Chapter 51: Young Master Yu's Intention

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The reason why the Hero City Encyclopedia is the most popular is because it has the largest number of players.

This section receives tens of millions of views every day, and nearly a thousand consultation posts appear every day.

As the moderator of this section, I will occasionally browse these posts and highlight the posts that are particularly useful to players.

Lin Luo opened the Hero City Encyclopedia and saw that the most popular post at the top was not a pure science post, but a comprehensive post with a chapter of popular science comments. The poster was a new vest that had just been created. It should be a small business opened by a well-known person in the industry.


"Encyclopedia of Occupations in Hero City, Comments on the Strength of Each Occupation"

Lin Luo clicked on the post, and it was full of useful information, but it was of no use to him.

What made his eyes light up was that this post actually mentioned the levels of many experts in the gaming industry.

As the e-sports industry gradually matures, the live broadcast industry and game studios have also emerged.

The entire gaming circle has formed various mature industry chains. The most popular in the circle are top professional players, followed by some big anchors. The presence of studios is relatively low, and full-time players are barely making ends meet.

The post mentioned that it is currently known that the highest level in Hero City is a professional player from a well-known e-sports club in the 001 server, and there is more than one.

The average level of these professional players is nine. The reason why it is so high is because the club has arranged level-up players as early as the beginning of the server, and under special circumstances started difficult bronze missions. Yesterday, the team killed running zombies three or four times.

Under such circumstances, a team of eight finally conquered the task.

The difficulty of this task is unimaginable for players who have just launched the server. It requires the study of various bizarre mechanisms and teamwork. Fortunately, professional players are players at the top of the game chain after all. They have tactical improvements after failure, team command and teamwork when attacking difficulties.

Each player’s reaction, agility, and operation...

After completing this task, eight players from the club were promoted to level seven late last night.

As of today’s noon update, these professional guys have reached level nine!

When the first player in the game reaches level 10, the national server level ranking list will be opened. The list will be updated monthly, and the game official will issue ranking rewards at the end of each month.

"Tsk tsk... I upgraded to seven levels in a row on the first day of service. You are worthy of a professional player."

Lin Luo sighed with some envy.

There are many types of tasks in the new world. The general chain tasks are the most common, which are equivalent to the main tasks in the conventional sense. There are no special rewards, only decent experience and ordinary equipment.

On top of the chain of tasks are difficult tasks. This type of task cannot be completed by one team. It requires at least two teams and as many as three or four teams of players to join forces. After completing the task, you will not only gain a huge amount of experience, but also very rare props and equipment.


"In the final analysis... game resources are indeed the most important."

Lin Luo naturally didn't believe that those professional players were chatting up NPCs one by one to trigger tasks. The investors behind many domestic e-sports clubs were first-class big capital, and they cooperated with Galaxy Games, so they could naturally obtain many rare game resources.

"Looks like we need to work harder to upgrade!"

Lin Luo has no plans to compete with these professional players yet. They are backed by club owners and investors, and the two sides are not in the same weight class.

However, his level is only two levels behind the former. Even if he cannot catch up, he cannot fall too far behind!

Lin Luo quickly finished his meal and logged into the game.

Then he realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

It turned out that the previous four-man team of Gongziyu was discussing something with Maotou not far away, and Tata was also talking on the other side with his head lowered, as if he was contacting someone.

Only little Lingyue saw Lin Luo come online and immediately ran over and said:

"Captain Lin, something big happened!"

Lin Luo raised his eyebrows. In the distance, Cat Tou frowned and said something to Gong Ziyu. It was rare to see him showing such a solemn expression.

"What happened?"

Xiao Xiaolingyue said:

"That Gong Ziyu came over just now and said that he wanted to join us on a very important mission. You were not online just now, so Brother Mao went over to discuss it with them."

These words made Lin Luo's pupils shrink, and he quickly walked towards the cat's head.

"Cat head, what's going on?"

Maotou, who heard Lin Luo's voice, quickly looked over, took a deep breath and said:

"Arlo! We have to get to level eight quickly!"

Next, Lin Luo found out that Gong Ziyu and his team actually carried a volume of eight-level silver difficult tasks!

To be precise, this mission was triggered by the player with the title of Lucky One on his head.

"Level 8 Silver Difficult Mission? Real or fake?"

Lin Luo looked at Gong Ziyu with some disbelief.

The other party was obviously confident. He took out the scroll in front of Lin Luo and posted the content of the task in the chat box.

"Brother Arrow God, this mission can only be entered by a team of eight people, and each person is at least level eight. - The fact that we can meet in this place is enough to show our respective strengths. Are you interested in teaming up to do a mission?"

Gong Ziyu is right, there are very few national servers that are above level six, let alone level eight.

Of course, those professional players must be excluded, as they are supported by club resources.

Lin Luo's eyes lit up when he heard this and he said without hesitation:

"Of course I'm interested! But our team still lacks an assistant. Give me half a day and I will try my best to find one!"

Maotou suddenly said:

"No, Tata has already found someone."

This made Lin Luo a little surprised. If he remembered correctly, Mao Tou knew the most people, but Tata was a very introverted person. He never expected that Tata was looking for someone.

But then I thought about it, although Tata has few friends, most of them are masters.

And she was indeed talking with her head down to the side just now, as if she was contacting someone.

Lin Luo thought for a while and said:

"Could it be from Yu Ji's side? But I remember they also lack support there?"

Maotou shook his head:

"We didn't serve him. I heard from Tata that that person became an unpopular support player and is now an independent player without even a team."

Individual? Unpopular support?

Lin Luomei's eyes suddenly lit up, and she probably guessed her occupation.

"Could it be the wizard in the support team?"

Wizards seem to belong to the mage category, but in fact this profession belongs to support, and it is the kind of super unpopular that no one wants to play.

There are many reasons. Lin Luo worked hard for several days before launching the server and studied the advantages and disadvantages of all professions and the feedback from players.

He came to a conclusion:

Fifty percent of players in the game come here for appearance. Careers with cool skills and good-looking costumes are very popular among these players.

The other 40% is for strength, as long as the damage is high, everything else is not a big problem.

The last 10% love unpopular professions. Wizards are just 10% of these 10%. There are very few people who play them. They are the least popular among the unpopular professions.

This chapter has been completed!
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