Chapter 1094 Abnormal Phenomenon

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After Hao Yun stared at Yao Suya for a long time, he sighed and said: "I can't tell at all. Even if the goddess is really possessed by the big devil, we can't confirm it. Forget it, this is the only way.

, As long as it doesn't harm us, we can accept it." After hearing Hao Yun's words, Yao Li's face became extremely ugly, and she wanted to refute, but when she saw Yao Suya's appearance, she swallowed her words.

Yao Li understood that if her mother was really possessed by a big demon, she would not be able to be cruel and would really let Hao Yunlai kill her.

After a lot of trouble, everyone felt a little heavy. Even Wanwan felt that it was too early to speak. She was not sure whether this trip to the ruins was a success or not.

Yao Suya was also very smart, so she could naturally tell that Hao Yun and the others were not in a good mood, so she took the initiative to break the awkward silence.

"Actually, I can obtain the memory of the big devil, which will be of great benefit to our subsequent actions. Otherwise, now we will be completely blind and can only use the stupidest method to find the big elder." Yao Suya said.


After Hao Yun heard what Yao Suya said, he had an idea and thought of something that he had always been worried about, which was the big problem mentioned by the big devil.

So, Hao Yun immediately asked: "Does the goddess know about the big problem mentioned by the big devil?" Yao Suya tilted her head and thought for a while, then replied: "This problem is indeed a big problem, but this

The problem is unsolvable."

"Can you tell me more about it?" Hao Yun was not surprised. In fact, he and Huo Kuang had already discussed this. Since the big devil's purpose is to kill Hao Yun, then this big problem is either a fiction or a fiction.

Isn't it just unsolvable, that's why the big devil didn't solve it.

After everyone listened quietly to Yao Suya's narration, everyone felt a huge wave of excitement in their hearts. They did not expect that this question would actually involve the core secret of the demon world.

It turns out that since the Goblin Expedition created the alien spiritual power, everyone has been very confident. They feel that as long as they continue, one day all the dark energy in the demon world can be cleared away, and then a new spiritual world with alien spiritual power will emerge from theirs.

Born in the hands.

Unfortunately, ideals are always no match for the destruction of reality. In order to monitor changes in the concentration of dark energy in the demon world, they specially added this monitoring function to the ruins.

After several experiments, they discovered that every time the alien spiritual power was released, the concentration of dark energy in the demon world would indeed decrease to a certain extent. However, after a period of time, the concentration would completely recover and even return to normal.


At the beginning, they thought it might be because the dark energy contained in the Demon Realm's land was released. However, as time went by, more and more experiments were conducted, but the concentration of dark energy in the Demon Realm was never substantial.

decline, which shows that their original idea was wrong.

Therefore, the expedition team began to find the real reason why the concentration remained unchanged. First, they built a large number of monitoring facilities in the demon world to obtain more real-time data.

Secondly, after each release of spiritual power, long-term real-time monitoring is carried out, and then the data is used to draw a curve chart of the changes in the dark energy of the demon world.

Because the Demon Realm is so big, it took hundreds of years to just build monitoring facilities throughout the Demon Realm, and it also took a lot of time to accumulate enough alien spiritual power. Therefore, in order to obtain the most detailed and comprehensive data,

You must have enough patience.

After having enough monitoring points and carefully analyzing the experimental data, five abnormal locations were discovered in the demon world.

The phenomenon of sudden increase in dark energy concentration data has occurred at these five positions. However, the occurrence of these five points is not related, and the appearance time is completely different. It feels like they appear randomly.

However, although the expedition team cannot predict the location of this anomaly, it does not affect their ability to figure out the cause of the problem.

To put it simply, the dark energy in the demon world has a source. The expedition team’s analysis is that after a period of time, dark energy comes from another world to the demon world. Therefore, if this source is not eliminated, there will be no

It is impossible to turn the demon world into a new spiritual world.

After figuring out the problem, the expedition team wanted to be able to predict the location of the next abnormal phenomenon, so that they could personally observe the original appearance of the phenomenon and find a solution.

Unfortunately, every time this phenomenon occurs, the time is very short, and the location is always changing, which makes the expedition team exhausted.

So, they decided to add real-time observation capabilities to the monitoring facilities. As a result, before they could all complete the work, the entire expedition team was finished.

"Oh my god, it's so magical. It turns out that the experience of this goblin expedition team is really rich!" Hao Yun sighed with a sigh of relief.

"Actually, after I learned the stories of these goblins, I admired them very much. Their abilities are really too strong. If there was no influence of dark energy on them, I think they would really be able to change this demonic world." Yao Suya clicked.

Said the head.

"So, they didn't observe this abnormal phenomenon at all?" Yao Li frowned and asked.

"Well, that's what the big devil's memory I got said. However, for so many years, the facilities built by the goblin have been operating automatically. I think there may be a monitoring point with observation function that has observed this phenomenon.

." Yao Suya said.

"That means that as long as we enter a new ruins, we may see this phenomenon." Hao Yun said thoughtfully.

"There is a possibility. As long as the monitoring point really observes this phenomenon, the observation records can be retrieved through the ruins' facilities." Yao Suya replied.

"Well, let's quickly go to the ruins closest to us." Hao Yun's spirit suddenly cheered up.

Yao Li controlled the dark giant python and rushed towards the nearest ruins. Everyone hid in the giant python. This way, there would be less harassment from the monsters, and the speed would naturally be much faster.

It was said to be the nearest ruins, but after actually running, everyone realized that the distance was really far. Along the way, Yao Suya also pointed out the location of the monitoring point to Hao Yun and others, and everyone found that the monitoring point built by the goblin was still very good.

Skillfully, they all adapted to local conditions and hid the monitoring device in the environment without damaging the environment. If Yao Suya hadn't pointed it out, Hao Yun and the others would never have thought that there were monitoring facilities there.

"In other words, did the big devil discover us as soon as we entered the demon world?" Hao Yun asked.

"At that time, I was confused and didn't know much about it. However, when Yao Li contacted me, the big devil must have known about it." Yao Suya replied.

"Yes, the big devil doesn't need monitoring facilities to know that we are coming." Hao Yun sighed.

"Have you ever thought about where the source of dark energy in the demon world is?" Yao Li asked.

"I don't know. It's probably another world. It's definitely not the spiritual world anyway." Hao Yun replied casually.

"Is it the fairy world?" Wanwan asked.

"It's hard to say. Who knows if there are other worlds in this universe. Let's not think too much. Anyway, our purpose is not to transform the demon world. As long as we can find the great elder and successfully find the demon emperor, we will be done.

." Hao Yun shook his head and said.

Although this journey took a lot of time, it was overall very smooth. Since they were in the demon world, there was enough dark energy, so Yao Li's space transformation technique could be used without limit.

The existence of the Dark Python is the guarantee of a smooth journey. Whether it is used for traveling or hunting Warcraft, the Dark Python is a good hand, especially when facing Warcraft, its strength is completely crushing.


After careful identification by Yao Suya, the location of the ruins was finally determined. Then, Wanwan summoned the Thunder Lord. Following the method last time, they finally arrived at the control room of the new ruins.

"If there is no Thunder Lord, wouldn't it mean that even if we come to the ruins, we won't be able to enter the ruins?" Hao Yun did not expect that Yao Suya could only find the ruins, but there was no way to enter them.

"Yes, according to the information I got, goblins use their own radiation energy to activate the portals of the ruins. I have tried it, but it is impossible for flesh and blood like us to do that kind of radiation energy. However,

Maybe your Nascent Soul as cultivators has a chance." Yao Suya replied.

Hao Yun was also speechless. He had tried it before and knew that even if Nascent Soul were to do it, it would be difficult. High-powered energy bodies like goblins are not so easy to imitate.

However, fortunately, their team has very mixed abilities. They are the so-called three stooges and Zhuge Liang. No matter what, they have now entered the ruins.

After everyone investigated this new ruins, they found that it was almost identical to the previous ruins, with only a few differences.

But for Hao Yun, the biggest difference is that there is no spiritual space in this ruins, which means that there are no psychic demons in this new ruins.

This situation made Hao Yun feel a lot more comfortable. He was no longer willing to compete with a big devil now.

Hao Yun soon discovered that Yao Suya's operation of the ruins facilities was obviously much smoother than him. Needless to say, this was also because she had obtained the memory of the big devil.

Hao Yun is also happy to see the success. After all, he still needs some learning to operate it, and even if he learns it, he will inevitably make mistakes in actual operation.

After some operations by Yao Suya, a large picture appeared on the wall in front of them. Yao Suya solemnly said: "I found this video data in the monitoring resource library. This should have been observed a year ago.

Yes, I think it may be that abnormal phenomenon."

"That's great, open it quickly and take a look." Hao Yun said happily. The video was very short and everyone finished it quickly.

After reading it, everyone looked at each other in shock. They didn't expect that the picture that appeared was like this. It turned out that in the picture, a door suddenly appeared in the gray sky.

It is really a gate, not the space portal that Hao Yun and the others imagined. Originally, it would be difficult for people to accept the appearance of an extremely real gate in the empty sky. As a result, the subsequent scenes became even more nonsense.

The door was pushed open from the inside out, and a huge and weird-looking human head stuck out. The big head's mouth opened, and a strong black gas poured out from the mouth.

Because the black air was too strong, it blocked the big head and the strange door. When the black air slowly dissipated, the door and the big head had long since disappeared.

"What kind of weird phenomenon is this? Is that head still a human head?" Hao Yun finally expressed their doubts on behalf of everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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