Chapter 594: The Ancient Armored Giant

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Next was the journey to Shurima Tomb, during which Lin Luo and Nasus talked about the Sun Magic Book.

"So the person in the Sun Magic Book just your brother?"

Lin Luo didn't ask questions knowingly, but mainly wanted Nasus to describe it himself.

"Yes, to be precise, he is a sacrifice."

Nasus said in a low tone.


"Yes, it was the sacrifice I had to use to seal Zelas. In fact, this is the only way to complete the seal..."

Lin Luo had a strange expression and said:

"What does this mean, extinguishing relatives for the sake of justice? It doesn't seem to count?"

"Actually, Renekton was not voluntary... He had no choice but to do so. Xerath's power of ascension was growing crazily. If he didn't stop it, the entire Shurima would suffer, so we had no choice but to do that."

Nasus sighed, not knowing what to say.

So on the way to the Shurima Tomb, Nasus carefully told the experience of his younger brother Renekton, a younger brother who was also a powerful Shurima Ascendant, but had a completely different fate.

Renekton is a born warrior. He has been fearless since childhood and is often involved in vicious fights.

The cause of these conflicts is often dignity, because Renekton has never been able to swallow his anger, let alone any slander. Although Nasus did not approve of him fighting, Renekton enjoyed it.

To put it simply, Nasus' character is violent and mindless, but he has great strength.

Later, Nasus left home to study and entered the famous Academy of the Sun.

As Renekton's fights became more serious, Nasus was worried that Renekton's violent nature would land him in jail or die young, so he enlisted him into the Shurima army.

Officially, Renekton was not old enough to serve in the military, but Nasus orchestrated a beautiful oversight.

The discipline and system of the army are a blessing to Renekton. He has been at the forefront of many wars of imperial expansion and conquest, and the ferocity and tenacity of his youth are still evident.

But his honor and courage were also famous. Nasus, a famous general and commander at the time, would often say that he was just planning the war, while Renekton charged into the battle and won the war.

This statement is true. After relieving the siege of the isolated city Zuritar, Renekton became a lieutenant appointed by the emperor and was also named the "Gatekeeper of Shurima".

At that time, Renekton led a small team of surprise soldiers to defend the rugged mountain road leading to the south, one against ten, trying to delay the evacuation of the city. No one thought that Renekton had a chance to survive this battle, let alone win. But he

They persisted until the reinforcements led by Nasus arrived and defused the invasion.

Decades of fighting have made Renekton's reputation comparable to that of the Celestial Warriors of the Ascension Group. His existence is an inspiration to the soldiers around him and a deterrent to the enemy's morale.

But the years still turned his hair gray and left him with scars. When he reached middle age, bad news came - his brother was not going to die soon.

He hurried back to the capital, only to see that Nasus was like a gray shadow of his former high-spirited days, already consumed by the vicious disease.

He suffers from an incurable disease.

No matter what, Nasus' greatness is obvious to all. Not only did he have outstanding military exploits, but he also managed Shurima's greatest library and compiled or translated many of the most outstanding historical works.

Such a person could not die easily, so a decree was issued that he was eligible to undergo the ascension ceremony.

The people of the entire capital came to witness, but Nasus didn't even have the strength to climb up to the sun disk and ascend to the altar.

Renekton did not consider his own safety, picked up his brother, climbed the last flight of stairs, and waited for himself to be wiped out. After all, he was just a warrior, and he knew that what Shurima needed in the years to come was inner strength.


However, Renekton was not destroyed. In the dazzling light of the sun disk, both brothers were reborn.

When the light faded, two great Ascended Ones appeared in front of people at the same time. Nasus turned into a tall and thin figure with a dog's head and human body, while Renekton turned into a huge crocodile shape.

Jackals are often considered the most intelligent and resourceful beasts, while the crocodile's ferocity and fearlessness perfectly fit Renekton's character.

Renekton was a great war hero before, and now he has power beyond mortal understanding. Renekton has led Shurima's army to many bloody victories, and he will never be merciful, nor will he accept it.

The kindness of the enemy.

His legend spread far beyond the borders of the Empire, and his enemies called him "The Butcher of the Desert," his favorite title.

However, some people, including Nasus, felt that part of Renekton's humanity was gone forever as he ascended and transformed.

He seemed to have become more cruel and bloodthirsty, and rumors of his various war atrocities began to spread.

Regardless, he has always been a staunch defender of Shurima, serving many emperors loyally, even fending off Icathia's rebellion and the horrific war that followed.

Many years later, the young Emperor Azir is recognized and will join the ranks of the Ascension Group and become the immortal God-King that the people aspire to.

The results are disastrous.

When this happened, both Renekton and Nasus were a day's journey away from the capital. When they rushed back, they only saw the once glorious city in ruins.

The solar disk has lost its magical power and is gradually collapsing.

At the center of this tragic situation, they discovered the Emperor's cunning sorcerer, Xerath, who had now transformed into a malevolent being of pure energy.

The two brothers fought with all their strength, but they knew that they could not completely destroy Xerath. Finally, Renekton captured Xerath and plunged into the Tomb of the Emperors below the city, letting his brother seal them inside.

Nasus knew he had no choice and reluctantly complied with his brother's wishes.

Xerath and Renekton continued their battle. They hunted each other in the dark valley for hundreds of years, and the once glorious and great Shuriman civilization on the ground had turned into dust.

During this time, Xerath continued to taunt his opponents, pouring vile words into Renekton's ears, and day after day, his poisonous words began to take root.

He convinced Renekton that Nasus was jealous of his military exploits, so he seized the opportunity to add insult to injury and monopolize his immortal godhood.

Renekton's sanity was being dismantled bit by bit, and Xerath drove wedges into these cracks, confusing his ability to perceive and differentiate between reality and fantasy.

Today, he is no longer the proud and glorious hero of the past. Most of the time, he is just a beast with a degraded mind, full of hatred and madness, with only bloodthirsty and revenge in his heart.

"I was fully capable of saving him, but I didn't do it because his fate was the same as Xerath's. If he was freed, Xerath would also be free... It's a pity that Xerath escaped in the end."

Nasus sighed:

"But my brother Renekton still didn't escape. This must be Xerath's intention."

Lin Luo said puzzledly:

"What is his purpose for doing this?"

"It's very simple, just to stop us. He knows that we will definitely go to the Shurima Tomb, but his arcane energy is repelled by the tomb. So in order to stop us, he will definitely set up an obstacle, which is mine.

Brother Renekton!"

Lin Luo said a little strangely:

"So our enemy is actually your younger brother?"

Nasus said:

"It's not an enemy, it's a salvation. We must find a way to save him!"

[Tip: You triggered the follow-up mission of the Desert Death God-Nasus: Rescue the Desert Butcher-Rekton]

[Task description: The former executioner was suppressed in the Shurima Tomb, guarding the secrets that no one wants to get. Please join forces with Nasus to go to the fourth floor of the Shurima Tomb to help him rescue Renekton. 】

[Task Reward 1: Sun Gold 3000]

[Task reward 2: 80% of the experience value of the current level]

[Task Reward 3: You will randomly receive the corresponding Shurima region loot chest.]

"Sure enough, the fourth floor of Shurima Tomb is the most dangerous."

Now that we know that the one who suppressed was the brutal Ascendant Renekton, it’s a good thing he didn’t break in rashly. Even if he did enter the fourth level through some method and met the crazy Renekton, Lin Luo wouldn’t be able to do so.

Half a solution.

According to his understanding, Renekton's power is on the same level as Nasus, and even more terrifying than Nasus in terms of pure combat power!

Because Renekton's nature is to kill, he is the most ferocious murderer in the history of Shurima.

"Almost there..."

Unknowingly, a group of people came to Shurima again, but this time there was a powerful desert god of death.

After praying as before, the group re-entered the Shurima Tomb.

A stronger team must have a faster advancement speed. The speed on the first and second floors was almost overwhelming. When they reached the third floor, they met an Ascended One statue again.

When he saw this scene, Nasus fell into a flash of memory, and the sadness on his expression became even more indescribable.

"They were all once ascended warriors of Shurima...but now they have all fallen."

Nasus raised the golden scepter and pointed it at the huge statue of the Ascended One that was charging like crazy. The power of the sun spread out like ripples, freezing the latter in place instantly, and then irreversibly transformed into a new one.

of stone statues.

"The culprit of all is Xerath. It was he who led to the destruction of the kingdom, which is why the major Ascended Ones fell in ancient times. The Ascended Ones degenerated into Darkspawn, and even caused the disaster of Icathia in the south.

It’s simply an unforgivable crime!”

Lin Luo narrowed his eyes. This seemed to involve something further. Shurima was an ancient and powerful continent.

Different from the Valoran continent above, here there is Mount Titan leading to the kingdom of heaven, and there is also a void leading to hell. It can be said that there is an extreme gap.

Both of these places can be reached through Shurima, and there is an invisible connection.

"We are getting ready to go to the fourth tomb. We have cleared the fourth tomb and entered the fifth tomb. We will see Azir's body... I can feel that he has woken up, but his body has not yet received the power of the sun.

of irrigation, so it can’t really wake up.”

While talking, Nasus almost made his way to the door of the fourth tomb.

Sure enough, it was the terrifying nine statues of the Ascended Ones again. Nasus said in a deep voice:

"These are the original nine ascended ones. In the end, they all fell into dark descendants. It's really sad."

He came to the gate of the tomb, and Lin Luo saw that the corresponding secret key was shaped like the front part of a staff. Then Nasus chanted a spell. At this time, everyone felt that the tomb began to rumble.


Even standing very far away, Lin Luo felt a thrilling feeling, a terrifying ancient aura, and a huge and terrifying figure appeared along the gradually opening door of the tomb.

Accompanying the sound of the figure was a murmur of hunger, thirst and pain, like a madman talking to himself.

"Am I a god? I'm not sure anymore, maybe I was."

"The golden disk once shone with golden light at the top of Wanqing Hall... I remember holding a withered ancient man in my hands. The two of us were brought to the sky by the radiance of the sun, and all our pains were washed away.

Soothed, our bodies are reshaped by light..."

Accompanied by the murmur of pain, was the figure gradually walking out of the darkness.

This is a giant wearing armor, but it has the image of a majestic crocodile beast.

He held a crescent-shaped long-blade ax in his hand, stood up straight, straightened his spine, and the old dust slipped from his armor.

Lin Luo noticed that when the dusty door of the tomb was opened, there seemed to be a force of life rushing into it, causing the ancient wounds on the giant's body to seal and smooth, and the cracked skin to re-glue back together.

His flexible yet hard crocodile skin regained its emerald luster.

His monster-like body was full of energy, his muscles bulged, and his eyes burned with red hatred for Nasus.

"You are finally here! Nasus! I have been waiting for you for a thousand years!!"

Nasus' face showed uncontrollable sadness. Until now, this sad emotion was the strongest moment Lin Luo had ever seen.

"I'm sorry, my brother, I'm a selfish person."

"Hahahaha, you know what I have gone through these years, you must know it, but you definitely don't want to experience it!"

The terrifying crocodile beast rumbles out.

Compared with Nasus, he is more like a monster. To be precise, he is no longer a true ascendant, but a violent demon. He still has the power of a god warrior, but unfortunately his reason has completely disappeared.

Nasus is in agony:

"It was Xerath who twisted you. It was you who took the initiative to suppress him, and I just agreed to your request."

Renekton's eyes widened, and blood-red light burst out:

"He did twist me, but the twisted me will no longer be restrained by anything. This is the result I really want! I will kill you with my own hands, and then kill Xerath, and I will complete it all!


Nasus said:

"You are crazy. You are no match for me, and you are even less likely to be Xerath's match. Stop it, brother."




This chapter has been completed!
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