First Appearance to the Spirit World Chapter Twelve Water Demon Pill

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After spending two days and one night without sleep, the four of them returned to the college and sent them directly to the college hospital to ask a doctor for treatment. Dr. Liu was on duty today. After they informed Dr. Liu of the situation, they also told her their guesses.

After Dr. Liu carefully examined them, she asked them to go back and rest first. Later, she would convene other researchers and doctors for a consultation.

Doctor Liu reassured them that Dahai would be very safe here, and she would stabilize Dahai's spiritual lake condition first and not let it get worse. Finally, she told them to go back and have a good rest, as demons might appear in the elf forest tomorrow.

question, summon them.

Hao Yun was particularly regretful. If he had not stupidly gone back to get the demon pill, such a big thing would not have happened. After all, Dahai caused the spiritual lake to dry up to save him. If something happened to Dahai, he would never forgive himself in this life.

Quartz Sword used flying sword skills to fly all the way. She was exhausted and had already gone back to the dormitory to rest. Feifei wanted to accompany Dahai for a while, but Dr. Liu firmly persuaded her to go back, saying that there were special nurses in the medical center to take care of her, so there was no need for it.

Her help. Hao Yun stayed outside the hospital for a while, and went back to the dormitory as he had no choice.

Soon some researchers from the institute and other doctors came over to examine Dahai's body, and finally came to the conclusion that, like the doctors from Yaosen City, the spiritual lake was exhausted, but because of the water spiritual power,

Traditional elixirs and methods were not suitable. In the end, Dr. Liu came up with a way, which was to use water-based demon elixirs to refine spirit-boosting elixirs. This should solve the problem of replenishing water-based spiritual liquid in Linghu Lake.

The refining method of the Spirit Replenishing Pill itself is not difficult. Normally, the main material is spirit crystal, but at least it is a middle-grade spirit crystal, and a large amount of the spirit crystal is required. So in theory, it can be refined with a water-based middle-grade spirit crystal, but currently it is not

We haven't found the water spirit crystal mine, let alone the middle grade water spirit crystal. Therefore, the most likely thing now is the water element demon elixir. However, we need at least one demon elixir equivalent to the water element demon beast in the later stage of the golden elixir. If it is a gold elixir,

In the middle stage of the elixir, more than ten are needed. Otherwise, the refining elixir may not be powerful enough, and the golden elixir will not be useful at all in the early stage. There is no way. Although Dahai is only in the late stage of foundation building, to solve his problem, he only needs

Raw materials with more powerful energy can be used. After all, there will be energy loss in the process of making the elixir, and it will not be 100% absorbed when taking it. Moreover, the spiritual lake is depleted, so it is not enough to simply replenish the spiritual liquid. When a cultivator encounters energy depletion,

The body will have a protective stress response. At this time, a coma will occur, and the consciousness will form a membrane to protect the head. At this time, unless you wake up, if you forcefully stimulate it, the consequences will be disastrous.

Early the next morning, Hao Yun, Shi Yingjian and Feifei ran to the hospital, but the hospital hadn't opened yet, and the nurse at the gate wouldn't let them in to see the sea. After a long time of talking, Hao Yun and the others were ready to force their way in.

When they entered, Dr. Liu came and told them their treatment plan and told them not to worry. The college had urgently contacted the cooperative merchants to purchase water demon pills. He also asked them to go and see the sea first, and then go

The academy is looking for Master Pan. Master Pan and the others want to know about the demon problem.

After knowing the solution, Hao Yun and the others put down their worries and ran to the ward together to see that Dahai's condition was still stable, so the three of them went to the college building to find Master Pan.

In fact, Quartz Jian and Feifei didn't see the demon either. Considering the state of the sea at the time, they didn't have the opportunity to ask Hao Yun carefully what happened? What did the demon look like? Was it a female or a male?

Since the demon clan was driven to the place of exile, the human spiritual world has not seen demons for many years, and everyone is curious.

Hao Yun couldn't answer these questions, because he also used mirror magic to see at that time. He didn't see anything clearly. He just felt that it was an extremely powerful monster, so he hurriedly ran for his life.

Now calm down and recall carefully, it feels like a dream, everything happened like lightning. When he came back to his senses, the sea was lying in his arms. He tried hard to escape with escape skills, just wanted to fly to

Monster Forest City.

Hao Yun and the others came to Master Pan's office and explained in detail what happened at that time. Master Pan was more interested in the fire crystal gun they had made, asked a few more questions, and encouraged them to polish this thing.

This fire crystal gun is still very promising. Regarding the problem of loud sound, they can consider adding a silencing array. How to add it to achieve the effect requires them to do more experiments. Hao Yunyin ignored the matter of using a flying sword to take the demon pill.

He said that he was about to go back to get the demon pill, and when he used the Mirror Technique to observe the situation, he encountered the demon who was alarmed by the gunfire, and then he was discovered. During his escape, he encountered the sea and was rescued by the sea, as well as the teleportation technique related to the sea.

Because Hao Yun and the others don't know, they can only wait until Dahai wakes up to find out.

When asked about the demon appearing in the fairy forest, Hao Yun couldn't tell anything, because from beginning to end, Hao Yun never met the demon's eyes, except for a glance in the mirror.

In fact, the demon also attacked him and used his spiritual power to pull him out of the ground. However, since he didn't want to reveal that he knew earth escape, it would be too laborious to explain. Besides, he didn't think that he could use his spiritual power to escape from the ground.

You can guess what it is.

The more he recalled the scene at that time, the more frightened he became. The battle in the spirit world was simply too terrifying. If the difference in realm was large, there was basically no possibility of fighting back. He flew slower than others, his attack power was also worse than others, and his attack distance was also shorter.

The scope of his spiritual consciousness is also small, and he is completely blind. You have no idea how he wants to fight or when he wants to fight, and it is even difficult to interfere with him. Thinking about the scene at that time, the demon did not intend to kill him at once.

Only then did he have a chance to be rescued by the sea.

Master Pan looked and couldn't ask any more questions, so he told them to go back and practice hard, and the college would handle the matter about the sea.

At this time, the secretary from Master Pan's office knocked on the door and came in, saying that Dr. Liu was coming soon and that there was an urgent matter, and asked them not to leave. She would be here in a moment.

Hao Yun and the three of them exchanged glances with each other. They were not sure what happened. There must be something wrong with Dahai's health, right? When they were feeling uneasy, Dr. Liu brought over a woman with a mask on her face.

It turns out that Dr. Liu just received feedback from the cooperative merchants. Since the current situation in Linghai is not very good, there have been more accidents with cultivators hunting sea monsters during this period. The merchants have not received water demon pills for a while, and again

Because what is needed is a demon elixir that is at least in the middle stage of the golden elixir, which is also difficult for ordinary cultivators. In fact, it is easy to understand that demon beasts that can reach the infant stage are basically not demon beasts, they are demons.

Of course, this does not mean that there are no monsters in the infant stage, but monsters in the infant stage are naturally very talented, so even the transformed monsters may not dare to mess with them.

On the other hand, cultivators do not dare to go to the depths of the sea, so there are only a few water-based monsters that can reach the middle or late stage of the Golden Elixir in the offshore waters.

Therefore, it is not very optimistic to collect more than ten demon elixirs in the middle stage of the golden elixir or one demon elixir in the late golden elixir in a short period of time. Therefore, the merchants suggest that the academy can hunt for them by themselves.

Therefore, Dr. Liu planned to take a trip by herself, and then she thought she could take them with her. Firstly, it would be a practical opportunity, and secondly, she also wanted to see what they were capable of.

Later, Dr. Liu's disciple, the woman wearing a mask, also wanted to see it, so she also came with her.

Dr. Liu introduced her apprentice by the way. Her name is Wu Wan. She is twenty years old and is older than them. Everyone can call her Wan Wan or Sister Wan.

Feifei was familiar with her, so she started talking to Wanwan directly and asked her why she wore a mask. She said that this mask is a newly developed spiritual tool, mainly used in conjunction with the soul frequency, but it requires a long-term running-in time. She is now

Since she had just used it, she kept wearing it to break it in. Once the break-in was in place, she could put the mask back into her body.

Feifei was very curious and asked what the purpose of this thing was. It was so laborious. After all, when using spiritual tools, you only need to refine them with your spiritual consciousness. I have never seen any spiritual tools that still need to be broken in.

Doctor Liu explained on the side that this is a spiritual tool that cooperates with the soul frequency. It must achieve coordination and resonance with the soul to be effective, so there is a saying of running-in. The main function is to protect the soul frequency. When someone locks on it, it can protect

The soul frequency cannot be locked by the other party. The principle is that it can make the wearer's soul frequency fluctuate within a certain range, so that others cannot figure out what soul frequency you are. Of course, with this function, you can also imitate other people's soul frequency.

Soul frequency, it is even easier to block the soul frequency. In short, there are many functions to be developed. After all, it is a new spiritual tool that has just been refined, and Wanwan is also the first experimenter.

"Why do you want to make it into a mask? It's too obvious. In the future, whenever you see someone wearing a mask, you will know to tell them that you can change your soul frequency!" Feifei asked.

Hao Yun actually has this question too.

After hearing this, Wanwan said: "This can be changed. For example, I can make it turn into glasses." After saying that, the mask on Wanwan's face turned into glasses, and then Wanwan's face was revealed.

Hao Yun and the three of them are relatively unfamiliar with this face, but this face is so beautiful. The skin is like fat, the eyebrows are as light as smoke, fresh and elegant, the apricot eyes are flowing, and there is a pair of glasses on the straight nose, which is fascinating.


Feifei took a breath: "It turns out that Sister Wan is a great beauty! It's really enviable."

Wanwan took Feifei's arm and said softly: "Sister Feifei is also a great beauty! She has such a good personality, I really like her when I see her."

Hao Yun was a little excited. He finally saw a real beauty after such a long time. He always felt that the spiritual world should be full of beautiful women. Who knew that, let alone beautiful women, it would be difficult to find a female cultivator that suits him.

Hao Yun said with a smile: "I understand why Wanwan wears a mask. If she goes out like this, someone will probably come out to snatch the beauty. But with the mask on, we lose the chance of the hero saving the beauty."

Doctor Liu listened and joked: "This is possible, but I haven't seen anyone robbing beautiful women in recent years. The security in the spiritual world is pretty good now."

Master Pan also laughed: "It has nothing to do with public security. The main reason is that cultivators don't care much about looks. Besides, it's not like they haven't seen women before. Anyone who messes with this will die without knowing how. Cultivators who can survive

, if you didn’t have this kind of concentration, you would probably have died a long time ago.”

Hao Yun thought to himself, those are you old guys. Young cultivators definitely don't have this kind of concentration, but it seems that there are no cultivators who are too young. If you don't count them, they are at least 30 years old before they are in the foundation building stage. But think about it, you look like a fool.

There should be no cultivators who rob. Unless they are particularly strong, they will be killed as soon as they are locked. Doing bad things in this spiritual world will easily lead to retribution.
This chapter has been completed!
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