Chapter 1,149 A Bad Chain Reaction

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"Back then, you all fought to the death. If you wanted to hold back, you would end up dead. I never blame you for this. To say the least, it's still my fault. If I didn't inform my uncle to come to the Fairy Forest,

If we meet, nothing will happen." Dahai showed a trace of regret on his face, but he quickly hid it.

"When you became a disciple, did you choose your master on purpose because you wanted to obtain your uncle's demon elixir?" Wanwan suddenly asked from the side.

"Well, there is indeed this reason. However, strictly speaking, I was very resistant to becoming a disciple at the time. After all, I was different from everyone else. If I rashly joined a big family, I was afraid that I would be betrayed by others.

Expose the identity of the demon clan, so after much thought, I felt that I should be more familiar with the master, and the Medical Association is also a neutral organization. In addition, I usually like to study various things, so I made up my mind from the beginning.

At that time, I was worried that Hao Yun would choose the master, so I would have to choose someone else." Dahai explained.

In Hao Yun's guess, Dahai caused Dr. Liu's death because of his desire for the demon pill. Now Wanwan saw that Dahai readily admitted that he wanted to obtain the demon pill, so,

Wanwan's expression suddenly changed. Dahai was not stupid either. After seeing Wanwan's expression, she knew that Wanwan thought that he had evil intentions from the beginning.

"Actually, I don't need to get the demon pill. I just want to have a final communication with the remaining soul of my uncle in the demon pill. In fact, when my master was studying the demon pill, I achieved my wish.

My uncle told me to study hard and never do unnecessary stupid things like him. Therefore, I don’t have any thoughts about Master. I can swear to God. Although, the time I have been in contact with Master is indeed longer than that of my senior sister.

A lot less, but my feelings for the master are still very deep. To be honest, you think that I will deliberately kill the master because of the demon pill is an insult to me. Even if I am not as good as a pig or a dog, it is impossible.

To do such a treasonous thing, you must know that if Master had not saved me, I would have died long ago." Dahai was just explaining, but the more he spoke, the more excited he became, which made both Hao Yun and Wanwan feel a little proud.

They couldn't stand up and felt guilty, making them unable to look directly at the sea.

"I'm sorry, we shouldn't have made random guesses back then." Hao Yun apologized quickly after seeing the sea stop.

Although Wanwan felt guilty, her doubts were still not resolved, so she asked the dark cloud lingering in her mind: "Then how did your strength suddenly increase so much after the master died?


Dahai smiled bitterly. Many things are like this. It is indeed too pale to explain it by just using the word coincidence. In fact, there is no coincidence. Everything has its own context. Dahai sighed and started a new journey.


It turned out that when Dahai failed to advance, he understood that he had a problem. Although he practiced the five elements skills of a cultivator, he was still essentially a demon clan, but he showed it in all aspects.

Yes, it's not much different from humans. He has never encountered any bottleneck in his cultivation. However, when he needed to overcome the tribulation, he got stuck at this level.

For the monster clan, the stage of transcending tribulation is the biggest hurdle. Many monster clans have problems at this step. In fact, Dahai’s uncle is also stuck at this stage. Dahai understands that he wants to advance to the stage of transcending tribulation.

Neither the small world of Magical Battlefield nor any other place on Lingdu Continent can help him. The only place that can possibly help him is the habitat of their race, because there are traces of their ancestors left in the habitat.

Various records, Dahai felt that those records might be of great help to him.

Therefore, when Dahai was working in the Fire Cloud Cave, he was already considering whether he should take leave and go to the outer sea to find a habitat. Back then, Dahai came out of his habitat only with the help of his uncle. Therefore, he

He only has a vague impression of the location of the habitat. Even if he returns to the open sea, he will not say that he will be able to find the habitat easily. Therefore, it will take him a long time to achieve his goal.


A coincidence happened. Just because there was a problem in the competition, Dr. Liu deliberately brought Dahai with him in order to search for clues in the outer sea. So, the master and apprentice also came to the outer sea. For Dahai, this was a great opportunity.

A very good opportunity. After all, it would be very dangerous for him to rush to the open sea alone. If he can be with his master, he will feel more confident.

In this way, Dahai and his master investigated all the way to Baiyun Island and learned the secret of the ocean currents under the sea. So they took the ocean current to their next destination. Unfortunately, they encountered a group of powerful monsters on the way.

In order to save Dahai, Dr. Liu stayed alone to block the enemy's pursuit, thereby creating a glimmer of hope for Dahai.

Dahai also fell into a coma due to excessive consumption. When he woke up, he found that he had been carried to a very distant place by the ocean current. Of course, Dahai immediately wanted to go back to find his master. Unfortunately, if he wanted to go back, he would have to go against the direction.

It was almost impossible to swim back in the direction of the ocean current. Therefore, if he wanted to go back, he had to make a big circle. In this way, the sea still made a choice, that is, he had to go back no matter what. As a result,

When Dahai was desperate to swim back, Dahai suddenly noticed that this area seemed a bit familiar, so he stopped and carefully examined the environment. Only then did he realize that his current location was far away from the habitat of his race.

The ground is very close.

Dahai thought to himself that he was not strong enough. Even if he went back to find his master, he would not be a match for his enemy. It would be better to find a habitat first, find a way to improve his strength, and then go back to find his master. In this way, Dahai successfully found a habitat and found it there.

Find a way to advance to the Tribulation Stage in your habitat.

"What method?" Hao Yun asked curiously.

"Back then, when we went to the West Wind Continent, do you still remember that at that time, I was very afraid of water, especially deep water environments like the ocean." Dahai asked.

"Yes, I remember that I gave you a special boost at that time." Hao Yun chuckled.

"Our race can be regarded as the best in the water system among the demon clan. However, since I turned into a human, I no longer have the demon elixir, so I no longer have the natural water system magical powers. I remember when I was a child, I almost drowned in the water system.

I was in the water, so it left a psychological shadow. Later, I basically stayed in the habitat and almost never went out. If it weren't for the Qigong Institute, I might have died in the habitat in this life." Dahai lamented.


Dahai was afraid of water back then, but he chose to learn water-based exercises. This was very contradictory. Although later, because of Hao Yun, Dahai overcame his phobia of the deep sea, but Dahai would not have thought that he needed to be in the deep sea.

In order to advance to the Tribulation Stage. In fact, normal water cultivators will not advance in the deep sea. After all, cultivators are still normal human beings, and normal human beings live on land. However, the sea does not

He is not a real human being, he is just a monster who has transformed into a human being. Therefore, he returned to his habitat and found the records of his ancestors, only to find out that it turns out that their race, in order to obtain the best hydrophilicity of the body, basically

From the beginning, they will choose to practice in the water. Think about it, the practice is all in the water, and naturally when they advance to the tribulation stage, they will definitely not go to the land. Dahai knows from records that in order to achieve greater progress during the advancement, Dahai knows

Great progress often involves diving into the deep sea and making breakthroughs in realms under huge water pressure. Moreover, this promotion method also has huge benefits for improving space capabilities.

In this way, Dahai finally understood where he was lacking. To put it bluntly, it was caused by his insufficient affinity with the water system. So, he began to dive into the deep sea to practice again and again. Coincidentally, during this period,

After he came to the open sea with his master, he often went to the sea, especially later on, he took a ride on the ocean currents. Therefore, his body's affinity for the water system has greatly improved. After unremitting efforts, the sea finally accumulated a lot of strength, and he broke through to the stage of transcending tribulation in one fell swoop.

Jumping two levels in a row, we directly arrived at the middle stage of transcending the tribulation.

After being promoted successfully, Dahai returned to the place where he and his master were attacked without stopping. Unfortunately, it was too late. Not only could no trace of his master be found, but even the traces of the battle at that time had long since disappeared under the erosion of the sea water.

Dahai also deliberately expanded the area at that location, hoping to find the demon clan that attacked them. As a result, he found that, except for some sea beasts, there was no place for the demon clan to live in this area. After much deliberation, Dahai concluded that

The conclusion is that it is very likely that they and this group of monsters came along the ocean current, and accidentally met them. The monsters and the cultivators had a deep hatred, and in addition, they had never cultivated.

People can go to the depths of the ocean and ride the ocean currents like them, so this group of monsters behaved extremely crazy.

Since he couldn't find his master, Dahai took a chance and thought that maybe after his master escaped from danger, he could not find him and returned to Lingdu Continent. So Dahai quickly returned to Lingdu Continent. Due to the attack on the outer sea, Dahai's

The storage ring was also lost, so Dahai couldn't use the contact jade talisman to contact other people, otherwise he wouldn't have to run around. Everyone knew the rest of the things. Finally, at the Medical Association, through

Doctor Liu's life card confirmed that Master had passed away.

"Master did pass away because of me. As a result, I still couldn't find the murderer who attacked Master. Therefore, no matter how much you wanted to scold me and beat me, I could only bear it silently, because it was all my fault. I was weak and weak.

His ability was low. If he had been a little stronger at the time, he wouldn't have ended up like this." Dahai clenched his fists fiercely and gave himself a chest blow.

Hao Yun sighed and said: "Destiny, it's such nonsense. Haven't you noticed? What happened to your master is simply a replica of what we dealt with your uncle back then!"

After thinking about it for a moment, everyone understood. Back then, when they met Dahai's uncle, they didn't talk about any hatred between them. Anyway, they felt that everyone in the demon clan would kill him. In fact, if Dahai's uncle could fight with them

Explain the purpose of your visit. The matter is not that complicated. Unfortunately, in order not to expose Dahai's identity as a demon clan, Dahai's uncle had to be tough, so his life was lost. Now it's Dr. Liu, the same thing is true.

When I saw cultivators appearing in a place where there shouldn't be any cultivators, I didn't immediately ask them what they were doing here. I just felt that these cultivators had evil intentions, so the battle started indiscriminately.

To be honest, Dr. Liu's death was unjust, but this is the reality.

Wanwan was stunned for a long time. She felt that she was about to collapse. It turned out that the death of her master had nothing to do with her junior brother Dahai, and what did her calculations mean? The situation was originally good, and everyone was in a very favorable position.

In the situation, as a result, they were blinded by hatred. Since then, the situation has become worse and worse. Until now, they don't even have a foothold on the Lingdu Continent. All of this is caused by themselves,

It was all his own fault! Feifei's death, the destruction of the Fang family and the Xu family, including Xu Jiao's current situation, were all due to his desire for revenge, which caused a series of chain reactions.

This chapter has been completed!
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