkou Sect, I can always check it out, right?'

Thinking this, Jie opened the black box.

The black shadow enveloped Zed's mind, instilling in him contempt for the weak, fueling his inner pain, and hinting at an ancient dark magic.

At that moment Zed realized that he could not fight against Noxus because he was not strong enough!

You have come to the right place. As long as you open the black box and release the dark magic inside, you will have powerful and even terrifying power!

Then you can defeat Noxus yourself!

But what he didn't know was that when he secretly returned to the Kinkou Sect, he was discovered by Kushuo. When the latter saw him holding a black box, he even made a frightened expression, telling him to stay calm and rational.

Unfortunately, things in this world often backfire.

Soon after.

Jie reappeared on the stone steps in front of the temple, holding the black box in one hand and the sword blade just stained with blood in the other hand.

He killed his master and his adoptive father.

Because the latter desperately tried to stop him and hurriedly opened the black box to obtain the power of shadow, his strength suddenly changed, and he accidentally killed his master.

When the members of the Hexiong Cult discovered this scene, they were stunned and at a loss, like a herd of animals panicking and not choosing their way.

Zed, who was gradually darkened by the power of shadow, was completely indifferent. In these days, he made many subordinates, all of whom were militiamen and masters who resisted Noxus together. They regarded Zed as their leader and regarded him as a god.

At Zed's signal, his men began to slaughter wantonly.

In the end, without stopping, Zed directly occupied the Temple of the Kinkou Sect, established his own Shadow Stream Sect here, and began to train his followers in the ways of the shadows.

They carved dark tattoos into their skin and flesh, and learned how to fight together with their reflections in the mist.

This is one of the seven major forces of Navoli.

The origin of the Shadow Stream Sect.

But now, Jie, who has been living in seclusion for many years, obviously has a more prominent identity, the Shadow Dragon Master.

And if Lin Luo guessed correctly.

The power of shadow in the black box was actually one of the nine scales of the Dragon Spirit.

Shadow dragon scales!

When Lin Luo stepped into the Shadow Stream Sect.

He felt that there were countless eyes in the dark shadow staring at him.

But perhaps seeing his powerful aura, these eyes did not attack him, but looked at him quietly.

"A long time ago, this was the temple of the Kinkou Sect. During the disaster of Noxus, it was taken over by Zed and developed into the Shadow Stream Sect."

Lin Luo felt a little emotional, no wonder the Balance Sect has now retreated to become the second force in Navoli, and this is obviously part of the reason.

To this day.

The Kinkou Sect has a new temple.

Twilight Eyes Shen, the new leader of the Kinkou sect, has the same indifferent and selfless attitude as his father Kushuo. He is so indifferent that he can abandon his hatred as a son and not come for revenge, because he must maintain the Kinkou teachings.

To maintain this teaching, one must let go of worldly hatred.

"I wonder if Shen is one of the Dragon Masters."

Lin Luo thought for a while and found that there was no result, so he simply moved on.

Going further, he came to a huge and towering ancient Sutra-Tibetan Pavilion.

This Scripture Depository Pavilion is simply more magnificent than the Sun Tower in Zuan. The whole is a long-growing ancient tree, but it has the shape and appearance of the Scripture Depository Pavilion. It is obviously the extremely powerful Ten Thousand Spirits Art that has transformed it.

changed into.

"The Lord of Shadow Stream - Jie should be among them. He is the Shadow Dragon I am looking for."

[Tip: You have come to the special area: Ionia-Navoli-Shadow Stream Sect, and you have triggered the special achievement: Integrate into the Shadow]

[Tip: You have received an achievement reward: you have a chance for enlightenment, but you must find a suitable place for enlightenment. 】

Lin Luo was surprised, and suddenly remembered that the conditions for enlightenment can be achieved in certain ancient places in Ionia, and the ruins of the Balance Sect that have been passed down for thousands of years are now the temples of the Shadow Stream Sect, which obviously have the qualifications.

this condition.

And at the same time.

In some places in front of and behind him, shadows appeared that were difficult to detect with the naked eye.

If you look carefully, you can find that there are actually figures hidden in the shadow, approaching Lin Luo cautiously but not maliciously, obviously intending to attack.

But Lin Luo was certainly aware of this, and the game prompts quietly sounded.

[Tip: You have entered the Shadow Stream Sect, you have been spied on by the Shadow Stream sect, and you will be attacked by the Shadow Stream sect next.]

This chapter has been completed!
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