Chapter 665: The Disintegrator of the Void

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It is obvious that the one-eye from the Freljord's original abyss is an extremely powerful void creature called Vel'Koz, the Eye of the Void.

It is unknown whether Vel'Koz was the first void thing to appear on Runeterra, but it is clear that no one has the cruel and shrewd perception he has. Its kind will devour or pollute everything around it, and it wants to

Carefully observe and study the physical realm—and the strange and warlike things that inhabit it—looking for any weaknesses that can be exploited by the Void. But Vel’Koz is more than just a passive observer. To any threat,

It will respond with deadly plasma, or disintegrate its basic structure in the world.

To truly understand the horrific entity that is Vel'Koz, one must first understand the Watchers and how they become unable to see the mortal realm.

Beyond this physical plane, and to some extent beneath it, lies an unknowable abyss.

This is the realm of the void, and no creature, whether ordinary or immortal, can walk here.

There is no point in asking how and why this place came to be - it is enough to know that it exists. Void has no beginning and no end. Void consumes everything.

In that place, in the cold and dark infinity, everything is equal and blank. In the eternity where time does not exist, there is only pure reality. There is also peace here, but I don't know if peace still has meaning here.

Then, something changed. It was not in the realm of void, but somewhere else. There was existence, there was... something, which filled the original nothingness, and just this tiny existence was rubbed into the darkness.

Huge, cold, invisible spirits floating around. Before this, they had not even gained complete self-awareness, but now they realized that they could not tolerate the emergence of another place; they could not tolerate the fickle and powerful creations in foreign lands.


The spirits began to watch. They watched carefully.

Soon, the monitors found themselves under the same observation. Those tiny mortal minds touched them. Although these were just fleeting weak points of light floating on the edge of the abyss, among mortals,

The Watchers saw an opportunity to invade the physical realm, destroy it, and smooth out the unbearable rhythms of reality beyond the void.

The bravest individuals among them were the first to tear open the curtain and rush upward, but were lost due to the violent transition between the abyss and the linear material world. In an instant, they had time, heat, and pain.

Then only the cold was left. The passage was closed, and dozens of monitors were trapped in the liminal gap between the two realms, frozen in the moment of transition.

Those who remained in the void all retreated. They could not understand what happened, but they knew that they had been betrayed.

As a result, they began to adapt to changes.

The monitors reached out to the material realm. They used the original matter that made up that world to shape, corrupt, and infuse consciousness. These structures were the original void objects and would become the eyes and ears of their masters, sent into the nightmare of material existence to monitor.


[An old book friend who I have known for ten years recommended to me "Chasing Books, Changing Sources!" It is so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time by reading and listening to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here]

Among them, one stands out the most.

He may be the oldest void creature alive to this day, and is certainly the one that has existed for the longest time outside the abyss. Countless unlucky people have encountered him and given him countless different names.

Thousands of years before Icathia unleashed the void and entered the war, the primitive creatures of Shurima had begun to fear Vel'Koz. He climbed up from the underground world and stole the sage's dream. Although his name cannot be accurately translated

into modern language, but roughly equivalent to "understand by breaking it down."

An insatiable thirst for knowledge has guided Vel'Koz across the world, from the highest peaks to the darkest valleys. The cunning and skillful Vel'Koz quietly monitors the rise, ossification and decline of countless civilizations.

, spent hundreds of years searching for the secrets at the bottom of the ocean, and even divined the movements of the stars in the heavens.


Bringing all this knowledge back to the great rift in Runeterra's material foundation - so that the Watchers know what he knows - any mortal who stands in his way will be destroyed without hesitation.

Because void has no beginning and no end, void will swallow everything.

When Lin Luo finished observing this extremely long biography of the One-Eyed Void, he suddenly had an incredible feeling. He had never heard of such a thing when he was in Freljord. Now that he thought about it, someone must have understood him as an ice demon.

This exists.

But it is obvious that Vel'Koz, the Eye of the Void, is a more terrifying existence than the Ice Demon, because its power has existed for too long and it also possesses unimaginable wisdom.

Through previous knowledge, Lin Luo understood that whether it was the ice demons of Freljord or the void creatures of Shurima, these were alien creatures from another world, so most of them could not understand Runeterra. To put it simply,

He has no intelligence, but Vel'Koz, the Eye of the Void, is an exception.

What's worse is that the current battle seems to be related to the so-called Eye of the Void.

Lin Luo saw the scroll begin to flicker with a brighter light, and under the corresponding void abyss, a dark blue one-eye gradually lit up behind the void prophet Malzaha in the distance, flashing with a cold light from another world, giving

A person’s inner feeling of fear.

"It is indeed it. It came to the Void Land from Freljord... Or in essence, physical boundaries cannot limit it at all. It will decompose everything it encounters, including us at this time."

Jax held onto the Eternal Flame and spoke in a very nervous tone.

Lin Luo looked intently, and with the help of his night vision, he clearly saw a huge and terrifying void creature, completely different from all the void creatures he had seen before.

This void creature is about fifty meters tall, but its essence is far more than such a great sense of oppression, because it is floating in mid-air, with tentacles constantly swaying under its body, and densely packed suckers floating on each tentacle.

, there is a frightening light shining in it. Compared with the deep purple void creature, its whole body color is more blue, and it has a deep sense of oppression...

On top of the huge tentacles, there is a huge and suffocating one eye on the huge body. There is a pure black vertical boy staring at everything in time, full of indifference and coldness.

[Tip: You encountered the Eye of the Void - Vel'Koz, and you are currently in combat mode. 】

When Lin Luo heard the game's prompt tone, he immediately realized that the battle was no longer of his own will and was about to break out.

Jax let out a loud shout, raised the eternal fire and leaped high, launched a jumping slash and jumped across a distance of several hundred meters towards Malzahar, while also shouting at Lin Luo.

"Lin! You have temporarily restrained the Eye of the Void. I must help Kassadin deal with Malzahar. You must pay attention to your own safety!"

Lin Luo immediately looked at Vel'Koz, the Eye of the Void, and then he instantly felt a sense of fear of being stared at, as if a pressure as heavy as mercury rushed towards his face. This was the legendary void that came to Runeterra for the first time.

Creatures can be said to be the most primitive void creatures in Runeterra.

Lin Luo immediately entered combat mode, and then activated the Eye of Insight to see the opponent's information.

[Target: Eye of the Void - Vel'Koz (original state)]


[Grade: Saint Level]


[Physical attack power: 12000-24000]

[Magic attack power: 29000-38000]

[Physical defense: 20000]

[Magic Defense: 40000]

[Characteristics of evil races in other worlds (void creatures): In the terrifying tunnels of another world, there are terrifying existences that can threaten the entire Rune Land. The distant void army is gradually entering Rune Land, devouring and decomposing this world that is about to wither.

As the first army of void creatures, the budding void creatures were given the absolute command to be brave and fearless of death. Their responsibilities are endless.

The realm is destroyed, devoured and decomposed, and the information and original structure of this world are spread to the void masters in other worlds through the power of the void. All physical/magical damage suffered by void creatures is reduced by 20%, but

The real damage received will be increased by 100%, their movement speed will be increased by 100%, and their attack speed will be increased by 100%. When you are attacked by a void creature, the other void creatures will instantly go crazy and increase all attributes by 30%.

, and attacks you, and the damage will continue to be superimposed.】

[Tip: When you kill void creatures, you will gain additional attributes: random base Shurima prestige, achievement points, and charm attributes increased by 1-3 points, up to a maximum of 100 points for each attribute (increased by each grade)

The attributes are different and do not conflict)】

[Tip: If you join the battle and kill the target, you must cause damage exceeding 50% of its health to obtain the corresponding loot box.]

[Tip: Assist in killing this target, and you will increase your prestige points in the entire Runeterra region.]

[Evaluation: Devour! Endless devouring!]

Obviously, this boss has reached 1.5 billion health, and has a very high magic damage panel and defense. It is almost impossible for Lin Luo to kill him alone, but if he is just stuck in a stalemate or suppressed, it is not possible.

It's not a difficult thing.

Since the level of the battle was far beyond normal, this time Lin Luo directly faced each other and activated his ultimate move, activating the divine power of Qianjue Death, and directly activated the Sirius Ascended form, using his newly acquired strongest skills.


[Tip: You have turned on the Ascended State, and you are currently in enhanced mode!]

Violent golden light suddenly erupted. Lin Luo's body grew rapidly like all the ascenders he had seen before. And in the violent golden light, he revealed his ascended form. This was an ascended person.

The majestic and cruel golden wolf, the golden wolf mane gradually grew longer, Lin Luo's body also continued to grow, his body gradually became strong and terrifying, his hands became curled and powerful, and the changes followed.

And the wolf spirit Death Sign in his hand turned into a huge Death bow and arrow tens of meters long!

This was Lin Luo's first time fighting in the Sirius Ascended state, but he felt indescribably comfortable, as if he was in command, without any unfamiliarity or disobedience, as if he was born with this power.


At this time, all the skills he had used before were indeed strengthened horribly with the demigod priority of the Sirius Ascendant form!

He first activated the Divine Dragon Possession, and an earth-shattering dragon roar resounded throughout the abyss of the Void Land, frightening countless void creatures that were peeping in the distance and screaming.

Lin Luo made no move, and the hundreds of meters long divine dragon rose into the sky, illuminating the entire abyss underground. Golden dragon scales spread all over Lin Luo's body, forming a demigod-level divine dragon possession effect.

At this time, Lin Luo truly realized the power of the ascended form. It was essentially the same as the previous enhanced states, but the demigod priority given was too powerful, not only turning his skills into demigod priority.

Level, even the form and appearance of skills have changed. Of course, there are also some mechanical changes.

For example, after Lin Luo activated the Death Field, the huge Death Field that used to be dark and cruel was now filled with a dull golden light. And after Lin Luo activated the Dance of Arrows, the casting distance of this skill was directly increased by more than thirty.

times, reaching an indescribably terrifying distance, and can directly span more than ten kilometers. This was unimaginable before, but with the enhancement of demigod-level skills, the form has completely changed.

Lin Luo was surprised by how powerful his skills had changed, but he could also understand the intensity of the demigod. Since they all involved the demigod's field, these were normal operations.

With full firepower, Lin Luo immediately aimed at the boss's huge and terrifying one eye. The extremely sharp black death arrow was shot out. The arrow loss caused by the super high attack speed turned into a gust of wind and rain, completely covering it into an airtight cloud.

The wall, the output exploded instantly, this is Lin Luo's terrifying output in the ascending state.

However, even with such an amazing output, Lin Luo was not too sure. He was very aware of the opponent's strength and defense. This wave of output was just the simplest before the battle began.

It's just a temptation.

A flurry of arrows suddenly hit the single eye of the Eye of the Void. Lin Luo then saw a very astonishing scene. The boss suddenly raised an extremely long purple tentacle, just like a long lash.

The whip made an ear-piercing explosion in the air, and the arrow that was speeding away was cut off instantly without causing any damage.

However, Lin Luo's attack speed is extremely fast after all. Although the boss's counterattack and parry are powerful, their speed and efficiency seem to be far behind, which still causes many arrows to be lost on the boss's huge body.

With the blessing of Lin Luo's ascended power, these arrows penetrated deeply into the boss's skin, causing the boss to let out a chilling and angry scream, and then it waved countless long whip tentacles.

, a huge ball of purple plasma suddenly appeared in the void, flying straight towards Lin Luo with the power to corrode and decompose everything.


This chapter has been completed!
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