Chapter 1446 Curse of Incompetence

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Chapter 1446 Curse of Incompetence

Author: Sugar water pineapple

Yuming Restaurant is located on Yu Street. Over the years, it has been the most popular place for officials, princes and grandsons to drink and party.

Previously, Shen Lie served Bi Jiajun in Yuming Restaurant. In the past few days, Yuming Restaurant has not been idle. Envoys from all over the world have been sent to congratulate the "new dynasty". Official banquets are held in the palace or the imperial garden, and private banquets are held in the palace or imperial garden. Half of the banquet was held at Yuming Restaurant.

The most well-established envoys in Hejing these days are Jin Wuwang and Zeng Liliang sent by Zhuang Mengyao.

Because Zeng Liliang was Yu Shiling's favorite disciple, Yu Shiling was also running around these days.

And wherever Yu Shiling appears, Wei Yaojun and Yin Zeming must also be there.

At present, in the banquet hall on the second floor of Yuming Restaurant, there is a table of delicacies and Yulu wine, accompanied by the music of the piano, the dancing girl Pingting, the sleeves of the beauties flying in their hands, and the whole banquet hall sounds like spring.

Sitting in the chief position is Yang Guanxian, and beside him are several of his recently promoted deputies.

Yu Shiling sat on the other side and kept eating slowly, listening to the various flattery and goodwill shown by Zeng Liliang and Jin Wuwang to Yang Guanxian.

The two veterans, Yin Zeming and Wei Yaojun, also ate slowly. The three of them brought their mouths, as if they were just eating and drinking. They didn't say a word about the key words.

Jin Wuwang's mouth was almost dry, and he had been grinning for so long that the corners of his lips were almost stiff.

Zeng Liliang frequently looked at Yu Shiling, hoping that the teacher would say something.

Yu Shiling looked at his nose with his eyes, and his mouth with his nose, and continued to eat, occasionally talking, and discussing with Wei Yaojun and Yin Zeming whether the wine was good or not, the brewing process, etc.

A young boy knocked on the door. The guard at the door opened the door. The young boy whispered to the guard. The guard nodded and hurried to Yang Guanxian to whisper in his ear.

The expression on Yang Guanxian's face, which had a strange attitude, changed, and he became tense and happy. He picked up the handkerchief and wiped his mouth, and said to Yu Shiling: "Master Yu, please wait for these distinguished guests. Yang has something to do." Come on, come back as soon as possible."

Yu Shiling had no expression on his face and said, neither salty nor cool: "I understand, Mr. Yang."

Yang Guanxian hurried out, walked through the wide corridor, turned a corner, and entered a private room with an open door.

Seeing the girl's thin figure standing by the window, Yang Guanxian was overjoyed: "Miss Ali, you are finally back!"

Xia Zhaoyi looked at the small pond behind and turned around after hearing the words: "Well, I'm back. Thank you for your hard work these days."

The wind blowing from outside the window of the mansion blew her broken hair lightly, and Yang Guanxian could tell at a glance that she was in a bad mood at the moment.

"What happened?" Yang Guanxian turned around and closed the door of the private room, "Girl, you should be resting at this time, why did you come to Yuming Restaurant all the time?"

Xia Zhaoyi said: "I remember you mentioned that you were rescued by someone in Jinzhou. The rescuer's surname was Wang, his wife's surname was Yao, and her real surname was Qiao."

"……It is also."

Xia Zhaoyi lowered his head and took out a letter, handed it over and said, "I wonder if you have seen her handwriting. If so, can you compare the handwriting on this letter to see if it is from her hand."

Yang Guanxian opened it, and the first line made him frown deeply.

The further he looked down, the worse Yang Guanxian's expression became, and he said angrily: "This, these lines of words are really vicious!"

"Then this handwriting?"

"It's not hers," Yang Guanxian said seriously, "I've seen her handwriting, it shouldn't be hers."

Xia Zhaoyi said: "So, there are other people named Qiao."

Moreover, both of these people named Qiao dislike her.

Yang Guanxian whispered: "They don't know the truth. Just like me at the beginning, they really thought that you, girl, are from the Qiao family. After all, the original owner of this body is indeed named Qiao..."

"Mrs. Yao, did she mention to you that she has contacts with other members of the Qiao family?"

Yang Guanxian shook his head: "She didn't dare, she was afraid of causing death. Over the years, the Qiao family has been scattered and lost contact with each other. Even her husband does not know her real name. The reason why she mentioned it to me was because she was emotionally excited.

She let it slip. After that, she told me every day...that she was wrong about you, girl."

As he spoke, Yang Guanxian sighed softly, lowered his head and looked back at the letter in his hand: "I don't know whose hand this letter came from. It's really idle. If I were the Qiao family, someone in the family would stand up and set up a target to attract all the attention."

Go, wouldn't that be a great good thing for me, it means that I can have a chance to breathe, and there will be no need to curse."

Xia Zhaoyi's eyebrows were serious, and he received the letter from Yang Guanxian. He lowered his head and looked at it line by line, saying: "I don't trust this curse. If the curse was effective, I would have died at the mouth of Li Ju, Tao Lan, and Song Zhiyi."


"Yes, only incompetent people like to curse people!"

Xia Zhaoyi raised his head: "Have you found any useful talents in Hejing these days?"

Yang Guanxian understood that this was the purpose of the girl coming to find him all night.

Yang Guanxian thought for a while and said: "There is one who has excellent thinking skills. I am worried about where to place him."

"what is it call?"

"Wu Renhao, whose courtesy name is Xingyang, has an upright character, but is a bit arrogant and looks down on others. But he still respects me."

Xia Zhaoyi nodded: "Okay, let him try. You tell him about the Qiao family, as well as the matter of Wei Xingchuan and Tang Xiangsi. From now on, he will be responsible for finding the Qiao family."

"...Miss Ali, don't you test him and observe him?"

Xia Zhaoyi smiled calmly: "With you in charge, it makes it easier for me to be lazy."

Yang Guanxian also laughed: "That's right. When I was at the Huiping pawnshop, they said I had the sharpest eyes, haha."

"I'll leave this matter to you," Xia Zhaoyi said, looking at Yang Guanxian's belly, "How is your wound now?"

Yang Guanxian patted the belly next to him: "It's okay! Although it's not completely healed, I paid special attention to it and didn't eat too much."

Xia Zhaoyi nodded, his eyes darkened slightly, but he quickly raised a smile: "I'll go back first."

"Well! I'm tired from the journey. Miss Ali, please rest early when you get back."

After leaving the restaurant, Xia Zhaoyi returned to the carriage.

Zhuang Qi drove the horse slowly, and the carriage moved forward. The wind blew the cold air, and Xia Zhaoyi suddenly said calmly: "Wait a minute."

Zhuang Qi stopped and understood Xia Zhaoyi's temper. He didn't ask any more questions. If she wanted to say it, she would naturally say it.

Xia Zhaoyi frowned slightly and looked up at the stars in the sky.

The moonlit night is clear, the stars are bright and clear.

I haven't done any hexagrams for a long time, because I was afraid that the hexagrams would cause trouble, so I tied myself up.

But now, my mind is troubled, I have no goals, nothing is feasible for the time being, and there is no bad luck to speak of, so it is best suited for divination.

Xia Zhaoyi looked at the night sky, moved her fingers lightly, and then she was silent, looking towards the west.

What places are there to visit in the due west?

After a while of silence, Xia Zhaoyi said: "Zhuang Qi, let's go to Du Guangfang."

Zhuang Qi was surprised that he wanted to go there at this hour, but he still didn't ask any more questions and said: "Yeah!"

The carriage slowly moved forward again, and Xia Zhaoyi leaned back into the carriage.

When she and Shen Lie sneaked into Jinping Palace, one pretended to be a father-in-law and the other pretended to be a guard. When they were in the Star Reaching Tower, they accidentally intercepted a picture of an ivory moon sculpture with a sword in the galaxy.

The person in charge said that by putting together nine ivory moon sculptures, a complete horoscope can be assembled, which is also called the Fuguang Qinghe Book.

And Du Guangfang is the address where this contact person lives.

Although she and Shen Lie had been there a long time ago and had taken away the correspondent's letters, they had nothing to do at the moment and were aimless, so they went there again.

Thank you plankton888 for the reward~~Thank you!

This chapter has been completed!
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