Chapter 378: Wake Up Plan

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In this way, after Hao Yun returned to reality, he carried Huang Li and Wanwan to the Fang family's hut again. Wanwan found it strange why Hao Duanwan had to go to the Fang family's hut again. After all, it was relatively humid and not suitable for Huang Li to rest.

Hao Yun did not answer Wanwan directly. He did not want her to worry too much. He just said lightly: "The Fang family cabin is my blessed place. When I get there, I can use my hypnosis technique to wake her up. Now

We don't have time to waste."

"Why do you have to forcefully wake her up? Let her rest more. It's so hard to fight against the Mahayana masters!" Wanwan blamed Hao Yun for being a little unreasonable.

Hao Yun didn't want Huang Li to rest more, but unfortunately she wasn't resting now. Instead, her consciousness was suppressed by the dark energy of the magic pill. If no external force intervened, Huang Li would become a demon that everyone would beat up.

After arriving at the cabin, Hao Yun laid Huang Li down on the carpet and quickly used his spiritual space to pull Huang Li's mind into the spiritual space.

"Hey, what's going on? Where am I?" Huang Li looked at the unfamiliar environment around her, feeling like a small dark room in a square.

"Ahem, stop looking around. You have never been to this place. Sister Li, you have a big problem now." Hao Yun patted Huang Li on the shoulder. Huang Li turned around and saw Hao Yun standing beside her.


Hao Yun quickly told her what happened to Huang Li. She didn't recover for a long time. When she was almost digested, she opened her mouth and said, "I said, what's going on? Since that ghost hood escaped, I

I feel like I have been in a trance. I seem to have some memories of what you just said. I still think it is a dream, but in the dream, I am just a bystander. I don’t see it clearly enough, and I always feel dizzy.

Wow, after that, I kept lying in a room, trying desperately to sit up, but I couldn't, until you woke me up just now."

"Sister Li, I didn't wake you up. You are still asleep now. I just used the spiritual space to draw your mind from the main body to the spiritual space." Hao Yun said.

"Ah, I understand. Isn't it the same as it was in West Wind Continent?" Huang Li suddenly realized.

"That's right, but I'm not very good at using this mind space, so I can only get your mind in now. How to defeat the dark energy of your magic pill depends on you. By the way,

I heard what you said just now, you have always felt feelings, but it seems to be covered with a veil, and you can't control your body. If you think about it carefully, is it the same as what I said? "

Hao Yun asked.

"I can't tell, they should be relatively similar," Huang Li replied.

Hao Yun quickly came to Xiaohong's study, chatted for a while, and then seamlessly linked back to the spiritual space, saying to Huang Li: "I basically understand that the dark energy of the magic pill should be transforming your consciousness, making you unable to

Control the body, as long as I expel the dark energy from your consciousness, you should be able to regain control of the body."

"Is it that simple?" Huang Li still couldn't figure out the situation. She just saw Hao Yun talking for a long time about how serious it was, but the result seemed to be very simple and could be solved.

Hao Yun almost died of anger at Huang Li's words, but when he thought about it, she was actually unconscious now, and it was useless to talk about it. The most important thing now is to get rid of the dark energy in her consciousness. This is not an easy job. Although Xiao Hong has formulated

He came up with a strategy, but Xiaohong was not sure whether it would succeed or not.

The suggestion given by Xiao Hong is that Huang Li can use psychic projection to bring her magic pill into the psychic space. When she was in West Wind Continent, Huang Li came from Sima Qiuzhen's psychic space several times.

He could only escape by using his magic elixir. Therefore, the current situation is the same. Huang Li's mind was pulled into his mind space by Hao Yun. If Huang Li wanted to escape, she could only use

The characteristics of the magic pill, and these two magic pills are old acquaintances. They have competed in the West Wind Continent. But in this situation, as a magic pill without wisdom, it is impossible to tell whether it is an enemy or a friend.

The magic pill's transformation of Huang Li was completely based on instinct. In fact, this is probably the reason why the demons can become stronger and stronger. The abilities of the demons are like pie in the sky, and they are completely different from the cultivator's system.

It’s different. You don’t need to study or work hard, you just have it all at once. Logically speaking, it should be difficult for people who suddenly have superpowers to continue to grow in strength. After all, there is no cultivation method. At most, it is

We should make some fuss about the use of superpowers, but in fact, the demons will also make progress. Not only will they become more and more skilled in the use of dark energy, but most importantly, the amount of dark energy they can manipulate will also increase day by day. Therefore,

, Xiaohong guessed that maybe all this is caused by the instinct of the demon. Humans who become demons will unknowingly be invaded by dark energy from their bodies to their consciousness until they are completely merged with the dark energy.

For a moment, a real demon clan will be born, and only a real demon clan can exert its most powerful strength.

Hao Yun was frightened by Xiaohong's guess. He felt as if he had never seen a real demon until now. Hao Yun especially wanted to ask Xiaohong, do such real demons still have humanity? But the words

As he spoke, Hao Yun changed his mind. Hao Yun thought to himself that in the history of the spiritual world for so many years, the birth of the demon clan did not happen every year or two. It does not matter whether the demon clan has human nature or not. Even human nature is not all good.

existence, I asked this, but it gave Xiaohong the feeling that his vision was not grand enough, and there was a bit of racial discrimination in it.

Huang Li took out the magic pill from her body at Hao Yun's signal, and saw that the magic pill emitted a coquettish red light, and the magic pill extended a long red thread directly through Hao Yun's body.

, disappeared into the gate of the Fang family's cabin.

"Hey, what's going on?" Huang Li saw Hao Yun's figure in front of her slowly becoming transparent, and then disappeared.

Hao Yun is actually not familiar with the use of mind space at all, but Hao Yun has seen Sima Qiuzhen's mind space, so he knows that the biggest feature of mind space is that it can actually imitate various people he is familiar with.

.In the spiritual space, the people and things seen may not be real. Just like the Hao Yun that Huang Li saw, it is basically the projection made by Hao Yun through the power of the spiritual power. As the controller of the spiritual space, Hao Yun, if he directly faces

Huang Li's mind may trigger a violent resistance to Huang Li's magic pill, which will cause huge harm to Huang Li's body.

Huang Li held the magic pill in her hand and opened the door of the hut according to the direction pointed by the red line. She saw a long red line leading to a higher position along the underground passage. Huang Li was already familiar with this phenomenon.

Knowing that Hao Yun's body should be on top. At this point, Huang Li began to beat her heart. She didn't know whether what Hao Yun just said was true or false, or whether it was all Huang Li's own inner demons.

Making trouble.

Huang Li was about to go up to Hao Yun to ask for clarification, when she suddenly heard Wanwan calling her in a surprised voice from behind: "Sister Li, you're awake!"

Huang Li turned around and saw an overjoyed expression on Wanwan's beautiful face. Huang Li was confused and asked: "Wanwan, have you also been pulled into his spiritual space by Hao Yun?"

"What is the spiritual space? I don't know. Why can't I understand your words?" Wanwan became confused.

Huang Li became furious in her heart, what is going on! Hao Yun must be playing tricks on me on purpose. Huang Li wanted to find Hao Yun's body immediately and ask questions, but unfortunately, the Wanwan next to her ran to Huang Li and asked Dong

Asking about the west made Huang Li extremely impatient. Huang Li couldn't figure out what this Wanwan was. After thinking about it, she decided that the most important thing was to ignore Wanwan and go directly to find Hao Yun. Just when she was about to go out, this

Wanwan said something that almost made Huang Li angry to death: "I know you want to find Hao Yun, but it's a pity that Hao Yun is focused on Feifei, so you have no chance."

For Huang Li, love and the like were not a big concern. Besides, if she insisted on doing something, no one else could care about it. So Wanwan's words made her feel particularly harsh. She couldn't help it and directly

He said, "I want to find Hao Yun. It has nothing to do with this. You should pay more attention to yourself. I know it well."

"What the hell! I care about you so much, but as soon as you wake up, you have to find Hao Yun. He doesn't have Feifei's consent now, so we can't see him at all." Wanwan said sadly.

Huang Li was shocked by Wanwan's words. What the hell is this? Why does it feel so awkward? Huang Li simply ignored Wanwan's nonsense and grabbed the door and ran upwards. Wanwan

Wan Wan stepped forward and grabbed Huang Li's arm. Huang Li, who was already quite angry, punched back. Wan Wan's body was knocked up and hit the wall. She vomited a mouthful of blood.

When he came out, he was as angry as a gossamer, and it looked like he was seriously injured.

Huang Li was also frightened. Although she understood that the space she was in now should be fake, the feeling of her hand just now and the feeling of hitting Wanwan for a moment were too real. Huang Li still kept walking.

Step by step, she came to Wanwan and bent down to check Wanwan's injury. Cultivators are usually accustomed to using their spiritual consciousness to observe, but when Huang Li used her spiritual consciousness, she found something was wrong, and her spiritual consciousness could not be released.

Huang Li was horrified. This was really wrong. Even if she was in the spiritual space, she should not limit her spiritual consciousness. When she was in the West Wind Continent, she could obviously release her spiritual consciousness when she stayed in the spiritual space.

Since Huang Li's mind was pulled into the spiritual space, although Hao Yun initially used his own mind projection to talk to Huang Li a lot, Huang Li was confused the whole time at that time and didn't know if it was the function of dark energy.

, in fact, Huang Li still didn't understand what happened to her. It was not until this moment that Huang Li really realized that something was wrong, how could her consciousness be trapped.

Huang Li began to examine herself. Upon inspection, she discovered that there seemed to be a layer of gray mist-like objects around her body that seemed to be vague and non-existent, wrapping her body up and making it impossible for her own consciousness to penetrate it.

Huang Li couldn't help but tremble, looking at the magic pill in her hand, wondering if it was caused by this thing. Huang Li took it into consideration and threw the magic pill out of her hand.

Strangely enough, as soon as Huang Li took action, the magic elixir that was still emitting a coquettish red light immediately dimmed. After landing, it turned into a black mist and exploded. Huang Li felt it carefully.

It felt as if nothing had happened. At this moment, Huang Li heard a scream from behind: "You killed Wanwan, didn't you? Why are you so cruel."

Huang Li turned around and saw Feifei's surprised expression, with a hint of fear at the same time. Huang Li subconsciously explained: "I didn't kill Wanwan, this world is fake."
This chapter has been completed!
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