Future Warrior Chapter 144: Destruction of Mind Space

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Hao Yun immediately understood that Sima Qiuzhen was absolutely afraid of Feifei's characteristic. Feifei was the cultivator with the most terrifying supernatural powers in the world. Unfortunately, Feifei herself had not yet truly realized that her own devouring characteristic needed to be further developed.


Hao Yun's brain was working at full speed, thinking about how to convey the information to Feifei. Hao Yun used his spiritual power to rush towards the brain, but found that nothing happened. Sima Qiuzhen blocked his perception, and he could not produce anything by impacting the brain.

pain and return to the real world.

"Give up, you won't have another chance to return to the real world. The reason why I haven't eaten you is not because I don't have the ability to do it, but because I prefer talents. I can't bear to be able to become a companion of the gods.

In the end, he died in my mouth." Sima Qiuzhen began to persuade Hao Yun again.

"Rare? Is it difficult to become a demon? You can evoke the inner demons of humans. It stands to reason that you can make many humans become demons." Hao Yun found something strange in Sima Qiuzhen's words.

"My magical power is still in the process of development. I have tried it before. Human beings cannot awaken through the subconscious. Even if they awaken, they cannot be baptized by God's energy. Only cultivators have a chance." Sima Qiuzhen seemed to

I really enjoyed talking with Hao Yun, and it was quite satisfying to have questions and answers.

"Have you never tried to wake up Miss Deng?" Hao Yun sat cross-legged on the ground, seeming a little tired.

"This Miss Deng is just like your little brother. She always makes extremely excessive demands, and of course there is no way to wake up. So I cherish you very much and hope you won't let me down. Together we can definitely change the world." Sima Qiu

It's really tempting to talk.

Hao Yun knew that he must be careful what he said at this time, so as not to irritate him. If he wanted to survive, he had to delay.

"You should find more cultivators. With your ability, you should be able to develop an army of demons." Hao Yun began to give Sima Qiuzhen advice.

"To put it lightly, in order to awaken, the cultivator must be in my spiritual space. You have to know that it is very difficult to get the cultivator to the physical fitness research institute. Without legitimate reasons, it is easy for others to stare at him." Sima

Qiu Zhen is also very annoyed.

"You mean, you can't take this spiritual space away?" Hao Yun found it interesting. He remembered that Sima Qiuzhen said that this space used to be in this basement room, but he just used his own power to expand and repair it.

.In other words, this original seed of the spiritual space was not constructed by himself, so there were situations where he could not take it away.

Feifei slapped Hao Yun in the face for a long time. Hao Yun's head had completely turned into a pig's head, but he did not wake up. Huang Li had recovered by this time and staggered to Feifei's side.

"Stop fighting, I guess this trick won't work anymore." Huang Li stopped Feifei's left hand, "I've tried this space, and some tricks can only be used once."

"Then what should I do? Hao Yun will die if this continues." Tears burst out of Feifei's eyes. She hated herself for being useless. Until now, she had no effect at all.

Huang Li didn't know how to comfort Feifei. In fact, she didn't have any idea herself. Huang Li couldn't bear to look at Feifei crying, so she lowered her head.

"Hey, Feifei, do you see there are words on the floor?" Huang Li opened her eyes wide and pointed to the ground and said to Feifei.

Hearing this, Feifei looked at the floor under her feet with her eyes blurred by tears. After taking a look, Feifei quickly wiped the tears on her face with her sleeves. After reading carefully, she raised her head and looked at Huang Li in disbelief. Huang Li's mouth

He was wide open and had an expression of disbelief.

The words on the floor read: "Huang Li spits out the magic elixir, and Feifei passes through the red line to the other end, and opens the properties of her right hand to absorb it with all her strength, which can destroy the spiritual space."

The writing on the floor was very sloppy, but Feifei knew it was Hao Yun's handwriting at a glance. She didn't expect that Hao Yun would use this method to convey information. Feifei had no idea how Hao Yun did it?

Huang Li patted her head and said, "I understand. Hao Yun came to me before and said that the mind space can transmit destructive power. Different destructive powers are transmitted to different spaces. This should be what Hao Yun wrote in the mind space.

It was transmitted from the spiritual space to the real space.”

After Feifei confirmed that the word was indeed written by Hao Yun, she knew that the current situation was not good. There was no need for everyone to discuss it in detail. Now they needed to act according to what Hao Yun said immediately. Huang Li didn't say anything and quickly spit out the magic pill. The magic pill directly showed a red line.

Arriving in front of Sima Qiuzhen's body, where the red thread was slowly inserted, a black sphere with red light appeared faintly. This was Sima Qiuzhen's magic elixir.

Feifei came to this vague sphere and could already feel the terrifying energy of this magic pill. Feifei didn't think about the consequences at all and directly inserted her right hand into it.

"Ah..." Feifei screamed, and Feifei's hair exploded completely, like a hedgehog, and her clothes seemed to have been burned, turning into charcoal and clinging to her body, and even her skin became red.

, emitting a charming red light.

Feifei's right hand became red, and there was a black line in the middle of the red arm. It was originally only as wide as a hair, and then quickly began to thicken, and the entire red arm began to turn black. When the entire arm turned black, the arm began to become darker.

It was thick and began to liquefy. Feifei's screams continued. Huang Li looked on dumbfounded. She didn't know what happened to Feifei. She just saw that Feifei's right arm began to be blown up like a balloon.


In the illusory spiritual space, Sima Qiuzhen was furious. Looking at the magic pill in front of him, an illusory arm appeared and inserted into his magic pill.

"What's going on? Why is this happening? She is actually absorbing my energy." Sima Qiuzhen shouted in panic.

"I suggest you release me quickly, and I will help you talk to Feifei. Maybe she will let you go, otherwise all your power will be swallowed up by her." Hao Yun knew that his plan had been successful.

"It's a beautiful thought, but just by her, so much energy will burst her." Sima Qiuzhen said with a ferocious expression.

"Don't be angry, everyone. It could have been resolved peacefully, so why did it have to go to such an extent? Even if she is burst, won't your strength disappear?" Hao Yun still calmly persuaded Sima Qiuzhen to calm down.

Sima Qiuzhen was actually very angry, because he knew that what Feifei swallowed was entirely the dark energy in his own magic elixir core, which had nothing to do with the spiritual space. However, once the dark energy in his core was absorbed, the spiritual space would not be the same.

If he re-exists, his own life may be at risk.

Hao Yun woke up, and with an ouch, he felt that his face was very swollen, and the pain made him scream out. Hao Yun looked through his swollen eyelids and saw that Feifei was in so much pain that she could only make a hoarse voice.

"Stop it now, you can't suck it anymore." Hao Yun stood up and shouted to Feifei.

Feifei couldn't hear what Hao Yun said at all. Her mind was completely blank now, and her whole body felt like it was being roasted on a fire. It could be said that she was in pain from the inside out.

Huang Li was also frightened and was at a loss as to what to do next.

"Hurry up and put the magic pill away." Hao Yun turned around and shouted to Huang Li.

Huang Li quickly swallowed the magic pill back. As the red line disappeared, Sima Qiuzhen's magic pill also disappeared. Feifei's arm, which had swollen into a ball, began to twist and liquefy because there was no energy to swallow, and suddenly her right arm looked like a ball.

It exploded like a balloon, and the surface of the exploded ball wrapped Feifei in it, and then it was as if Feifei was wearing a black one-piece tights, tightly attached to Feifei's body, outlining Feifei's beautiful body.


"Hao Yun, turn your head quickly and don't look, be careful of corns in your eyes." Huang Li walked over to cover Feifei's body.

Hao Yun swallowed and muttered to himself: "Feifei is my girlfriend, it doesn't matter if you check it out, besides, it's all black."

"Is Feifei okay?" Hao Yun shouted from behind Huang Li.

"It should be fine. I think she lost her strength. What is Feifei's right arm? Is it the legendary blood-sucking vine?" Huang Li was very smart and understood it immediately.

"Well, that's right, it's the blood-sucking vine. I didn't expect this thing to be able to absorb dark energy. Without this skill, my life would be in danger." Only then did Hao Yun feel a little scared. If it weren't for Sima Qiuzhen's comparison,

Too many words, now Feifei can only hold herself and cry.

Hao Yun escaped into the river of time and found that Sima Qiuzhen's mental space was not damaged at all, but the core of the mental space was unstable. However, the time cracks protecting the core were still dense and did not reduce by half.

Hao Yun returned to the real world and sighed. How can this spiritual space be broken? Huang Li took off her coat and gave it to Feifei. Hao Yun saw this and stepped forward. He saw that Feifei's face was originally red.

The skin has returned to its original state, and the breathing is relatively stable. Feifei's right arm is connected with the black tights on her body, wrapping Feifei's whole body in it; but fortunately, Feifei's face is preserved, otherwise it is very likely to cause Feifei's


"Why did this thing change like this?" Hao Yun asked.

"How do I know this? You got this blood-sucking vine with Feifei. You should know better than me." Huang Li looked at Feifei, who had fallen asleep. Feifei's brows relaxed, and it seemed that she was no longer in so much pain.

Hao Yun originally wanted to wake Feifei up, but was stunned when he saw Feifei's sleeping expression. Huang Li rolled her eyes at him, put her finger to her mouth, and made a silencing gesture at him. Huang Li grabbed Hao

Yun's hand, using his spiritual consciousness to communicate with Hao Yun.

"Let Feifei sleep. I'll hold Feifei. You take Sima Qiuzhen with you. Let's go back to Sister Shi's ward first." Huang Li knelt down and picked up Feifei.

Hao Yun had no choice but to come to Sima Qiuzhen's body, carry Sima Qiuzhen on his shoulders, and follow Huang Li back to Sister Shi's ward.

Quartz Sword looked at Sima Qiuzhen, chuckled, and then said: "I didn't expect that this guy is a spiritual demon. We have been fooled by him from the beginning to the end. He is worthy of being called a spiritual demon!"

"The mind space still hasn't found a way to destroy it. I just saw it. The core of the mind space must be injured. Sima Qiuzhen is also unconscious in the mind space. I don't know when he will wake up. We still can't relax now.

." Hao Yun was worried, but he still wanted to explain the situation clearly to Huang Li and the others.

"Do you want me to spit out the magic pill again? Let's try again when Feifei wakes up." Huang Li began to suggest.

"You can give it a try, but I feel that the energy in the spiritual space may not be related to the magic pill." Hao Yun remembered what Sima Qiuzhen said and had some guesses in his mind.

"Hao Yun and Sister Li, I have also been thinking during this time. So many students have been in this state. Logically speaking, they should have been soul-sucked a long time ago. Why hasn't he done anything? And I am very curious about these students.

The spiritual consciousness grew very fast, but the body did not collapse. Later, I discovered that some of these students' spiritual consciousness power would always disappear inexplicably, so I thought that maybe the source of the energy in the spiritual space might be related to these students." Quartz Sword.

I have always been with my sister, so I discovered these abnormal phenomena.

"I finally understand. I remember that after I imposed a ban on Sister Shi last time, Sister Shi's brain entered a dormant state. I felt like there was something missing in my spiritual space. Later, you felt that Sister Shi's state made everyone feel particularly uncomfortable.

, so I unlocked the restriction again." Hao Yun shook his head in excitement, "So that's it, this guy treats these students as batteries. This guy has no ability to create and build his own space. From beginning to end, he is

Taking advantage of other people’s power.”

Knowing this reason, Hao Yun began to frequently enter and leave the wards of various students. After several tests, he discovered that every time a student was banned, not only would the spiritual space become smaller, but also the time cracks in the core area of ​​protection would be reduced.


Hao Yun thought to himself, no matter how many tricks you, Sima Qiuzhen, have, but once exposed, you are just a paper tiger. Without spiritual space, it’s up to you to see how you can show off your teeth!
This chapter has been completed!
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