Chapter 652: The Legend of Icacia

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"I've never seen so many soldiers," I said.

Coghlin shrugged, "No one has seen it, not even our generation."

"Don't be too complacent," Saijax said. "The Sun Emperor has five troops, and the one with the smallest number is three times as many as ours."

I tried to imagine such force, but had no idea. "How could we defeat an army like that?" I asked.

Sejax didn't answer me, but brought Kaua'ari to a predetermined location and stopped in front of a huge granite staircase building. There were wooden piles under the base of the building, with Shuriman corpses stuck on them, and a group of scavengers.

Birds were circling in the sky. On the top of the building, a tent of scarlet and indigo satin was set up. It was unknown what was inside. A group of priests in robes surrounded the tent, each holding a walking stick made of star iron and drawing pictures in the air.

Following a complex trajectory.

I had no idea what they were doing, but I could hear a constant buzzing, like a swarm of worms trying to get into my brain.

The tent swayed like a mirage. My eyes started to water and I had to look away. My teeth seemed to be loose in their sockets, and my mouth was filled with the taste of sour milk. I retched and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, but nothing happened.

Unexpectedly, there were some blood stains left on my hands. I was shocked.

"What?" I asked. "What's in there?"

Sejax shrugged. "It is said to be a new weapon. It was discovered by magicians deep underground after the Sa'abora earthquake."

"What kind of weapon?"

"Is it important?" Coghlin said. "They say this thing can wipe out those shit-eating guys in gold from the world. And those gods, they can die as many times as they want."

Now that the sun is almost at its highest point, a shiver runs down my spine. My mouth suddenly feels dry and my fingertips feel tingling.

Is it fear? Maybe.

Or, maybe, just maybe, this is a sign that something is going to happen.

An hour later, the Shurima army arrived.

I have never seen such an army, and I have never imagined that so many people could gather together. The dust is rising, covering the sky, like a gathering storm, about to sweep away the mortal realm.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the bronze spears of the Shurima warriors in the dust. Looking around, there were soldiers in all directions. They marched forward, a human wall holding a golden flag high, and the totem of the sun disk in the midday sun.

Sparkling underneath.

At the top of the gentle slope, we saw waves of enemy troops coming into view, hundreds of thousands of undefeated armies, whose ancestors had conquered the known world. Golden mounts and riders covered the flanks, and hundreds of floating aircraft

The chariot in the air opened the way in front of the army. The heavily loaded carriage, which was as large as a three-masted sailing ship, was loaded with strange war machines. The high-speed spinning sphere was surrounded by fire beads and lightning, resembling an astrolabe for navigation. The machine was followed by a group of

Priests wearing robes and holding torches and staffs, each accompanied by a group of blind slaves.

At the center of the army are the warriors of the gods.

My mind has forgotten everything else - the blood stains, the horrible things, and the sense of fear. Only the image of the god warrior is left in front of my eyes, and it will linger in my mind for the time after this moment.

I saw a total of nine people, standing like hills among the soldiers under my command. Their appearance and bodies were a terrifying mixture of humans and animals. Nothing similar has ever existed in the world, and should never exist. They

Wearing bronze and jade armor, they are all giants. Unbelievable monsters.

Their leader turned to look at us. Her skin was as pale and smooth as ivory. A golden helmet was carved into the shape of a lion, which mercifully helped us cover her face, but I could still feel her vicious expression.

The power of looking across our positions.

Everywhere he looked, a wave of fear arose.

Our army was dwarfed by the huge enemy and was on the verge of collapse before even a single shot was fired. The brave leaders gave out steady shouts and stabilized the army at the critical moment, but even I could hear the emotion in their voices.


I also felt an uncontrollable urge to empty my bladder.

I felt forced, but I pushed back this feeling with force. I am Kao Ali. I can't wet my pants for the first time on the battlefield.

Even so, my hands broke out in cold sweat and I felt a dull, pinching pain in my chest.

I want to run. I must run.

There is no way we can fight with such a force.

"These gangsters are pretty big," said Korglin, and a burst of nervous laughter spread from our ranks. My fear lessened a little.

"Maybe they look like gods," Sejax's sonorous voice carried far away. "But they are mortal. They bleed, they die."

I gained strength from his words, but I wondered if he knew how wrong he was.

"We are Icathians!" he roared. "We are the descendants of the king and queen! Our ancestors opened up this land, and we are the rightful owners. Yes, the enemy is outnumbered, but they sent

The warriors are all slaves and mercenaries seeking profit."

He raised his weapon high, and the sunlight reflected his bright sharp blade. At this moment, he was glorious and majestic, and I was willing to follow him to the end of the world.

"We fight for freedom and swear not to be slaves! This is our homeland, which raises noble people and free people! There is no weapon more powerful than freedom, so we will triumph!"

A cheer erupted from the Kauaali array, which soon spread to other parts of the army.

A-ka-sia! A-ka-sia! A-ka-sia!

Our war cries echoed from the towering walls and reached Shurima's troops. The Celestial warriors spoke briefly to their attendants, who then conveyed their orders to the various divisions of the army. Immediately, the enemy troops began

Climb up our gentle slope.

Their marching speed was not fast, and they deliberately controlled the rhythm. Every three steps, the warriors raised their spears and struck their shields. The sound was soul-stirring, like a slow war drum that knocked away our fighting spirit, making us think

He will soon feel the edge of those blades.

My mouth is dry and my heart is racing. I look to Sejax for strength, hoping to draw courage from his unshakable momentum. His jaw is firm and his eyes are cold. His soul knows no fear and has no doubt.

The mountain collapsed in front of him, but his face did not change.

He felt my gaze and looked down at me. "Would you like eggs?" he said.

He handed over two peeled eggs.

I shook my head. I couldn't eat at this time.

"I'll have one," said Cooglin, picking up an egg and biting off half of it. Sejax ate the other, and the two of them chewed thoughtfully.

The Shurimans are getting closer.

"It tastes good," Colgrim said.

"Pour some vinegar on the eggs when you boil them," Sejax responded. "It makes them easier to peel."



My eyes jumped back and forth between the two of them, and I couldn't understand why they were chatting about ordinary things when they were facing the pressure of the army. But I felt much relieved.

I laughed, and the laughter spread quickly.

The Kauaari laughed loudly, and for some reason, soon the whole army began to laugh. The fear that threatened us to lose without a fight was gone. Fresh determination was injected into our hearts, and steel flowed into our swords.


The Shurima stopped two hundred yards away from us. I tasted a strange texture in the air, like chewing a tin ingot. I looked up, just in time to see the high-speed spinning sphere on the war machine begin to burn.

, emitting a blazing light. The surrounding priests swung their canes downwards.

A fireball broke away from the central sphere, was thrown into the air, and flew towards us.

The fire bead fell in the middle of our infantry formation, exploding into a ball of light green flames and a scream. Another fire bead followed, and then another.

I felt sick, and a heat wave smelling like barbecue came from the array. Although the scene was horrific, our soldiers still stood firm.

More fireballs flew towards us, but they did not hit our position, but wavered in the air, and then

He turned around and smashed into the ranks of Shurima spearmen.

While marveling, I saw our magician floating his cane in the air, with magical veins dancing between the canes. The hairs on my limbs stood up, and the surrounding air was shrouded in shimmer, as if a curtain had been drawn.

More fireballs shot out of the Shurima war machines, but they all hit the magical barrier surrounding our army and exploded in mid-air.

The cheers in our line drowned out the painful screams. I breathed a sigh of relief, glad that I was not the target of the attack. I watched the tragic wounded being dragged to the rear by their comrades. It must be very tempting to stay in the rear, but we

The Icathians are descendants of the explorer kings, and the warriors escorting the wounded all rushed back to their positions in the battle line as quickly as possible.

Our mages were obviously under a lot of pressure, but their strength kept blocking the Shuriman bombings. I looked back at the tent on the tip of the pyramid. There too, the priests were using all their strength.

Power. What will appear in the end, I can't imagine. What kind of weapons are there, and when will we use them?

"Hold still," Sejax said, and I immediately turned my attention back to the enemy forces in front of me. "They are going to advance now. The time has come to test us."

I saw that the Shurima people had started running at this time, rushing towards us. The archer line in front of us fired a round of arrows, and dozens of enemy soldiers fell. Bronze plate armor and shields saved some people's lives.

However, at such a close distance, some arrowheads directly penetrated the breastplate and killed the enemy.

Another volley hit the Shuriman, and another soon after.

Hundreds of people fell. Their lines were jagged and in disarray.

"Come on!" Sejax shouted. "Come in!"

Our infantry formation flattened its spears and charged forward like a wedge. I was carried forward by the people behind me, trying to draw out my scimitar as I ran. I shouted to give myself courage, and at the same time I was worried that I would be beaten by my own sword.

The scabbard stumbled.

I saw the faces of the Shuriman, the braids in their hair, the gold on their crowns, and the blood stains on their coats. We were so close that we could hear each other's whispers.

We charged at their shaky front like thunder. The thrusting spears trembled violently, and the long handles split and broke under the strong impact. The pure fighting will and the anger that had been suppressed for thousands of years made our charge unstoppable and deeply felt.

It smashed into the crowd and completely shattered their formation.

Anger gave me strength, and I swung the sword. The blade cut into my flesh, and blood spurted out on me.

I heard a scream. Maybe it was my own. I'm not sure.

I wanted to get as close as possible to Sejax and Korgrin. As long as they were fighting, the Shurimans would not survive long. I saw Sejax knock down a dozen people with his huge polearm, but

I couldn't find Korglin. Under the push and impact of the crowd, I quickly lost track of Sejax.

I yelled his name, but my shouts were drowned out by the war cry.

Someone bumped into me, someone pulled me, someone scratched my face - whether it was an Icathian or a Shuriman, I don't know.

A spear stabbed me in the heart, but the tip slipped past my breastplate and cut my arm. I remember the pain, but nothing else. I drove the sword into a screaming face.

.He fell, and I pressed forward, fear and feral euphoria making me fearless. I roared, swinging my sword like a madman.

Techniques are meaningless. I'm just a butcher chopping meat.

I saw people with stronger martial arts skills than me being killed. I kept running, lost in the whirlpool of flesh and bones. As long as the neck or back was exposed, I would chop it down. I found cruelty in killing.

No matter what the outcome of today is, I will hold my head high in the ranks of soldiers. More arrows flew over my head, and our army began to cheer, which was better than the hymn of freedom.

The Shurima people fell into disarray.

At first it was just a slave warrior who turned around and ran away, but his panic quickly spread like wildfire, and soon the entire position began to retreat down the hillside.

In the days leading up to this moment, Sejax told

According to me, the most dangerous moment a soldier faces is when the legion collapses. Because this is when the real killing begins.

We tore the defeated Shurima to pieces, driving spears into their defenseless backs and splitting skulls with axes. The enemies no longer resisted, but just trampled on each other and fled. This rain of blood

The fishy wind was horrifying, and hundreds of people were killed and dismembered in this massacre, but I was deeply intoxicated by it.

At this time, I saw Sejax again. He stood firmly, his long-handled weapon standing beside him. "Stop!" he shouted. "Stop!"

I want to curse his cowardice. Our blood is boiling, and the Shuriman are fleeing.

I didn't know it at the time, but Sejax had actually seen how dangerous our situation was.

"Get back!" he shouted, and everyone else who had witnessed the same thing started shouting with him.

At first, our army didn't want to listen to him. They were obsessed with victory and wanted to fight to the end. We wanted to kill every enemy and take revenge on those enemies who had occupied our land for hundreds of years.

I didn't see the danger at the time, but I soon understood.

Screams came from the front of the front line, and pours of blood spurted into the air. The severed palms flew back, spinning like drifting pebbles. The corpses followed closely behind, and were lifted into the air like gravel.


Screams and cries of fear suddenly broke out, and the hymn of freedom came to an abrupt end.

The celestial warriors entered the battlefield.

This chapter has been completed!
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