Chapter 281 A desperate situation

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Hao Yun, who realized something was wrong, carefully checked his condition and found that he couldn't feel his Dantian at all. In other words, he couldn't use his spiritual power at all. He was just a mortal now. Feifei saw Hao Yun's reaction

Finally, I felt frightened and knew that something must be wrong. I felt myself a little and found out what the problem was.

"Why is this place the same as West Wind Continent?" Feifei was very surprised and used her spiritual consciousness to send messages to Hao Yun.

"No, this place is different from the West Wind Continent. The spiritual power here is still very abundant. It's just that our Dantian has been blocked. It's just that the means of blocking are very sophisticated. It's not the same system as the cultivators." Hao Yun has calmed down.

"Could it be that the commander did something when they bumped into each other while traveling through space, or is there someone else here?" Feifei began to worry.

"I think there must be someone else. Look at the commander's appearance. He also looks frightened." Hao Yun had already noticed that the commander's demeanor was very unnatural.

Hao Yun put his hands behind his back and walked slowly towards the commander; the commander was a little at a loss. At this time, there seemed to be no other way out of the room. He couldn't use spiritual power and was very tired. How to fight him.

"Little brother, what do you want to do? Our current location is unknown. We must work together to find a way to escape." The commander opened his mouth and said with a dry smile.

"It's okay, it's okay. I just want to see what a great man the famous Smiling Fairy Commander is. I wonder what your surname is, Commander?" Hao Kuan was relieved. It seemed that this guy's condition should be the same as his own.

"Minggui, my surname is Zhang Yinfan, and I am not well-known in the spiritual world. I guess my little brother doesn't know much about it either." The commander forced a smile to answer Hao Yun's question.

Feifei also stepped forward at this time. After hearing the commander's answer, she stared at the commander with an incredulous look, and then murmured to herself after a while: "It turns out that the commander is the famous music thief.


Hao Yun knew very little about people in the spiritual world. Seeing that Feifei seemed to know something about Zhang Yinfan, he turned to Feifei, hoping that Feifei could introduce him to him. It turned out that Feifei had been handling inspection case information, so for

I am very familiar with the major cases investigated during patrols, and the music thief Zhang Yinfan is an important suspect in many cases. This guy is particularly obsessed with music-related skills, techniques, or spiritual weapons.

, so as long as he finds it, he will definitely get it at any cost. This guy is short of money and basically steals. Coupled with his superior strength, he succeeds repeatedly. It was not until he made his idea to the Xu family that he was attacked by the masters of the Xu family.

He was injured and escaped successfully, but his identity was exposed that time and he was wanted by patrols. Since then he has disappeared and has never been seen again in the world.

"Haha, I didn't expect No. 9 to know me so well. It seems that the girl's background is also extremely surprising." Zhang Yinfan became more and more frightened as he listened. He has been extremely low-key for at least ten years.

The rumors about him had long passed by, and few people could mention them. As a result, this young girl, who looked young, said a lot of things casually, some of which he had almost forgotten.

"You don't have to ask about my identity. I'm asking you now, is there any way to close the teleportation array?" Feifei looked at Zhang Yinfan seriously.

"What teleportation array? There is nothing here!" Zhang Yinfan was a little confused and looked around.

Feifei knew that there was something wrong with her statement. She was about to re-describe the problem when she was stopped by Hao Yun. She saw Hao Yun pointing to the room and asked: "Mr. Zhang, do you know where I am now?"

"Oh! I don't dare to confirm, but I'm guessing that we may still be in the battlefield space, but we have just changed a space." Zhang Yinfan had already guessed, so he quickly gave his answer.

"Why is this happening? Is your method of breaking the space constraints wrong?" Hao Yun looked puzzled.

"There is definitely no problem with my method, and it has indeed been broken. However, I have overlooked an important issue, which is the energy required for space travel. Although it has broken the space constraints, the spiritual world I sense is still very far away. Originally, I thought that in

Breaking the space constraints near the teleportation array will lead to the spirit world. Facts have proved that I am too naive." Zhang Yinfan also looked regretful. When he passed through the space wormhole, he found that the opening position was not in the spirit world at all. He wanted to

By the time we got back, it was already too late.

"What should I do now, just wait here to die?" Hao Yun was extremely depressed.

"I can't figure it out, but now that our Dantian is sealed, even if we have an idea, we can't implement it." Zhang Yinfan explained the biggest problem they are currently facing.

"Haha, how do you know our Dantian is sealed?" Hao Yun started laughing.

"I'm not a fool. If this little brother wants to run over and catch me, I will understand. In fact, you don't have to catch me at all. We are prisoners now. If we want to escape from prison, we must work together." Zhang Yinfan's mentality

I have recovered somewhat, and the feeling of strategizing has returned.

"Hahaha, you guessed wrong. You are the only prisoner here." Hao Yun hated this kind of confident man very much. He couldn't stand it anymore. Hao Yun rushed forward and punched Zhang Yinfan.

Under Feifei's gaze, the two struggled together. After all, Hao Yun was still young and strong, and his body was not tired. In the end, he succeeded in riding on Zhang Yinfan and beating him. While beating him, he said: "You must obey."

Not convinced, convinced or not?”

Feifei was also dumbfounded. She didn't expect Hao Yun to be so impulsive and insist on doing something like this at this time. Zhang Yinfan shouted: "I have always been convinced, don't fight, stop now! " Hao Yun gasped after being tired.

A heavy breath left Zhang Yinfan's body, but he was still very angry.

Feifei stepped forward and wiped the sweat from Hao Yun's face, and asked him in a low voice, how could this happen? Hao Yun was still furious: "This kind of person is in need of treatment, if he hadn't been so confident at the beginning and said his own methods

It's definitely no problem, and we won't end up in such a situation. We are already at this point, and he still doesn't admit that he is stupid. Are we the ones who are stupid? "

Feifei was speechless. To be honest, the two of them were indeed a bit stupid. Hao Yun was essentially a very cautious person and was not particularly trusting. But this time, in order to catch the commander, he became obsessed with it.

Put yourself into a dilemma. Although Hao Yun is not sure, but based on his previous discussion with Huo Kuang, this place is probably the control center of the small world, and the Dantian of the three of them will not be sealed casually.

, so there must be enemies hiding here. With their current strength, once the enemy appears, there is nothing they can do.

To put it bluntly, Hao Yun was beaten to vent his anger. At the same time, he also wanted to make sure that Mr. Zhang really had his Dantian sealed, and was not lying to deceive them. After the three people carefully explored the entire room, they were completely stupid.

After taking a closer look, not only did I not find any power button, I also couldn't find any special place. The floor and walls of the entire room were tightly spaced, and there was no way out at all.

"This is really unscientific!" Hao Yun sighed.

"What the hell is this place? Why is our Dantian sealed? Is there anyone here? Come out quickly. If you have anything to say, you can talk to me!" Zhang Yinfan was also anxious. The structure of this room is very stable.

With their own physical abilities, hitting the floor or walls will only cause them terrible pain, while the floor and walls will not move at all.

Several days passed, and there was no water or food in the room. The three of them were so hungry that they had no strength at all. Originally, cultivators could use spiritual power to supplement their own needs, but now that their Dantians have been sealed, the three of them are just ordinary mortals.

, at this time, even if the outside world is full of spiritual power, they cannot absorb it and supplement themselves.

Hao Yun hugged Feifei and lay in a corner of the room. These days, he had tried various methods, but the results were not ideal. Their consciousness is still there, but in this room, they cannot sense the space at all. In other words,

Even the storage ring couldn't be used, so the mask was completely useless. Hao Yun had no idea that a small space destruction experiment would put them in a desperate situation. Even Feifei's outer space clone, which could penetrate all the barriers in space, would be in trouble at this time.

It can only be barely sensed, but it is completely impossible to transfer energy.

"I'm really sorry, Brother Hao and Miss Feifei. I thought you were in your prime, but you ended up dying here with me. It really fulfills the old saying, life and death depend on wealth and destiny!" Zhang Yinfan still has the strength to feel it.

These days, the three people are facing a battle between life and death, and they can be regarded as having a heart-to-heart relationship. At this time, there is no point in concealing the facts. Zhang Yinfan also knows that Hao Yun and Feifei want to close the teleportation array in the cave, and do not want the elite cultivators to

In the end, I wasted my life here. Time acceleration is not a good thing at all. For most people, this kind of prisoner life will not only fail to succeed in the end, but even lose their real life. Death is not scary, fear is

I'm afraid, I don't even have the process of living.

Time passed quickly. In order to save energy, Hao Yun and Feifei slept side by side on the floor. Hao Yun looked at the white ceiling and didn't know what to say. In fact, he didn't have the strength to speak. He didn't drink water for so long.

It was the real fatal factor. Suddenly, Hao Yun's eyes widened. He seemed to see a ray of light flashing on the ceiling, and then the rays of light flashed continuously. Even Feifei, who had closed her eyes, was awakened by the continuous shining light.

Came over.

"Oh, I'm finally alive." A voice appeared in the room. Although they could not understand it, through their spiritual consciousness, all three of them understood the meaning of this sentence.

The three people turned over and sat up with difficulty. In the middle of the originally empty room, a workbench and a chair rose up. On the chair sat a guy with a human-like structure. It looked like a puppet. The sound came from its mouth.

When it came out, its eyes flashed and glowed green.

"Haha, you guys are really not simple. You even wanted to escape from the experimental site, and you almost succeeded." The puppet looked at Hao Yun and the others, and what he said made them angry. It turned out that this guy was the culprit.

"Sure enough, there is artificial intelligence here. You are the product of goblins." Hao Yun used his spiritual consciousness to send a message to the doll.

The puppet received Hao Yun's spiritual consciousness and did not originally intend to communicate with Hao Yun, but Hao Yun was very smart. He sent Huo Kuang's body shape information to the puppet and informed him that he was Huo Kuang's partner and informed him about the current situation.

Goblins are not extinct. As creatures of goblins, they have a natural affinity for goblins, so the two people quickly exchanged some information using their spiritual consciousness. With a wave of the puppet's arm, Hao Yun's Dantian was unsealed. After unsealing, the goblins were not extinct.

Hao Yun's body was like a black hole, and the spiritual energy in the room rushed toward Hao Yun's body. After a long time, Hao Yun slowly stopped absorbing spiritual energy, and his whole person came back to life.

Feifei and Zhang Yinfan couldn't believe their eyes after seeing Hao Yun's process. They didn't know why Hao Yun got such preferential treatment, so they also used their spiritual consciousness to communicate with the doll, but unfortunately the doll ignored them at all.

After Hao Yun recovered his body, he used his own spiritual power, held Feifei's left hand, input spiritual power into her, and through his spiritual consciousness, told Feifei not to be anxious and wait for him to negotiate with the puppet, the puppet's method of sealing the Dantian.

Very special, he couldn't unlock Feifei's sealed Dantian.

"Brother Hao, what's going on? Why is your Dantian unsealed?" Zhang Yinfan was already impatient and stared at Hao Yun with wide eyes.
This chapter has been completed!
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