Identity Struggle Chapter 122: The Rape Among the Police

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Feifei found Miss Xiaosi and told her that Hao Yun was looking for Uncle Su. Miss Xiaosi was a little confused and muttered on the phone: "How can Uncle Su go to see Hao Yun? Isn't this embarrassing?"

Feifei's current focus is to investigate the police officers present that day. Through the analysis of the on-site surveillance video, there were a total of four police officers present that day. The highest-ranking one was the detective Liu Daguang who spoke, and the others were ordinary police officers. Although

The surveillance video had no sound, but the clarity was pretty good. By recognizing their faces, Feifei quickly found their detailed information through the internal system.

Feifei focused her suspicion on Detective Liu. According to her understanding, if the reason for calling the police this time could not be included in the evidence, it must be done by a high-level executive. In this case, this group of policemen are also pawns. Compared with

Under the circumstances, Detective Liu is a more advanced chess piece, and it is estimated that he will have some information.

After Feifei dressed herself up and made sure no one could recognize her, she ran to the police station and started to follow Detective Liu. Detective Liu went to work and went home from work as usual, and lived a very orderly life.

Originally, Feifei thought that Detective Liu would be very busy, but later she discovered that due to the development of technology, the security equipment in the entire Xijing city was very well installed, with almost no blind spots, and the crime rate in the city was very low. Therefore, as a criminal police officer, Detective Liu

There isn't much work to do, so work and work hours are pretty normal.

Feifei decided to go to Detective Liu's home at night to see if she could find some additional clues. As a cultivator, Feifei could completely search Detective Liu's soul, but this method of soul searching would be extremely harmful to ordinary people.

Feifei was unwilling to use it. Feifei thought for a long time and found that she had no ability to use. In the end, she could only focus on the blood-sucking vine on her right arm.

Feifei has done a lot of research since she got the vampire vine. Currently, she can successfully display some of the characteristics of the vampire vine. For example, the vampire vine can transform into phantoms, and it can transform into various things.

It can neutralize all attacks. In other words, if Feifei transforms the blood-sucking vine into a shield, she can withstand all attacks. Of course, the attacks that can be resisted must have a certain tolerance. According to Feifei's own estimation, she can at least withstand the transformation.

Attacks by cultivators in the late infant stage.

Feifei also considered whether she could use the transformation ability of blood-sucking vines to transform herself into another person. Just like the sea, she could use light illusion to transform into anyone. But after some hard work, she found that it was impossible.

There are too many detailed characteristics of human beings. Whether it is her control of the vampire vines or her lack of spiritual power, they are not enough for her to imitate. Even if she wants to use the vampire vines to make a defensive shield for herself, it will consume a lot of her energy.

Spiritual power is really not worth the gain.

During Feifei's extensive experiments, Feifei discovered that the vampire vine's phantom ability is quite wonderful. It can completely transform into various black shadows. Although it has no attack power, its vision can be shared with Feifei. The most important thing is that this phantom

It can be used in the West Wind Continent. After this phantom is summoned, what is consumed is not the five elements of spiritual power in the traditional sense, but a peculiar characteristic contained in the blood-sucking vine itself, which is the absorption ability. It can absorb the energy from the outside world.

All energy maintains its own existence and will only dissipate when the phantom is attacked. The phantom can share information with the main body within a range of one mile.

After Feifei experimented with this ability, she had an idea. Before Detective Liu got off work, she went downstairs to Detective Liu's residence. This was a high-end apartment building in the city center. There was an access control downstairs, and Feifei also

There was no way to go up. I wanted to climb up through the outer wall and found that there were surveillance cameras everywhere. Feifei had no way to become invisible and could only look at the tower and sigh. Sitting in the speeding car, Feifei summoned the phantom of the blood-sucking vine, a black object that could be transformed freely.

Detective Liu got off work and returned to the downstairs of his residence at the usual time. He got off the flying car and controlled the flying car with his voice to find a parking location. He entered the building through the access control and took the elevator back to his home.

Detective Liu didn't realize at all that when he got off the speed car, there was a gel-like object stuck to the side of his shoes. It slowly melted through the shoes and entered Detective Liu's body, passing through Detective Liu's blood circulation.

, and finally a black mole formed at the intersection of Detective Liu’s forehead and hair. Although it was just such a simple process, for Feifei, it felt like she had been seriously ill, consuming all the spiritual energy of her body and her spiritual energy.

Consciousness is also flagging.

Detective Liu entered the house and took off his shoes and put them in the shoe cabinet in the entrance hall. His wife and children had already returned home, and the family was enjoying themselves, eating, chatting and watching programs. It was not until his wife went to bed with the children that he walked into his workroom alone.

Use your mobile phone to browse and watch various news.

Detective Liu's various behaviors at home were all seen by the phantom and passed on to Feifei who was sitting in the speeding car. Feifei didn't feel anything was wrong and the whole process was very normal. There was nothing wrong with the surveillance this night.

However, Feifei successfully sent the phantom into Detective Liu's body, which was a successful step for Feifei.

In this way, Feifei gave the other three police officers and possessed phantoms on them respectively. The ability of the blood-sucking vine is very powerful. In addition to the initial summoning of phantoms, which requires Feifei's spiritual support, the summoned phantoms do not need

The only flaw of Feifei's energy support is that Feifei cannot control the phantom to act from a distance, and can only use possession, so that as long as they are not noticed, they can be monitored. Yes, only Feifei can keep a distance from them.

Within one mile, she could understand what they were doing through phantom vision and hearing sharing.

During this time, Feifei ran near the police station during the day and near their home at night. Since they lived in different places, they had to run to several more places at night. This phantom could not record and play back the entire process, so Feifei was particularly special.

It's hard work, and I'm afraid that I'll miss some important information. Sometimes I'm so tired that I can only take a rest in the car, and I don't dare to sleep more, for fear that once I fall asleep, I won't be able to monitor. In this regard, compared with technological monitoring devices

The gap is too big, but the advantages are self-evident. It is not easy to be discovered. It does not fall into the category of technology at all. It can pass various scans very easily.

Feifei's efforts paid off. Finally one night, she discovered a strange thing. Detective Liu received a task arranged by the superiors, asking him to designate Officer Cui to go out alone. Officer Cui was one of them last time.

Police, Feifei feels that this matter is particularly strange. For an ordinary police mission, the boss does not need to specifically designate someone to go out. It seems that there is something wrong with this mission. She decided to follow Officer Cui tomorrow. What mission is it? What's so fishy?

Feifei opened her shield in time to block the opponent's blow. With a flick of her hand, the shield softened and sucked the opponent's arm, making it impossible for the opponent to escape. She followed up with her left hand and struck a knife on the right side of the opponent's neck, knocking the opponent unconscious.

Feifei came to Constable Cui. The guy had been punched in the chest by the murderer and was already dying. Unexpectedly, this mission turned out to be a suicide mission. Feifei followed Constable Cui to the slums on the edge of the city and said that someone was selling drugs. Drug trafficking is very important in today's world.

In a technological society, it is still a small matter. Since firearms are strictly controlled, drug traffickers do not pose much of a threat, so they only sent him, Officer Cui, to check.

Unexpectedly, Officer Cui knocked on the door and entered the room, and Feifei discovered a problem, because the person in the room was not an ordinary person. Through the phantom's visual sharing, she keenly discovered that this guy should be a cultivator. Again

Even a despicable cultivator would not engage in drug trafficking. He is here to kill Police Officer Cui.

After realizing something was wrong, Feifei hurried over, but before the two said a few words, the murderer raised his chest and punched Officer Cui. Feifei arrived in time and blocked the murderer's escape route.

It was only at the level of the middle stage of foundation building. Feifei solved the battle with three punches and two kicks, but there was no way to save Constable Cui's life.

Feifei hid Constable Cui's body in her ring, but she moved the phantom out of Constable Cui's body and left it in the room. She carried the murderer out of the window and quickly ran back to her speed car.

Feifei didn't know if there was surveillance here, so she could only hide in the corner as much as possible. When she came to the speeding car, she quickly directed the speeding car to leave, went around in a circle and ran back, but didn't stop and walked around nearby.

Through Phantom's visual sharing, Feifei knew that there was no movement at all in the room. After a while, the siren sounded, and a police car flew across the sky. Feifei quickly found a place to park the car, not daring to continue nearby.

Running around, for fear of being discovered by the police, this behavior is abnormal.

With a bang, the door was knocked open, and two police officers broke in. They rummaged through the boxes for a long time, but found nothing. Before evacuating, Feifei not only put Constable Cui's body into the ring, but also put the blood stains left at the scene.

Clean it up.

Through the phantom, a policeman was heard saying: "You said someone called the police to report that someone had been killed. Are you doing it as a prank? There is nothing here."

"It shouldn't be. The person who called the police swore that he saw a cultivator punching the person through with one punch. The description was so detailed that it shouldn't be false. Did we get it wrong?" another policeman replied.

"This does not look like a murder scene. There is no blood stain at all. If it was punched through as the caller said, there should be a lot of blood at the scene. I guess we are in the wrong place. Ask the dispatcher again and see.

Right?" The policeman was probably a little tired and sat down on the chair.

Feifei knew that these two policemen were also attracted by the caller. They probably didn't know anything, so they decided to leave quickly and go to the inspection branch to interrogate the cultivator.

Feifei contacted Dahai and told him that there was an emergency and asked him to rush to the inspection branch in Xijing as soon as possible. Dahai has been busy accompanying Wanwan to accept interviews from major media. Since the live broadcast of the program, it has achieved very good results. For Wanwan

Wan Wan's interview requests came one after another. Originally Wan Wan wanted to forget about these interviews, but Miss Xiaosi asked her to be patient. She can offend anyone, but she can't offend the media. Now that she has done it, she must do it.


Dahai received Feifei's cell phone and knew that Feifei must have new clues. He hurriedly said hello to Wanwan, asked Miss Su to help Wanwan more, and then left in a hurry.

During this period, Miss Su often came over to help, and Dahai also contacted her specifically because Miss Su was a woman. On many occasions, it was inconvenient for Dahai to get too close to Wanwan. What Xiao Si meant was that Dahai had a good temperament and was handsome.

It is easy to cause misunderstanding, so Dahai must show that he is just Wanwan's bodyguard. If he is mistaken by the media as a boyfriend and girlfriend, it will have a particularly bad impact on Wanwan's popularity. As a currently popular youth idol, Wanwan

I can only be responsible for being beautiful as a flower, but I cannot be responsible for the famous flower.

Dahai really has no other choice. After all, Wanwan needs an assistant most of the time. Hiring one casually is definitely unreliable. Miss Xiaosi needs to go to work and cannot be with her all the time. After searching around, she found Su Lin.

Miss, it is very suitable. Miss Su is also willing to be on camera, which can also increase her popularity. Moreover, the two of them are from Lingdu Continent. Although their identities are different, if they show deep sisterly love, it will be beneficial to both cultivators and Lingdu Continent.

Very good publicity.
This chapter has been completed!
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